1: /* Copyright (c) Stichting Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1985. */
   2: /* hack.u_init.c - version 1.0.3 */
   4: #include "hack.h"
   5: #include <stdio.h>
   6: #include <signal.h>
   7: #define Strcpy  (void) strcpy
   8: #define Strcat  (void) strcat
   9: #define UNDEF_TYP   0
  10: #define UNDEF_SPE   '\177'
  11: extern struct obj *addinv();
  12: extern char *eos();
  13: extern char plname[];
  15: struct you zerou;
  16: char pl_character[PL_CSIZ];
  17: char *(roles[]) = { /* must all have distinct first letter */
  18:             /* roles[4] may be changed to -man */
  19:     "Tourist", "Speleologist", "Fighter", "Knight",
  20:     "Cave-man", "Wizard"
  21: };
  22: #define NR_OF_ROLES SIZE(roles)
  23: char rolesyms[NR_OF_ROLES + 1];     /* filled by u_init() */
  25: struct trobj {
  26:     uchar trotyp;
  27:     schar trspe;
  28:     char trolet;
  29:     Bitfield(trquan,6);
  30:     Bitfield(trknown,1);
  31: };
  33: #ifdef WIZARD
  34: struct trobj Extra_objs[] = {
  35:     { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
  36:     { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
  37: };
  38: #endif WIZARD
  40: struct trobj Cave_man[] = {
  41:     { MACE, 1, WEAPON_SYM, 1, 1 },
  42:     { BOW, 1, WEAPON_SYM, 1, 1 },
  43:     { ARROW, 0, WEAPON_SYM, 25, 1 },    /* quan is variable */
  44:     { LEATHER_ARMOR, 0, ARMOR_SYM, 1, 1 },
  45:     { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
  46: };
  48: struct trobj Fighter[] = {
  49:     { TWO_HANDED_SWORD, 0, WEAPON_SYM, 1, 1 },
  50:     { RING_MAIL, 0, ARMOR_SYM, 1, 1 },
  51:     { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
  52: };
  54: struct trobj Knight[] = {
  55:     { LONG_SWORD, 0, WEAPON_SYM, 1, 1 },
  56:     { SPEAR, 2, WEAPON_SYM, 1, 1 },
  57:     { RING_MAIL, 1, ARMOR_SYM, 1, 1 },
  58:     { HELMET, 0, ARMOR_SYM, 1, 1 },
  59:     { SHIELD, 0, ARMOR_SYM, 1, 1 },
  60:     { PAIR_OF_GLOVES, 0, ARMOR_SYM, 1, 1 },
  61:     { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
  62: };
  64: struct trobj Speleologist[] = {
  65:     { STUDDED_LEATHER_ARMOR, 0, ARMOR_SYM, 1, 1 },
  66:     { UNDEF_TYP, 0, POTION_SYM, 2, 0 },
  67:     { FOOD_RATION, 0, FOOD_SYM, 3, 1 },
  68:     { PICK_AXE, UNDEF_SPE, TOOL_SYM, 1, 0 },
  69:     { ICE_BOX, 0, TOOL_SYM, 1, 0 },
  70:     { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0}
  71: };
  73: struct trobj Tinopener[] = {
  74:     { CAN_OPENER, 0, TOOL_SYM, 1, 1 },
  75:     { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
  76: };
  78: struct trobj Tourist[] = {
  79:     { UNDEF_TYP, 0, FOOD_SYM, 10, 1 },
  80:     { POT_EXTRA_HEALING, 0, POTION_SYM, 2, 0 },
  81:     { EXPENSIVE_CAMERA, 0, TOOL_SYM, 1, 1 },
  82:     { DART, 2, WEAPON_SYM, 25, 1 }, /* quan is variable */
  83:     { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
  84: };
  86: struct trobj Wizard[] = {
  87:     { ELVEN_CLOAK, 0, ARMOR_SYM, 1, 1 },
  88:     { UNDEF_TYP, UNDEF_SPE, WAND_SYM, 2, 0 },
  89:     { UNDEF_TYP, UNDEF_SPE, RING_SYM, 2, 0 },
  90:     { UNDEF_TYP, UNDEF_SPE, POTION_SYM, 2, 0 },
  91:     { UNDEF_TYP, UNDEF_SPE, SCROLL_SYM, 3, 0 },
