1: #include "parms.h"
   2: #include "structs.h"
   4: #ifdef  RCSIDENT
   5: static char rcsid[] = "$Header: dropt.c,v 85/09/09 18:31:21 notes Rel $";
   6: #endif	RCSIDENT
   8: #define BUFSZ   128
  10: /*
  11:  *	this file processes the director options.
  12:  *
  13:  *	call: contains the io pointer to the file.
  14:  *
  15:  *	allows continued access only if the user if a director.
  16:  *
  17:  *	the functions of the director options includes:
  18:  *	1) granting/denial of director priviledges
  19:  *	2) granting/denial of regular access priviledges
  20:  *	3) changing the director message
  21:  *	4) writing a policy note
  22:  *
  23:  *	Returns: -1 normally
  24:  *		 -4 if the user hit cntrl d ( to total exit)
  25:  *
  26:  *	original author/outliner : Ray Essick may 29, 1981
  27:  *
  28:  */
  30: static int  anonrow,                    /* allow anon */
  31:             openrow,                    /* is open */
  32:             archrow,                    /* is archive */
  33:             keeprow,                    /* expire action */
  34:             dirmsgrow,                  /* expire w/dirmsg */
  35:             netrow,                 /* networked */
  36:             expirerow,                  /* expire age */
  37:             longrow,                    /* longest ok text */
  38:             worksetrow;                 /* working set */
  39: static int  lastrow;
  41: direct (io) struct io_f *io;
  42: {
  43:     int     i;                      /* scratch */
  44:     int     c;
  45:     long    expires;
  46:     long    workset;
  47:     long    textlength;                 /* scratch */
  48:     char    title[DMLEN + 1];               /* hold new director message */
  49:     char    ntitle[NNLEN + 1];              /* hold note file title */
  50:     struct note_f   note;
  51:     struct auth_f   auth;               /* author of policy note */
  52:     struct daddr_f  where;
  53:     char   *r,
  54:             buff[BUFSZ + 1];
  55:     int     buffptr;
  56:     int     start,
  57:             end,
  58:             nnotes,
  59:             nresps;
  60:     int     redraw;                 /* paint screen */
  62:     if (allow (io, DRCTOK) == 0)
  63:     {
  64:     at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
  65:     printf ("Sorry, you are not a director");
  66:     fflush (stdout);
  67:     sleep (2);
  68:     return (-1);
  69:     }
  71:     redraw = 1;
  72:     while (1)
  73:     {
  74:     if (redraw)
  75:         dirplot (io);
  76: getkey:                         /* suck in a key */
  77:     at (-1, 1);
  78:     printf ("Option:  \010");
  79:     c = gchar ();                   /* get command */
  80:     printf ("\010 ");               /* overwrite the character */
  81:     redraw = 0;                 /* draw if want it */
  82:     switch (c)
  83:     {
  84:         case '?':
  85:         case 'h':
  86:         help (DIRHLP);
  87:         redraw++;
  88:         break;
  90:         case 'r':                   /* replot the screen */
  91:         case '\f':                  /* control-L also */
  92:         redraw++;
  93:         break;
  95: #ifdef  K_KEY
  96:         case 'k':                   /* same as q */
  97: #endif	K_KEY
  98:         case 'q':                   /* leave */
  99:         return (-1);
 101:         case '\004':
 102:         return QUITFAST;            /* Universal exit */
 104:         case '!':                   /* give him a shell */
 105:         gshell ();
 106:         redraw++;
 107:         break;
 109:         case 'p':                   /* run access lists */
 110:         if (accessedit (io) == QUITFAST)
 111:             return QUITFAST;            /* doit */
 112:         redraw++;
 113:         break;                  /* skipt out of the loop */
 115:         case 'a':                   /* toggle anonymous option */
 116:         locknf (io, DSCRLOCK);          /* lock the thing for a minute */
 117:         getdscr (io, &io -> descr);     /* get up to date descriptor */
 118:         if (io -> descr.d_stat & ANONOK)
