1: #ifdef  RCSIDENT
   2: static char rcsid[] = "$Header: recsio.c,v 1.7 85/01/18 15:38:05 notes Rel $";
   3: #endif	RCSIDENT
   5: /*
   6:  *  init(io,p), finish(io)  struct io_f *io, char *p
   7:  *    initopens the three i/o files and initializes session stats
   8:  *
   9:  *    finish(io) closes all those files.
  10:  *
  11:  *  getnrec, putnrec, getrrec, putrrec
  12:  *  getdscr, putdscr, gettrec, puttrec
  13:  *  each gets or puts physical records inside its appropriate file.
  14:  *
  15:  */
  17: #include "parms.h"
  18: #include "structs.h"
  19: #include <sys/types.h>
  20: #include <sys/stat.h>
  22: long    lseek ();                   /* for sake of lint */
  24: init (io, p) struct io_f   *io;
  25: char   *p;
  26: {
  27:     int     i;                      /* counter */
  28:     struct auth_f   me;                 /* identify self */
  30:     if ((i = opennf (io, p)) < 0)           /* try to open */
  31:     {
  32:     return (i);                 /* bad luck opening */
  33:     }
  35:     getdscr (io, &io -> descr);
  36:     if (io -> descr.d_format != DBVERSION)      /* bad version */
  37:     {
  38:     printf ("%s: wrong database format (is %ld, want %ld)\n",
  39:         io -> fullname, io -> descr.d_format, (long) DBVERSION);
  40:     closenf (io);                   /* close files */
  41:     return (QUITBAD);
  42:     }
  43:     getname (&me, 0);                   /* grab identity for permissions */
  44:     getperms (io, 0, me.aname);             /* go establish access rights */
  46:     io -> nrspwrit = io -> nnotwrit = 0;        /* set up stats */
  47:     io -> nrspread = io -> nnotread = 0;
  48:     io -> nnotxmit = io -> nrspxmit = 0;
  49:     io -> nnotrcvd = io -> nrsprcvd = 0;
  50:     io -> nnotdrop = io -> nrspdrop = 0;
  51:     io -> norphans = io -> adopted = 0;
  52:     io -> xstring[0] = io -> xauthor[0] = '\0';     /* clear search strings */
  54:     time (&io -> entered);              /* get entry time */
  56:     return (0);                     /* all set */
  57: }
  59: /*
  60:  *	Open a notesfile.
  61:  *
  62:  *	given a name, pick the appropriate notesfile. This includes
  63:  *	searching along "search paths" once we get that implemented.
  64:  *	Absolute path names are permitted.
  65:  */
  67: opennf (io, p)
  68: struct io_f *io;
  69: char   *p;
  70: {
  71:     char    fn[WDLEN];
  72:     char   *q,
  73:            *r,
  74:            *s;
  75:     char   *endname;
  76:     int     i;
  77:     struct stat statbuf;
  79:     if (p != (char *) NULL)
  80:     {                           /* newly-opened */
  81:     if (*p == '/')                  /* explicit path */
  82:     {
  83:         q = rindex (p, '/');            /* find last '/' */
  84:         for (r = p, s = io -> basedir; r < q;)  /* copy directory */
  85:         *s++ = *r++;
  86:         *s++ = '\0';                /* terminate */
  87:         endname = ++q;
  88:     }
  89:     else
  90:     {
  91: /*
  92:  *	This is where we should start looking for the
  93:  *	notesfile along a search path.
