#include "parms.h" #include "structs.h" #include #include #ifdef RCSIDENT static char rcsid[] = "$Header: readem.c,v 85/10/06 01:42:00 notes Rel $"; #endif RCSIDENT /* * this particular collection of junk handles the basic idea * of what to do when you are showing a note. * It displays the note, and then manages to collect enough info * from the terminal to either progress to the next note or * show some of the responses. * * original author : rob kolstad * modified : ray essick may 22, 1981 * modified (again): Ray Essick December 1981 * modified (more): Ray Essick, February 1982 * */ readem (io, readnum, firstdis, resp) struct io_f *io; int *firstdis; { struct note_f note; struct resp_f rsprec; struct io_f io2; FILE * txtfile; int rrecnum, roffset; char tonf[WDLEN + 1]; /* for forwarding */ char ntitle[TITLEN + 20]; /* scratch space */ char nfsave[WDLEN + 1]; /* path name for 's' and 'S' */ int c; /* input char */ char *p, *q; /* scratch pointers */ int replot; /* whether to change what's on the screen */ int toresp; /* init entry as resp */ int forward; /* scroll forward/backward on deleted note */ int toauth, /* send to author */ znum, /* forward as resp to this note */ znote, zresp, /* scratch for asearch */ i, j, wtext; /* send mail with text */ char cmdline[CMDLEN]; /* leggo brand build-a-command */ int retcode; replot = 1; /* first pass always writes to the screen */ retcode = -1; /* init so grabs character */ forward = 1; /* default to scroll forward */ toresp = (resp != 0); /* for entry */ while (1) { x (readnum < 0, "readem: given bad readnum"); if (readnum > io -> descr.d_nnote) readnum = io -> descr.d_nnote; if (readnum == 0 && io -> descr.d_plcy == 0) /* empty notesfile */ return 0; /* so back to the index */ getnrec (io, readnum, ¬e); if (note.n_stat & DELETED) if (forward) goto nextnt; /* forward scroll */ else goto prevnote; /* backward scroll */ if (toresp) { toresp = 0; goto showit; } if (replot) retcode = dspnote (io, ¬e, readnum); /* show the note if we need new one */ replot = 1; /* reset later if don't want replot */ forward = 1; if (retcode < 0) { input: at (0, 1); #ifdef PROMPT printf (PROMPT); /* let him know we're ready */ #endif PROMPT c = gchar (); printf ("\10 \10"); /* Kurt wants this to go away */ } else { c = retcode; retcode = (-1); /* make sure don't loop! */ } switch (c) { case '?': /* if he doesn't know what to type */ case 'h': help (RDMHLP); /* print the pseudo-man page */ goto showit; case 'D': /* delete this note/response */ if (resp) /* check to see if his note */ { if ((rsprec.r_auth[roffset].aid & UIDMASK) != globuid) { at (0, PROMPTMSGX); printf ("Not your response"); replot = 0; continue; } } else { if ((note.n_auth.aid & UIDMASK) != globuid) { at (0, PROMPTMSGX); printf ("Not your note"); replot = 0; continue; } if (readnum == 0) { at (0, PROMPTMSGX); printf ("Use 'Z' to delete policy"); replot = 0; continue; } } at (0, 1); if (askyn ("Delete? (y/n): \b\b") == 'n') goto showit; printf ("\r \r"); locknf (io, DSCRLOCK); /* CRITICAL section */ getnrec (io, readnum, ¬e); /* this should catch most */ getdscr (io, &io -> descr); /* and an up to date descriptor */ if (resp) /* go about deleting it */ { if (resp == note.n_nresp && inorder (&io -> descr.d_lstxmit, &rsprec.r_when[roffset])) { delresp (io, readnum, rrecnum, roffset, 0); note.n_nresp--; /* adjust note response count */ unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK); /* must free up the lock */ break; /* show next response */ } else { at (0, PROMPTMSGX); printf ("Can't delete: networked, or not last response"); replot = 0; unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK); /* release lock here too */ continue; } } else /* its a note */ { if (note.n_nresp || inorder (¬e.n_date, &io -> descr.d_lstxmit)) { at (0, PROMPTMSGX); printf ("Can't delete; note has responses or is networked"); replot = 0; unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK); /* release the lock */ continue; } delnote (io, readnum++, 0); resp = 0; unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK); /* release the lock */ continue; } case 'E': /* edit an article */ if (resp) /* check to see if his note */ { if ((rsprec.r_auth[roffset].aid & UIDMASK) != globuid) { at (0, PROMPTMSGX); printf ("Not your response"); replot = 0; continue; } } else { if ((note.n_auth.aid & UIDMASK) != globuid) { at (0, PROMPTMSGX); printf ("Not your note"); replot = 0; continue; } if (readnum == 0) { at (0, PROMPTMSGX); printf ("Sorry, E doesn't work for policy notes yet"); replot = 0; continue; } } locknf (io, DSCRLOCK); /* CRITICAL section */ getnrec (io, readnum, ¬e); /* this should catch most */ getdscr (io, &io -> descr); /* and an up to date descriptor */ if (resp) /* go about deleting it */ { if (resp == note.n_nresp && inorder (&io -> descr.d_lstxmit, &rsprec.r_when[roffset])) { delresp (io, readnum, rrecnum, roffset, 0); note.n_nresp--; /* adjust note response count */ unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK); /* must free up the lock */ sprintf (nfsave, "/tmp/nfe%d", getpid ()); /* build scr file */ x ((txtfile = fopen (nfsave, "w")) == NULL, "readem: scrfile"); x (chmod (nfsave, 0666) < 0, "readem: chmod"); pageout (io, &rsprec.r_addr[roffset], txtfile); /* dump it */ fclose (txtfile); /* also flushes it */ x ((txtfile = fopen (nfsave, "r")) == NULL, "readem: edit reopen"); resp = addresp (io, txtfile, readnum, EDIT); getnrec (io, readnum, ¬e); /* up to date */ /* add it back in ! */ x (unlink (nfsave) < 0, "readem: edit unlink"); break; /* show next response */ } else { at (0, PROMPTMSGX); printf ("Can't edit: networked, or not last response"); replot = 0; unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK); /* release lock here too */ continue; } } else /* its a note */ { if (note.n_nresp || inorder (¬e.n_date, &io -> descr.d_lstxmit)) { at (0, PROMPTMSGX); printf ("Can't edit; note has responses or is networked"); replot = 0; unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK); /* release the lock */ continue; } delnote (io, readnum++, 0); resp = 0; unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK); /* release the lock */ sprintf (nfsave, "/tmp/nfe%d", getpid ()); /* build scr file */ x ((txtfile = fopen (nfsave, "w")) == NULL, "readem: scrfile"); x (chmod (nfsave, 0666) < 0, "readem: chmod"); pageout (io, ¬e.n_addr, txtfile); /* dump it */ fclose (txtfile); /* also flushes it */ x ((txtfile = fopen (nfsave, "r")) == NULL, "readem: edit reopen"); znum = addnote (io, txtfile, "Edit note text:", "Note title: ", ¬e.ntitle, EDIT); x (unlink (nfsave) < 0, "readem: edit unlink"); if (znum > 0) readnum = znum; /* this is the one */ continue; } case 'Z': /* zap notes/responses - directors only */ /* kills any note/response */ getdscr (io, &io -> descr); /* up to date descriptor */ if (allow (io, DRCTOK) == 0) { at (0, PROMPTMSGX); printf ("Not a director"); replot = 0; continue; } at (0, 1); if (askyn ("Delete? (y/n): \b\b") == 'n') goto showit; /* replotter */ printf ("\r \r"); /* * should log the deletion here, so the "meta-director" can * watch for fascist directors preying on the peasants. */ if (readnum == 0) /* deleting policy */ { locknf (io, DSCRLOCK); /* lock us up */ getdscr (io, &io -> descr); /* grab up-to-date */ io -> descr.d_plcy = 0; /* its gone now */ putdscr (io, &io -> descr); /* replace descriptor */ unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK); return 0; /* back to the