1: /* mh.h - main header file for all of MH */
   4: /* Well-used constants */
   6: #define NOTOK       (-1)    /* syscall()s return this on error */
   7: #define OK      0   /*  ditto on success */
   8: #define DONE        1   /* trinary logic */
   9: #define ALL     ""
  10: #define NULLCP      ((char *) 0)
  11: #define NULLVP      ((char **) 0)
  13: #define MAXARGS     1000    /* max arguments to exec */
  15: #define NFOLDERS     200    /* max folder arguments on command line */
  17: #define MAXFOLDER   1000    /* message increment */
  18: #define DMAXFOLDER     4    /* typical number of digits */
  20: #ifndef BSD42 || BSD41A || VMUNIX
  21: #define vfork       fork
  22: #endif	not BSD			/* how sad... */
  24: /*  */
  26: /* profile structure */
  28: struct node {
  29:     char   *n_name;     /* key */
  30:     char   *n_field;        /* value */
  32:     char    n_context;      /* context, not profile */
  34:     struct node *n_next;    /* next entry */
  35: };
  38: /* switches structure */
  40: #define AMBIGSW     (-2)    /* from smatch() on ambiguous switch */
  41: #define UNKWNSW     (-1)    /*  ditto on unknown switch */
  43: struct swit {
  44:     char   *sw;
  45:     int     minchars;
  46: };
  48: extern struct swit  anoyes[];   /* standard yes/no switches */
  51: /* messages structure */
  53: struct msgs {
  54:     int     hghmsg;     /* Highest msg in directory     */
  55:     int     nummsg;     /* Actual Number of msgs        */
  56:     int     lowmsg;     /* Lowest msg number            */
  57:     int     curmsg;     /* Number of current msg if any */
  59:     int     lowsel;     /* Lowest selected msg number   */
  60:     int     hghsel;     /* Highest selected msg number  */
  61:     int     numsel;     /* Number of msgs selected      */
  63:     char   *foldpath;       /* Pathname of folder           */
  65:     char    msgflags;       /* Folder status bits           */
  66: #ifndef MTR
  67:     char    pad1[sizeof (int) - sizeof (char)];
  68: #endif	not MTR
  69: #define READONLY  0x01      /*     No write access to folder */
  70: #define SEQMOD    0x02      /*     folder's sequences modifed */
  71: #define MHPATH    0x04      /*     mhpath-style folder handling */
  72: #define OTHERS    0x08      /*     folder has other files	*/
  73: #define MODIFIED  0x10      /*     msh in-core folder modified */
  76: /* Note well: msgstats[] is a short, so we have 16 bits to work
  77: 	with.  The first 5 are for standard MH message flags,
  78: 	this leaves us 11 for user-defined attributes.  Of these,
  79: 	1 is reserved for future internal use, so this leaves
  80: 	users 10.						*/
  81: #define NATTRS  10      /* could be 11, see above	*/
  82:     char   *msgattrs[NATTRS + 1];/* folder attributes		*/
  83:     short   attrstats;      /* public=0/private=1		*/
  84: #ifndef MTR
  85:     char    pad2[sizeof (int) - sizeof (short)];
  86: #endif	not MTR
  88:     int     lowoff;     /* low element in msgstats[] */
  89:     int     hghoff;     /* hgh element in msgstats[] */
  91: #ifndef MTR
  92:     short   msgstats[1];    /* msg status			*/
  93: #else   MTR
  94:     short  *msgbase;        /* msg base			*/
  95:     short  *msgstats;       /* msg status			*/
  96: #endif	MTR
  97: #define EXISTS      0x0001  /*     exists			*/
  98: #define DELETED     0x0002  /*     deleted			*/
  99: #define SELECTED    0x0004  /*     selected for use		*/
 100: #define SELECT_EMPTY    0x0008  /*     mhpath "new"		*/
 101: #define UNSEEN      0x0010  /*     inc/show "unseen"	*/
 102: #define FFATTRSLOT  5   /*     user-defined attributes	*/
 103:                 /*	first free slot is	*/
 104:                 /*	(1 << 5) or 0x20	*/
 105: #define MBITS   "\020\01EXISTS\02DELETED\03SELECTED\04NEW\05UNSEEN"
 107: #ifndef MTR
 108: #define MSIZE(mp,lo,hi) \
 109:         ((unsigned) (sizeof *mp + ((hi) + 2) * sizeof *mp -> msgstats))
 110: #else   MTR
 111: #define MSIZE(mp,lo,hi) ((unsigned) sizeof *mp)
 112: #define MSIZEX(mp,lo,hi)    \
 113:         ((unsigned) (((hi) - (lo) + 1) * sizeof *mp -> msgstats))
 114: #endif	MTR
 115: };
 117: #define NULLMP  ((struct msgs *) 0)
 119: /*  */
 121: /* m_getfld() message parsing */
 123: #define NAMESZ  128     /* Limit on component name size         */
 125: #define LENERR  (-2)        /* Name too long error from getfld      */
 126: #define FMTERR  (-3)        /* Message Format error                 */
 127: #define FLD      0      /* Field returned                       */
 128: #define FLDPLUS  1      /* Field " with more to come            */
 129: #define FLDEOF   2      /* Field " ending at eom                */
 130: #define BODY     3      /* Body  " with more to come            */
 131: #define BODYEOF  4      /* Body  " ending at eom                */
 132: #define FILEEOF  5      /* Reached end of input file            */
 135: /* Maildrop styles */
 137: #define MS_DEFAULT  0   /* default (one msg per file) */
 138: #define MS_UNKNOWN  1   /* type not known yet */
 139: #define MS_UUCP     2   /* Unix-style "from" lines */
 140: #define MS_MMDF     3   /* string mmdlm2 */
 141: #define MS_MSH      4   /* whacko msh */
 143: extern int msg_count;       /* m_getfld() indicators */
 144: extern int msg_style;       /*  .. */
 145: extern char *msg_delim;     /*  .. */