  94:  */
  95:         strcpy (io -> basedir, Mstdir);     /* default dir */
  96:         endname = p;                /* for errors */
  97:     }
  99:     if (chkpath (endname))
 100:     {
 101:         printf ("Invalid notefile name: '%s'\n", p);
 102:         return (QUITBAD);
 103:     }
 104:     q = endname;
 105:     r = io -> nf;
 106:     i = NNLEN;
 107:     while ((*r++ = *q++) && --i);           /* notesfile name */
 109:     sprintf (fn, "%s/%s", io -> basedir, endname);  /* open the directory */
 110:     if (stat (fn, &statbuf) != 0)           /* see if directory */
 111:     {
 112:         printf ("No such notesfile: '%s'\n", p);
 113:         return (QUITNEX);
 114:     }
 115:     }
 117:     sprintf (io -> fullname, "%s/%s", io -> basedir, io -> nf);
 119:     sprintf (fn, "%s/%s", io -> fullname, TEXT);
 120:     if ((io -> fidtxt = open (fn, 2)) < 0)
 121:     {
 122:     return (QUITBAD);               /* bad nf */
 123:     }
 125:     sprintf (fn, "%s/%s", io -> fullname, INDEXN);
 126:     if ((io -> fidndx = open (fn, 2)) < 0)
 127:     {
 128:     close (io -> fidtxt);
 129:     return (QUITBAD);
 130:     }
 132:     sprintf (fn, "%s/%s", io -> fullname, INDEXR);
 133:     if ((io -> fidrdx = open (fn, 2)) < 0)
 134:     {
 135:     close (io -> fidtxt);
 136:     close (io -> fidndx);
 137:     return (QUITBAD);               /* bad nf */
 138:     }
 140:     return 0;                       /* all's well */
 141: }
 144: finish (io)
 145: struct io_f *io;
 146: {
 147:     long    left;
 148:     struct when_f   lvtime;             /* for days used */
 150: #ifdef  STATS                       /* if keeping statistics */
 151:     locknf (io, DSCRLOCK);              /* update statistics */
 152:     getdscr (io, &io -> descr);
 153:     io -> descr.d_notwrit += io -> nnotwrit;
 154:     io -> descr.d_rspwrit += io -> nrspwrit;
 155:     io -> descr.d_notread += io -> nnotread;
 156:     io -> descr.d_rspread += io -> nrspread;
 157:     io -> descr.d_notxmit += io -> nnotxmit;
 158:     io -> descr.d_rspxmit += io -> nrspxmit;
 159:     io -> descr.d_notrcvd += io -> nnotrcvd;
 160:     io -> descr.d_rsprcvd += io -> nrsprcvd;
 161:     io -> descr.d_notdrop += io -> nnotdrop;
 162:     io -> descr.d_rspdrop += io -> nrspdrop;
 163:     io -> descr.d_orphans += io -> norphans;
 164:     io -> descr.d_adopted += io -> adopted;
 165:     io -> descr.entries++;              /* count of entries */
 166:     time (&left);
 167:     io -> descr.walltime += left - io -> entered;   /* time spent in nf */
 168:     gettime (&lvtime);
 169:     if ((lvtime.w_day != io -> descr.d_lastuse.w_day) ||
 170:         (lvtime.w_month != io -> descr.d_lastuse.w_month) ||
 171:         (lvtime.w_year != io -> descr.d_lastuse.w_year))
 172:     {
 173:     io -> descr.d_daysused++;
 174:     copydate (&lvtime, &io -> descr.d_lastuse);
 175:     }
 176:     putdscr (io, &io -> descr);             /* update the block */
 177:     unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);
 178: #endif	STATS						/* end of stats gathering */
 180:     closenf (io);
 181: }
 183: closenf (io)
 184: struct io_f *io;
 185: {
 187:     x (close (io -> fidtxt) < 0, "finish: text fail");
 188:     x (close (io -> fidndx) < 0, "finish: nindx fail");
 189:     x (close (io -> fidrdx) < 0, "finish: rindx fail");
 190: }
 194: getnrec (io, n, note) struct note_f *note;      /* n is the number of the note to get.  0 is policy note */
 195: struct io_f *io;
 196: {
 197:     long    where;                  /* going to seek here eventually */
 198:     struct descr_f *descr;              /* for sizeof below */
 200:     x (n < 0, "getnrec: negative recnum");
 201:     where = sizeof (*descr) + n * sizeof (*note);
 202:     x (lseek (io -> fidndx, where, 0) < 0, "getnrec: seek");
 203:     x (read (io -> fidndx, note, sizeof *note) < sizeof *note, "getnrec: read");
 204: }
 206: putnrec (io, n, note) struct note_f *note;      /* n is the number of the note to put.  0 is policy note */
 207: struct io_f *io;
 208: {
 209:     long    where;                  /* going to seek here eventually */
 210:     struct descr_f *descr;              /* for sizeof below */
 212:     x (n < 0, "putnrec: negative recnum");
 213:     where = sizeof (*descr) + n * sizeof (*note);
 214:     x (lseek (io -> fidndx, where, 0) < 0, "putnrec: seek");
 215:     x (write (io -> fidndx, note, sizeof *note) < sizeof *note, "putnrec: write ");
 216: }
 218: getdscr (io, descr) struct descr_f *descr;
 219: struct io_f *io;
 220: {
 222:     x (lseek (io -> fidndx, 0L, 0) < 0, "getdscr: seek");
 223:     x (read (io -> fidndx, descr, sizeof *descr) < sizeof *descr, "getdscr: read");
 224: }
 226: putdscr (io, descr) struct descr_f *descr;
 227: struct io_f *io;
 228: {
 230:     x (lseek (io -> fidndx, 0L, 0) < 0, "putdscr: seek");
 231:     x (write (io -> fidndx, descr, sizeof *descr) < sizeof *descr, "putdscr: write");
 232: }
 234: getrrec (io, n, resp) struct resp_f *resp;      /* n is the number of the resp to get */
 235: struct io_f *io;
 236: {
 237:     long    where;                  /* going to seek here eventually */
 238:     int     a;                      /* size of free link */
 239:     x (n < 0, "getrrec: negative recnum");
 241:     where = sizeof a + n * sizeof (*resp);
 242:     x (lseek (io -> fidrdx, where, 0) < 0, "getrrec: seek");
 243:     x (read (io -> fidrdx, resp, sizeof *resp) < sizeof *resp, "getrrec: read");
 244: }
 246: putrrec (io, n, resp) struct resp_f *resp;      /* n is the number of the resp to put */
 247: struct io_f *io;
 248: {
 249:     long    where;                  /* going to seek here eventually */
 250:     int     a;                      /* size of free link */
 251:     x (n < 0, "putrrec: negative recnum");
 253:     where = sizeof a + n * sizeof (*resp);
 254:     x (lseek (io -> fidrdx, where, 0) < 0, "putrrec: seek");
 255:     x (write (io -> fidrdx, resp, sizeof *resp) < sizeof *resp, "putrrec: write");
 256: }
 258: /*
 259:  *	puttrec(i&io_f, &FILE, &daddr_f, long)
 260:  *
 261:  *	reads cound characters from the input stream specified ad
 262:  *	puts them into the text file. The address is returned...