  92:     { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
  93: };
  95: u_init(){
  96: register int i;
  97: char exper = 'y', pc;
  98: extern char readchar();
  99:     if(flags.female)    /* should have been set in HACKOPTIONS */
 100:         roles[4] = "Cave-woman";
 101:     for(i = 0; i < NR_OF_ROLES; i++)
 102:         rolesyms[i] = roles[i][0];
 103:     rolesyms[i] = 0;
 105:     if(pc = pl_character[0]) {
 106:         if('a' <= pc && pc <= 'z') pc += 'A'-'a';
 107:         if((i = role_index(pc)) >= 0)
 108:             goto got_suffix;    /* implies experienced */
 109:         printf("\nUnknown role: %c\n", pc);
 110:         pl_character[0] = pc = 0;
 111:     }
 113:     printf("\nAre you an experienced player? [ny] ");
 115:     while(!index("ynYN \n\004", (exper = readchar())))
 116:         bell();
 117:     if(exper == '\004')     /* Give him an opportunity to get out */
 118:         end_of_input();
 119:     printf("%c\n", exper);      /* echo */
 120:     if(index("Nn \n", exper)) {
 121:         exper = 0;
 122:         goto beginner;
 123:     }
 125:     printf("\nTell me what kind of character you are:\n");
 126:     printf("Are you");
 127:     for(i = 0; i < NR_OF_ROLES; i++) {
 128:         printf(" a %s", roles[i]);
 129:         if(i == 2)          /* %% */
 130:             printf(",\n\t");
 131:         else if(i < NR_OF_ROLES - 2)
 132:             printf(",");
 133:         else if(i == NR_OF_ROLES - 2)
 134:             printf(" or");
 135:     }
 136:     printf("? [%s] ", rolesyms);
 138:     while(pc = readchar()) {
 139:         if('a' <= pc && pc <= 'z') pc += 'A'-'a';
 140:         if((i = role_index(pc)) >= 0) {
 141:             printf("%c\n", pc); /* echo */
 142:             (void) fflush(stdout);  /* should be seen */
 143:             break;
 144:         }
 145:         if(pc == '\n')
 146:             break;
 147:         if(pc == '\004')    /* Give him the opportunity to get out */
 148:             end_of_input();
 149:         bell();
 150:     }
 151:     if(pc == '\n')
 152:         pc = 0;
 154: beginner:
 155:     if(!pc) {
 156:         printf("\nI'll choose a character for you.\n");
 157:         i = rn2(NR_OF_ROLES);
 158:         pc = rolesyms[i];
 159:         printf("This game you will be a%s %s.\n",
 160:             exper ? "n experienced" : "",
 161:             roles[i]);
 162:         getret();
 163:         /* give him some feedback in case mklev takes much time */
 164:         (void) putchar('\n');
 165:         (void) fflush(stdout);
 166:     }
 167:     if(exper) {
 168:         roles[i][0] = pc;
 169:     }
 171: got_suffix:
 173:     (void) strncpy(pl_character, roles[i], PL_CSIZ-1);
 174:     pl_character[PL_CSIZ-1] = 0;
 175:     flags.beginner = 1;
 176:     u = zerou;
 177:     u.usym = '@';
 178:     u.ulevel = 1;
 179:     init_uhunger();
 180: #ifdef QUEST
 181:     u.uhorizon = 6;
 182: #endif QUEST
 183:     uarm = uarm2 = uarmh = uarms = uarmg = uwep = uball = uchain =
 184:     uleft = uright = 0;
 186:     switch(pc) {
 187:     case 'c':
 188:     case 'C':
 189:         Cave_man[2].trquan = 12 + rnd(9)*rnd(9);
 190:         u.uhp = u.uhpmax = 16;
