1: char *versio = "C-Kermit, 4C(057) 31 Jul 85";
   3: /*  C K C M A I  --  C-Kermit Main program  */
   5: /*
   6:  Authors: Frank da Cruz, Bill Catchings, Jeff Damens;
   7:  Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, 1984-85.
   8:  Copyright (C) 1985, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.
   9:  Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or
  10:  redistribute this software so long as it is not sold for profit, provided this
  11:  copyright notice is retained.
  12: */
  13: /*
  14:  The Kermit file transfer protocol was developed at Columbia University.
  15:  It is named after Kermit the Frog, star of the television series THE
  16:  MUPPET SHOW; the name is used by permission of Henson Associates, Inc.
  17:  "Kermit" is also Celtic for "free".
  18: */
  19: /*
  20:  Thanks to Herm Fischer of Encino CA for extensive contributions to version 4,
  21:  and to the following people for their contributions over the years:
  23:    Larry Afrin, Clemson U
  24:    Charles Brooks, EDN
  25:    Bob Cattani, Columbia CS Dept
  26:    Alan Crosswell, CUCCA
  27:    Carl Fongheiser, CWRU
  28:    Yekta Gursel, MIT
  29:    Jim Guyton, Rand Corp
  30:    Stan Hanks, Rice U.
  31:    Ken Harrenstein, SRI
  32:    Steve Hemminger, Tektronix
  33:    Randy Huntziger, NLM
  34:    Chris Maio, Columbia CS Dept
  35:    Martin Minow, DEC
  36:    Tony Movshon, NYU
  37:    Ken Poulton, HP Labs
  38:    Frank Prindle, NADC
  39:    Stew Rubenstein, Harvard
  40:    Dan Schullman, DEC
  41:    Bradley Smith, UCLA
  42:    Dave Tweten, AMES-NAS
  43:    Walter Underwood, Ford Aerospace
  44:    Pieter Van Der Linden, Centre Mondial (Paris)
  45:    Mark Vasoll & Gregg Wonderly, Oklahoma State University
  46:    Lauren Weinstein, Vortex
  48:  and many others.
  49: */
  51: #include "ckcker.h"
  52: #include "ckcdeb.h"
  54: /* Text message definitions.. each should be 256 chars long, or less. */
  55: #ifdef MAC
  56: char *hlptxt = "C-Kermit Server Commands:\n\
  57: \n\
  58: GET filespec, SEND filespec, FINISH, REMOTE HELP\n\
  59: \n\0";
  60: #else
  61: char *hlptxt = "C-Kermit Server Commands Supported:\n\
  62: \n\
  63: GET filespec	REMOTE CWD [directory]		REMOTE SPACE [directory]\n\
  64: SEND filespec	REMOTE DIRECTORY [filespec]	REMOTE HOST command\n\
  65: FINISH		REMOTE DELETE filespec		REMOTE WHO [user]\n\
  66: REMOTE HELP	REMOTE TYPE filespec		BYE\n\
  67: \n\0";
  68: #endif
  69: char *srvtxt = "\r\n\
  70: C-Kermit server starting.  Return to your local machine by typing\r\n\
  71: its escape sequence for closing the connection, and issue further\r\n\
  72: commands from there.  To shut down the C-Kermit server, issue the\r\n\
  73: FINISH or BYE command and then reconnect.\n\
  74: \r\n\0";
  76: /* Declarations for Send-Init Parameters */
  78: int spsiz = DSPSIZ,         /* Biggest packet size we can send */
  79:     spsizf = 0,             /* Flag to override what you ask for */
  80:     rpsiz = DRPSIZ,         /* Biggest we want to receive */
  81:     timint = DMYTIM,            /* Timeout interval I use */
  82:     rtimo = URTIME,         /* Timeout I want you to use */
  83:     timef = 0,              /* Flag to override what you ask */
  84:     npad = MYPADN,          /* How much padding to send */
  85:     mypadn = MYPADN,            /* How much padding to ask for */
  86:     chklen = 1,             /* Length of block check */
  87:     bctr = 1,               /* Block check type requested */
  88:     bctu = 1,               /* Block check type used */
  89:     ebq =  MYEBQ,           /* 8th bit prefix */
  90:     ebqflg = 0,             /* 8th-bit quoting flag */
  91:     rpt = 0,                /* Repeat count */
  92:     rptq = MYRPTQ,          /* Repeat prefix */
  93:     rptflg = 0,             /* Repeat processing flag */
  94:     capas = 0;              /* Capabilities */
  96: CHAR padch = MYPADC,            /* Padding character to send */
  97:     mypadc = MYPADC,            /* Padding character to ask for */
  98:     seol = MYEOL,           /* End-Of-Line character to send */
  99:     eol = MYEOL,            /* End-Of-Line character to look for */
 100:     ctlq = CTLQ,            /* Control prefix in incoming data */
 101:     myctlq = CTLQ;          /* Outbound control character prefix */
 104: /* Packet-related variables */
 106: int pktnum = 0,             /* Current packet number */
 107:     prvpkt = -1,            /* Previous packet number */
 108:     sndtyp,             /* Type of packet just sent */
 109:     size,               /* Current size of output pkt data */
 110:     osize,              /* Previous output packet data size */
 111:     maxsize,                /* Max size for building data field */
 112:     spktl;              /* Length packet being sent */
 114: CHAR sndpkt[MAXPACK*2],         /* Entire packet being sent */
 115:     recpkt[RBUFL],          /* Packet most recently received */
 116:     data[MAXPACK+4],            /* Packet data buffer */
 117:     srvcmd[MAXPACK*2],          /* Where to decode server command */
 118:     *srvptr,                /* Pointer to above */
 119:     mystch = SOH,           /* Outbound packet-start character */
 120:     stchr = SOH;            /* Incoming packet-start character */
 122: /* File-related variables */
 124: CHAR filnam[50];            /* Name of current file. */
 126: int nfils;              /* Number of files in file group */
 127: long fsize;             /* Size of current file */
 129: /* Communication line variables */
 131: CHAR ttname[50];            /* Name of communication line. */
 133: int parity,             /* Parity specified, 0,'e','o',etc */