 119:             io -> descr.d_stat &= NOT ANONOK;
 120:         else
 121:             io -> descr.d_stat |= ANONOK;
 122:         putdscr (io, &io -> descr);
 123:         unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);
 124:         at (anonrow, 18);
 125:         printf (io -> descr.d_stat & ANONOK ? "ON " : "OFF");
 126:         redraw = 0;
 127:         break;
 129:         case 'A':                   /* Archive option */
 130:         locknf (io, DSCRLOCK);          /* lock the thing for a minute */
 131:         getdscr (io, &io -> descr);     /* get up to date descriptor */
 132:         if (io -> descr.d_stat & ISARCH)
 133:             io -> descr.d_stat &= NOT ISARCH;
 134:         else
 135:             io -> descr.d_stat |= ISARCH;
 136:         putdscr (io, &io -> descr);
 137:         unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);
 138:         at (archrow, 18);
 139:         printf (io -> descr.d_stat & ISARCH ? "YES" : "NO ");
 140:         redraw = 0;
 141:         break;
 143:         case 'l':                   /* message length */
 144:         while (1)
 145:         {
 146:             at (lastrow, 10);
 147:             printf ("New Maximum Message Size: ");
 148:             ceol ();                /* clear to eol */
 149:             if (gline (buff, BUFSZ) == 1)   /* empty line */
 150:             {
 151:             at (lastrow + 1, 10);
 152:             printf ("Maximum Message Size Unchanged");
 153:             goto getkey;
 154:             }
 155:             if (sscanf (buff, "%ld", &textlength) == 1)
 156:             {
 157:             if (textlength <= HARDMAX)  /* too big? */
 158:                 break;
 159:             else
 160:             {
 161:                 at (lastrow + 1, 10);
 162:                 printf ("Maximum Allowed is %d", HARDMAX);
 163:                 continue;
 164:             }
 165:             }
 166:             at (lastrow + 1, 10);
 167:             printf ("Enter an integer or <return>");
 168:         }
 169:         locknf (io, DSCRLOCK);          /* CRITICAL SECTION */
 170:         getdscr (io, &io -> descr);     /* update descriptor */
 171:         io -> descr.d_longnote = textlength;    /* new value */
 172:         putdscr (io, &io -> descr);
 173:         unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);        /* all done ... */
 174:         at (longrow, 27);
 175:         printf ("%ld bytes   ", io -> descr.d_longnote);
 176:         redraw = 0;
 177:         break;
 179:         case 'c':                   /* compress the notefile */
 180:         redraw = 0;
 181:         if (io -> descr.d_stat & OPEN)
 182:         {
 183:             at (lastrow, 10);
 184:             printf ("Notefile must be closed to compress");
 185:             break;
 186:         }
 187:         else
 188:         {
 189:             at (lastrow, 10);
 190:             if (askyn ("Really Compress? (y/n) ") != 'y')
 191:             {
 192:             at (lastrow + 1, 10);
 193:             printf ("Compress not done");
 194:             break;
 195:             }
 196:             at (lastrow + 1, 1);
 197:             printf ("Compressing ");
 198:             if (compress (io, LOCKIT, 1, &nnotes, &nresps) >= 0)
 199:             {
 200:             dirplot (io);           /* show it */
 201:             at (-3, 1);
 202:             printf ("Compress left %d notes and %d responses",
 203:                 nnotes, nresps);
 204:             }
 205:             else
 206:             {
 207:             dirplot (io);           /* show page */
 208:             at (-3, 1);
 209:             printf ("Compress not done");
 210:             }
 211:             break;
 212:         }
 213:         break;
 215:         case 'e':                   /* change expiration time */
 216:         while (1)
 217:         {
 218:             at (lastrow, 10);
 219:             printf ("New Expiration time: ");
 220:             ceol ();                /* clear to eol */
 221:             if (gline (buff, BUFSZ) == 1)   /* empty line */
 222:             {
 223:             at (lastrow + 1, 10);