index */ } if (resp) /* delete a response */ { delresp (io, readnum, rrecnum, roffset, 1); /* kill it */ note.n_nresp--; /* and response count */ break; /* display next response */ } else delnote (io, readnum++, 1); continue; case 'r': /* replot the current note/response */ case '\f': /* everyone else uses ^L, might as well */ showit: /* come here to refill screen */ if (replot == 0) continue; /* screen appears fine */ if (resp) break; /* show him the response */ else { replot = 1; /* make sure it gets done */ continue; } nextnt: case '\r': /* wants the next note */ case '\n': if (readnum == 0) return 0; /* policy leaves */ if (++readnum > io -> descr.d_nnote) { *firstdis = io -> descr.d_nnote; return 0; } resp = 0; /* reset response index */ continue; case 'm': /* mail a note/response via Unix mail */ toauth = 0; wtext = 0; /* to others and no text */ goto sendmail; case 'M': /* same as 'm' but with text */ toauth = 0; wtext = 1; /* to others with text */ goto sendmail; case 'P': toauth = 1; wtext = 1; /* to author with text */ goto sendmail; case 'p': toauth = 1; wtext = 0; /* to author, no text */ goto sendmail; sendmail: /* jump to here once set mail parms */ if (resp) { strcpy (ntitle, "Re: "); /* prefix */ strcat (ntitle, note.ntitle); /* append title */ mailit (io, &rsprec.r_addr[roffset], &rsprec.r_auth[roffset], &rsprec.r_when[roffset], ntitle, toauth, wtext); break; } else { strncpy (ntitle, note.ntitle, TITLEN); mailit (io, ¬e.n_addr, ¬e.n_auth, ¬e.n_date, ntitle, toauth, wtext); } goto showit; /* replot current page */ case '!': /* wants to fork a shell */ gshell (); goto showit; case 'q': /* quit this, maybe whole system */ #ifdef K_KEY case 'k': #endif K_KEY return QUITSEQ; case '\04': return QUITFAST; /* leave totally */ case 'z': /* total exit w/update */ return QUITUPD; case 'Q': /* exit system without updating sequencer */ #ifdef K_KEY case 'K': #endif K_KEY return QUITNOSEQ; case 'i': /* go back to note index */ *firstdis = readnum; return 0; case '\b': case '-': /* display previous response */ if (resp <= 0) goto prevnote; /* '-' at base note */ if (--resp) break; /* show the previous response */ continue; /* show him the base note */ prevnote: /* display previous note */ if (readnum == 0) return 0; /* policy leaves */ forward = 0; /* set to scroll backwards on deleted note */ if (--readnum < 1) { readnum = 1; /* zero is policy, so stop at 1 */ forward = 1; /* bounce off bottom end */ continue; /* go hunt for the right note */ } resp = 0; continue; case 'x': case 'X': if (readnum == 0) return 0; /* policy leaves */ retcode = tsearch (io, readnum - 1, c == 'x'); /* look it up */ if (retcode <= 0) replot = 0; else { readnum = retcode; resp = 0; } goto showit; case 'a': case 'A': /* author search from current spot */ if (readnum == 0) return 0; /* not from policy ! */ znote = readnum; zresp = resp; if (zresp == 0) znote--; else zresp++; /* select 'next' */ retcode = asearch (io, &znote, &zresp, (c == 'a')); /* look */ if (retcode < 0) { replot = 0; goto showit; /* didn't want anything */ } if (retcode == 0) { replot = 0; } else { readnum = znote; resp = zresp; /* set returned values */ getnrec (io, readnum, ¬e); /* grab right descriptor */ } goto showit; /* and display them */ case 'd': /* toggle a notes director status */ if (allow (io, DRCTOK) == 0) { /* tell him what's up */ at (0, PROMPTMSGX); printf (" Anonymous: %s Networked: %s", (io -> descr.d_stat & ANONOK) ? "YES" : "NO", (io -> descr.d_stat & NETWRKD) ? "YES" : "NO"); replot = 0; /* leave on screen */ goto showit; } if (resp == 0) /* toggle a note */ { locknf (io, DSCRLOCK); getnrec (io, readnum, ¬e); if (note.n_stat & DIRMES) note.n_stat &= NOT DIRMES; else note.n_stat |= DIRMES; putnrec (io, readnum, ¬e); /* replace */ unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK); goto showit; } else /* toggle a response */ { locknf (io, DSCRLOCK); /* this locks the resp index too */ getrrec (io, rrecnum, &rsprec); /* grab that block */ if (rsprec.r_stat[roffset] & DIRMES) rsprec.r_stat[roffset] &= NOT DIRMES; else rsprec.r_stat[roffset] |= DIRMES; putrrec (io, rrecnum, &rsprec); /* replace */ unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK); goto showit; /* and redisplay */ } case 'e': /* allow him to edit his title */ if (readnum == 0) continue; /* don't touch */ if (resp) goto badkey; /* bell and reinput */ else { if (allow (io, DRCTOK) == 0 && (globuid != (note.n_auth.aid & UIDMASK) || /* check uid */ strcmp (System, note.n_id.sys) != 0)) /* other sys */ { at (0, PROMPTMSGX); printf ("Not your note"); replot = 0; continue; } at (0, 1); printf ("New Title: "); if ((i = gline (ntitle, TITLEN - 1)) == 1) /* glom onto a title */ continue; /* empty title, leave alone */ strclean (ntitle); /* zip controls */ locknf (io, DSCRLOCK); getnrec (io, readnum, ¬e); /* well, update it */ strncpy (note.ntitle, ntitle, TITLEN); note.ntitle[TITLEN - 1] = '\0'; /* null for sure */ putnrec (io, readnum, ¬e); /* and replace */ unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK); goto showit; /* replot the message */ } case 't': /* talk to the author of a note */ if (resp) talkto (&rsprec.r_auth[roffset]); else talkto (¬e.n_auth); goto showit; /* and replot the current message */ case 'W': /* write a response with the text */ case 'w': /* let him write a response */ getdscr (io, &io -> descr); /* get up to date */ if (allow (io, RESPOK) == 0) { at (0, PROMPTMSGX); printf ("Sorry, you are not allowed to write"); replot = 0; continue; /* back to key processing */ } if (readnum == 0) { at (0, PROMPTMSGX); printf ("No responses allowed to policy note"); replot = 0; continue; /* no responses to policy note */ } if (c == 'w') txtfile = NULL; /* no preface text */ else { sprintf (cmdline, "/tmp/nfx%d", getpid ()); x ((txtfile = fopen (cmdline, "w")) == NULL, "readem: bad scrfile"); x (chmod (cmdline, 0666) < 0, "readem: chmod failed"); if (resp) { preptxt (io, txtfile, &rsprec.r_auth[roffset], &rsprec.r_when[roffset], &rsprec.r_addr[roffset], NULL); } else { preptxt (io, txtfile, ¬e.n_auth, ¬e.n_date, ¬e.n_addr, note.ntitle); } fclose (txtfile); x ((txtfile = fopen (cmdline, "r")) == NULL, "readem: reopen"); } zresp = addresp (io, txtfile, readnum, EDIT);/* put it in */ if (zresp > 0) getnrec (io, readnum, ¬e); /* update descriptor */ if (txtfile != NULL) { fclose (txtfile); /* toss out scratch */ x (unlink (cmdline) < 0, "readem: couldnt unlink scratch"); } if (zresp) resp = zresp; /* show the new */ goto showit; case 'B': /* bitch, bitch, bitch */ if (init (&io2, GRIPES) < 0) /* check gripe file */ { at (0, PROMPTMSGX); printf ("No gripe file"); replot = 0; } else { addnote (&io2, NULL, "Edit Gripe text:", "Gripe Header: ", NULL, EDIT); /* let him put the note in */ finish (&io2); /* close up the gripe file */ } goto showit; case 'C': /* copy to other notesfile with editing */ case 'c': /* copy to other notefile without editing */ if (c == 'C') wtext = 1; else wtext = 0; /* determine which */ while (1) { printf ("\nCopy to: "); if (gline (tonf, NNLEN) == 1) goto showit; /* gave up */ if (init (&io2, tonf) >= 0) break; printf ("Can't find notesfile %s\n", tonf); } sprintf (cmdline, "/tmp/nfx%d", getpid ()); x ((txtfile = fopen (cmdline, "w")) == NULL, "readem:creat scratch failed"); x (chmod (cmdline, 0666) < 0, "readem: chmod failed"); if (resp) { preptxt (io, txtfile, &rsprec.r_auth[roffset], &rsprec.r_when[roffset], &rsprec.r_addr[roffset], NULL); } else { preptxt (io, txtfile, ¬e.n_auth, ¬e.n_date, ¬e.n_addr, note.ntitle); } fclose (txtfile); /* close it */ x ((txtfile = fopen (cmdline, "r")) == NULL, "readem: couldnt reopen"); c = 'n'; /* default to note */ if (allow (&io2, WRITOK) && allow (&io2, READOK) && allow (&io2, RESPOK)) c = askyn ("Copy as Response (y/n)? "); if (c == 'n' && allow (&io2, WRITOK)) if (!resp && wtext == 0) /* use old title */ addnote (&io2, txtfile, NULL, NULL, note.ntitle, wtext); else addnote (&io2, txtfile, "Edit copied text:", "Copy Title: ", NULL, wtext); else if (c == 'y') { if (znum = limindx (&io2)) addresp (&io2, txtfile, znum, wtext); } else { printf ("You haven't permission"); c = 'b'; /* leave message */ } if (strcmp (io -> nf, io2.nf) == 0) /* if was this notefile */ getdscr (io, &io -> descr); /* get new descriptor */ finish (&io2); /* close up that notefile */ if (txtfile != NULL) { fclose (txtfile); /* throw it away */ x (unlink (cmdline) < 0, "readem: couldnt unlink scratch"); } if (c == 'b') { replot = 0; continue; /* leave on screen */ } else goto showit; /* redo the screen */ case 'f': /* Forward (copy) string to other notefile w/o edit */ case 'F': /* Forward (copy) string to other notefile w/edit */ if (resp) { at (0, PROMPTMSGX); printf ("f/F only allowed from base note"); replot = 0; continue; } if (c == 'F') wtext = 1; else wtext = 0; /* determine which */ while (1) { printf ("\nForward to: "); if (gline (tonf, NNLEN) == 1) goto showit; /* gave up */ if (init (&io2, tonf) >= 0) break; printf ("Can't find notesfile %s\n", tonf); } sprintf (cmdline, "/tmp/nfx%d", getpid ()); x ((txtfile = fopen (cmdline, "w")) == NULL, "readem:creat scratch failed"); x (chmod (cmdline, 0666) < 0, "readem: chmod failed"); preptxt (io, txtfile, ¬e.n_auth, ¬e.n_date, ¬e.n_addr, note.ntitle); fclose (txtfile); /* close it */ x ((txtfile = fopen (cmdline, "r")) == NULL, "readem: couldnt reopen"); c = 'n'; if (allow (&io2, WRITOK)) { if (wtext == 0) znum = addnote (&io2, txtfile, NULL, NULL, note.ntitle, NOEDIT); else znum = addnote (&io2, txtfile, "Edit copy text:", "Copy Title:", NULL, EDIT); fclose (txtfile); x ((txtfile = fopen (cmdline, "w")) == NULL, "readem:creat scratch failed"); for (i = 1; i <= note.n_nresp; i++) { if (wtext) /* if editing */ printf ("Forwarding response %d of %d", i, note.n_nresp); /* \n by addresp() below */ if (lrsp (io, readnum, i, &rsprec, &roffset, &rrecnum) == -1) continue; /* hit end of chain */ preptxt (io, txtfile, &rsprec.r_auth[roffset], &rsprec.r_when[roffset], &rsprec.r_addr[roffset], NULL); fclose (txtfile); x ((txtfile = fopen (cmdline, "r")) == NULL, "readem:creat scratch failed"); addresp (&io2, txtfile, znum, wtext); fclose (txtfile); x ((txtfile = fopen (cmdline, "w")) == NULL, "readem:creat scratch failed"); } } else { printf ("You haven't permission"); c = 'b'; /* leave message */ } if (strcmp (io -> nf, io2.nf) == 0) /* if was this notefile */ getdscr (io, &io -> descr); /* get new descriptor */ finish (&io2); /* close up that notefile */ if (txtfile != NULL) { fclose (txtfile); /* throw it away */ x (unlink (cmdline) < 0, "readem: couldnt unlink scratch"); } if (c == 'b') { replot = 0; continue; /* leave on screen */ } else goto showit; /* redo the screen */ case 'N': /* go to an archive */ sprintf (tonf, "%s/%s", ARCHDIR, io -> nf);/* build dest */ goto donest; /* share common code */ case 'n': /* nest notesfiles - a stack */ at (-1, 10); printf (" New notesfile: "); printf (" \b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); if (gline (tonf, NNLEN) == 1) goto showit; /* forget it, replot */ donest: /* used by N */ closenf (io); /* save fids */ if ((i = control (tonf, NOSEQ)) == -1) /* do the other */ sleep (1); /* some error