1: #include    "parms.h"
   2: #include    "structs.h"
   3: #include    <sys/types.h>
   4: #include    <sys/stat.h>
   6: #ifdef  RCSIDENT
   7: static char rcsid[] = "$Header: readem.c,v 85/10/06 01:42:00 notes Rel $";
   8: #endif	RCSIDENT
  11: /*
  12: *	this particular collection of junk handles the basic idea
  13: *	of what to do when you are showing a note.
  14: *	It displays the note, and then manages to collect enough info
  15: *	from the terminal to either progress to the next note or
  16: *	show some of the responses.
  17: *
  18: *	original author : rob kolstad
  19: *	modified	: ray essick may 22, 1981
  20: *	modified (again): Ray Essick December 1981
  21: *	modified (more):  Ray Essick, February 1982
  22: *
  23: */
  24: readem (io, readnum, firstdis, resp)
  25: struct io_f *io;
  26: int    *firstdis;
  27: {
  28:     struct note_f   note;
  29:     struct resp_f   rsprec;
  30:     struct io_f io2;
  31:     FILE * txtfile;
  32:     int     rrecnum,
  33:             roffset;
  34:     char    tonf[WDLEN + 1];                /* for forwarding */
  35:     char    ntitle[TITLEN + 20];            /* scratch space */
  36:     char    nfsave[WDLEN + 1];              /* path name for 's' and 'S' */
  37:     int     c;                      /* input char */
  38:     char   *p,
  39:            *q;                      /* scratch pointers */
  40:     int     replot;                 /* whether to change what's on the screen */
  41:     int     toresp;                 /* init entry as resp */
  42:     int     forward;                    /* scroll forward/backward on deleted note */
  43:     int     toauth,                 /* send to author */
  44:             znum,                   /* forward as resp to this note */
  45:             znote,
  46:             zresp,                  /* scratch for asearch */
  47:             i,
  48:             j,
  49:             wtext;                  /* send mail with text */
  50:     char    cmdline[CMDLEN];                /* leggo brand build-a-command */
  51:     int     retcode;
  54:     replot = 1;                     /* first pass always writes to the screen */
  55:     retcode = -1;                   /* init so grabs character */
  56:     forward = 1;                    /* default to scroll forward */
  57:     toresp = (resp != 0);               /* for entry */
  58:     while (1)
  59:     {
  60:     x (readnum < 0, "readem: given bad readnum");
  61:     if (readnum > io -> descr.d_nnote)
  62:         readnum = io -> descr.d_nnote;
  63:     if (readnum == 0 && io -> descr.d_plcy == 0)    /* empty notesfile */
  64:         return 0;                   /* so back to the index */
  65:     getnrec (io, readnum, &note);
  66:     if (note.n_stat & DELETED)
  67:         if (forward)
  68:         goto nextnt;                /* forward scroll */
  69:         else
  70:         goto prevnote;              /* backward scroll */
  71:     if (toresp)
  72:     {
  73:         toresp = 0;
  74:         goto showit;
  75:     }
  76:     if (replot)
  77:         retcode = dspnote (io, &note, readnum); /* show the note if we need new one */
  78:     replot = 1;                 /* reset later if don't want replot */
  79:     forward = 1;
  80:     if (retcode < 0)
  81:     {
  82:     input:  at (0, 1);
  83: #ifdef  PROMPT
  84:         printf (PROMPT);                /* let him know we're ready */
  85: #endif	PROMPT
  86:         c = gchar ();
  87:         printf ("\10 \10");             /* Kurt wants this to go away */
  88:     }
  89:     else
  90:     {
  91:         c = retcode;
  92:         retcode = (-1);             /* make sure don't loop! */
  93:     }
  94:     switch (c)
  95:     {
  96:         case '?':                   /* if he doesn't know what to type */
  97:         case 'h':
  98:         help (RDMHLP);              /* print the pseudo-man page */
  99:         goto showit;
 101:         case 'D':                   /* delete this note/response */
 102:         if (resp)               /* check to see if his note */
 103:         {
 104:             if ((rsprec.r_auth[roffset].aid & UIDMASK) != globuid)
 105:             {
 106:             at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
 107:             printf ("Not your response");
 108:             replot = 0;
 109:             continue;
 110:             }
 111:         }
 112:         else
 113:         {
 114:             if ((note.n_auth.aid & UIDMASK) != globuid)
 115:             {
 116:             at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
 117:             printf ("Not your note");
 118:             replot = 0;
 119:             continue;
 120:             }
 121:             if (readnum == 0)
 122:             {
 123:             at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
 124:             printf ("Use 'Z' to delete policy");
 125:             replot = 0;
 126:             continue;
