1: /* m_gmsg.c - read a folder */
   3: #include "../h/mh.h"
   4: #include <stdio.h>
   5: #include <sys/types.h>
   6: #include <sys/stat.h>
   7: #ifndef BSD42
   8: #ifndef SYS5
   9: #include <ndir.h>
  10: #else   SYS5
  11: #include <dir.h>
  12: #endif  SYS5
  13: #else   BSD42
  14: #include <sys/dir.h>
  15: #endif	BSD42
  18: #define NINFO   (MAXFOLDER / 5) /* PLEASE be non-trivial... */
  19: struct info {
  20:     int     msgno;
  21:     short   stats;
  22:     char    pad[sizeof (int) - sizeof (short)];
  23: };
  25: static int  len;
  26: static struct info *head;
  28: /*  */
  30: struct msgs *m_gmsg (name)
  31: register char   *name;
  32: {
  33: #ifdef  COMPAT
  34:     register int    cur,
  35:             fd;
  36: #endif	COMPAT
  37:     register int    i,
  38:             j;
  39:     register struct info *rover,
  40:              *tail;
  41: #ifdef  COMPAT
  42:     register char  *cp;
  43:     char    buffer[BUFSIZ];
  44: #endif	COMPAT
  45:     register struct msgs   *mp;
  46:     register struct direct *dp;
  47:     register    DIR * dd;
  48:     struct stat st;
  50:     if ((dd = opendir (name = m_mailpath (name))) == NULL) {
  51:     free (name);
  52:     return NULL;
  53:     }
  54:     (void) fstat (dd -> dd_fd, &st);
  56:     mp = (struct msgs  *) malloc (MSIZE (mp, 0, 0));
  57:     if (mp == NULL)
  58:     adios (NULLCP, "unable to allocate folder storage");
  59:     mp -> lowmsg = mp -> hghmsg = mp -> nummsg = 0;
  60:     mp -> curmsg = 0;
  61:     mp -> lowsel = mp -> hghsel = mp -> numsel = 0;
  62:     mp -> foldpath = name;
  63:     mp -> msgflags = NULL;
  64:     if (st.st_uid != getuid () || access (name, 02) == NOTOK)
  65:     mp -> msgflags |= READONLY;
  66: #ifdef  COMPAT
  67:     cur = 0;
  68: #endif	COMPAT
  69:     j = strlen (SBACKUP);
  70:     if (head == NULL)
  71:     if ((head = (struct info *)
  72:         malloc ((unsigned) ((len = NINFO) * sizeof *head))) == NULL)
  73:         adios (NULLCP, "unable to allocate info storage");
  74:     tail = (rover = head) + len;
  76:     while (dp = readdir (dd))
  77:     if (i = m_atoi (dp -> d_name)) {
  78:         if (rover >= tail) {
  79:         register int curlen = tail - head;
  81:         if ((tail = (struct info *) realloc ((char *) head,
  82:                  (unsigned) ((len += NINFO) * sizeof *head)))
  83:             == NULL)
  84:             adios (NULLCP, "unable to allocate info storage");
  85:         else
  86:             rover = tail + curlen, head = tail, tail += len;
  87:         }
  88:         if (i > mp -> hghmsg)
  89:         mp -> hghmsg = i;
  90:         mp -> nummsg++;
  91:         if (mp -> lowmsg == 0 || i < mp -> lowmsg)
  92:         mp -> lowmsg = i;
  93:         rover -> msgno = i;
  94:         rover -> stats = EXISTS;
  95: #ifdef  notdef
  96:         rover -> stats &= ~DELETED;
  97: #endif	notdef
  98:         rover++;
  99:     }
 100:     else
 101:         switch (dp -> d_name[0]) {
 102:         case '.':
 103:             continue;
 105:         case ',':
 106: #ifdef  notdef
 107:             if ((i = m_atoi (dp -> d_name + 1)) {
 108:             register struct info *l;
 110:             for (l = head; l < rover; l++)
 111:                 if (l -> msgno == i) {
 112:                 if (!(l -> stats & EXISTS))
 113:                     l -> stats |= DELETED;
 114:                 break;
 115:                 }