 224:             printf ("Expiration Threshold Unchanged");
 225:             goto getkey;
 226:             }
 227:             if (!strcmp (buff, "Never") || !strcmp (buff, "never") ||
 228:                 !strcmp (buff, "NEVER"))
 229:             {
 230:             expires = NEVER;
 231:             break;
 232:             }
 233:             if (!strcmp (buff, "Default") || !strcmp (buff, "default") ||
 234:                 !strcmp (buff, "DEFAULT"))
 235:             {
 236:             expires = 0;
 237:             break;
 238:             }
 239:             if (sscanf (buff, "%ld", &expires) == 1)
 240:             {
 241:             break;
 242:             }
 244:             at (lastrow + 1, 10);
 245:             printf ("Want `default', `never', or a number");
 246:             at (lastrow + 2, 10);
 247:             printf ("<return> to leave unchanged");
 248:         }
 250:         locknf (io, DSCRLOCK);          /* critical section */
 251:         getdscr (io, &io -> descr);
 252:         io -> descr.d_archtime = expires;   /* update */
 253:         putdscr (io, &io -> descr);     /* replace */
 254:         unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);        /* leave critical */
 255:         at (expirerow, 27);
 256:         switch ((int) (io -> descr.d_archtime)) /* update screen */
 257:         {
 258:             case NEVER:
 259:             printf ("Never       ");
 260:             break;
 261:             case 0:
 262:             printf ("Default     ");
 263:             break;
 264:             default:
 265:             printf ("%ld days     ", io -> descr.d_archtime);
 266:             break;
 267:         }
 268:         redraw = 0;
 269:         break;
 271:         case 'W':                   /* working Set size */
 272:         while (1)
 273:         {
 274:             at (lastrow, 10);
 275:             printf ("New Working Set Size: ");
 276:             ceol ();                /* clear to eol */
 277:             if (gline (buff, BUFSZ) == 1)   /* empty line */
 278:             {
 279:             at (lastrow + 1, 10);
 280:             printf ("Working Set Size Unchanged");
 281:             goto getkey;
 282:             }
 283:             if (!strcmp (buff, "Default") || !strcmp (buff, "default") ||
 284:                 !strcmp (buff, "DEFAULT"))
 285:             {
 286:             workset = 0;
 287:             break;
 288:             }
 289:             if (sscanf (buff, "%ld", &workset) == 1)
 290:             {
 291:             break;
 292:             }
 294:             at (lastrow + 1, 10);
 295:             printf ("Want `default' or a number");
 296:             at (lastrow + 2, 10);
 297:             printf ("<return> to leave unchanged");
 298:         }
 300:         locknf (io, DSCRLOCK);          /* critical section */
 301:         getdscr (io, &io -> descr);
 302:         io -> descr.d_workset = workset;    /* update */
 303:         putdscr (io, &io -> descr);     /* replace */
 304:         unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);        /* leave critical */
 305:         at (worksetrow, 27);
 306:         switch ((int) io -> descr.d_workset)
 307:         {
 308:             case 0:
 309:             printf ("Default      ");
 310:             break;
 311:             default:
 312:             printf ("%ld Notes    ", io -> descr.d_workset);
 313:         }
 314:         redraw = 0;
 315:         break;
 317:         case 'E':                   /* keep/delete/default */
 318:         locknf (io, DSCRLOCK);          /* critical section */
 319:         getdscr (io, &io -> descr);
 320:         switch ((int) io -> descr.d_archkeep)   /* change it */
 321:         {
 322:             case KEEPNO:
 323:             io -> descr.d_archkeep = KEEPYES;
 324:             break;
 325:             case KEEPYES:
 326:             io -> descr.d_archkeep = KEEPDFLT;
 327:             break;
 328:             case KEEPDFLT:
 329:             default:
 330:             io -> descr.d_archkeep = KEEPNO;
 331:             break;
 332:         }
 333:         putdscr (io, &io -> descr);     /* replace */
