1: #include "parms.h"
   2: #include "structs.h"
   4: #ifdef  RCSIDENT
   5: static char rcsid[] = "$Header: access.c,v 1.7 85/01/18 15:00:31 notes Rel $";
   6: #endif	RCSIDENT
   8: /*
   9:  *	access - process access list editing
  10:  *
  11:  *	functions include:
  12:  *	(1) display access lists
  13:  *	(2) insert new entries
  14:  *	(3) delete old entries
  15:  *	(4) modify existing entries
  16:  *
  17:  *	Original Coding: Ray Essick	January 1982
  18:  */
  19: #include <pwd.h>
  20: #include <grp.h>                    /* /etc/passwd and /etc/group formats */
  22: char   *kmap[] =                    /* mapping for name types */
  23: {
  24:     "usr:", "grp:", "sys:"
  25: };
  26: char   *map[] =
  27: {
  28:      /* ----- */ "Null",
  29:      /* ----r */ "Read Only",
  30:      /* ---w- */ "(02)",
  31:      /* ---wr */ "(03)",
  32:      /* --d-- */ "(04)",                /* nonsense */
  33:      /* --d-r */ "(05)",                /* nonsense */
  34:      /* --dw- */ "(06)",                /* nonsense */
  35:      /* --dwr */ "(07)",
  36:      /* -a--- */ "Answer Only",             /* nonsense */
  37:      /* -a--r */ "Read/Answer",
  38:      /* -a-w- */ "Write only",
  39:      /* -a-wr */ "Read/Write",
  40:      /* -ad-- */ "(014)",               /* nonsense */
  41:      /* -ad-r */ "(015)",               /* nonsense */
  42:      /* -adw- */ "(016)",               /* nonsense */
  43:      /* -adwr */ "Director/R/W"
  44: };
  46: struct perm_f   entry;
  47: static int  length;                 /* max on screen */
  49: accessedit (io)
  50: struct io_f *io;                    /* notefile working with */
  51: {
  52:     struct passwd  *getpwnam ();
  53:     struct group   *getgrnam ();            /* check validity of name/group */
  54:     FILE * acs, *fopen ();              /* stream I/O */
  55:     char    fn[WDLEN];
  56:     struct auth_f   me;                 /* for detecting suicidals */
  57:     struct perm_f   alist[NPERMS];          /* hold the access list */
  59:     int     items,
  60:             base,
  61:             i,
  62:             which,
  63:             changed;
  64:     char    c;
  65:     short   ptype;
  66:     char    zname[NAMESZ + 1];              /* hold new user */
  69:     sprintf (fn, "%s/%s/%s", io -> basedir, io -> nf, ACCESS);/* file name */
  70:     x ((acs = fopen (fn, "r")) == NULL, "access: no access file");
  71:     x ((items = fread (alist, sizeof entry, NPERMS, acs)) == 0, "access: empty file");
  72:     fclose (acs);                   /* and close the file */
  73:     changed = 0;                    /* no changes made to the list yet */
  74:     length = nrows - 6;                 /* max to show */
  75:     base = 0;                       /* which part are we displaying */
  76:     erase ();
  77:     plotit (alist, base, items);
  78:     while (1)
  79:     {
  80:     at (-1, 1);
  81:     printf ("Option: ");
  82:     c = gchar ();                   /* grab command */
  83:     printf ("\b \b");               /* overwrite */
  84:     switch (c)
  85:     {
  86:         case '?':
  87:         case 'h':
  88:         help (ACCHLP);              /* print the help page */
  89:         goto redraw;                /* replot the screen */
  91:         case '!':                   /* fork a shell for him */
  92:         gshell ();
  93:         goto redraw;
  95: #ifdef  K_KEY
  96:         case 'K':                   /* same as Q */
  97: #endif	K_KEY
  98:         case 'Q':
  99:         return 0;               /* return to the caller */
 101:         case '\004':                /* abort notefiles */
 102:         return QUITFAST;
 104: #ifdef  K_KEY
 105:         case 'k':                   /* same as q */
 106: #endif	K_KEY
 107:         case 'q':                   /* update lists (if changed) and leave) */
 108:         if (changed)
 109:         {
 110:             acssort (alist, items);     /* order them */
 111:             x ((acs = fopen (fn, "w")) == NULL, "access: reopen");
 112:             x (fwrite (alist, sizeof entry, items, acs) != items, "access:update write");
 113:             fclose (acs);           /* and close the file */
 114:         }
 115:         return 0;
 117:         case '-':                   /* scroll display backwards */
 118:         base -= length / 2 - 1;         /* back a half sreen */
 119:         if (base < 0)
 120:             base = 0;               /* don't pass zero */
 121:         goto redraw;
 123:         case '+':                   /* scroll display forwards */
 124:         base += length / 2 - 1;         /* up half screen */
 125:         if (base >= items - (length / 2))   /* try to keep full */
 126:         {
 127:             base = items - (length - 3);    /* don't over-run */
 128: /*
 129:  *	Gotta subtract 3: one for OBOE and two for the "-more-" message
 130:  *	that might be there.
