1: # include   "../pipes.h"
   2: # include   "../ingres.h"
   3: # include   "../tree.h"
   4: # include   "../symbol.h"
   5: # include   "decomp.h"
   7: /*
   8: ** DECOMP2 -- Routines for executing detached sub-queries appearing
   9: **	in sqlist. These routines include:
  10: **
  11: **	exec_sq -- execute sub-queries and update range table.
  12: **
  13: **	undo_sq -- restore range table and destroy temp rels.
  14: **
  15: **	reset_sq - restore range table and reset temp rels.
  16: **
  17: **	execsq1 -- call ovqp with subquery.
  18: */
  21: exec_sq(sqlist, sqrange, disj)
  22: struct querytree    *sqlist[];
  23: int         sqrange[];
  24: int         *disj;
  26: /*
  27: ** Exec_sq -- execute the subqueries in sqlist. Associated with
  28: **	each sub-query is a relation number stored in sqrange.
  29: **	If the sub-query has a non-null target list, the range
  30: **	table is updated to reflect the new range of the relation.
  31: **
  32: **	If any sub-query is false, all subsequent ones are ignored
  33: **	by ovqp and exec_sq returns the var number of the false subquery.
  34: **
  35: **	As a side effect, "disj" is incremented for each disjoint sub-query
  36: */
  38: {
  39:     register struct querytree   *sq;
  40:     register int            i, qualfound;
  42: #	ifdef xDTR1
  43:     if (tTf(11, 0))
  44:         printf("EXEC_SQ--\n");
  45: #	endif
  47:     *disj = 0;
  49:     for (i = 0; i < MAXRANGE; i++)
  50:     {
  51:         if (sq = sqlist[i])
  52:         {
  53: #			ifdef xDTR1
  54:             if (tTf(11, 1))
  55:                 printf("sq[%d]=%l\n", i, sq);
  56: #			endif
  57:             qualfound = execsq1(sq, i, sqrange[i]);
  59: #			ifdef xDTR1
  60:             if (tTf(11, 2))
  61:                 printf("qualfound=%d\n", qualfound);
  62: #			endif
  63:             if (!qualfound)
  64:             {
  65:                 return(i);
  66:             }
  67:             if (sq->left->sym.type != TREE)
  68:             {
  69:                 /*
  70: 				** Update the range table and open
  71: 				** the relation's restricted replacement.
  72: 				*/
  73:                 new_range(i, sqrange[i]);
  74:                 openr1(i);
  75:             }
  76:             else
  77:             {
  78:                 (*disj)++;
  79:             }
  80:         }
  81:     }
  82:     return (-1);
  83: }
  86: undo_sq(sqlist, locrang, sqrange, limit, maxlimit, reopen)
  87: char        *sqlist[];
  88: int     locrang[];
  89: int     sqrange[];
  90: int     limit;
  91: int     maxlimit;
  92: int     reopen;
  94: /*
  95: **	Undo the effects of one variable detachment on
  96: **	the range table. The two parameters "limit" and
  97: **	"maxlimit" describe how far down the list of
  98: **	subqueries were processed.  Maxlimit represents
  99: **	the furthest every attained and limit represents
 100: **	the last variable processed the last time.
 101: */
 103: {
 105:     register struct querytree   *sq;
 106:     register int            i, lim;
 108: #	ifdef xDTR1
 109:     if (tTf(11, 0))
 110:         printf("UNDO_SQ--\n");
 111: #	endif
 114:     initp();    /* setup parm vector for destroys */
 115:     lim = limit == -1 ? MAXRANGE : limit;
 116:     if (maxlimit == -1)
 117:         maxlimit = MAXRANGE;
 119:     for (i = 0; i < MAXRANGE; i++)
 120:         if (sq = (struct querytree *) sqlist[i])
 121:         {
 122:             if (sq->left->sym.type != TREE)
 123:             {
 124:                 if (i < lim)
 125:                 {
 126:                     /* The query was run. Close the temp rel */
 127:                     closer1(i);
 128:                 }
 130:                 /* mark the temporary to be destroyed */
 131:                 dstr_mark(sqrange[i]);
 133:                 /* reopen the original relation. If maxlimit
 134: 				** never reached the variable "i" then the
 135: 				** original relation was never closed and thus
 136: 				** doesn't need to be reopened.
 137: 				*/
 138:                 rstrang(locrang, i);
 139:                 if (reopen && i < maxlimit)
 140:                     openr1(i);
 141:             }
 142:         }
 143:     dstr_flush(0);  /* call destroy */
 144: }
 147: execsq1(sq, var, relnum)
 148: struct querytree    *sq;
 149: int         var;
 150: int         relnum;
 152: /*
 153: ** Execsq1 -- call ovqp with mdRETR on temp relation
 154: */
 156: {
 157:     register int    qualfound;
 159:     Sourcevar = var;
 160:     Newq = 1;
 161:     qualfound = call_ovqp(sq, mdRETR, relnum);
 162:     return (qualfound);
 163: }
 166: reset_sq(sqlist, locrang, limit)
 167: struct querytree    *sqlist[];
 168: int         locrang[];
 169: int         limit;
 171: /*
 172: **	Reset each relation until limit.
 173: **	Reset will remove all tuples from the
 174: **	relation but not destroy the relation.
 175: **	The descriptor for the relation will be removed
 176: **	from the cache.
 177: **
 178: **	The original relation is returned to
 179: **	the range table.
 180: **
 181: **	If limit is -1 then all relations are done.
 182: */
 184: {
 185:     register struct querytree   *sq;
 186:     register int            i, lim;
 187:     int             old, reset;
 189:     lim = limit == -1 ? MAXRANGE : limit;
 190:     reset = FALSE;
 191:     initp();
 193:     for (i = 0; i < lim; i++)
 194:         if ((sq = sqlist[i]) && sq->left->sym.type != TREE)
 195:         {
 196:             old = new_range(i, locrang[i]);
 197:             setp(rnum_convert(old));
 198:             specclose(old);
 199:             reset = TRUE;
 200:         }
 202:     if (reset)
 203:     {
 204:         /*
 205: 		** Guarantee that OVQP will not reuse old
 206: 		** page of relation being reset
 207: 		*/
 208:         Newr = TRUE;
 209:         call_dbu(mdRESETREL, FALSE);
 210:     }
 211: }

Defined functions

exec_sq defined in line 21; used 2 times
execsq1 defined in line 147; used 3 times
reset_sq defined in line 166; used 1 times
undo_sq defined in line 86; used 3 times
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