 116:             }
 117: #endif	notdef
 118:             continue;
 120: #ifdef  MHE
 121:         case '+':
 122:             continue;
 123: #endif	MHE
 125: #ifdef  UCI
 126:         case '_':
 127:         case '#':
 128:             continue;
 129: #endif	UCI
 131:         default:
 132: #ifdef  COMPAT
 133:             if (strcmp (dp -> d_name, current) == 0) {
 134:             cur++;
 135:             continue;
 136:             }
 137: #endif	COMPAT
 138:             if (strcmp (dp -> d_name, LINK) == 0
 139:                 || strncmp (dp -> d_name, SBACKUP, j) == 0)
 140:             continue;
 141:             mp -> msgflags |= OTHERS;
 142:             continue;
 143:         }
 145:     closedir (dd);
 147: /*  */
 149: #ifdef  COMPAT
 150:     (void) sprintf (buffer, "%s-%s", current, name);
 151:     if (cp = m_find (buffer)) {
 152:     i = m_atoi (cp);
 153:     (void) m_delete(buffer);
 154:     if (i > 0)
 155:         mp -> curmsg = i;
 156:     }
 157:     if (mp -> curmsg == 0 && cur && (fd = open (current, 0)) != NOTOK) {
 158:         if ((i = read (fd, buffer, sizeof buffer)) > 0) {
 159:         if (cp = index (buffer, '\n'))
 160:             *cp = NULL;
 161:         if ((i = m_atoi (buffer)) > 0)
 162:             mp -> curmsg = i;
 163:         }
 164:         (void) close (fd);
 165:     }
 166:     if (cur && !(mp -> msgflags & READONLY)){   /* sneaky... */
 167:     (void) sprintf (buffer, "%s/%s", name, current);
 168:     (void) unlink (buffer);
 169:     }
 170: #endif	COMPAT
 172: #ifndef MTR
 173:     mp -> lowoff = 1;
 174: #else   MTR
 175:     mp -> lowoff = mp -> lowmsg;
 176: #endif	MTR
 177:     mp -> hghoff = mp -> hghmsg + 1;/* for "new" in m_convert */
 179:     mp = (struct msgs  *)
 180:         realloc ((char *) mp, MSIZE (mp, mp -> lowoff, mp -> hghoff));
 181:     if (mp == NULL)
 182:     adios (NULLCP, "unable to allocate folder storage");
 183: #ifndef MTR
 184:     for (i = mp -> lowmsg; i <= mp -> hghmsg; i++)
 185:     mp -> msgstats[i] = 0;
 186: #else   MTR
 187:     mp -> msgstats = (short *)
 188:         calloc ((unsigned) 1, MSIZEX (mp, mp -> lowmsg, mp -> hghmsg));
 189:     if (mp -> msgstats == NULL)
 190:     adios (NULLCP, "unable to allocate messages storage");
 191:     mp -> msgstats = (mp -> msgbase = mp -> msgstats) - mp -> lowoff;
 192:     if (mp -> msgstats < 0)
 193:     adios (NULLCP, "m_gmsg() botch -- you lose big");
 194: #endif	MTR
 195:     for (tail = head; tail < rover; tail++)
 196:     mp -> msgstats[tail -> msgno] = tail -> stats;
 197:     m_getatr (mp);
 199:     return mp;
 200: }
 202: /*  */
 204: static m_getatr (mp)
 205: register struct msgs *mp;
 206: {
 207:     int     alen,
 208:             bits,
 209:             i,
 210:             j,
 211:             plen,
 212:             state;
 213:     register char  *cp;
 214:     char    name[NAMESZ],
 215:             field[BUFSIZ];
 216:     register struct node   *np;
 217:     register    FILE * fp;
 219:     bits = FFATTRSLOT;
 221:     mp -> msgattrs[i = 0] = getcpy (current);
 222:     mp -> msgattrs[++i] = NULL;
 223:     mp -> attrstats = 0;    /* initially, all public */
 225:     m_getdefs ();
 226:     if (mh_seq == NULL || *mh_seq == NULL)
 227:     goto private_only;
 229:     (void) sprintf (field, "%s/%s", mp -> foldpath, mh_seq);
 230:     if (fp = fopen (field, "r")) {
 231:     for (state = FLD;;) {
 232:         switch (state = m_getfld (state, name, field, sizeof field, fp)) {
