1: # include   "../ingres.h"
   2: # include   "../pipes.h"
   3: # include   "../aux.h"
   4: # include   "../unix.h"
   5: # include   "../access.h"
   6: # include   "../lock.h"
   8: /*
   9: **  DBU CONTROLLER -- Handles parameter passing & return for dbu's.
  10: **
  11: **	This is the common control routine for calling dbu routines
  12: **	and switching overlays when necessary. The specific dbu routine
  13: **	is indicated in the funcid according to a set of numbers
  14: **	defined in ../symbol.h. The execid is EXEC_DBU.
  15: **
  16: **	The dbu controller calls init_proctab to read in the process table.
  17: **	This defines the location of each dbu routine (whether they are in
  18: **	overlaya, overlayc, overlayi or overlaym). If the requested dbu routine
  19: **	is not in the current overlay, the correct overlay is called with
  20: **	the execid of the correct overlay (a,c,i,m) and the correct funcid.
  21: **
  22: **	To call a dbu, the parameters are read into a buffer and a pc,pv
  23: **	parameter structure is made. When the dbu returns, all system
  24: **	relations are flushed and a sync is returned.
  25: **	If the Dburetflag is set, then the controller returns the
  26: **	Dburetcode structure back.
  27: **
  28: **	Positional Parameters:
  29: **		standard plus
  30: **			Xparams[0] - pathname for ksort
  31: **			Xparams[1] - process table
  32: **
  33: **	Flags:
  34: **		-Z -- trace flags. See individual routines for details
  35: **		--X -- X & 077 is a file descriptor to read to get the
  36: **			first pipe block (instead of R_up).
  37: **
  38: **	Files:
  39: **		none
  40: **
  41: **	Requires:
  42: **		initproc() - to initialize the process
  43: **		acc_init() - to open any am files.
  44: **		Files[] - array of open file descriptors
  45: **		init_proctab() - reads in process table
  46: **
  47: **	Compilation Flags:
  48: **		xZTR[123] used by various routines
  49: **
  50: **	Trace Flags:
  51: **		Z1
  52: **
  53: **	Diagnostics:
  54: **		see reference manual
  55: **
  56: **	Compilation Instructions:
  57: **		To make a specific overlay use
  58: **			setup overlay a		(for overlaya)
  59: **		This does the following:
  60: **			cc -f -n overlaya.c ../../lib/dbulib \\
  61: **						../../lib/access \\
  62: **						../../lib/utility \
  63: **
  64: **			mv a.out overlaya
  65: **			chmod 4700 overlaya
  66: **			mv overlaya ../../bin/overlaya
  67: **
  68: **	History:
  69: **		1/25/79 (eric) -- Changed '--X' flag to read file
  70: **			X.  This simplifies rdpipe.
  71: **		1/8/79 (rse) -- added rubproc routine
  72: **		12/18/78 (rse) -- added Dburetcode structure.
  73: **		10-6-78 (rse) - wrote comment block; added pages
  74: **				read/wrote on trace flag
  75: */
  80: # define    MAXARGS     18  /* max number of args to main() */
  81: # define    STRBUFSIZ   1000    /* max bytes of arguments */
  83: extern int  Files[MAXFILES];
  84: char        Cur_id;
  85: char        Execid;
  86: char        Funcid;
  87: int     Noupdt;
  88: struct pipfrmt  Pbuf;
  89: int     Dburetflag;
  90: struct retcode  Dburetcode;
  93: main(argc, argv)
  94: int argc;
  95: char    **argv;
  96: {
  97:     extern char *Proc_name;
  98:     register char   *sp;
  99:     char        *parmv[MAXPARMS];   /* ptrs to string parameters */
 100:     char        stringbuf[STRBUFSIZ];   /* hold parameters for DBU functions */
 101:     char        *vect[MAXARGS];
 102:     int     exind;
 103:     register int    i;
 104:     int     j;
 105:     extern char **Xparams;
 106:     extern      (*Func[])();        /* function pointers */
 107:     register char   *funcflag;
 108:     char        **vp;
 109:     extern long Accuread, Accusread, Accuwrite;
 110:     int     pipevect[2];
 112:     initproc("OVERLAYx", argv);
 113:     Noupdt = !setflag(argv, 'U', 0);
 114:     exind = length(argv[0]) - 1;
 115:     Cur_id = argv[0][exind];
 116:     Proc_name[7] = Cur_id;
 117:     bmove(argv, vect, argc * sizeof argv[0]);
 118:     vect[argc] = 0;
 119:     i = argc;
 120: #	ifdef xZTR1