 134:     flow,               /* Flow control, 1 = xon/xoff */
 135:     speed = -1,             /* Line speed */
 136:     turn = 0,               /* Line turnaround handshake flag */
 137:     turnch = XON,           /* Line turnaround character */
 138:     duplex = 0,             /* Duplex, full by default */
 139:     escape = 034,           /* Escape character for connect */
 140:     delay = DDELAY,         /* Initial delay before sending */
 141:     mdmtyp = 0;             /* Modem type (initially none)  */
 144: /* Statistics variables */
 146: long filcnt,            /* Number of files in transaction */
 147:     flci,           /* Characters from line, current file */
 148:     flco,           /* Chars to line, current file  */
 149:     tlci,           /* Chars from line in transaction */
 150:     tlco,                       /* Chars to line in transaction */
 151:     ffc,            /* Chars to/from current file */
 152:     tfc;            /* Chars to/from files in transaction */
 154: int tsecs;          /* Seconds for transaction */
 156: /* Flags */
 158: int deblog = 0,             /* Flag for debug logging */
 159:     pktlog = 0,             /* Flag for packet logging */
 160:     seslog = 0,             /* Session logging */
 161:     tralog = 0,             /* Transaction logging */
 162:     displa = 0,             /* File transfer display on/off */
 163:     stdouf = 0,             /* Flag for output to stdout */
 164:     xflg   = 0,             /* Flag for X instead of F packet */
 165:     hcflg  = 0,             /* Doing Host command */
 166:     fncnv  = 1,             /* Flag for file name conversion */
 167:     binary = 0,             /* Flag for binary file */
 168:     savmod = 0,             /* Saved file mode */
 169:     warn   = 0,             /* Flag for file warning */
 170:     quiet  = 0,             /* Be quiet during file transfer */
 171:     local  = 0,             /* Flag for external tty vs stdout */
 172:     server = 0,             /* Flag for being a server */
 173:     cnflg  = 0,             /* Connect after transaction */
 174:     cxseen = 0,             /* Flag for cancelling a file */
 175:     czseen = 0,                     /* Flag for cancelling file group */
 176:     keep = 0;               /* Keep incomplete files */
 178: /* Variables passed from command parser to protocol module */
 180: char parser();              /* The parser itself */
 181: char sstate  = 0;           /* Starting state for automaton */
 182: char *cmarg  = "";          /* Pointer to command data */
 183: char *cmarg2 = "";          /* Pointer to 2nd command data */
 184: char **cmlist;              /* Pointer to file list in argv */
 186: /* Miscellaneous */
 188: char **xargv;               /* Global copies of argv */
 189: int  xargc;             /* and argc  */
 191: extern char *dftty;         /* Default tty name from ckx???.c */
 192: extern int dfloc;           /* Default location: remote/local */
 193: extern int dfprty;          /* Default parity */
 194: extern int dfflow;          /* Default flow control */
 196: /*  M A I N  --  C-Kermit main program  */
 198: main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; {
 200:     char *strcpy();
 202: /* Do some initialization */
 204:     xargc = argc;           /* Make global copies of argc */
 205:     xargv = argv;           /* ...and argv. */
 206:     sstate = 0;             /* No default start state. */
 207:     strcpy(ttname,dftty);       /* Set up default tty name. */
 208:     local = dfloc;          /* And whether it's local or remote. */
 209:     parity = dfprty;            /* Set initial parity, */
 210:     flow = dfflow;          /* and flow control. */
 211:     sysinit();              /* And any system-dependent things. */
 213: /* Look for a UNIX-style command line... */
 215:     if (argc > 1) {         /* Command line arguments? */
 216:     sstate = cmdlin();      /* Yes, parse. */
 217:     if (sstate) {
 218:         proto();            /* Take any requested action, then */
 219:         if (!quiet) conoll(""); /* put cursor back at left margin, */
 220:         if (cnflg) conect();    /* connect if requested, */
 221:         doexit(GOOD_EXIT);      /* and then exit with status 0. */
 222:         }
 223:     }
 225: /* If no action requested on command line, enter interactive parser */
 227:     cmdini();               /* Initialize command parser */
 228:     while(sstate = parser()) {      /* Loop getting commands. */
 229:     if (sstate) proto();        /* Enter protocol if requested. */
 230:     }
 231: }

Defined functions

main defined in line 198; never used

Defined variables

cmarg2 defined in line 183; used 25 times
cmlist defined in line 184; used 2 times
data defined in line 116; used 58 times
ffc defined in line 151; used 7 times
filnam defined in line 124; used 28 times
flci defined in line 147; used 4 times
flco defined in line 148; used 4 times
fsize defined in line 127; used 2 times
hlptxt defined in line 61; used 1 times
nfils defined in line 126; used 20 times
pktnum defined in line 106; used 23 times
recpkt defined in line 115; used 21 times
sndpkt defined in line 114; used 27 times
srvcmd defined in line 117; used 7 times
srvptr defined in line 118; used 3 times
srvtxt defined in line 69; never used
sstate defined in line 181; used 29 times
tfc defined in line 152; used 9 times
tsecs defined in line 154; used 6 times
versio defined in line 1; used 4 times
xargc defined in line 189; used 15 times
xargv defined in line 188; used 27 times
Last modified: 1985-08-14
Generated: 2016-12-26
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