 127:             }
 128:         }
 130:         at (0, 1);
 131:         if (askyn ("Delete? (y/n):   \b\b") == 'n')
 132:             goto showit;
 133:         printf ("\r                \r");
 135:         locknf (io, DSCRLOCK);          /* CRITICAL section */
 136:         getnrec (io, readnum, &note);       /* this should catch most */
 137:         getdscr (io, &io -> descr);     /* and an up to date descriptor */
 138:         if (resp)               /* go about deleting it */
 139:         {
 140:             if (resp == note.n_nresp && inorder (&io -> descr.d_lstxmit, &rsprec.r_when[roffset]))
 141:             {
 142:             delresp (io, readnum, rrecnum, roffset, 0);
 143:             note.n_nresp--;         /* adjust note response count */
 144:             unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);    /* must free up the lock */
 145:             break;              /* show next response */
 146:             }
 147:             else
 148:             {
 149:             at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
 150:             printf ("Can't delete: networked, or not last response");
 151:             replot = 0;
 152:             unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);    /* release lock here too */
 153:             continue;
 154:             }
 155:         }
 156:         else                    /* its a note */
 157:         {
 158:             if (note.n_nresp || inorder (&note.n_date, &io -> descr.d_lstxmit))
 159:             {
 160:             at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
 161:             printf ("Can't delete; note has responses or is networked");
 162:             replot = 0;
 163:             unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);    /* release the lock */
 164:             continue;
 165:             }
 166:             delnote (io, readnum++, 0);
 167:             resp = 0;
 168:             unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);        /* release the lock */
 169:             continue;
 170:         }
 172:         case 'E':                   /* edit an article */
 173:         if (resp)               /* check to see if his note */
 174:         {
 175:             if ((rsprec.r_auth[roffset].aid & UIDMASK) != globuid)
 176:             {
 177:             at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
 178:             printf ("Not your response");
 179:             replot = 0;
 180:             continue;
 181:             }
 182:         }
 183:         else
 184:         {
 185:             if ((note.n_auth.aid & UIDMASK) != globuid)
 186:             {
 187:             at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
 188:             printf ("Not your note");
 189:             replot = 0;
 190:             continue;
 191:             }
 192:             if (readnum == 0)
 193:             {
 194:             at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
 195:             printf ("Sorry, E doesn't work for policy notes yet");
 196:             replot = 0;
 197:             continue;
 198:             }
 199:         }
 201:         locknf (io, DSCRLOCK);          /* CRITICAL section */
 202:         getnrec (io, readnum, &note);       /* this should catch most */
 203:         getdscr (io, &io -> descr);     /* and an up to date descriptor */
 204:         if (resp)               /* go about deleting it */
 205:         {
 206:             if (resp == note.n_nresp && inorder (&io -> descr.d_lstxmit, &rsprec.r_when[roffset]))
 207:             {
 208:             delresp (io, readnum, rrecnum, roffset, 0);
 209:             note.n_nresp--;         /* adjust note response count */
 210:             unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);    /* must free up the lock */
 211:             sprintf (nfsave, "/tmp/nfe%d", getpid ());
 212:                             /* build scr file */
 213:             x ((txtfile = fopen (nfsave, "w")) == NULL, "readem: scrfile");
 214:             x (chmod (nfsave, 0666) < 0, "readem: chmod");
 215:             pageout (io, &rsprec.r_addr[roffset], txtfile);
 216:                             /* dump it */
 217:             fclose (txtfile);       /* also flushes it */
 218:             x ((txtfile = fopen (nfsave, "r")) == NULL, "readem: edit reopen");
 219:             resp = addresp (io, txtfile, readnum, EDIT);
 220:             getnrec (io, readnum, &note);   /* up to date */
 221:                             /* add it back in ! */
 222:             x (unlink (nfsave) < 0, "readem: edit unlink");
 223:             break;              /* show next response */
 224:             }
 225:             else
 226:             {
 227:             at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
 228:             printf ("Can't edit: networked, or not last response");
 229:             replot = 0;
