1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1987 by Ed James, UC Berkeley.  All rights reserved.
   3:  *
   4:  * Copy permission is hereby granted provided that this notice is
   5:  * retained on all partial or complete copies.
   6:  *
   7:  * For more info on this and all of my stuff, mail edjames@berkeley.edu.
   8:  */
  10: #ifndef lint
  11: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)log.c	1.4 (Berkeley) 12/26/87";
  12: #endif not lint
  14: #include "include.h"
  16: compar(a, b)
  17:     SCORE   *a, *b;
  18: {
  19:     if (b->planes == a->planes)
  20:         return (b->time - a->time);
  21:     else
  22:         return (b->planes - a->planes);
  23: }
  25: #define SECAMIN     60
  26: #define MINAHOUR    60
  27: #define HOURADAY    24
  28: #define SECAHOUR    (SECAMIN * MINAHOUR)
  29: #define SECADAY     (SECAHOUR * HOURADAY)
  30: #define DAY(t)      ((t) / SECADAY)
  31: #define HOUR(t)     (((t) % SECADAY) / SECAHOUR)
  32: #define MIN(t)      (((t) % SECAHOUR) / SECAMIN)
  33: #define SEC(t)      ((t) % SECAMIN)
  35: char    *
  36: timestr(t)
  37: {
  38:     static char s[80];
  40:     if (DAY(t) > 0)
  41:         (void)sprintf(s, "%dd+%02dhrs", DAY(t), HOUR(t));
  42:     else if (HOUR(t) > 0)
  43:         (void)sprintf(s, "%d:%02d:%02d", HOUR(t), MIN(t), SEC(t));
  44:     else if (MIN(t) > 0)
  45:         (void)sprintf(s, "%d:%02d", MIN(t), SEC(t));
  46:     else if (SEC(t) > 0)
  47:         (void)sprintf(s, ":%02d", SEC(t));
  48:     else
  49:         *s = '\0';
  51:     return (s);
  52: }
  54: log_score(list_em)
  55: {
  56:     register int    i, fd, num_scores = 0, good, changed = 0, found = 0;
  57:     struct passwd   *pw;
  58:     FILE        *fp;
  59:     char        *cp, logstr[BUFSIZ], *index(), *rindex();
  60:     SCORE       score[100], thisscore;
  61: #ifdef SYSV
  62:     struct utsname  name;
  63: #endif
  65:     strcpy(logstr, SPECIAL_DIR);
  66:     strcat(logstr, LOG);
  68:     umask(0);
  69:     fd = open(logstr, O_CREAT|O_RDWR, 0644);
  70:     if (fd < 0) {
  71:         perror(logstr);
  72:         return (-1);
  73:     }
  74:     /*
  75: 	 * This is done to take advantage of stdio, while still
  76: 	 * allowing a O_CREAT during the open(2) of the log file.
  77: 	 */
  78:     fp = fdopen(fd, "r+");
  79:     if (fp == NULL) {
  80:         perror(logstr);
  81:         return (-1);
  82:     }
  83: #ifdef BSD
  84:     if (flock(fileno(fp), LOCK_EX) < 0)
  85: #endif
  86: #ifdef SYSV
  87:     while (lockf(fileno(fp), F_LOCK, 1) < 0)
  88: #endif
  89:     {
  90:         perror("flock");
  91:         return (-1);
  92:     }
  93:     for (;;) {
  94:         good = fscanf(fp, "%s %s %s %d %d %d",
  95:             score[num_scores].name,
  96:             score[num_scores].host,
  97:             score[num_scores].game,
  98:             &score[num_scores].planes,
  99:             &score[num_scores].time,
 100:             &score[num_scores].real_time);
 101:         if (good != 6 || ++num_scores >= NUM_SCORES)
 102:             break;
 103:     }
 104:     if (!test_mode && !list_em) {
 105:         if ((pw = (struct passwd *) getpwuid(getuid())) == NULL) {
 106:             fprintf(stderr,
 107:                 "getpwuid failed for uid %d.  Who are you?\n",
 108:                 getuid());
 109:             return (-1);
 110:         }
 111:         strcpy(thisscore.name, pw->pw_name);
 112: #ifdef BSD
 113:         if (gethostname(thisscore.host, sizeof (thisscore.host)) < 0) {
 114:             perror("gethostname");
 115:             return (-1);
 116:         }
 117: #endif
 118: #ifdef SYSV
 119:         uname(&name);
 120:         strcpy(thisscore.host, name.sysname);
 121: #endif
 123:         cp = rindex(file, '/');
 124:         if (cp == NULL) {
 125:             fprintf(stderr, "log: where's the '/' in %s?\n", file);
 126:             return (-1);
 127:         }
 128:         cp++;
 129:         strcpy(thisscore.game, cp);
 131:         thisscore.time = clock;