 191:         u.ustr = u.ustrmax = 18;
 192:         ini_inv(Cave_man);
 193:         break;
 194:     case 't':
 195:     case 'T':
 196:         Tourist[3].trquan = 20 + rnd(20);
 197:         u.ugold = u.ugold0 = rnd(1000);
 198:         u.uhp = u.uhpmax = 10;
 199:         u.ustr = u.ustrmax = 8;
 200:         ini_inv(Tourist);
 201:         if(!rn2(25)) ini_inv(Tinopener);
 202:         break;
 203:     case 'w':
 204:     case 'W':
 205:         for(i=1; i<=4; i++) if(!rn2(5))
 206:             Wizard[i].trquan += rn2(3) - 1;
 207:         u.uhp = u.uhpmax = 15;
 208:         u.ustr = u.ustrmax = 16;
 209:         ini_inv(Wizard);
 210:         break;
 211:     case 's':
 212:     case 'S':
 213:         Fast = INTRINSIC;
 214:         Stealth = INTRINSIC;
 215:         u.uhp = u.uhpmax = 12;
 216:         u.ustr = u.ustrmax = 10;
 217:         ini_inv(Speleologist);
 218:         if(!rn2(10)) ini_inv(Tinopener);
 219:         break;
 220:     case 'k':
 221:     case 'K':
 222:         u.uhp = u.uhpmax = 12;
 223:         u.ustr = u.ustrmax = 10;
 224:         ini_inv(Knight);
 225:         break;
 226:     case 'f':
 227:     case 'F':
 228:         u.uhp = u.uhpmax = 14;
 229:         u.ustr = u.ustrmax = 17;
 230:         ini_inv(Fighter);
 231:         break;
 232:     default:    /* impossible */
 233:         u.uhp = u.uhpmax = 12;
 234:         u.ustr = u.ustrmax = 16;
 235:     }
 236:     find_ac();
 237:     if(!rn2(20)) {
 238:         register int d = rn2(7) - 2;    /* biased variation */
 239:         u.ustr += d;
 240:         u.ustrmax += d;
 241:     }
 243: #ifdef WIZARD
 244:     if(wizard) wiz_inv();
 245: #endif WIZARD
 247:     /* make sure he can carry all he has - especially for T's */
 248:     while(inv_weight() > 0 && u.ustr < 118)
 249:         u.ustr++, u.ustrmax++;
 250: }
 252: ini_inv(trop) register struct trobj *trop; {
 253: register struct obj *obj;
 254: extern struct obj *mkobj();
 255:     while(trop->trolet) {
 256:         obj = mkobj(trop->trolet);
 257:         obj->known = trop->trknown;
 258:         /* not obj->dknown = 1; - let him look at it at least once */
 259:         obj->cursed = 0;
 260:         if(obj->olet == WEAPON_SYM){
 261:             obj->quan = trop->trquan;
 262:             trop->trquan = 1;
 263:         }
 264:         if(trop->trspe != UNDEF_SPE)
 265:             obj->spe = trop->trspe;
 266:         if(trop->trotyp != UNDEF_TYP)
 267:             obj->otyp = trop->trotyp;
 268:         else
 269:             if(obj->otyp == WAN_WISHING)    /* gitpyr!robert */
 270:                 obj->otyp = WAN_DEATH;
 271:         obj->owt = weight(obj); /* defined after setting otyp+quan */
 272:         obj = addinv(obj);
 273:         if(obj->olet == ARMOR_SYM){
 274:             switch(obj->otyp){
 275:             case SHIELD:
 276:                 if(!uarms) setworn(obj, W_ARMS);
 277:                 break;
 278:             case HELMET:
 279:                 if(!uarmh) setworn(obj, W_ARMH);
 280:                 break;
 281:             case PAIR_OF_GLOVES:
 282:                 if(!uarmg) setworn(obj, W_ARMG);
 283:                 break;
 284:             case ELVEN_CLOAK:
 285:                 if(!uarm2)