 230:             unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);    /* release lock here too */
 231:             continue;
 232:             }
 233:         }
 234:         else                    /* its a note */
 235:         {
 236:             if (note.n_nresp || inorder (&note.n_date, &io -> descr.d_lstxmit))
 237:             {
 238:             at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
 239:             printf ("Can't edit; note has responses or is networked");
 240:             replot = 0;
 241:             unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);    /* release the lock */
 242:             continue;
 243:             }
 244:             delnote (io, readnum++, 0);
 245:             resp = 0;
 246:             unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);        /* release the lock */
 247:             sprintf (nfsave, "/tmp/nfe%d", getpid ());
 248:                             /* build scr file */
 249:             x ((txtfile = fopen (nfsave, "w")) == NULL, "readem: scrfile");
 250:             x (chmod (nfsave, 0666) < 0, "readem: chmod");
 251:             pageout (io, &note.n_addr, txtfile);
 252:                             /* dump it */
 253:             fclose (txtfile);           /* also flushes it */
 254:             x ((txtfile = fopen (nfsave, "r")) == NULL, "readem: edit reopen");
 255:             znum = addnote (io, txtfile, "Edit note text:",
 256:                 "Note title: ", &note.ntitle, EDIT);
 257:             x (unlink (nfsave) < 0, "readem: edit unlink");
 258:             if (znum > 0)
 259:             readnum = znum;         /* this is the one */
 260:             continue;
 261:         }
 263:         case 'Z':                   /* zap notes/responses - directors only */
 264:                             /* kills any note/response */
 265:         getdscr (io, &io -> descr);     /* up to date descriptor */
 266:         if (allow (io, DRCTOK) == 0)
 267:         {
 268:             at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
 269:             printf ("Not a director");
 270:             replot = 0;
 271:             continue;
 272:         }
 274:         at (0, 1);
 275:         if (askyn ("Delete? (y/n):   \b\b") == 'n')
 276:             goto showit;            /* replotter */
 277:         printf ("\r                  \r");
 278: /*
 279:  *		should log the deletion here, so the "meta-director" can
 280:  *		watch for fascist directors preying on the peasants.
 281:  */
 282:         if (readnum == 0)           /* deleting policy */
 283:         {
 284:             locknf (io, DSCRLOCK);      /* lock us up */
 285:             getdscr (io, &io -> descr);     /* grab up-to-date */
 286:             io -> descr.d_plcy = 0;     /* its gone now */
 287:             putdscr (io, &io -> descr);     /* replace descriptor */
 288:             unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);
 289:             return 0;               /* back to the index */
 290:         }
 291:         if (resp)               /* delete a response */
 292:         {
 293:             delresp (io, readnum, rrecnum, roffset, 1);
 294:                             /* kill it */
 295:             note.n_nresp--;         /* and response count */
 296:             break;              /* display next response */
 297:         }
 298:         else
 299:             delnote (io, readnum++, 1);
 300:         continue;
 302:         case 'r':                   /* replot the current note/response */
 303:         case '\f':                  /* everyone else uses ^L, might as well */
 304:     showit:                     /* come here to refill screen */
 305:         if (replot == 0)
 306:             continue;               /* screen appears fine */
 307:         if (resp)
 308:             break;              /* show him the response */
 309:         else
 310:         {
 311:             replot = 1;             /* make sure it gets done */
 312:             continue;
 313:         }
 315:     nextnt:
 316:         case '\r':                  /* wants the next note */
 317:         case '\n':
 318:         if (readnum == 0)
 319:             return 0;               /* policy leaves */
 320:         if (++readnum > io -> descr.d_nnote)
 321:         {
 322:             *firstdis = io -> descr.d_nnote;
 323:             return 0;
 324:         }
 325:         resp = 0;               /* reset response index */
 326:         continue;
 328:         case 'm':                   /* mail a note/response via Unix mail */
 329:         toauth = 0;
 330:         wtext = 0;              /* to others and no text */
 331:         goto sendmail;
 332:         case 'M':                   /* same as 'm' but with text */
 333:         toauth = 0;
 334:         wtext = 1;              /* to others with text */
 335:         goto sendmail;
 336:         case 'P':
 337:         toauth = 1;
 338:         wtext = 1;              /* to author with text */
