1: #
   2: /*
   3: **	COPYRIGHT
   4: **
   5: **	The Regents of the University of California
   6: **
   7: **	1977
   8: **
   9: **	This program material is the property of the
  10: **	Regents of the University of California and
  11: **	may not be reproduced or disclosed without
  12: **	the prior written permission of the owner.
  13: */
  17: #
  18: /*
  19: **	conditional compilation flags
  20: **
  21: **	Some of these may be commented out to set them to "off".
  22: **	The comment should be removed to set them to "on".
  23: */
  25: /* access methods compilation flags */
  27: /*	disable timing information
  28: # define	xATM		/* timing information */
  29: # define    xATR1       /* trace info, level 1 */
  30: # define    xATR2       /* trace info, level 2, implies xTR1 */
  31: # define    xATR3       /* trace info, level 3, implies xTR1 & xTR2 */
  33: /* decomposition compilation flags */
  35: /*	disable timing information
  36: # define	xDTM		/* timing information */
  37: # define    xDTR1       /* trace info, level 1 */
  38: # define    xDTR2       /* trace info, level 2, implies xTR1 */
  39: # define    xDTR3       /* trace info, level 3, implies xTR1 & xTR2 */
  41: /* EQUEL compilation flags */
  43: /*	disable timing information
  44: # define	xETM		/* timing information */
  45: # define    xETR1       /* trace info, level 1 */
  46: # define    xETR2       /* trace info, level 2, implies xTR1 */
  47: # define    xETR3       /* trace info, level 3, implies xTR1 & xTR2 */
  49: /* monitor compilation flags */
  51: /*	disable timing information
  52: # define	xMTM		/* timing information */
  53: # define    xMTR1       /* trace info, level 1 */
  54: # define    xMTR2       /* trace info, level 2, implies xTR1 */
  55: # define    xMTR3       /* trace info, level 3, implies xTR1 & xTR2 */
  57: /* OVQP compilatiion flags */
  59: /*	disable timing information
  60: # define	xOTM		/* timing information */
  61: # define    xOTR1       /* trace info, level 1 */
  62: # define    xOTR2       /* trace info, level 2, implies xTR1 */
  63: # define    xOTR3       /* trace info, level 3, implies xTR1 & xTR2 */
  65: /* parser compilation flags */
  67: /*	disable timing information
  68: # define	xPTM		/* timing information */
  69: # define    xPTR1       /* trace info, level 1 */
  70: # define    xPTR2       /* trace info, level 2, implies xTR1 */
  71: # define    xPTR3       /* trace info, level 3, implies xTR1 & xTR2 */
  73: /* qrymod compilation flags */
  75: /*	disable timing information
  76: # define	xQTM		/* timing information */
  77: # define    xQTR1       /* trace info, level 1 */
  78: # define    xQTR2       /* trace info, level 2, implies xTR1 */
  79: # define    xQTR3       /* trace info, level 3, implies xTR1 & xTR2 */
  81: /* scanner compilation flags */
  83: /*	disable timing information
  84: # define	xSTM		/* timing information */
  85: # define    xSTR1       /* trace info, level 1 */
  86: # define    xSTR2       /* trace info, level 2, implies xTR1 */
  87: # define    xSTR3       /* trace info, level 3, implies xTR1 & xTR2 */
  89: /* DBU compilation flags */
  91: /*	disable timing information
  92: # define	xZTM		/* timing information */
  93: # define    xZTR1       /* trace info, level 1 */
  94: # define    xZTR2       /* trace info, level 2, implies xTR1 */
  95: # define    xZTR3       /* trace info, level 3, implies xTR1 & xTR2 */
  97: /* support compilation flags */
  99: /*	disable timing information
 100: # define	xTTM		/* timing information */
 101: # define    xTTR1       /* trace info, level 1 */
 102: # define    xTTR2       /* trace info, level 2, implies xTR1 */
 103: # define    xTTR3       /* trace info, level 3, implies xTR1 & xTR2 */
 105: /*
 106: **	INGRES manifest constants
 107: **
 108: **	These constants are manifest to the operation of the entire
 109: **	system.  If anything
 110: **	is changed part or all of the system will stop working.
 111: **	The values have been carefully chosen and are not intended