 121:     tTrace(&argc, argv, 'Z');
 122:     if (tTf(1, 2))
 123:         prargs(i, vect);
 124: #	endif
 126:     /*
 127: 	**  Scan argument vector for '--' flag; if found, save location
 128: 	**  of 'X' part for use when we exec another overlay, and read
 129: 	**  the block from the last overlay.  If not found, create a
 130: 	**  '--' flag for later use.
 131: 	*/
 133:     funcflag = NULL; /* tih */
 135:     for (vp = vect; *vp != NULL; vp++)
 136:     {
 137:         sp = *vp;
 138:         if (sp[0] == '-' && sp[1] == '-')
 139:         {
 140:             /* deferred EXECID/FUNCID */
 141:             funcflag = &sp[2];
 142:             i = *funcflag & 077;
 143:             Execid = rdpipe(P_EXECID, &Pbuf, i);
 144:             Funcid = rdpipe(P_FUNCID, &Pbuf, i);
 145:             close(i);
 146:         }
 147:     }
 148:     if (funcflag == NULL)
 149:     {
 150:         /* put in a -- flag */
 151:         *vp++ = sp = "---";
 152:         funcflag = &sp[2];
 153:         *vp = NULL;
 154:         Execid = 0;     /* read initial exec/func id */
 155:     }
 157:     /*
 158: 	**  Create list of open files.
 159: 	**	This allows us to close all extraneous files when an
 160: 	**	overlay completes (thus checking consistency) or on
 161: 	**	an interrupt, without really knowing what was going
 162: 	**	on.  Notice that we call acc_init so that any files
 163: 	**	the access methods need will be open for this test.
 164: 	*/
 166:     acc_init();
 168: #	ifdef xZTR3
 169:     if (tTf(1, 8))
 170:         printf("Open files: ");
 171: #	endif
 172:     for (i = 0; i < MAXFILES; i++)
 173:         if ((Files[i] = dup(i)) >= 0)
 174:         {
 175:             close(Files[i]);
 176: #			ifdef xZTR3
 177:             if (tTf(1, 8))
 178:                 printf(" %d", i);
 179: #			endif
 180:         }
 181: #	ifdef xZTR3
 182:     if (tTf(1, 8))
 183:         printf("\n");
 184: #	endif
 186:     /* initialize the process table */
 187:     init_proctab(Xparams[1], Cur_id);
 189:     setexit();
 191:     /*  *** MAIN LOOP ***  */
 192:     for (;;)
 193:     {
 194:         /* get exec and func id's */
 195:         if (Execid == 0)
 196:         {
 197:             rdpipe(P_PRIME, &Pbuf);
 198:             Execid = rdpipe(P_EXECID, &Pbuf, R_up);
 199:             Funcid = rdpipe(P_FUNCID, &Pbuf, R_up);
 200:         }
 202:         if (Execid == EXEC_DBU)
 203:             get_proctab(Funcid, &Execid, &Funcid);
 205:         /* see if in this overlay */
 206:         if (Execid != Cur_id)
 207:             break;
 208:         i = 0;
 210:         /* read the parameters */
 211:         /*** this should check for overflow of stringbuf ***/
 212:         for (sp = stringbuf; j = rdpipe(P_NORM, &Pbuf, R_up, sp, 0); sp += j)
 213:             parmv[i++] = sp;
 214:         parmv[i] = (char *) -1;
 215: #		ifdef xZTR1
 216:         if (tTf(1, 4))
 217:         {
 218:             printf("overlay %c%c: ", Execid, Funcid);
 219:             prargs(i, parmv);
 220:         }
 221: #		endif
 222:         if (i >= MAXPARMS)
 223:             syserr("arg ovf %d %c%c", i, Cur_id, Funcid);
 225:         /* call the specified function (or it's alias) */
 226: #		ifdef xZTR3
 227:         if (tTf(1, 7))
 228:             printf("calling %c%c\n", Execid, Funcid);
 229: #		endif
 230: #		ifdef xZTR1
 231:         if (tTf(50, 0))
 232:         {
 233:             Accuread = 0;
 234:             Accuwrite = 0;
 235:             Accusread = 0;
 236:         }
 237: #		endif
 238:         j = Funcid - '0';
 239:         if (Funcid >= 'A')
 240:             j -= 'A' - '9' -1;
 241:         Dburetflag = FALSE;
 242:         i = (*Func[j])(i, parmv);
 243: #		ifdef xZTR1
 244:         if (tTf(1, 5))
 245:             printf("returning %d\n", i);
 246:         if (tTf(50, 0))
 247:         {
 248:             printf("DBU read %s pages,", locv(Accuread));
 249:             printf("%s catalog pages,", locv(Accusread));
 250:             printf("wrote %s pages\n", locv(Accuwrite));
 251:         }
 252: #		endif
 254:         /* do termination processing */
