1: #
   2: /*
   3: **	COPYRIGHT
   4: **
   5: **	The Regents of the University of California
   6: **
   7: **	1977
   8: **
   9: **	This program material is the property of the
  10: **	Regents of the University of California and
  11: **	may not be reproduced or disclosed without
  12: **	the prior written permission of the owner.
  13: */
  16: /*
  17: **	Accessparam structure -- this structure is filled by
  18: **	the paramd() and parami() routines. It gives a list of
  19: **	key domains in their key sequence order.
  20: */
  22: struct accessparam
  23: {
  24:     int mode;       /* mode of relation, NOKEY, RANGEKEY, EXACTKEY */
  25:     int sec_index;  /* TRUE if relation is a secondary index. else FALSE */
  26:     char    keydno[MAXDOM + 1];
  27: };
  29: /*
  31: **	This structure is passed back after each query to the front end
  32: **	to give query status.
  33: */
  35: struct retcode
  36: {
  37:     long    rc_tupcount;    /* count of tuples which satisfied */
  38:     int rc_status;  /* result status for the query */
  39:     char    rc_siteid[2];   /* reserved for distributed decomp */
  40: };
  45: /*
  46: **	Desxx structure -- This structure is used by opencatalog and
  47: **	closecatalog. It is used to maintain a list of system relations
  48: **	for caching.
  49: */
  51: struct desxx
  52: {
  53:     char            *cach_relname;  /* name of the relation */
  54:     struct descriptor   *cach_desc; /* desc to use */
  55:     struct descriptor   *cach_alias;    /* alias for above descriptor */};
  58: /*
  59: **  Relation status bits
  60: **
  61: **	These bits are in the relation relation, in the "relstat"
  62: **	field.  They define status information about the relation.
  63: */
  65: # define    S_CATALOG   0000001     /* system catalog */
  66: # define    S_NOUPDT    0000002     /* no update allowed */
  67: # define    S_PROTUPS   0000004     /* tuples exist in 'protect' */
  68: # define    S_INTEG     0000010     /* integrity constrained */
  69: # define    S_CONCUR    0000020     /* concurrency enforced */
  70: # define    S_VIEW      0000040     /* relation is a view */
  71: # define    S_VBASE     0000100     /* base rel for a view */
  72: # define    S_INDEX     0000200     /* is a sec indx */
  73: # define    S_BINARY    0000400     /* print char domains in binary */
  74: # define    S_DISTRIBUTED   0001000     /* reserved for distributed rels */
  75: # define    S_DISCRIT   0002000     /* resrved for distr temp rel */
  76: # define    S_DISCOPY   0004000     /* reserved for distributed rels */
  77: # define    S_PROTALL   0010000     /* if clear, all permission */
  78: # define    S_PROTRET   0020000     /* if clear, read permission */
  80: /*
  81: **  Protection bits are defined as follows:
  82: **
  83: **	S_PROTUPS -- if set, there are tuples for this relation in the
  84: **
  85: **	S_PROTALL, S_PROTRET -- AS shown from the following table:*		protect catalog.
  86: **      PROTALL  PROTRET     meaning
  87: **            1  1        Need to look in the protect catalog to tell.
  88: **            1  0        Permit RETRIEVE to ALL case.
  89: **            0  1        Permit ALL to ALL case.
  90: **            0  0        Permit ALL to ALL and RETRIEVE to ALL.
  91: */
  93: /*
  94: **  User status bits
  95: **
  96: **	These bits are in the status field of the users file.  They end
  97: **	up in a variable "Status" after a call to initucode.
  98: */
 100: # define    U_CREATDB   0000001     /* can create data bases */
 101: # define    U_DRCTUPDT  0000002     /* can specify direct update */
 102: # define    U_UPSYSCAT  0000004     /* can update system catalogs directly */
 103: # define    U_TRACE     0000020     /* can use trace flags */
 104: # define    U_QRYMODOFF 0000040     /* can turn off qrymod */
 105: # define    U_APROCTAB  0000100     /* can use arbitrary proctab */
 106: # define    U_EPROCTAB  0000200     /* can use =proctab form */
 107: # define    U_SUPER     0100000     /* ingres superuser */
 109: /*
 110: **	The following defines declare the field number in the users
 111: **	file for each field.
 112: */
 114: # define    UF_NAME     0       /* login name */
 115: # define    UF_UCODE    1       /* user code */
 116: # define    UF_UID      2       /* UNIX user id */
 117: # define    UF_GID      3       /* UNIX group id */
 118: # define    UF_STAT     4       /* status bits */
 119: # define    UF_FLAGS    5       /* default flags */
 120: # define    UF_PTAB     6       /* default proctab */
 121: # define    UF_IFILE    7       /* monitor init file */
 122: # define    UF_DBLIST   9       /* list of valid databases */
 124: # define    UF_NFIELDS  10      /* TOTAL number of fields */
 126: /*
 127: **	Usercode contains the current user's INGRES user-id code.
 128: **	Pathname contains the name of the INGRES subtree.
 129: */
 131: extern char *Usercode;
 132: extern char *Pathname;
 136: /*
 137: **	This is for type conversion, to avoid ugly pointer
 138: **	casts all over the place:
 139: */
 141: # define    i1deref(x)  (*((char *)(x)))
 142: # define    i2deref(x)  (*((int *)(x)))
 143: # define    i4deref(x)  (*((long *)(x)))
 144: # define    f4deref(x)  (*((float *)(x)))
 145: # define    f8deref(x)  (*((double *)(x)))
 148: /*
 150: **
 151: **	The following struct describes the printed output available
 152: **	to the user.
 153: */
 155: struct out_arg
 156: {
 157:     int c0width;    /* minimum width of "c" field */
 158:     int i1width;    /* width of "i1" field */
 159:     int i2width;    /* width of "i2" field */
 160:     int i4width;    /* width of "i4" field */
 161:     int f4width;    /* width of "f4" field */
 162:     int f8width;    /* width of "f8" field */
 163:     int f4prec;     /* number of decimal places on "f4" */
 164:     int f8prec;     /* number of decimal places on "f8" */
 165:     char    f4style;    /* "f4" output style */
 166:     char    f8style;    /* "f8" output style */
 167:     int linesperpage;   /* number of lines per output page */
 168:     char    coldelim;   /* column delimiter */
 169: };
 171: /* maximum width of any of the above fields */
 172: # define    MAXFIELD    255
 174: /*
 175: **  any text line read from a file (for example, .../files/users) can
 176: **	be at most MAXLINE bytes long.  buffers designed for holding
 177: **	such info should be decleared as char buf[MAXLINE + 1] to allow
 178: **	for the null terminator.
 179: */
 181: # define    MAXLINE     256
 184: /*
 185: **  Assorted system stuff
 186: **
 187: **	FILEMODE is the file mode on a 'creat' call for all files in
 188: **		the database and probably other external files.
 189: */
 191: # define    FILEMODE    0600        /* db file mode */
 193: /*
 194: **	defines to specify the execid of each process in the
 195: **	current process structure.
 196: **	The constants are named with "EXEC_" concatenated with
 197: **	the process name.
 198: */
 199: # define    EXEC_DBU    '#' /* data base utilities (or overlays) */
 200: # define    EXEC_DECOMP '$' /* decomposition process */
 201: # define    EXEC_OVQP   '&' /* one variable query processor */
 202: # define    EXEC_QRYMOD '*' /* query modification for view, protection, integrity */
 203: # define    EXEC_PARSER '@' /* parser, scanner */
 204: # define    EXEC_FRONT  '^' /* could be equel prog or terminal monitor */
 205: # define    EXEC_ERROR  '%' /* exec_id of an error block */
 207: /* stuff giving information about the machine */
 208: # define    WORDSIZE    16  /* number of bits in word */
 209: # define    LOG2WORDSIZE    4   /* log base 2 of WORDSIZE */