 334:         unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);        /* leave critical */
 335:         at (keeprow, 27);
 336:         switch ((int) io -> descr.d_archkeep)   /* update display */
 337:         {
 338:             case KEEPYES:
 339:             printf ("ARCHIVE");
 340:             break;
 341:             case KEEPNO:
 342:             printf ("DELETE ");
 343:             break;
 344:             case KEEPDFLT:
 345:             printf ("Default");
 346:             break;
 347:             default:
 348:             printf ("UNKNOWN");
 349:             break;
 350:         }
 351:         redraw = 0;
 352:         break;
 354:         case 'D':                   /* Archive dirmsg */
 355:         locknf (io, DSCRLOCK);          /* critical section */
 356:         getdscr (io, &io -> descr);
 357:         switch ((int) io -> descr.d_dmesgstat)  /* change it */
 358:         {
 359:             case DIRNOCARE:
 360:             io -> descr.d_dmesgstat = DIRON;
 361:             break;
 362:             case DIRON:
 363:             io -> descr.d_dmesgstat = DIROFF;
 364:             break;
 365:             case DIROFF:
 366:             io -> descr.d_dmesgstat = DIRDFLT;
 367:             break;
 368:             case DIRDFLT:
 369:             default:
 370:             io -> descr.d_dmesgstat = DIRNOCARE;
 371:             break;
 372:         }
 373:         putdscr (io, &io -> descr);     /* replace */
 374:         unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);        /* leave critical */
 375:         at (dirmsgrow, 27);
 376:         switch ((int) io -> descr.d_dmesgstat)
 377:         {
 378:             case DIRNOCARE:
 379:             printf ("NOCARE   ");
 380:             break;
 381:             case DIRON:
 382:             printf ("ON       ");
 383:             break;
 384:             case DIROFF:
 385:             printf ("OFF      ");
 386:             break;
 387:             case DIRDFLT:
 388:             printf ("Default  ");
 389:             break;
 390:             default:
 391:             printf ("UNKNOWN  ");
 392:             break;
 393:         }
 394:         redraw = 0;
 395:         break;
 397:         case 'o':                   /* toggle open status */
 398:         locknf (io, DSCRLOCK);
 399:         getdscr (io, &io -> descr);
 400:         if (io -> descr.d_stat & OPEN)
 401:             io -> descr.d_stat &= NOT OPEN;
 402:         else
 403:             io -> descr.d_stat |= OPEN;
 404:         putdscr (io, &io -> descr);
 405:         unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);
 406:         at (openrow, 18);
 407:         printf (io -> descr.d_stat & OPEN ? "OPEN  " : "CLOSED");
 408:         redraw = 0;
 409:         break;
 411:         case 'n':                   /* toggle network status */
 412:         locknf (io, DSCRLOCK);
 413:         getdscr (io, &io -> descr);
 414:         if (io -> descr.d_stat & NETWRKD)
 415:         {
 416:             io -> descr.d_stat &= NOT NETWRKD;
 417:         }
 418:         else
 419:         {
 420:             io -> descr.d_stat |= NETWRKD;
 421:         }
 422:         putdscr (io, &io -> descr);
 423:         unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);
 424:         at (netrow, 18);
 425:         printf (io -> descr.d_stat & NETWRKD ? "YES" : "NO ");
 426:         redraw = 0;
 427:         break;
 430:         case 'm':                   /* collect a new director message */
 431:         redraw++;
 432:         at (lastrow, 10);
 433:         printf ("Enter new director message");
 434:         at (lastrow + 2, 10);
 435:         for (i = 0; i < DMLEN; i++)
 436:             printf ("-");
 437:         at (lastrow + 1, 10);
 438:         i = gline (title, DMLEN - 1);       /* grab message */
 439:         if (i <= 1)
 440:             break;              /* no new message */
 441:         locknf (io, DSCRLOCK);          /* mutual exclusion */
 442:         getdscr (io, &io -> descr);     /* get up-to-date */
 443:         strncpy (io -> descr.d_drmes, title, DMLEN);/* replace */
 444:         putdscr (io, &io -> descr);