 112: **	to be modifiable by users.
 113: */
 115: # define    MAXDOM      50      /* maximum number+1 of domains in a relation */
 116: # define    MAXTUP      498     /* max size (in bytes) of a tuple */
 117: # define    MAXNAME     12      /* max size of a name (in bytes) */
 118: # define    MAXVAR      10      /* max # of variables */
 119: # define    MAXKEYS     6       /* max # of keys in secondary index */
 120: # define    MAXAGG      50      /* max number of aggs in a qry */
 121: # define    MAXPARMS    MAXDOM * 2 + 20 /* max number of parameters
 122: 						** to the DBU controller
 123: 						** (allows for 2 per domain for
 124: 						** create which is the worst case
 125: 						*/
 126: # define    STACKSIZ    20      /* max depth for arith. expr. stacks */
 127: # define    I1MASK      0377        /* mask out sign extension that occurs
 128: 						**  when a c1 or i1 field is converted
 129: 						**  to an i2 field.
 130: 						*/
 132: # define    TRUE        1       /* logical one, true, yes, ok, etc.*/
 133: # define    FALSE       0       /* logical zero, false, no, nop, etc. */
 134: # ifndef    NULL
 135: # define    NULL        0
 136: # endif
 138: # define    i_1     char
 139: # define    i_2     int
 140: # define    i_4     long
 141: # define    c_1     char
 142: # define    c_2     char
 143: # define    c_12        char
 145: /*
 146: **	RELATION relation struct
 147: **
 148: **	The RELATION relation contains one tuple for each relation
 149: **	in the database.  This relation contains information which
 150: **	describes how each relation is actually stored in the
 151: **	database, who the owner is, information about its size,
 152: **	assorted operation information, etc.
 153: */
 155: # define    RELID       1   /* domain for setkey */
 156: # define    RELOWNER    2
 158: /*
 159: **	Note carefully!
 160: **
 161: **	Do not change this struct without changing the exact copy
 162: **	of it occuring at the beginning of the descriptor struct!
 163: */
 165: struct relation
 166: {
 167:     c_12    relid[MAXNAME]; /* relation name	*/
 168:     c_2 relowner[2];    /* code of relation owner */
 169:     i_1 relspec;    /* storage mode of relation	*/
 170:                 /* M_HEAP  unsorted paged heap	*/
 171:                 /* -M_HEAP compressed heap	*/
 172:                 /* M_ISAM  isam			*/
 173:                 /* -M_ISAM compressed isam	*/
 174:                 /* M_HASH  hashed		*/
 175:                 /* -M_HASH compressed hash	*/
 176:     i_1 relindxd;   /* -1 rel is an index, 0 not indexed, 1 indexed */
 177:     i_2 relstat;    /* relation status bits */
 178:     i_4 relsave;    /*unix time until which relation is saved*/
 179:     i_4 reltups;    /*number of tuples in relation	*/
 180:     i_2 relatts;    /*number of attributes in relation	*/
 181:     i_2 relwid;     /*width (in bytes) of relation	*/
 182:     i_4 relprim;    /*no. of primary pages in relation*/
 183:     i_4 relspare;   /*not used yet*/
 184: };
 187: /*
 188: **	ATTRIBUTE relation struct
 189: **
 190: **	The ATTRIBUTE relation contains one tuple for each domain
 191: **	of each relation in the database.  This relation describes
 192: **	the position of each domain in the tuple, its format,
 193: **	its length, and whether or not it is used in part of the key.
 194: */
 196: # define    ATTRELID    1
 197: # define    ATTOWNER    2
 198: # define    ATTNAME     3
 199: # define    ATTID       4
 202: struct attribute
 203: {
 204:     c_12    attrelid[MAXNAME];  /*relation name of which this is an attr */
 205:     c_2 attowner[2];    /* code of relation owner */
 206:     c_12    attname[MAXNAME];   /*alias for this domain*/
 207:     i_2 attid;      /*domain number (from 1 to relatts)	*/
 208:     i_2 attoff;     /*offset in tuple (no. of bytes*/
 209:     i_1 attfrmt;    /* INT, FLOAT, CHAR (in symbol.h) */
 210:     i_1 attfrml;    /* unsigned integer no of bytes	*/
 211:     i_1 attxtra;    /* flag indicating whether this dom is part of a key */
 212: };
 214: /*
 215: **	DESCRIPTOR struct
