1: #include "parms.h"
   2: #include "structs.h"
   4: #ifdef  RCSIDENT
   5: static char rcsid[] = "$Header: acssort.c,v 1.7 85/01/18 15:40:40 notes Rel $";
   6: #endif	RCSIDENT
   8: /*
   9:  *	acssort
  10:  *
  11:  *	Routines in this file are used to sort access lists.
  12:  *	Splintered off from access.c so that nfaccess.c can use
  13:  *	them.
  14:  *
  15:  *	Also contains routines to add entries to an access list
  16:  *	and to parse an ascii representation of an access right.
  17:  *
  18:  *	Ray Essick
  19:  */
  22: acscmp (a, b)
  23: struct perm_f  *a,
  24:                *b;
  25: {
  26: /*
  27:  *	people before groups before systems
  28:  *	Alphabetical within each class
  29:  */
  30:     if (a -> ptype < b -> ptype)
  31:     return (-1);
  32:     if (a -> ptype > b -> ptype)
  33:     return 1;
  34:     if (strcmp ("Other", a -> name) == 0)
  35:     if (strcmp ("Other", b -> name) == 0)
  36:         return 0;
  37:     else
  38:         return 1;                   /* put "Other" last */
  39:     if (strcmp ("Other", b -> name) == 0)
  40:     return (-1);                    /* is correct */
  41:     return strcmp (a -> name, b -> name);
  42: }
  44: /*
  45:  *	acssort
  46:  *
  47:  *	sort the access list
  48:  */
  50: acssort (alist, items)
  51: struct perm_f   alist[];
  52: int     items;
  53: {
  54:     qsort (alist, items, sizeof (struct perm_f), acscmp);
  55: }
  56: /*
  57:  *	addmodes(io) struct io_f *io;
  58:  *
  59:  *	reads the access list and adds the modes specified in the
  60:  *	Newmodes array.
  61:  *	Checks for duplication and merely replaces with the new
  62:  *	permission in those cases.
  63:  */
  65: addmodes (io, nmodes, Newmodes, verbose)
  66: struct io_f *io;
  67: int     nmodes;
  68: struct perm_f  *Newmodes;
  69: int     verbose;
  70: {
  71:     struct perm_f   alist[NPERMS];
  72:     int     pcount;                 /* items in list */
  73:     FILE * acs;
  74:     int     i,
  75:             j;
  76:     char    fn[WDLEN];                  /* hold a filename */
  78:     sprintf (fn, "%s/%s/%s", io -> basedir, io -> nf, ACCESS);
  79:     x ((acs = fopen (fn, "r")) == NULL, "addmode: no access list");
  80:     x ((pcount = fread (alist, sizeof (struct perm_f), NPERMS, acs)) == 0, "addmode: empty access list");
  81:     fclose (acs);
  83:     for (i = 0; i < nmodes; i++)            /* for each mode */
  84:     {
  85:     for (j = 0; j < pcount; j++)            /* look for match */
  86:         if (Newmodes[i].ptype == alist[j].ptype &&
  87:             strcmp (Newmodes[i].name, alist[j].name) == 0)
  88:         break;                  /* match */
  89:     if (j == pcount)                /* wasn't there */
  90:     {
  91:         if (pcount == NPERMS)
  92:         {
  93:         if (verbose)
  94:             printf ("%s: access list full\n", io -> nf);
  95:         break;
  96:         }
  97:         alist[pcount].ptype = Newmodes[i].ptype;
  98:         alist[pcount].perms = Newmodes[i].perms;
  99:         strcpy (alist[pcount].name, Newmodes[i].name);
 100:         pcount++;
 101:     }
 102:     else                        /* update existing one */
 103:     {
 104:         alist[j].perms = Newmodes[i].perms;
 105:         if (verbose)
 106:         printf ("%s: replaced extant permission for %s\n",
 107:             io -> nf, Newmodes[i].name);
 108:     }
 109:     }
 110: /*
 111:  *	replace the access list
 112:  */
 114:     acssort (alist, pcount);
 115:     x ((acs = fopen (fn, "w")) == NULL, "addmodes: can't write access list");
 116:     x (fwrite (alist, sizeof (struct perm_f), pcount, acs) != pcount, "addmodes: writing access");
 117:     fclose (acs);
 118: }
 120: /*
 121:  *	parsemode
 122:  *
 123:  *	Parse the supplied (character string) access specification
 124:  *	into the specified perm_f structure.
 125:  *
 126:  *	Ray Essick
 127:  */
 129: parsemode (asciimode, pstuff, verbose)