there */ if (opennf (io, 0) < 0) { at (0, PROMPTMSGX); printf ("Couldn't reopen notesfile %s", io -> fullname); fflush (stdout); sleep (2); return QUITNOSEQ; /* don't update */ } if (i == QUITFAST) /* he in a hurry? */ return QUITFAST; /* oblige him */ goto showit; /* redisplay page */ case 's': /* place text at end of 'nfsave' */ case 'S': /* place the whole string */ at (-1, 1); printf ("File name: \b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"); znum = gline (nfsave, WDLEN); at (-1, 1); printf ("%*s", znum + 11, " "); /* overwrite */ if (znum == 1) /* no file */ { at (0, PROMPTMSGX); /* tell him didn't do */ printf ("No Text Saved"); replot = 0; continue; } p = q = nfsave; /* kill leading spaces */ while (*p == ' ') p++; /* skip them */ for (; *p; p++, q++) *q = *p; /* move down */ *q = '\0'; /* terminate */ for (--q;; q--) /* strip trailing */ { if (*q != ' ') break; *q = '\0'; /* strip trailing */ } if (nfsave[0] == '|') /* pipe */ { p = "Pipe"; } else { struct stat sb; /* hold stat result */ if (stat (nfsave, &sb) == 0) /* find it? */ p = "Appended"; else p = "New File"; /* prolly new */ } if (c == 's') /* save single page */ { if (resp) { znum = savtxt (io, nfsave, &rsprec.r_auth[roffset], &rsprec.r_when[roffset], &rsprec.r_addr[roffset], (char *) NULL); } else { znum = savtxt (io, nfsave, ¬e.n_auth, ¬e.n_date, ¬e.n_addr, note.ntitle); } } else /* save whole string */ { znum = savtxt (io, nfsave, ¬e.n_auth, ¬e.n_date, ¬e.n_addr, note.ntitle); for (i = 1; i <= note.n_nresp; i++) { if (lrsp (io, readnum, i, &rsprec, &roffset, &rrecnum) == -1) continue; /* hit end of chain */ znum += savtxt (io, nfsave, &rsprec.r_auth[roffset], &rsprec.r_when[roffset], &rsprec.r_addr[roffset], (char *) NULL); } } at (0, PROMPTMSGX); printf ("Saved %d lines in \"%s\" [%s]", znum, nfsave, p); replot = 0; /* dont erase it */ continue; /* don't replot */ case 'j': /* goto next note/resp */ case 'l': if (readnum == 0) return 0; /* policy returns */ if (resp == note.n_nresp) goto findnext; /* at end of the responses for this note */ if ((resp = nxtresp (io, readnum, resp, &io -> stime)) > 0) break; /* go show it */ else goto findnext; /* try next note ! */ findnext: case 'J': /* next unread note */ case 'L': /* like J */ if (readnum == 0) return 0; /* policy note returns */ resp = 0; if ((readnum = nxtnote (io, readnum, &io -> stime)) > 0) continue; else { if (c == 'L' || c == 'l') /* leave */ return QUITSEQ; /* and update... */ *firstdis = io -> descr.d_nnote; /* last index page */ return 0; /* and show it */ } case '+': case ';': case ' ': if (readnum == 0) return 0; /* such is the fate of policy notes */ resp++; if (resp > note.n_nresp) goto nextnt; break; case '*': /* skip to last note */ resp = note.n_nresp; break; /* and show it */ case '=': /* go back to the base note */ resp = 0; /* reset index into responses */ continue; case '1': /* skip n responses */ case '2': case '3': case '4': case '5': case '6': case '7': case '8': case '9': if (note.n_nresp < 1) goto nextnt; resp += c - '0'; /* let him skip all over responses */ if (resp > note.n_nresp) resp = note.n_nresp; /* dont go past end */ break; default: /* something we haven't covered */ badkey: /* so can jump down here */ printf ("\07"); replot = 0; /* leave whatever is up on the screen */ continue; } if (resp > note.n_nresp) resp = note.n_nresp; /* set to the end */ if (resp == 0) continue; /* wound up at base note */ if (lrsp (io, readnum, resp, &rsprec, &roffset, &rrecnum) == -1) { getnrec (io, readnum, ¬e); /* get a new descriptor */ goto showit; /* dropped something */ } retcode = dspresp (io, ¬e, &rsprec, roffset, resp, readnum); /* show the darn thing */ replot = 0; /* leave the response on the screen */ } }