 216: **
 217: **	The DESCRIPTOR struct is initialized by OPENR to describe any
 218: **	open relation.  The first part of the descriptor is the tuple
 219: **	from the RELATION relation.  The remainder contains some magic
 220: **	numbers and a template initialized from the ATTRIBUTE relation.
 221: */
 223: struct descriptor
 224: {
 225:     c_12    relid[MAXNAME]; /* relation name	*/
 226:     c_2 relowner[2];    /* code of relation owner */
 227:     i_1 relspec;    /* storage mode of relation	*/
 228:                 /* M_HEAP  unsorted paged heap	*/
 229:                 /* -M_HEAP compressed heap	*/
 230:                 /* M_ISAM  isam			*/
 231:                 /* -M_ISAM compressed isam	*/
 232:                 /* M_HASH  hashed		*/
 233:                 /* -M_HASH compressed hash	*/
 234:     i_1 relindxd;   /* -1 rel is an index, 0 not indexed, 1 indexed */
 235:     i_2 relstat;    /* relation status bits */
 236:     i_4 relsave;    /*unix time until which relation is saved*/
 237:     i_4 reltups;    /*number of tuples in relation	*/
 238:     i_2 relatts;    /*number of attributes in relation	*/
 239:     i_2 relwid;     /*width (in bytes) of relation	*/
 240:     i_4 relprim;    /*no. of primary pages in relation*/
 241:     i_4 relspare;   /*not used yet*/
 242:         /*the above part of the descriptor struct is identical
 243: 		  to the relation struct and the information in this
 244: 		  part of the struct is read directly from the
 245: 		  relation tuple by openr.  the rest of the descriptor
 246: 		  struct is calculated by openr.
 247: 		*/
 248:     i_2 relfp;      /*filep for relation , if open	*/
 249:     i_2 relopn;     /*indicates if relation is really open*/
 250:     i_4 reltid;     /*when relation is open, this indicates
 251: 				  the tid in the relation relation for
 252: 				  this relation */
 253:     i_4 reladds;    /*no. of additions of tuples during this open*/
 254:     i_2 reloff[MAXDOM]; /*reloff[i] is offset to domain i 	*/
 255:     c_1 relfrmt[MAXDOM]; /* format of domain i
 256: 				 ** INT, FLOAT, or CHAR  */
 257:     c_1 relfrml[MAXDOM]; /* relfrml[i] is an unsigned integer
 258: 				  which indicates length
 259: 				  in bytes of domain
 260: 					*/
 261:     c_1 relxtra[MAXDOM]; /*relxtra[i] is none zero if domain i is
 262: 				 ** a key domain for the relation */
 263:     c_1 relgiven[MAXDOM]; /*cleared by openr and set before
 264: 				  call to find to indicate value of this
 265: 				  domain has been supplied in the key*/
 266: };
 268: # define    NOKEY       1   /* scan entire relation */
 269: # define    EXACTKEY    2
 270: # define    LRANGEKEY   3   /* low range key */
 271: # define    FULLKEY     4   /* forces full key comparison */
 272: # define    HRANGEKEY   5   /* high range key */
 274: /*
 275: **	tuple id struct
 276: */
 278: struct tup_id
 279: {
 280:     char    pg1, pg0;
 281:     char    line_id, pg2;
 282: };

Defined struct's

descriptor defined in line 223; used 456 times
tup_id defined in line 278; used 228 times

Defined macros

ATTID defined in line 199; used 1 times
FALSE defined in line 133; used 186 times
I1MASK defined in line 127; used 55 times
MAXNAME defined in line 117; used 116 times
NULL defined in line 135; used 323 times
STACKSIZ defined in line 126; used 2 times
TRUE defined in line 132; used 194 times
c_1 defined in line 141; used 4 times
c_12 defined in line 143; used 4 times
c_2 defined in line 142; used 3 times
i_1 defined in line 138; used 7 times
i_2 defined in line 139; used 11 times
i_4 defined in line 140; used 10 times
xDTR2 defined in line 38; never used
xDTR3 defined in line 39; never used
xETR3 defined in line 47; never used
xMTR1 defined in line 53; used 3 times
xOTR2 defined in line 62; never used
xOTR3 defined in line 63; never used
xPTR1 defined in line 69; used 2 times
xSTR3 defined in line 87; used 3 times
xTTR3 defined in line 103; never used
xZTR3 defined in line 95; used 6 times

Usage of this include

ingres.h used 229 times
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