 131:  */
 132:             if (base < 0)
 133:             base = 0;           /* careful */
 134:         }
 135:         goto redraw;
 137:         case 's':                   /* sort and replot the list */
 138:         acssort (alist, items);         /* do the sort */
 139:                             /* and fall through to ... */
 140:         break;
 142:         case 'r':                   /* replot the lists */
 143:         case '\014':                /* everyone else uses ^L, might as well */
 144:     redraw:
 145:         erase ();
 146:         plotit (alist, base, items);
 147:         break;                  /* back to command sucker */
 149:         case 'i':                   /* enter a bunch of permissions */
 150:         while (items < NPERMS)          /* not if all full */
 151:         {
 152:         reget:  at (-4, 40);
 153:             printf ("Entry type:  \b");
 154:             if ((c = gchar ()) == '\n' || c == 'q' || c == 'k')
 155:             break;              /* get out */
 156:             switch (c)
 157:             {
 158:             case 'u':
 159:                 ptype = PERMUSER;
 160:                 break;
 161:             case 'g':
 162:                 ptype = PERMGROUP;
 163:                 break;
 164:             case 's':
 165:                 ptype = PERMSYSTEM;
 166:                 break;
 167:             default:
 168:                 printf ("\07  (u,g,s, q,k,<cr>)");
 169:                 goto reget;
 170:             }
 171:             at (-3, 40);
 172:             printf ("Name:                \b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b");
 173:             if (gline (zname, NAMESZ) == 1)
 174:             continue;           /* null name */
 175:             if (ptype == PERMUSER && strcmp ("Other", zname) != 0)
 176:             {
 177:             if (getpwnam (zname) == NULL)
 178:             {
 179:                 at (-2, 40);
 180:                 printf ("--No such user--");
 181:                 continue;
 182:             }
 183:             }
 184:             if (ptype == PERMGROUP && strcmp ("Other", zname) != 0)
 185:             {
 186:             if (getgrnam (zname) == NULL)
 187:             {
 188:                 at (-2, 40);
 189:                 printf ("--No such group--");
 190:                 continue;
 191:             }
 192:             }
 193: /*
 194:  *	make sure that it isn't already there.
 195:  */
 197:             for (i = 0; i < items; i++)
 198:             if (alist[i].ptype == ptype && strcmp (alist[i].name, zname) == 0)
 199:             {
 200:                 at (-2, 40);
 201:                 printf ("%s entry exists", zname);
 202:                 goto reget;
 203:             }
 205:             alist[items].perms = DFLTPERMS; /* give him default */
 206:             getmode (&alist[items].perms);
 207:             alist[items].ptype = ptype;
 208:             strmove (zname, alist[items].name); /* copy things over */
 209:             items++;
 210:             changed = 1;            /* and set flags */
 211:             acssort (alist, items);
 212:             erase ();               /* clean screen */
 213:             plotit (alist, base, items);    /* show new list */
 214:         }
 215:         endpwent ();
 216:         endgrent ();                /* close passwd and group files */
 217:         break;
 220:         case 'd':                   /* delete some permissions */
 221:         at (-1, 1);
 222:         printf ("Delete entry #: ");
 223:         if ((c = gchar ()) == '\n')
 224:             break;              /* null */
 225:         printf ("\b");
 226:         which = getnum (c);         /* grab number */
 227:         if (which <= 0)
 228:             break;              /* don't update */
 229:         if (which > items || c < '0' || c > '9')
 230:         {
 231:             printf ("Bad entry");
 232:             break;
 233:         }
 234:         which--;                /* adjust to zero base */
 235:         getname (&me, 0);           /* grab my name */
 236:         if ((alist[which].ptype = PERMUSER) && strcmp (me.aname, alist[which].name) == 0)
 237:         {
 238:             printf (" Can't Delete self");
 239:             break;
 240:         }
 241:         items--;                /* decrement count  and */
 242:         for (i = which; i < items; i++)     /* tamp down list */
 243:         {
 244:             alist[i].ptype = alist[i + 1].ptype;
 245:             strmove (alist[i + 1].name, alist[i].name);
 246:             alist[i].perms = alist[i + 1].perms;
 247:         }