Defined struct's

Defined macros

EXEC_ERROR defined in line 205; used 1 times
EXEC_FRONT defined in line 204; never used
EXEC_QRYMOD defined in line 202; used 4 times
LOG2WORDSIZE defined in line 209; used 1 times
S_BINARY defined in line 73; used 1 times
S_DISCOPY defined in line 76; never used
S_DISCRIT defined in line 75; never used
S_DISTRIBUTED defined in line 74; used 1 times
S_VBASE defined in line 71; used 2 times
UF_DBLIST defined in line 122; used 1 times
UF_FLAGS defined in line 119; used 1 times
UF_GID defined in line 117; used 1 times
UF_IFILE defined in line 121; never used
UF_NAME defined in line 114; used 1 times
UF_PTAB defined in line 120; never used
UF_STAT defined in line 118; used 1 times
UF_UCODE defined in line 115; used 2 times
UF_UID defined in line 116; used 1 times
U_APROCTAB defined in line 105; used 1 times
U_CREATDB defined in line 100; used 1 times
U_DRCTUPDT defined in line 101; used 1 times
U_EPROCTAB defined in line 106; used 1 times
U_QRYMODOFF defined in line 104; never used
U_TRACE defined in line 103; used 6 times
U_UPSYSCAT defined in line 102; used 1 times
WORDSIZE defined in line 208; used 1 times

Usage of this include

aux.h used 130 times
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