 339:         goto sendmail;
 340:         case 'p':
 341:         toauth = 1;
 342:         wtext = 0;              /* to author, no text */
 343:         goto sendmail;
 345:     sendmail:                   /* jump to here once set mail parms */
 346:         if (resp)
 347:         {
 348:             strcpy (ntitle, "Re: ");        /* prefix */
 349:             strcat (ntitle, note.ntitle);   /* append title */
 350:             mailit (io, &rsprec.r_addr[roffset], &rsprec.r_auth[roffset],
 351:                 &rsprec.r_when[roffset], ntitle, toauth, wtext);
 352:             break;
 353:         }
 354:         else
 355:         {
 356:             strncpy (ntitle, note.ntitle, TITLEN);
 357:             mailit (io, &note.n_addr, &note.n_auth,
 358:                 &note.n_date, ntitle, toauth, wtext);
 359:         }
 360:         goto showit;                /* replot current page */
 362:         case '!':                   /* wants to fork a shell */
 363:         gshell ();
 364:         goto showit;
 366:         case 'q':                   /* quit this, maybe whole system */
 367: #ifdef  K_KEY
 368:         case 'k':
 369: #endif	K_KEY
 370:         return QUITSEQ;
 372:         case '\04':
 373:         return QUITFAST;            /* leave totally */
 375:         case 'z':                   /* total exit w/update */
 376:         return QUITUPD;
 378:         case 'Q':                   /* exit system without updating sequencer */
 379: #ifdef  K_KEY
 380:         case 'K':
 381: #endif	K_KEY
 382:         return QUITNOSEQ;
 384:         case 'i':                   /* go back to note index */
 385:         *firstdis = readnum;
 386:         return 0;
 388:         case '\b':
 389:         case '-':                   /* display previous response */
 390:         if (resp <= 0)
 391:             goto prevnote;          /* '-' at base note */
 392:         if (--resp)
 393:             break;              /* show the previous response */
 394:         continue;               /* show him the base note */
 396:     prevnote:                   /* display previous note */
 397:         if (readnum == 0)
 398:             return 0;               /* policy leaves */
 399:         forward = 0;                /* set to scroll backwards on deleted note */
 400:         if (--readnum < 1)
 401:         {
 402:             readnum = 1;            /* zero is policy, so stop at 1 */
 403:             forward = 1;            /* bounce off bottom end */
 404:             continue;               /* go hunt for the right note */
 405:         }
 406:         resp = 0;
 407:         continue;
 409:         case 'x':
 410:         case 'X':
 411:         if (readnum == 0)
 412:             return 0;               /* policy leaves */
 413:         retcode = tsearch (io, readnum - 1, c == 'x');
 414:                             /* look it up */
 415:         if (retcode <= 0)
 416:             replot = 0;
 417:         else
 418:         {
 419:             readnum = retcode;
 420:             resp = 0;
 421:         }
 422:         goto showit;
 424:         case 'a':
 425:         case 'A':                   /* author search from current spot */
 426:         if (readnum == 0)
 427:             return 0;               /* not from policy ! */
 428:         znote = readnum;
 429:         zresp = resp;
 430:         if (zresp == 0)
 431:             znote--;
 432:         else
 433:             zresp++;                /* select 'next' */
 434:         retcode = asearch (io, &znote, &zresp, (c == 'a'));
 435:                             /* look */
 436:         if (retcode < 0)
 437:         {
 438:             replot = 0;
 439:             goto showit;            /* didn't want anything */
 440:         }
 441:         if (retcode == 0)
 442:         {
 443:             replot = 0;
 444:         }
 445:         else
 446:         {
 447:             readnum = znote;
 448:             resp = zresp;           /* set returned values */
 449:             getnrec (io, readnum, &note);   /* grab right descriptor */
 450:         }
 451:         goto showit;                /* and display them */
 453:         case 'd':                   /* toggle a notes director status */
 454:         if (allow (io, DRCTOK) == 0)
 455:         {                   /* tell him what's up */
 456:             at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
 457:             printf (" Anonymous: %s   Networked: %s",
 458:                 (io -> descr.d_stat & ANONOK) ? "YES" : "NO",
 459:                 (io -> descr.d_stat & NETWRKD) ? "YES" : "NO");
 460:             replot = 0;             /* leave on screen */
 461:             goto showit;
 462:         }
 463:         if (resp == 0)              /* toggle a note */
 464:         {
 465:             locknf (io, DSCRLOCK);
 466:             getnrec (io, readnum, &note);
 467:             if (note.n_stat & DIRMES)
 468:             note.n_stat &= NOT DIRMES;
