1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1987 by Ed James, UC Berkeley.  All rights reserved.
   3:  *
   4:  * Copy permission is hereby granted provided that this notice is
   5:  * retained on all partial or complete copies.
   6:  *
   7:  * For more info on this and all of my stuff, mail edjames@berkeley.edu.
   8:  */
  10: #include "include.h"
  11: #ifdef SYSV
  12: #include <errno.h>
  13: #endif
  15: #define C_TOPBOTTOM     '-'
  16: #define C_LEFTRIGHT     '|'
  17: #define C_AIRPORT       '='
  18: #define C_LINE          '+'
  19: #define C_BACKROUND     '.'
  20: #define C_BEACON        '*'
  21: #define C_CREDIT        '*'
  23: WINDOW  *radar, *cleanradar, *credit, *input, *planes;
  25: getAChar()
  26: {
  27: #ifdef BSD
  28:     return (getchar());
  29: #endif
  30: #ifdef SYSV
  31:     int c;
  33:     while ((c = getchar()) == -1 && errno == EINTR) ;
  34:     return(c);
  35: #endif
  36: }
  38: erase_all()
  39: {
  40:     PLANE   *pp;
  42:     for (pp = air.head; pp != NULL; pp = pp->next) {
  43:         wmove(cleanradar, pp->ypos, pp->xpos * 2);
  44:         wmove(radar, pp->ypos, pp->xpos * 2);
  45:         waddch(radar, winch(cleanradar));
  46:         wmove(cleanradar, pp->ypos, pp->xpos * 2 + 1);
  47:         wmove(radar, pp->ypos, pp->xpos * 2 + 1);
  48:         waddch(radar, winch(cleanradar));
  49:     }
  50: }
  52: draw_all()
  53: {
  54:     PLANE   *pp;
  56:     for (pp = air.head; pp != NULL; pp = pp->next) {
  57:         if (pp->status == S_MARKED)
  58:             wstandout(radar);
  59:         wmove(radar, pp->ypos, pp->xpos * 2);
  60:         waddch(radar, name(pp));
  61:         waddch(radar, '0' + pp->altitude);
  62:         if (pp->status == S_MARKED)
  63:             wstandend(radar);
  64:     }
  65:     wrefresh(radar);
  66:     planewin();
  67:     wrefresh(input);        /* return cursor */
  68:     fflush(stdout);
  69: }
  71: init_gr()
  72: {
  73:     static char buffer[BUFSIZ];
  75:     initscr();
  76:     setbuf(stdout, buffer);
  77:     input = newwin(INPUT_LINES, COLS - PLANE_COLS, LINES - INPUT_LINES, 0);
  78:     credit = newwin(INPUT_LINES, PLANE_COLS, LINES - INPUT_LINES,
  79:         COLS - PLANE_COLS);
  80:     planes = newwin(LINES - INPUT_LINES, PLANE_COLS, 0, COLS - PLANE_COLS);
  81: }
  83: setup_screen(scp)
  84:     C_SCREEN    *scp;
  85: {
  86:     register int    i, j;
  87:     char        str[3], *airstr;
  89:     str[2] = '\0';
  91:     if (radar != NULL)
  92:         delwin(radar);
  93:     radar = newwin(scp->height, scp->width * 2, 0, 0);
  95:     if (cleanradar != NULL)
  96:         delwin(cleanradar);
  97:     cleanradar = newwin(scp->height, scp->width * 2, 0, 0);
  99:     /* minus one here to prevent a scroll */
 100:     for (i = 0; i < PLANE_COLS - 1; i++) {
 101:         wmove(credit, 0, i);
 102:         waddch(credit, C_CREDIT);
 103:         wmove(credit, INPUT_LINES - 1, i);
 104:         waddch(credit, C_CREDIT);
 105:     }
 106:     wmove(credit, INPUT_LINES / 2, 1);
 107:     waddstr(credit, AUTHOR_STR);
 109:     for (i = 1; i < scp->height - 1; i++) {
 110:         for (j = 1; j < scp->width - 1; j++) {
 111:             wmove(radar, i, j * 2);
 112:             waddch(radar, C_BACKROUND);
 113:         }
 114:     }
 116:     /*
 117: 	 * Draw the lines first, since people like to draw lines
 118: 	 * through beacons and exit points.