 286:                     setworn(obj, W_ARM);
 287:                 break;
 288:             default:
 289:                 if(!uarm) setworn(obj, W_ARM);
 290:             }
 291:         }
 292:         if(obj->olet == WEAPON_SYM)
 293:             if(!uwep) setuwep(obj);
 294: #ifndef PYRAMID_BUG
 295:         if(--trop->trquan) continue;    /* make a similar object */
 296: #else
 297:         if(trop->trquan) {      /* check if zero first */
 298:             --trop->trquan;
 299:             if(trop->trquan)
 300:                 continue;   /* make a similar object */
 301:         }
 302: #endif PYRAMID_BUG
 303:         trop++;
 304:     }
 305: }
 307: #ifdef WIZARD
 308: wiz_inv(){
 309: register struct trobj *trop = &Extra_objs[0];
 310: extern char *getenv();
 311: register char *ep = getenv("INVENT");
 312: register int type;
 313:     while(ep && *ep) {
 314:         type = atoi(ep);
 315:         ep = index(ep, ',');
 316:         if(ep) while(*ep == ',' || *ep == ' ') ep++;
 317:         if(type <= 0 || type > NROFOBJECTS) continue;
 318:         trop->trotyp = type;
 319:         trop->trolet = objects[type].oc_olet;
 320:         trop->trspe = 4;
 321:         trop->trknown = 1;
 322:         trop->trquan = 1;
 323:         ini_inv(trop);
 324:     }
 325:     /* give him a wand of wishing by default */
 326:     trop->trotyp = WAN_WISHING;
 327:     trop->trolet = WAND_SYM;
 328:     trop->trspe = 20;
 329:     trop->trknown = 1;
 330:     trop->trquan = 1;
 331:     ini_inv(trop);
 332: }
 333: #endif WIZARD
 335: plnamesuffix() {
 336: register char *p;
 337:     if(p = rindex(plname, '-')) {
 338:         *p = 0;
 339:         pl_character[0] = p[1];
 340:         pl_character[1] = 0;
 341:         if(!plname[0]) {
 342:             askname();
 343:             plnamesuffix();
 344:         }
 345:     }
 346: }
 348: role_index(pc)
 349: char pc;
 350: {       /* must be called only from u_init() */
 351:         /* so that rolesyms[] is defined */
 352:     register char *cp;
 354:     if(cp = index(rolesyms, pc))
 355:         return(cp - rolesyms);
 356:     return(-1);
 357: }

Defined functions

ini_inv defined in line 252; used 10 times
plnamesuffix defined in line 335; used 2 times
role_index defined in line 348; used 2 times
u_init defined in line 95; used 1 times
wiz_inv defined in line 308; used 1 times

Defined variables

Cave_man defined in line 40; used 2 times
Extra_objs defined in line 34; used 1 times
Fighter defined in line 48; used 1 times
Knight defined in line 54; used 1 times
Speleologist defined in line 64; used 1 times
Tinopener defined in line 73; used 2 times
Tourist defined in line 78; used 2 times
Wizard defined in line 86; used 2 times
rolesyms defined in line 23; used 6 times
zerou defined in line 15; used 1 times

Defined struct's

trobj defined in line 25; used 20 times

Defined macros

NR_OF_ROLES defined in line 22; used 6 times
Strcat defined in line 8; never used
Strcpy defined in line 7; never used
UNDEF_SPE defined in line 10; used 6 times
UNDEF_TYP defined in line 9; used 7 times
Last modified: 1985-10-01
Generated: 2016-12-26
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