 469:             else
 470:             note.n_stat |= DIRMES;
 471:             putnrec (io, readnum, &note);   /* replace */
 472:             unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);
 473:             goto showit;
 474:         }
 475:         else                    /* toggle a response */
 476:         {
 477:             locknf (io, DSCRLOCK);      /* this locks the resp index too */
 478:             getrrec (io, rrecnum, &rsprec); /* grab that block */
 479:             if (rsprec.r_stat[roffset] & DIRMES)
 480:             rsprec.r_stat[roffset] &= NOT DIRMES;
 481:             else
 482:             rsprec.r_stat[roffset] |= DIRMES;
 483:             putrrec (io, rrecnum, &rsprec); /* replace */
 484:             unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);
 485:             goto showit;            /* and redisplay */
 486:         }
 488:         case 'e':                   /* allow him to edit his title */
 489:         if (readnum == 0)
 490:             continue;               /* don't touch */
 491:         if (resp)
 492:             goto badkey;            /* bell and reinput */
 493:         else
 494:         {
 495:             if (allow (io, DRCTOK) == 0 &&
 496:                 (globuid != (note.n_auth.aid & UIDMASK) ||
 497:                             /* check uid */
 498:                 strcmp (System, note.n_id.sys) != 0))
 499:                             /* other sys */
 500:             {
 501:             at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
 502:             printf ("Not your note");
 503:             replot = 0;
 504:             continue;
 505:             }
 506:             at (0, 1);
 507:             printf ("New Title: ");
 508:             if ((i = gline (ntitle, TITLEN - 1)) == 1)
 509:                             /* glom onto a title */
 510:             continue;           /* empty title, leave alone */
 511:             strclean (ntitle);          /* zip controls */
 512:             locknf (io, DSCRLOCK);
 513:             getnrec (io, readnum, &note);   /* well, update it */
 514:             strncpy (note.ntitle, ntitle, TITLEN);
 515:             note.ntitle[TITLEN - 1] = '\0'; /* null for sure */
 516:             putnrec (io, readnum, &note);   /* and replace */
 517:             unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);
 518:             goto showit;            /* replot the message */
 519:         }
 521:         case 't':                   /* talk to the author of a note */
 522:         if (resp)
 523:             talkto (&rsprec.r_auth[roffset]);
 524:         else
 525:             talkto (&note.n_auth);
 526:         goto showit;                /* and replot the current message */
 528:         case 'W':                   /* write a response with the text */
 529:         case 'w':                   /* let him write a response */
 530:         getdscr (io, &io -> descr);     /* get up to date */
 531:         if (allow (io, RESPOK) == 0)
 532:         {
 533:             at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
 534:             printf ("Sorry, you are not allowed to write");
 535:             replot = 0;
 536:             continue;               /* back to key processing */
 537:         }
 538:         if (readnum == 0)
 539:         {
 540:             at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
 541:             printf ("No responses allowed to policy note");
 542:             replot = 0;
 543:             continue;               /* no responses to policy note */
 544:         }
 546:         if (c == 'w')
 547:             txtfile = NULL;         /* no preface text */
 548:         else
 549:         {
 550:             sprintf (cmdline, "/tmp/nfx%d", getpid ());
 551:             x ((txtfile = fopen (cmdline, "w")) == NULL, "readem: bad scrfile");
 552:             x (chmod (cmdline, 0666) < 0, "readem: chmod failed");
 553:             if (resp)
 554:             {
 555:             preptxt (io, txtfile, &rsprec.r_auth[roffset],
 556:                 &rsprec.r_when[roffset], &rsprec.r_addr[roffset], NULL);
 557:             }
 558:             else
 559:             {
 560:             preptxt (io, txtfile, &note.n_auth, &note.n_date, &note.n_addr, note.ntitle);
 561:             }
 562:             fclose (txtfile);
 563:             x ((txtfile = fopen (cmdline, "r")) == NULL, "readem: reopen");
 564:         }
 565:         zresp = addresp (io, txtfile, readnum, EDIT);/* put it in */
 566:         if (zresp > 0)
 567:             getnrec (io, readnum, &note);   /* update descriptor */
 569:         if (txtfile != NULL)
 570:         {
 571:             fclose (txtfile);           /* toss out scratch */
 572:             x (unlink (cmdline) < 0, "readem: couldnt unlink scratch");
 573:         }
 574:         if (zresp)
 575:             resp = zresp;           /* show the new */
 576:         goto showit;