 233:         case FLD:
 234:         case FLDEOF:
 235:             (void) m_setatr (mp, getcpy (name), trimcpy (field));
 236:             if (state == FLDEOF)
 237:             break;
 238:             continue;
 240:         case BODY:
 241:         case BODYEOF:
 242:             adios (NULLCP,
 243:                 "no blank lines are permitted in %s/%s",
 244:                 mp -> foldpath, mh_seq);/* fall */
 246:         case FILEEOF:
 247:             break;
 249:         default:
 250:             adios (NULLCP, "%s/%s is poorly formatted",
 251:                 mp -> foldpath, mh_seq);
 252:         }
 253:         break;
 254:     }
 255:     (void) fclose (fp);
 256:     }
 258: private_only: ;
 259:     alen = strlen ("atr-");
 260:     plen = strlen (mp -> foldpath) + 1;
 262:     for (np = m_defs; np; np = np -> n_next)
 263:     if (ssequal ("atr-", np -> n_name)
 264:         && (j = strlen (np -> n_name) - plen) > alen
 265:         && *(np -> n_name + j) == '-'
 266:         && strcmp (mp -> foldpath, np -> n_name + j + 1) == 0) {
 267:         cp = getcpy (np -> n_name + alen);
 268:         *(cp + j - alen) = NULL;
 269:         if ((i = m_setatr (mp, cp, getcpy (np -> n_field))) != NOTOK)
 270:         mp -> attrstats |= 1 << (bits + i);/* private */
 271:     }
 272: }
 274: /*  */
 276: static int  m_setatr (mp, name, field)
 277: register struct msgs *mp;
 278: register char   *name,
 279:         *field;
 280: {
 281:     int     bits,
 282:             hack;
 283:     register int    i,
 284:             j,
 285:             k;
 286:     register char  *cp,
 287:                   **ap;
 289:     bits = FFATTRSLOT;
 290:     hack = strcmp (current, name) == 0;/* hack... */
 292:     for (i = 0; mp -> msgattrs[i]; i++)
 293:     if (strcmp (mp -> msgattrs[i], name) == 0) {
 294:         for (j = mp -> lowmsg; j <= mp -> hghmsg; j++)
 295:         mp -> msgstats[j] &= ~(1 << (bits + i));
 296:         break;
 297:     }
 298:     if (i >= NATTRS) {
 299:     free (name);
 300:     free (field);
 301:     return NOTOK;
 302:     }
 304:     if (mp -> msgattrs[i] == NULL) {
 305:     mp -> msgattrs[i] = name;
 306:     mp -> msgattrs[i + 1] = NULL;
 307:     }
 308:     else
 309:     free (name);
 311:     for (ap = brkstring (field, " ", "\n");
 312:         *ap;
 313:         ap++) {
 314:     if (cp = index (*ap, '-'))
 315:         *cp++ = NULL;
 316:     if ((j = m_atoi (*ap)) > 0) {
 317: #ifdef  notdef
 318:         if (hack && j >= mp -> lowmsg && j <= mp -> hghmsg
 319:             && (mp -> msgstats[j] & EXISTS))
 320:         mp -> curmsg = j;
 321: #else   not notdef
 322:         if (hack)
 323:         mp -> curmsg = j;
 324: #endif	not notdef
 325:         for (k = cp ? m_atoi (cp) : j; j <= k; j++)
 326:         if (j >= mp -> lowmsg && j <= mp -> hghmsg
 327:             && (mp -> msgstats[j] & EXISTS))
 328:             mp -> msgstats[j] |= 1 << (bits + i);
 329:     }
 330:     }
 331:     free (field);
 333:     return i;
 334: }

Defined functions

m_getatr defined in line 204; used 1 times
m_gmsg defined in line 30; used 1 times
m_setatr defined in line 276; used 2 times

Defined variables

head defined in line 26; used 10 times
len defined in line 25; used 4 times

Defined struct's

info defined in line 19; used 10 times

Defined macros

NINFO defined in line 18; used 2 times
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