 119: 	 */
 120:     str[0] = C_LINE;
 121:     for (i = 0; i < scp->num_lines; i++) {
 122:         str[1] = ' ';
 123:         draw_line(radar, scp->line[i].p1.x, scp->line[i].p1.y,
 124:             scp->line[i].p2.x, scp->line[i].p2.y, str);
 125:     }
 127:     str[0] = C_TOPBOTTOM;
 128:     str[1] = C_TOPBOTTOM;
 129:     wmove(radar, 0, 0);
 130:     for (i = 0; i < scp->width - 1; i++)
 131:         waddstr(radar, str);
 132:     waddch(radar, C_TOPBOTTOM);
 134:     str[0] = C_TOPBOTTOM;
 135:     str[1] = C_TOPBOTTOM;
 136:     wmove(radar, scp->height - 1, 0);
 137:     for (i = 0; i < scp->width - 1; i++)
 138:         waddstr(radar, str);
 139:     waddch(radar, C_TOPBOTTOM);
 141:     for (i = 1; i < scp->height - 1; i++) {
 142:         wmove(radar, i, 0);
 143:         waddch(radar, C_LEFTRIGHT);
 144:         wmove(radar, i, (scp->width - 1) * 2);
 145:         waddch(radar, C_LEFTRIGHT);
 146:     }
 148:     str[0] = C_BEACON;
 149:     for (i = 0; i < scp->num_beacons; i++) {
 150:         str[1] = '0' + i;
 151:         wmove(radar, scp->beacon[i].y, scp->beacon[i].x * 2);
 152:         waddstr(radar, str);
 153:     }
 155:     for (i = 0; i < scp->num_exits; i++) {
 156:         wmove(radar, scp->exit[i].y, scp->exit[i].x * 2);
 157:         waddch(radar, '0' + i);
 158:     }
 160:     airstr = "^?>?v?<?";
 161:     for (i = 0; i < scp->num_airports; i++) {
 162:         str[0] = airstr[scp->airport[i].dir];
 163:         str[1] = '0' + i;
 164:         wmove(radar, scp->airport[i].y, scp->airport[i].x * 2);
 165:         waddstr(radar, str);
 166:     }
 168:     overwrite(radar, cleanradar);
 169:     wrefresh(radar);
 170:     wrefresh(credit);
 171:     fflush(stdout);
 172: }
 174: draw_line(w, x, y, lx, ly, s)
 175:     WINDOW  *w;
 176:     char    *s;
 177: {
 178:     int dx, dy;
 180:     dx = SGN(lx - x);
 181:     dy = SGN(ly - y);
 182:     for (;;) {
 183:         wmove(w, y, x * 2);
 184:         waddstr(w, s);
 185:         if (x == lx && y == ly)
 186:             break;
 187:         x += dx;
 188:         y += dy;
 189:     }
 190: }
 192: ioclrtoeol(pos)
 193: {
 194:     wmove(input, 0, pos);
 195:     wclrtoeol(input);
 196:     wrefresh(input);
 197:     fflush(stdout);
 198: }
 200: iomove(pos)
 201: {
 202:     wmove(input, 0, pos);
 203:     wrefresh(input);
 204:     fflush(stdout);
 205: }
 207: ioaddstr(pos, str)
 208:     char    *str;
 209: {
 210:     wmove(input, 0, pos);
 211:     waddstr(input, str);
 212:     wrefresh(input);
 213:     fflush(stdout);
 214: }
 216: ioclrtobot()
 217: {
 218:     wclrtobot(input);
 219:     wrefresh(input);
 220:     fflush(stdout);
 221: }
 223: ioerror(pos, len, str)
 224:     char    *str;
 225: {
 226:     int i;
 228:     wmove(input, 1, pos);
 229:     for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
 230:         waddch(input, '^');
 231:     wmove(input, 2, 0);
 232:     waddstr(input, str);
 233:     wrefresh(input);
 234:     fflush(stdout);
 235: }
 237: quit()
 238: {
 239:     int         c, y, x;
 240: #ifdef BSD
 241:     struct itimerval    itv;
 242: #endif
 244:     getyx(input, y, x);
 245:     wmove(input, 2, 0);
 246:     waddstr(input, "Really quit? (y/n) ");
 247:     wclrtobot(input);
 248:     wrefresh(input);
 249:     fflush(stdout);
 251:     c = getchar();
 252:     if (c == EOF || c == 'y') {
 253:         /* disable timer */
 254: #ifdef BSD
 255:         itv.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
 256:         itv.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
 257:         setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itv, NULL);
 258: #endif
 259: #ifdef SYSV
 260:         alarm(0);
 261: #endif
 262:         fflush(stdout);
 263:         clear();
 264:         refresh();
 265:         endwin();
 266:         log_score(0);