 578:         case 'B':                   /* bitch, bitch, bitch */
 579:         if (init (&io2, GRIPES) < 0)        /* check gripe file */
 580:         {
 581:             at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
 582:             printf ("No gripe file");
 583:             replot = 0;
 584:         }
 585:         else
 586:         {
 587:             addnote (&io2, NULL, "Edit Gripe text:", "Gripe Header: ", NULL, EDIT);
 588:                             /* let him put the note in */
 589:             finish (&io2);          /* close up the gripe file */
 590:         }
 591:         goto showit;
 593:         case 'C':                   /* copy to other notesfile with editing */
 594:         case 'c':                   /* copy to other notefile without editing */
 595:         if (c == 'C')
 596:             wtext = 1;
 597:         else
 598:             wtext = 0;              /* determine which */
 599:         while (1)
 600:         {
 601:             printf ("\nCopy to: ");
 602:             if (gline (tonf, NNLEN) == 1)
 603:             goto showit;            /* gave up */
 604:             if (init (&io2, tonf) >= 0)
 605:             break;
 606:             printf ("Can't find notesfile %s\n", tonf);
 607:         }
 608:         sprintf (cmdline, "/tmp/nfx%d", getpid ());
 609:         x ((txtfile = fopen (cmdline, "w")) == NULL, "readem:creat scratch failed");
 610:         x (chmod (cmdline, 0666) < 0, "readem: chmod failed");
 611:         if (resp)
 612:         {
 613:             preptxt (io, txtfile, &rsprec.r_auth[roffset],
 614:                 &rsprec.r_when[roffset], &rsprec.r_addr[roffset], NULL);
 615:         }
 616:         else
 617:         {
 618:             preptxt (io, txtfile, &note.n_auth, &note.n_date, &note.n_addr, note.ntitle);
 619:         }
 620:         fclose (txtfile);           /* close it */
 621:         x ((txtfile = fopen (cmdline, "r")) == NULL, "readem: couldnt reopen");
 622:         c = 'n';                /* default to note */
 623:         if (allow (&io2, WRITOK) && allow (&io2, READOK) && allow (&io2, RESPOK))
 624:             c = askyn ("Copy as Response (y/n)? ");
 625:         if (c == 'n' && allow (&io2, WRITOK))
 626:             if (!resp && wtext == 0)        /* use old title */
 627:             addnote (&io2, txtfile, NULL, NULL, note.ntitle, wtext);
 628:             else
 629:             addnote (&io2, txtfile, "Edit copied text:", "Copy Title: ", NULL, wtext);
 630:         else
 631:             if (c == 'y')
 632:             {
 633:             if (znum = limindx (&io2))
 634:                 addresp (&io2, txtfile, znum, wtext);
 635:             }
 636:             else
 637:             {
 638:             printf ("You haven't permission");
 639:             c = 'b';            /* leave message */
 640:             }
 641:         if (strcmp (io -> nf, io2.nf) == 0) /* if was this notefile */
 642:             getdscr (io, &io -> descr);     /* get new descriptor */
 643:         finish (&io2);              /* close up that notefile */
 644:         if (txtfile != NULL)
 645:         {
 646:             fclose (txtfile);           /* throw it away */
 647:             x (unlink (cmdline) < 0, "readem: couldnt unlink scratch");
 648:         }
 649:         if (c == 'b')
 650:         {
 651:             replot = 0;
 652:             continue;               /* leave on screen */
 653:         }
 654:         else
 655:             goto showit;            /* redo the screen */
 657:         case 'f':                   /* Forward (copy) string to other notefile w/o edit */
 658:         case 'F':                   /* Forward (copy) string to other notefile w/edit */
 659:         if (resp)
 660:         {
 661:             at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
 662:             printf ("f/F only allowed from base note");
 663:             replot = 0;
 664:             continue;
 665:         }
 666:         if (c == 'F')
 667:             wtext = 1;
 668:         else
 669:             wtext = 0;              /* determine which */
 670:         while (1)
 671:         {
 672:             printf ("\nForward to: ");
 673:             if (gline (tonf, NNLEN) == 1)
 674:             goto showit;            /* gave up */
 675:             if (init (&io2, tonf) >= 0)
 676:             break;
 677:             printf ("Can't find notesfile %s\n", tonf);
 678:         }
 679:         sprintf (cmdline, "/tmp/nfx%d", getpid ());
 680:         x ((txtfile = fopen (cmdline, "w")) == NULL, "readem:creat scratch failed");
 681:         x (chmod (cmdline, 0666) < 0, "readem: chmod failed");
 682:         preptxt (io, txtfile, &note.n_auth, &note.n_date, &note.n_addr, note.ntitle);
 683:         fclose (txtfile);           /* close it */
 684:         x ((txtfile = fopen (cmdline, "r")) == NULL, "readem: couldnt reopen");
 685:         c = 'n';
 686:         if (allow (&io2, WRITOK))
 687:         {