 148: #define NOUSE   0       /* draft being re-used */
 150: #define TFOLDER 0       /* path() given a +folder */
 151: #define TFILE   1       /* path() given a file */
 152: #define TSUBCWF 2       /* path() given a @folder */
 154: #ifndef LINK
 155: #define LINK    "@"
 156: #endif	not LINK
 158: #ifndef SBACKUP
 159: #define SBACKUP ","
 160: #endif	not SBACKUP
 163: #define OUTPUTLINELEN   72  /* default line length for headers */
 165: /*  */
 167: /*
 168:  * These standard strings are defined in config.c.  They are the
 169:  * only system-dependent parameters in MH, and thus by redefining
 170:  * their values and reloading the various modules, MH will run
 171:  * on any system.
 172:  */
 174: extern char *components;
 175: extern char *context;
 176: extern char *current;
 177: extern char *defalt;
 178: extern char *digestcomps;
 179: extern char *distcomps;
 180: extern char *draft;
 181: extern char *fileproc;
 182: extern char *foldprot;
 183: extern char *forwcomps;
 184: extern char *incproc;
 185: extern char *installproc;
 186: extern char *lproc;
 187: extern char *mailproc;
 188: extern char *mh_defaults;
 189: extern char *mh_profile;
 190: extern char *mh_seq;
 191: extern char *mhlformat;
 192: extern char *mhlforward;
 193: extern char *mhlproc;
 194: extern char *moreproc;
 195: extern char *msgprot;
 196: extern char *mshproc;
 197: extern char *nsequence;
 198: extern char *packproc;
 199: extern char *postproc;
 200: extern char *pfolder;
 201: extern char *psequence;
 202: extern char *rcvdistcomps;
 203: extern char *replcomps;
 204: extern char *rmfproc;
 205: extern char *rmmproc;
 206: extern char *sendproc;
 207: extern char *showproc;
 208: extern char *slocalproc;
 209: extern char *sysed;
 210: extern char *usequence;
 211: extern char *version;
 212: extern char *vmhproc;
 213: extern char *whatnowproc;
 214: extern char *whomproc;
 216: /*  */
 218: /* global variables -sigh- */
 220: extern char ctxflags;
 221: #define CTXMOD  0x01        /* context information modified */
 222: #define DBITS   "\020\01CTXMOD"
 224: #ifdef  OVERHEAD
 225: extern int  fd_def;
 226: extern int  fd_ctx;
 227: #endif	OVERHEAD
 229: extern char *invo_name;     /* pgm invocation name */
 230: extern char *mypath;        /* user's $HOME */
 231: extern char *defpath;       /* pathname of user's profile */
 232: extern char *ctxpath;       /* pathname of user's context */
 234: extern struct node *m_defs;
 236: /*  */
 238: /* from the MH subroutine library */
 240: char   *add ();
 241: void    adios ();
 242: void    admonish ();
 243: void    advise ();
 244: void    advertise ();
 245: void    ambigsw ();
 246: int     atooi ();
 247: char  **brkstring ();
 248: void    closefds ();
 249: char   *concat ();
 250: char   *copy ();
 251: char  **copyip ();
 252: void    cpydata ();
 253: void    cpydgst ();
 254: void    discard ();
 255: void    done ();
 256: int     fdcompare ();
 257: int     gans ();
 258: char  **getans ();
 259: int getanswer ();
 260: char   *getcpy ();
 261: void    help ();
 262: char   *libpath ();
 263: int     m_atoi ();
 264: char   *m_backup ();
 265: int     m_convert ();
 266: int     m_delete ();
 267: char   *m_draft ();
 268: void    m_eomsbr ();
 269: int     m_file ();
 270: char   *m_find ();
 271: void    m_fmsg ();
 272: void    m_foil ();
 273: void    m_getdefs ();
 274: int     m_getfld ();
 275: char   *m_getfolder ();
 276: int     m_gmprot ();
 277: struct msgs *m_gmsg ();
 278: char   *m_maildir ();
 279: char   *m_mailpath ();
 280: char   *m_name ();
 281: void    m_readefs ();
 282: struct msgs *m_remsg ();
 283: void    m_replace ();
 284: char   *m_scratch ();
 285: char   *m_seq ();
 286: int m_seqadd ();
 287: char   *m_seqbits ();
 288: int m_seqdel ();
 289: int m_seqflag ();
 290: int m_seqnew ();
 291: void    m_setcur ();
 292: void    m_setseq ();
 293: void    m_setvis ();
 294: void    m_sync ();
 295: char   *m_tmpfil ();
 296: void    m_unknown ();
 297: void    m_update ();
 298: int m_whatnow ();
 299: int     makedir ();
 300: char   *path ();
 301: int     peekc ();
 302: int     pidwait ();
 303: #define pidXwait(id,cp) pidstatus (pidwait (id, NOTOK), stdout, cp)
 304: int     pidstatus ();
 305: void    printsw ();
 306: void    push ();
 307: int putenv ();
 308: char   *pwd ();
 309: char   *r1bindex ();
 310: int refile ();
 311: int remdir ();
 312: int     showfile ();
 313: int     smatch ();
 314: char   *sprintb();
 315: int ssequal ();
 316: int stringdex ();
 317: char   *trimcpy ();
 318: int     type ();
 319: int     uleq ();
 320: int unputenv ();
 321: int     uprf ();
 322: int vfgets ();
 324: /*  */
 326: #include "../h/strings.h"
 329: /* should be in <stdio.h> */
 331: #ifndef SYS5
 332: typedef struct _iobuf  *FP;
 333: FP   popen ();
 334: #else   SYS5
 335: #define FP  FILE*
 336: #endif	SYS5
 339: /* miscellaneous */
 341: #ifndef BSD42
 342: #define rename(f1,f2)   (link (f1, f2) != NOTOK ? unlink (f1) : NOTOK)
 343: #endif	BSD42
 345: #define setsig(s,f) if (signal (s, SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN) \
 346:                 (void) signal (s, f)
 347: #define setsigx(i,s,f)  if ((i = signal (s, SIG_IGN)) != SIG_IGN) \
 348:                 (void) signal (s, f)
 350: #ifdef  sun
 351: #define ruserpass   _ruserpass
 352: #endif	sun