 267:         exit(0);
 268:     }
 269:     wmove(input, 2, 0);
 270:     wclrtobot(input);
 271:     wmove(input, y, x);
 272:     wrefresh(input);
 273:     fflush(stdout);
 274:     return;
 275: }
 277: planewin()
 278: {
 279:     PLANE   *pp;
 280:     char    *command();
 281:     int warning = 0;
 283: #ifdef BSD
 284:     wclear(planes);
 285: #endif
 287:     wmove(planes, 0,0);
 289: #ifdef SYSV
 290:     wclrtobot(planes);
 291: #endif
 292:     wprintw(planes, "Time: %-4d Safe: %d", clock, safe_planes);
 293:     wmove(planes, 2, 0);
 295:     waddstr(planes, "pl dt  comm");
 296:     for (pp = air.head; pp != NULL; pp = pp->next) {
 297:         if (waddch(planes, '\n') == ERR) {
 298:             warning++;
 299:             break;
 300:         }
 301:         waddstr(planes, command(pp));
 302:     }
 303:     waddch(planes, '\n');
 304:     for (pp = ground.head; pp != NULL; pp = pp->next) {
 305:         if (waddch(planes, '\n') == ERR) {
 306:             warning++;
 307:             break;
 308:         }
 309:         waddstr(planes, command(pp));
 310:     }
 311:     if (warning) {
 312:         wmove(planes, LINES - INPUT_LINES - 1, 0);
 313:         waddstr(planes, "---- more ----");
 314:         wclrtoeol(planes);
 315:     }
 316:     wrefresh(planes);
 317:     fflush(stdout);
 318: }
 320: loser(p, s)
 321:     PLANE   *p;
 322:     char    *s;
 323: {
 324:     int         c;
 325: #ifdef BSD
 326:     struct itimerval    itv;
 327: #endif
 329:     /* disable timer */
 330: #ifdef BSD
 331:     itv.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
 332:     itv.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
 333:     setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &itv, NULL);
 334: #endif
 335: #ifdef SYSV
 336:     alarm(0);
 337: #endif
 339:     wmove(input, 0, 0);
 340:     wclrtobot(input);
 341:     wprintw(input, "Plane '%c' %s\n\nHit space for top players list...",
 342:         name(p), s);
 343:     wrefresh(input);
 344:     fflush(stdout);
 345:     while ((c = getchar()) != EOF && c != ' ')
 346:         ;
 347:     clear();    /* move to top of screen */
 348:     refresh();
 349:     endwin();
 350:     log_score(0);
 351:     exit(0);
 352: }
 354: redraw()
 355: {
 356:     clear();
 357:     refresh();
 359:     touchwin(radar);
 360:     wrefresh(radar);
 361:     touchwin(planes);
 362:     wrefresh(planes);
 363:     touchwin(credit);
 364:     wrefresh(credit);
 366:     /* refresh input last to get cursor in right place */
 367:     touchwin(input);
 368:     wrefresh(input);
 369:     fflush(stdout);
 370: }
 373: done_screen()
 374: {
 375:     clear();
 376:     refresh();
 377:     endwin();     /* clean up curses */
 378: }

Defined functions

done_screen defined in line 373; used 1 times
draw_all defined in line 52; used 1 times
draw_line defined in line 174; used 1 times
erase_all defined in line 38; used 1 times
getAChar defined in line 25; used 1 times
init_gr defined in line 71; used 1 times
ioaddstr defined in line 207; used 1 times
ioclrtobot defined in line 216; used 1 times
ioclrtoeol defined in line 192; used 1 times
ioerror defined in line 223; used 1 times
iomove defined in line 200; used 1 times
loser defined in line 320; used 13 times
planewin defined in line 277; used 2 times
quit defined in line 237; used 3 times
redraw defined in line 354; used 1 times
setup_screen defined in line 83; used 1 times

Defined macros

C_AIRPORT defined in line 17; never used
C_BACKROUND defined in line 19; used 1 times
C_BEACON defined in line 20; used 1 times
C_CREDIT defined in line 21; used 2 times
C_LEFTRIGHT defined in line 16; used 2 times
C_LINE defined in line 18; used 1 times
C_TOPBOTTOM defined in line 15; used 6 times
Last modified: 1987-03-11
Generated: 2016-12-26
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