 688:             if (wtext == 0)
 689:             znum = addnote (&io2, txtfile, NULL, NULL, note.ntitle, NOEDIT);
 690:             else
 691:             znum = addnote (&io2, txtfile, "Edit copy text:", "Copy Title:", NULL, EDIT);
 692:             fclose (txtfile);
 693:             x ((txtfile = fopen (cmdline, "w")) == NULL, "readem:creat scratch failed");
 694:             for (i = 1; i <= note.n_nresp; i++)
 695:             {
 696:             if (wtext)          /* if editing */
 697:                 printf ("Forwarding response %d of %d",
 698:                     i, note.n_nresp);   /* \n by addresp() below */
 699:             if (lrsp (io, readnum, i, &rsprec, &roffset, &rrecnum) == -1)
 700:                 continue;           /* hit end of chain */
 701:             preptxt (io, txtfile, &rsprec.r_auth[roffset],
 702:                 &rsprec.r_when[roffset], &rsprec.r_addr[roffset], NULL);
 703:             fclose (txtfile);
 704:             x ((txtfile = fopen (cmdline, "r")) == NULL, "readem:creat scratch failed");
 705:             addresp (&io2, txtfile, znum, wtext);
 706:             fclose (txtfile);
 707:             x ((txtfile = fopen (cmdline, "w")) == NULL, "readem:creat scratch failed");
 708:             }
 709:         }
 710:         else
 711:         {
 712:             printf ("You haven't permission");
 713:             c = 'b';                /* leave message */
 714:         }
 715:         if (strcmp (io -> nf, io2.nf) == 0) /* if was this notefile */
 716:             getdscr (io, &io -> descr);     /* get new descriptor */
 717:         finish (&io2);              /* close up that notefile */
 718:         if (txtfile != NULL)
 719:         {
 720:             fclose (txtfile);           /* throw it away */
 721:             x (unlink (cmdline) < 0, "readem: couldnt unlink scratch");
 722:         }
 723:         if (c == 'b')
 724:         {
 725:             replot = 0;
 726:             continue;               /* leave on screen */
 727:         }
 728:         else
 729:             goto showit;            /* redo the screen */
 732:         case 'N':                   /* go to an archive */
 733:         sprintf (tonf, "%s/%s", ARCHDIR, io -> nf);/* build dest */
 734:         goto donest;                /* share common code */
 737:         case 'n':                   /* nest notesfiles - a stack */
 738:         at (-1, 10);
 739:         printf ("  New notesfile: ");
 740:         printf ("               \b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b");
 741:         if (gline (tonf, NNLEN) == 1)
 742:             goto showit;            /* forget it, replot */
 743:     donest:                     /* used by N */
 744:         closenf (io);               /* save fids */
 745:         if ((i = control (tonf, NOSEQ)) == -1)  /* do the other */
 746:             sleep (1);              /* some error there */
 747:         if (opennf (io, 0) < 0)
 748:         {
 749:             at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
 750:             printf ("Couldn't reopen notesfile %s", io -> fullname);
 751:             fflush (stdout);
 752:             sleep (2);
 753:             return QUITNOSEQ;           /* don't update */
 754:         }
 755:         if (i == QUITFAST)          /* he in a hurry? */
 756:             return QUITFAST;            /* oblige him */
 757:         goto showit;                /* redisplay page */
 759:         case 's':                   /* place text at end of 'nfsave' */
 760:         case 'S':                   /* place the whole string */
 761:         at (-1, 1);
 762:         printf ("File name:             \b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b");
 763:         znum = gline (nfsave, WDLEN);
 764:         at (-1, 1);
 765:         printf ("%*s", znum + 11, " ");     /* overwrite */
 766:         if (znum == 1)              /* no file */
 767:         {
 768:             at (0, PROMPTMSGX);         /* tell him didn't do */
 769:             printf ("No Text Saved");
 770:             replot = 0;
 771:             continue;
 772:         }
 773:         p = q = nfsave;             /* kill leading spaces */
 774:         while (*p == ' ')
 775:             p++;                /* skip them */
 776:         for (; *p; p++, q++)
 777:             *q = *p;                /* move down */
 778:         *q = '\0';              /* terminate */
 779:         for (--q;; q--)             /* strip trailing */
 780:         {
 781:             if (*q != ' ')
 782:             break;
 783:             *q = '\0';              /* strip trailing */
 784:         }
 785:         if (nfsave[0] == '|')           /* pipe */
 786:         {
 787:             p = "Pipe";
 788:         }
 789:         else
 790:         {
 791:             struct stat sb;         /* hold stat result */
 793:             if (stat (nfsave, &sb) == 0)    /* find it? */
 794:             p = "Appended";