 132:         thisscore.planes = safe_planes;
 133:         thisscore.real_time = time(0) - start_time;
 135:         for (i = 0; i < num_scores; i++) {
 136:             if (strcmp(thisscore.name, score[i].name) == 0 &&
 137:                 strcmp(thisscore.host, score[i].host) == 0 &&
 138:                 strcmp(thisscore.game, score[i].game) == 0) {
 139:                 if (thisscore.time > score[i].time) {
 140:                     score[i].time = thisscore.time;
 141:                     score[i].planes = thisscore.planes;
 142:                     score[i].real_time =
 143:                         thisscore.real_time;
 144:                     changed++;
 145:                 }
 146:                 found++;
 147:                 break;
 148:             }
 149:         }
 150:         if (!found) {
 151:             for (i = 0; i < num_scores; i++) {
 152:                 if (thisscore.time > score[i].time) {
 153:                     if (num_scores < NUM_SCORES)
 154:                         num_scores++;
 155:                     bcopy(&score[i],
 156:                         &score[num_scores - 1],
 157:                         sizeof (score[i]));
 158:                     bcopy(&thisscore, &score[i],
 159:                         sizeof (score[i]));
 160:                     changed++;
 161:                     break;
 162:                 }
 163:             }
 164:         }
 165:         if (!found && !changed && num_scores < NUM_SCORES) {
 166:             bcopy(&thisscore, &score[num_scores],
 167:                 sizeof (score[num_scores]));
 168:             num_scores++;
 169:             changed++;
 170:         }
 172:         if (changed) {
 173:             if (found)
 174:                 puts("You beat your previous score!");
 175:             else
 176:                 puts("You made the top players list!");
 177:             qsort(score, num_scores, sizeof (*score), compar);
 178:             rewind(fp);
 179:             for (i = 0; i < num_scores; i++)
 180:                 fprintf(fp, "%s %s %s %d %d %d\n",
 181:                     score[i].name, score[i].host,
 182:                     score[i].game, score[i].planes,
 183:                     score[i].time, score[i].real_time);
 184:         } else {
 185:             if (found)
 186:                 puts("You didn't beat your previous score.");
 187:             else
 188:                 puts("You didn't make the top players list.");
 189:         }
 190:         putchar('\n');
 191:     }
 192: #ifdef BSD
 193:     flock(fileno(fp), LOCK_UN);
 194: #endif
 195: #ifdef SYSV
 196:     /* lock will evaporate upon close */
 197: #endif
 198:     fclose(fp);
 199:     printf("%2s:  %-8s  %-8s  %-18s  %4s  %9s  %4s\n", "#", "name", "host",
 200:         "game", "time", "real time", "planes safe");
 201:     puts("-------------------------------------------------------------------------------");
 202:     for (i = 0; i < num_scores; i++) {
 203:         cp = index(score[i].host, '.');
 204:         if (cp != NULL)
 205:             *cp = '\0';
 206:         printf("%2d:  %-8s  %-8s  %-18s  %4d  %9s  %4d\n", i + 1,
 207:             score[i].name, score[i].host, score[i].game,
 208:             score[i].time, timestr(score[i].real_time),
 209:             score[i].planes);
 210:     }
 211:     putchar('\n');
 212:     return (0);
 213: }

Defined functions

compar defined in line 16; used 1 times
log_score defined in line 54; used 6 times
timestr defined in line 35; used 1 times

Defined variables

sccsid defined in line 11; never used

Defined macros

DAY defined in line 30; used 2 times
HOUR defined in line 31; used 3 times
HOURADAY defined in line 27; used 1 times
  • in line 29
MIN defined in line 32; used 3 times
MINAHOUR defined in line 26; used 1 times
  • in line 28
SEC defined in line 33; used 4 times
SECADAY defined in line 29; used 2 times
SECAHOUR defined in line 28; used 3 times
SECAMIN defined in line 25; used 3 times
Last modified: 1987-12-26
Generated: 2016-12-26
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