 445:         unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);        /* uncritical now */
 446:         break;
 448:         case 't':                   /* write title for note file */
 449:         redraw++;
 450:         at (lastrow, 10);
 451:         printf ("Enter new title for notefile");
 452:         at (lastrow + 2, 10);
 453:         for (i = 0; i < NNLEN; i++)
 454:             printf ("-");
 455:         at (lastrow + 1, 10);
 456:         i = gline (ntitle, NNLEN - 1);      /* suck the title */
 457:         if (i <= 1)
 458:             break;              /* no new message */
 459:         locknf (io, DSCRLOCK);          /* MUTEX */
 460:         getdscr (io, &io -> descr);     /* current descr */
 461:         strncpy (io -> descr.d_title, ntitle, NNLEN);/* update */
 462:         putdscr (io, &io -> descr);     /* and replace */
 463:         unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);        /* uncritical now */
 464:         break;
 466:         case 'w':                   /* let him write a new policy note */
 467:         if (io -> descr.d_plcy)
 468:         {
 469:             at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
 470:             if (askyn ("Rewrite policy? (y/n) :") == 'n')
 471:             {
 472:             redraw++;
 473:             break;
 474:             }
 475:         }
 476:         at (0, PROMPTMSGX);
 477:         printf ("\nEdit New Policy Text:\n");
 478:         if (gettext (io, &where, (FILE *) NULL, EDIT) == 0)
 479:         {
 480:             redraw++;
 481:             break;
 482:         }
 483:         r = title;
 484:         strcpy (title, "POLICY NOTE");
 485:         gettime (&note.n_date);         /* date of writing */
 486:         getname (&auth, 0);         /* get author */
 487:         putnote (io, &where, title, 0, &note, &auth, 1, 1, 1, System, 1);
 488:         dspnote (io, &note, 0);         /* show it to him */
 489:         redraw++;
 490:         break;
 492:         case 'z':                   /* zap a lot of notes/responses */
 493:         case 'u':                   /* undelete a bunch */
 494:         {
 495:             char   *action;         /* del/undel */
 497:             redraw++;               /* want to repaint */
 498:             action = c == 'z' ? "delete" : "un-delete";/* for prompts */
 499:             at (lastrow, 1);
 500:             printf ("Enter list of notes to %s: ", action);
 501:             gline (buff, BUFSZ);        /* grab line */
 502:             at (lastrow + 1, 1);
 503:             printf ("Going to %s: %s", action, buff);
 504:             at (lastrow + 2, 1);
 505:             if (askyn ("Do you really want to do that? ") != 'y')
 506:             break;              /* chicken out */
 507:             buffptr = 0;
 508:             at (lastrow + 3, 1);
 509:             while (listget (buff, &buffptr, &start, &end))
 510:             {
 511:             if (start > end)
 512:             {
 513:                 printf ("IGNORING %d-%d", start, end);
 514:                 continue;
 515:             }
 516:             if (start == end)
 517:                 printf ("%d ", start);
 518:             else
 519:                 printf ("%d-%d ", start, end);
 520:             mdelete (io, start, end, c == 'z');/* zap those */
 521:             }
 522:             goto getkey;            /* leave this stuff on screen */
 523:         }
 525:         default:
 526:         printf ("\07");
 527:         redraw = 0;
 528:         goto getkey;                /* hit a bad key */
 530:     }
 531:     }
 532: }
 533: /*
 534:  *	dirplot - Plot the notesfile status
 535:  */
 537: dirplot (io)
 538: struct io_f *io;
 539: {
 540:     int     atrow;
 541:     int     atcol;
 543:     erase ();
 544:     center (io -> descr.d_title, NNLEN, 1, 40 - NNLEN / 2);
 545:     center (io -> descr.d_drmes, DMLEN, 2, 40 - DMLEN / 2);
 546:     atrow = 4;                      /* start filling in */
 547:     atcol = 1;
 548:     at (anonrow = atrow++, atcol);
 549:     printf ("(a) Anonymous:   ");           /* at (3,18); */