 130: char   *asciimode;
 131: struct perm_f  *pstuff;
 132: int     verbose;
 133: {
 134:     char   *p;
 135:     char    name[WDLEN];                /* hold the name */
 136:     char    namespec[WDLEN];                /* entire name */
 137:     int     nametype;                   /* name class */
 138:     char    mode[WDLEN];                /* and the mode */
 139:     char    imode = 0;                  /* internalized */
 142:     if ((p = index (asciimode, '=')) == NULL)       /* find the mode */
 143:     {
 144:     if (verbose)
 145:         printf ("No mode separator: %s\n", asciimode);
 146:     return (1);
 147:     }
 149:     *p++ = '\0';                    /* split out mode */
 150:     strcpy (mode, p);                   /* grab mode */
 151:     strcpy (namespec, asciimode);           /* and name */
 152:     *--p = '=';                     /* replace marker */
 155:     if ((p = index (namespec, ':')) == NULL)        /* implicitly user? */
 156:     {
 157:     strcpy (name, namespec);            /* user name */
 158:     nametype = PERMUSER;                /* default to user */
 159:     }
 160:     else
 161:     {
 162:     *p++ = '\0';                    /* break specification */
 163:     strcpy (name, p);               /* load name */
 164:     switch (namespec[0])                /* determine class */
 165:     {
 166:         case 'u':
 167:         case 'U':
 168:         nametype = PERMUSER;
 169:         break;
 171:         case 'g':
 172:         case 'G':
 173:         nametype = PERMGROUP;
 174:         break;
 176:         case 's':
 177:         case 'S':
 178:         nametype = PERMSYSTEM;
 179:         break;
 181:         default:
 182:         if (verbose)
 183:             printf ("Invalid name class: %s\n", namespec);
 184:         return (1);
 185:         break;
 186:     }
 188:     }
 189: /*
 190:  *	Check that user/group are defined on our system. Don't
 191:  *	want to be filling our tables with bogus stuff.
 192:  */
 194:     switch (nametype)
 195:     {
 196:     case PERMUSER:
 197:         if (getpwnam (name) == NULL)        /* does he exist? */
 198:         {
 199:         if (verbose)
 200:             printf ("%s: no such user\n", name);
 201:         return (1);
 202:         }
 203:         break;
 205:     case PERMGROUP:
 206:         if (getgrnam (name) == NULL)        /* does it exist */
 207:         {
 208:         if (verbose)
 209:             printf ("%s: no such group\n", name);
 210:         return (1);
 211:         }
 212:         break;
 214:     case PERMSYSTEM:
 215:     default:
 216:         break;
 217:     }
 219: /*
 220:  *	Now internalize the mode
 221:  */
 223:     imode = 0;                      /* initially null */
 224:     for (p = mode; *p; p++)             /* each specifier */
 225:     {
 226:     switch (*p)
 227:     {
 228:         case 'd':                   /* director */
 229:         imode = DRCTOK + READOK + WRITOK + RESPOK;
 230:         break;
 231:         case 'r':                   /* read */
 232:         imode |= READOK;
 233:         break;
 234:         case 'w':                   /* write (and respond) */
 235:         imode |= WRITOK + RESPOK;
 236:         break;
 237:         case 'a':                   /* respond */
 238:         imode |= RESPOK;
 239:         break;
 240:         case 'n':                   /* nullify */
 241:         imode = 0;
 242:         break;
 243:         default:
 244:         if (verbose)
 245:             printf ("%c: Invalid permission mode\n", *p);
 246:         break;
 247:     }
 249:     }
 250:     pstuff -> ptype = nametype;             /* load structure */
 251:     pstuff -> perms = imode;
 252:     strcpy (pstuff -> name, name);
 253:     return 0;
 254: }

Defined functions

acscmp defined in line 22; used 1 times
  • in line 54
acssort defined in line 50; used 4 times

Defined variables

rcsid defined in line 5; never used
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