 255:         finish();
 256:         if (Dburetflag)
 257:             wrpipe(P_NORM, &Pbuf, W_up, &Dburetcode, sizeof (Dburetcode));
 258:         wrpipe(P_END, &Pbuf, W_up);
 259:     }
 261:     /*
 262: 	**  Transfer to another overlay.
 263: 	**	We only get to this point if we are in the wrong
 264: 	**	overlay to execute the desired command.
 265: 	**
 266: 	**	We close system catalog caches and access method files
 267: 	**	so that no extra open files will be laying around.
 268: 	**	Then we adjust the pathname of this overlay to point
 269: 	**	to the next overlay.  We then perform a little magic:
 270: 	**	we create a pipe, write the current pipe block into
 271: 	**	the write end of that pipe, and then pass the read
 272: 	**	end on to the next overlay (via the --X flag) -- thus
 273: 	**	using the pipe mechanism as a temporary buffer.
 274: 	*/
 276:     /* close the system catalog caches */
 277:     closecatalog(TRUE);
 279:     /* close any files left open for access methods */
 280:     if (acc_close())
 281:         syserr("MAIN: acc_close");
 283:     /* setup the execid/Funcid for next overlay */
 284:     vect[0][exind] = Execid;
 286:     /* create and fill the communication pipe */
 287:     if (pipexx(pipevect) < 0)
 288:         syserr("main: pipe");
 289:     *funcflag = pipevect[0] | 0100;
 290:     wrpipe(P_WRITE, &Pbuf, pipevect[1], NULL, 0);
 291:     close(pipevect[1]);
 293: #	ifdef xZTR1
 294:     if (tTf(1, 1))
 295:         printf("calling %s\n", vect[0]);
 296: #	endif
 297:     execv(vect[0], vect);
 298:     syserr("cannot exec %s", vect[0]);
 299: }
 303: finish()
 304: {
 305:     struct stat fstat_buf;
 306:     register int    i;
 307:     register int    j;
 309: #	ifdef xZTR1
 310:     if (tTf(1, 15))
 311:     {
 312:         for (i = 0; i < MAXFILES; i++)
 313:         {
 314:             j = dup(i);
 315:             if (j < 0)
 316:             {
 317:                 if (Files[i] >= 0)
 318:                     printf("file %d closed by %c%c\n",
 319:                         i, Cur_id, Funcid);
 320:             }
 321:             else
 322:             {
 323:                 close(j);
 324:                 if (Files[i] < 0)
 325:                 {
 326:                     fstat(i, &fstat_buf);
 327:                     printf("file %d (i# %u) opened by %c%c\n",
 328:                         i, fstat_buf.st_ino, Cur_id, Funcid);
 329:                     close(i);
 330:                 }
 331:             }
 332:         }
 333:     }
 334: #	endif
 336:     /* flush the buffers for the system catalogs */
 337:     closecatalog(FALSE);
 339:     wrpipe(P_PRIME, &Pbuf, Execid, 0, Funcid);
 340:     Execid = Funcid = 0;
 341: }
 345: rubproc()
 346: {
 347:     register int    i;
 349:     flush();
 350:     resyncpipes();
 351:     finish();
 353:     /* close any extraneous files */
 354:     unlall();
 355:     for (i = 0; i < MAXFILES; i++)
 356:         if (Files[i] < 0)
 357:             close(i);
 358: }
 362: /*
 363: **  PIPEXX -- dummy call to pipe
 364: **
 365: **	This is exactly like pipe (in fact, it calls pipe),
 366: **	but is included because some versions of the C interface
 367: **	to UNIX clobber a register varaible.  Yeuch, shit, and
 368: **	all that.
 369: */
 371: pipexx(pv)
 372: int pv[2];
 373: {
 374:     return (pipe(pv));
 375: }

Defined functions

finish defined in line 303; used 2 times
main defined in line 93; never used
pipexx defined in line 371; used 1 times
rubproc defined in line 345; used 2 times

Defined variables

Cur_id defined in line 84; used 7 times
Dburetcode defined in line 90; used 2 times
  • in line 257(2)
Dburetflag defined in line 89; used 2 times
Execid defined in line 85; used 12 times
Funcid defined in line 86; used 13 times
Noupdt defined in line 87; used 1 times
Pbuf defined in line 88; used 10 times

Defined macros

MAXARGS defined in line 80; used 1 times
STRBUFSIZ defined in line 81; used 1 times
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Generated: 2016-12-26
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