 263:  *
 264:  *	Almost identical to the code in "pagein.c" and should
 265:  *	probably be the same code with the third parameter being
 266:  *	the count and meaning "until EOF" if -1 or something..
 267:  *
 268:  *	Ray Essick	May 8, 1982
 269:  */
 270: long    puttrec (io, zfile, where, count)
 271: struct io_f *io;
 272: FILE * zfile;
 273: struct daddr_f *where;
 274: long    count;
 275: {
 277:     int     i;
 278:     long    nchars;
 279:     long    ignored;
 280:     int     ignoring;
 281:     struct daddr_f  nwhere;
 282:     struct txtbuf_f buf;                /* hold bunches of text */
 284:     if (count == 0)                 /* empty text */
 285:     {
 286:     where -> addr = 0;
 287:     where -> textlen = 0;               /* standard empty */
 288:     return ((long) 0);
 289:     }
 291:     locknf (io, TXTLOCK);               /* grab access to the file */
 292:     x (lseek (io -> fidtxt, 0L, 0) < 0, "puttrec: bad seek 0");
 293:     x (read (io -> fidtxt, where, sizeof nwhere) < 0, "puttrec: read 0");
 294:     x (lseek (io -> fidtxt, where -> addr, 0) < 0, "puttrec:badseek");
 296:     nchars = 0;
 297:     ignored = 0;
 298:     ignoring = 0;
 299:     i = 0;
 300:     while ((nchars + ignored) != count)         /* grab input */
 301:     {
 302:     if (!ignoring)
 303:     {
 304:         if (i == BUFSIZE)               /* flush full buffer */
 305:         {
 306:         x (write (io -> fidtxt, buf.txtbuf, BUFSIZE) != BUFSIZE,
 307:             "puttrec: bad text");
 308:         i = 0;                  /* reset buffer */
 309:         }
 310:         buf.txtbuf[i++] = getc (zfile);
 311:         if (++nchars >= io -> descr.d_longnote) /* gotta truncate */
 312:         ignoring++;             /* start now */
 313:     }
 314:     else
 315:     {
 316:         (void) getc (zfile);            /* punt */
 317:         ignored++;
 318:     }
 319:     }
 320:     if (i)                      /* write partial buf */
 321:     x (write (io -> fidtxt, buf.txtbuf, i) != i, "puttrec: bad text");
 322:     if (ignored)                    /* write warning */
 323:     {
 324:     sprintf (buf.txtbuf, "\n\n%s ignored %ld excess bytes\n",
 325:         System, ignored);
 326:     i = strlen (buf.txtbuf);            /* get length */
 327:     x (write (io -> fidtxt, buf.txtbuf, i) != i, "puttrec: bad text");
 328:     nchars += i;                    /* count extras */
 329:     }
 330: /*
 331:  * fix count of characters sucked in daddr_f structure
 332:  */
 333:     where -> textlen = nchars;              /* fill header */
 334: /*
 335:  *	now fix the free pointer
 336:  */
 337:     x (lseek (io -> fidtxt, 0L, 0) < 0, "puttrec:bad reseek");
 338:     nwhere.addr = where -> addr + nchars;
 339:     if (nwhere.addr & 1)                /* odd ? */
 340:     nwhere.addr++;                  /* round to word boundary */
 341:     x (write (io -> fidtxt, &nwhere, sizeof nwhere) != sizeof nwhere, "puttrec: badupdate");
 343:     unlocknf (io, TXTLOCK);
 344:     return ((long) nchars);
 345: }

Defined functions

putrrec defined in line 246; used 5 times

Defined variables

rcsid defined in line 2; never used
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