Defined struct's

msgs defined in line 53; used 128 times
swit defined in line 43; used 164 times

Defined typedef's

FP defined in line 332; used 7 times

Defined macros

ALL defined in line 9; used 4 times
AMBIGSW defined in line 40; used 1 times
BODYEOF defined in line 131; never used
DBITS defined in line 222; used 2 times
FBITS defined in line 74; used 2 times
FILEEOF defined in line 132; used 6 times
FP defined in line 335; never used
LINK defined in line 155; used 6 times
MAXARGS defined in line 13; used 108 times
MBITS defined in line 105; used 1 times
MODIFIED defined in line 73; used 6 times
MS_DEFAULT defined in line 137; used 4 times
MS_MMDF defined in line 140; used 3 times
MS_MSH defined in line 141; used 1 times
MS_UNKNOWN defined in line 138; used 1 times
MS_UUCP defined in line 139; used 3 times
NFOLDERS defined in line 15; used 11 times
NOTOK defined in line 6; used 748 times
NULLCP defined in line 10; used 1047 times
OK defined in line 7; used 154 times
SBACKUP defined in line 159; used 7 times
SELECT_EMPTY defined in line 100; used 2 times
UNKWNSW defined in line 41; used 2 times
setsigx defined in line 347; used 10 times

Usage of this include

mh.h used 127 times
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