 550:     printf (io -> descr.d_stat & ANONOK ? "ON" : "OFF");
 551:     at (openrow = atrow++, atcol);
 552:     printf ("(o) Notesfile:   ");           /* at(4,18); */
 553:     printf (io -> descr.d_stat & OPEN ? "OPEN  " : "CLOSED");
 554:     at (netrow = atrow++, atcol);
 555:     printf ("(n) Networked:   ");           /* at(5,18); */
 556:     printf (io -> descr.d_stat & NETWRKD ? "YES" : "NO ");
 557:     at (archrow = atrow++, atcol);
 558:     printf ("(A) Is Archive:  ");           /* at(6,18); */
 559:     printf (io -> descr.d_stat & ISARCH ? "YES" : "NO");
 560:     at (expirerow = atrow++, atcol);
 561:     printf ("(e) Expiration Threshold: ");      /* at (6,27); */
 562:     switch ((int) (io -> descr.d_archtime))
 563:     {
 564:     case NEVER:
 565:         printf ("Never");
 566:         break;
 567:     case 0:
 568:         printf ("Default");
 569:         break;
 570:     default:
 571:         printf ("%ld days", io -> descr.d_archtime);
 572:         break;
 573:     }
 574:     at (keeprow = atrow++, atcol);
 575:     printf ("(E) Expiration Action:    ");      /* at(?,27); */
 576:     switch ((int) io -> descr.d_archkeep)
 577:     {
 578:     case KEEPYES:
 579:         printf ("ARCHIVE");
 580:         break;
 581:     case KEEPNO:
 582:         printf ("DELETE ");
 583:         break;
 584:     case KEEPDFLT:
 585:         printf ("Default");
 586:         break;
 587:     default:
 588:         printf ("UNKNOWN");
 589:         break;
 590:     }
 591:     at (dirmsgrow = atrow++, atcol);
 592:     printf ("(D) Expire with Dirmsg:   ");      /* at (?,27) */
 593:     switch ((int) io -> descr.d_dmesgstat)
 594:     {
 595:     case DIRNOCARE:
 596:         printf ("NOCARE   ");
 597:         break;
 598:     case DIRON:
 599:         printf ("ON       ");
 600:         break;
 601:     case DIROFF:
 602:         printf ("OFF      ");
 603:         break;
 604:     case DIRDFLT:
 605:         printf ("Default  ");
 606:         break;
 607:     default:
 608:         printf ("UNKNOWN  ");
 609:         break;
 610:     }
 611:     at (worksetrow = atrow++, atcol);
 612:     printf ("(W) Working Set Size:     ");      /* at (5,27) */
 613:     switch ((int) io -> descr.d_workset)
 614:     {
 615:     case 0:
 616:         printf ("Default");
 617:         break;
 618:     default:
 619:         printf ("%ld Notes", io -> descr.d_workset);
 620:     }
 621:     at (longrow = atrow++, atcol);
 622:     printf ("(l) Maximum text/article: ");      /* at (6,27) */
 623:     printf ("%ld bytes", io -> descr.d_longnote);
 625:     lastrow = atrow;                    /* for queries */
 627: /*
 628:  *	Second Column
 629:  */
 631:     atrow = 4;
 632:     atcol = 40;
 633:     at (atrow++, atcol);
 634:     printf ("Policy Note Exists: %s", io -> descr.d_plcy ? "YES" : "NO");
 635:     at (atrow++, atcol);
 636:     printf ("Next note in slot: %d", io -> descr.d_nnote + 1);
 637:     at (atrow++, atcol);
 638:     printf ("Deleted Notes (holes): %ld  ", io -> descr.d_delnote);
 639:     at (atrow++, atcol);
 640:     printf ("Deleted Responses (holes): %ld  ", io -> descr.d_delresp);
 641: /*
 642:  *	Should we show more statistics here?
 643:  *	Things like orphans, adoptions, etc.
 644:  */
 646:     if (atrow > lastrow)
 647:     lastrow = atrow;
 648:     lastrow++;
 649: }

Defined functions

direct defined in line 41; used 1 times
dirplot defined in line 537; used 3 times

Defined variables

anonrow defined in line 30; used 2 times
archrow defined in line 32; used 2 times
dirmsgrow defined in line 34; used 2 times
expirerow defined in line 36; used 2 times
keeprow defined in line 33; used 2 times
lastrow defined in line 39; used 30 times
longrow defined in line 37; used 2 times
netrow defined in line 35; used 2 times
openrow defined in line 31; used 2 times
rcsid defined in line 5; never used
worksetrow defined in line 38; used 2 times

Defined macros

BUFSZ defined in line 8; used 5 times
Last modified: 1985-10-30
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
page hit count: 1828
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