 795:             else
 796:             p = "New File";         /* prolly new */
 797:         }
 798:         if (c == 's')               /* save single page */
 799:         {
 800:             if (resp)
 801:             {
 802:             znum = savtxt (io, nfsave, &rsprec.r_auth[roffset],
 803:                 &rsprec.r_when[roffset], &rsprec.r_addr[roffset], (char *) NULL);
 804:             }
 805:             else
 806:             {
 807:             znum = savtxt (io, nfsave, &note.n_auth, &note.n_date, &note.n_addr, note.ntitle);
 808:             }
 809:         }
 810:         else                    /* save whole string */
 811:         {
 812:             znum = savtxt (io, nfsave, &note.n_auth, &note.n_date, &note.n_addr, note.ntitle);
 814:             for (i = 1; i <= note.n_nresp; i++)
 815:             {
 816:             if (lrsp (io, readnum, i, &rsprec, &roffset, &rrecnum) == -1)
 817:                 continue;           /* hit end of chain */
 818:             znum += savtxt (io, nfsave, &rsprec.r_auth[roffset],
 819:                 &rsprec.r_when[roffset], &rsprec.r_addr[roffset], (char *) NULL);
 820:             }
 821:         }
 822:         at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
 823:         printf ("Saved %d lines in \"%s\" [%s]", znum, nfsave, p);
 824:         replot = 0;             /* dont erase it */
 825:         continue;               /* don't replot */
 827:         case 'j':                   /* goto next note/resp */
 828:         case 'l':
 829:         if (readnum == 0)
 830:             return 0;               /* policy returns */
 831:         if (resp == note.n_nresp)
 832:             goto findnext;          /* at end of the responses for this note */
 833:         if ((resp = nxtresp (io, readnum, resp, &io -> stime)) > 0)
 834:             break;              /* go show it */
 835:         else
 836:             goto findnext;          /* try next note ! */
 838:     findnext:
 839:         case 'J':                   /* next unread note */
 840:         case 'L':                   /* like J */
 841:         if (readnum == 0)
 842:             return 0;               /* policy note returns */
 843:         resp = 0;
 844:         if ((readnum = nxtnote (io, readnum, &io -> stime)) > 0)
 845:             continue;
 846:         else
 847:         {
 848:             if (c == 'L' || c == 'l')       /* leave */
 849:             return QUITSEQ;         /* and update... */
 850:             *firstdis = io -> descr.d_nnote;    /* last index page */
 851:             return 0;               /* and show it */
 852:         }
 854:         case '+':
 855:         case ';':
 856:         case ' ':
 857:         if (readnum == 0)
 858:             return 0;               /* such is the fate of policy notes */
 859:         resp++;
 860:         if (resp > note.n_nresp)
 861:             goto nextnt;
 862:         break;
 864:         case '*':                   /* skip to last note */
 865:         resp = note.n_nresp;
 866:         break;                  /* and show it */
 868:         case '=':                   /* go back to the base note */
 869:         resp = 0;               /* reset index into responses */
 870:         continue;
 872:         case '1':                   /* skip n responses */
 873:         case '2':
 874:         case '3':
 875:         case '4':
 876:         case '5':
 877:         case '6':
 878:         case '7':
 879:         case '8':
 880:         case '9':
 881:         if (note.n_nresp < 1)
 882:             goto nextnt;
 883:         resp += c - '0';            /* let him skip all over responses */
 884:         if (resp > note.n_nresp)
 885:             resp = note.n_nresp;        /* dont go past end */
 886:         break;
 889:         default:                    /* something we haven't covered */
 890:     badkey:                     /* so can jump down here */
 891:         printf ("\07");
 892:         replot = 0;             /* leave whatever is up on the screen */
 893:         continue;
 894:     }
 895:     if (resp > note.n_nresp)
 896:         resp = note.n_nresp;            /* set to the end */
 897:     if (resp == 0)
 898:         continue;                   /* wound up at base note */
 899:     if (lrsp (io, readnum, resp, &rsprec, &roffset, &rrecnum) == -1)
 900:     {
 901:         getnrec (io, readnum, &note);       /* get a new descriptor */
 902:         goto showit;                /* dropped something */
 903:     }
 904:     retcode = dspresp (io, &note, &rsprec, roffset, resp, readnum);
 905:                             /* show the darn thing */
 906:     replot = 0;                 /* leave the response on the screen */
 907:     }
 908: }

Defined functions

readem defined in line 24; used 1 times

Defined variables

rcsid defined in line 7; never used
Last modified: 1985-10-30
Generated: 2016-12-26
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