 248:         changed = 1;                /* mark it as changed */
 249:         goto redraw;                /* show updated screen */
 251:         case 'm':                   /* modify someones permission */
 252:         at (-1, 1);             /* grab which slot */
 253:         printf ("Modify entry #: ");
 254:         if ((c = gchar ()) == '\n')
 255:             break;              /* null entry */
 256:         printf ("\b");
 257:         which = getnum (c);
 258:         if (which <= 0)
 259:             break;
 260:         if (which > items || c < '0' || c > '9')/* check its validity */
 261:         {
 262:             at (-2, 1);
 263:             printf ("Bad entry");
 264:             break;
 265:         }
 266:         which--;                /* adjust to zero base */
 267:         getmode (&alist[which].perms);
 268:         changed = 1;                /* set changed flag */
 269:         goto redraw;                /* repaint screen */
 271:         default:                    /* wrong key dummy */
 272:         printf ("\07");
 273:         break;
 274:     }
 275:     }
 276: }
 278: /*
 279:  *	Grab a set of permissions
 280:  */
 281: getmode (zmode)
 282: short  *zmode;
 283: {                           /* grab a mode from the tty */
 284:     char    c;
 285:     short   mode;                   /* resulting mode */
 287:     mode = *zmode;                  /* set to what passed in */
 289:     while (1)
 290:     {
 291:     at (-2, 40);
 292:     printf ("%*s", 25, " ");
 293:     at (-2, 40);
 294:     printf (" Mode: %s", map[mode]);
 295:     at (-1, 40);
 296:     printf ("Mods: ");
 297:     c = gchar ();
 298:     switch (c)
 299:     {
 300:         case 'a':                   /* toggle answer */
 301:         if (mode & WRITOK)
 302:             break;              /* write supersedese */
 303:         if (mode & RESPOK)
 304:             mode &= NOT RESPOK;
 305:         else
 306:             mode |= RESPOK;
 307:         break;
 309:         case 'r':                   /* toggle read */
 310:         if (mode & DRCTOK)
 311:             break;              /* director supersedes */
 312:         if (mode & READOK)
 313:             mode &= NOT READOK;
 314:         else
 315:             mode |= READOK;
 316:         break;
 318:         case 'w':                   /* toggle write */
 319:         if (mode & DRCTOK)
 320:             break;              /* director supersedes */
 321:         if (mode & WRITOK)
 322:             mode &= NOT WRITOK;
 323:         else
 324:             mode |= WRITOK + RESPOK;
 325:         break;
 327:         case 'd':                   /* toggle director */
 328:         if (mode & DRCTOK)
 329:             mode &= NOT DRCTOK;
 330:         else
 331:             mode |= DRCTOK + READOK + WRITOK + RESPOK;
 332:         break;
 334:         case 'n':                   /* set to null */
 335:         mode = 0;
 336:         break;
 338:         case '\n':                  /* acceptable to him */
 339: #ifdef  K_KEY
 340:         case 'k':                   /* same as q */
 341:         case 'K':
 342: #endif	K_KEY
 343:         case 'q':
 344:         case 'Q':
 345:         return (*zmode = mode);         /* do both ways */
 347:         default:
 348:         printf ("\07  (d,r,w,a,n,q,k<cr>)");
 349:         break;
 350:     }
 351:     }
 352: }
 353: plotit (alist, base, items)             /* plot the list */
 354: struct perm_f   alist[];
 355: int     base;
 356: int     items;
 357: {
 358:     register int    atrow,
 359:                     atcol,
 360:                     i;
 362:     atrow = 1;
 363:     atcol = 1;
 364:     if (base != 0)
 365:     {
 366:     at (atrow++, atcol);
 367:     printf (" -- More -- ");
 368:     }
 369:     for (i = base; i < items && atrow < length; i++)
 370:     {
 371:     at (atrow++, atcol);
 372:     printf ("%2d %s%-*s %s", i + 1, kmap[alist[i].ptype], NAMESZ,
 373:         alist[i].name, map[alist[i].perms]);
 374:     }
 375:     if (i < items)                  /* tell him more */
 376:     {
 377:     at (atrow++, atcol);
 378:     printf (" -- More -- ");
 379:     }
 380: }

Defined functions

accessedit defined in line 49; used 1 times
getmode defined in line 281; used 2 times
plotit defined in line 353; used 3 times

Defined variables

entry defined in line 46; used 2 times
kmap defined in line 22; used 1 times
length defined in line 47; used 6 times
map defined in line 26; used 2 times
rcsid defined in line 5; never used
Last modified: 1985-10-30
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
page hit count: 1620
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