1: char *loginv = "Script Command, V2.0(007) 5 Jul 85";
   3: /*  C K U S C R  --  Login script for logging onto remote system */
   5: /*
   6:  This module should work under all versions of Unix.  It calls externally
   7:  defined system-depended functions for i/o.
   9:  The module expects a login string of the expect send [expect send] ...
  10:  format.  It is intended to operate similarly to the way the common
  11:  uucp "L.sys" login entries work.  Conditional responses are supported
  12:  expect[-send-expect[...]] as with uucp.  The send keyword EOT sends a
  13:  control-d, and the keyword BREAK sends a break.  Letters prefixed
  14:  by '~' are '~b' backspace, '~s' space, '~n' linefeed, '~r' return, '~x' xon,
  15:  '~t' tab, '~q' ? (not allowed on kermit command lines), '~' ~, '~'',
  16:  '~"', '~c' don't append return, '~o[o[o]]' octal character.  As with
  17:  some uucp systems, sent strings are followed by ~r (not ~n) unless they
  18:  end with ~c. Null expect strings (e.g., ~0 or --) cause a short
  19:  delay, and are useful for sending sequences requiring slight pauses.
  21:  Author: Herm Fischer (HFISCHER@USC-ECLB)
  22:  Contributed to Columbia University for inclusion in C-Kermit.
  23:  Copyright (C) 1985, Herman Fischer, 16400 Ventura Blvd, Encino CA 91436
  24:  Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or
  25:  redistribute this software so long as it is not sold for profit, provided this
  26:  copyright notice is retained.
  27: */
  29: #include "ckcdeb.h"
  30: #include <stdio.h>
  31: #include <ctype.h>
  32: #include <signal.h>
  33: #include <setjmp.h>
  34: #include "ckcker.h"
  36: extern int local, speed, flow, seslog, mdmtyp;
  37: extern char ttname[];
  38: extern CHAR dopar();
  39: static char * chstr();
  41: static int EXP_ALRM = 15;       /* Time to wait for expect string */
  42: #define SND_ALRM    15      /* Time to allow for sending string */
  43: #define NULL_EXP    2       /* Time to pause on null expect strg*/
  44: #define DEL_MSEC    300     /* milliseconds to pause on ~d */
  46: #define SBUFL 300           /* Login Sequence buffer */
  47: static char seq_buf[SBUFL], *s;
  48: static int got_it, no_cr;
  50: /*  connect state parent/child communication signal handlers */
  52: static jmp_buf alrmRng;     /* Envir ptr for connect errors */
  54: scrtime() {             /* modem read failure handler, */
  55:     longjmp(alrmRng,1);     /* notifies parent process to stop */
  56: }
  59: /*
  60:  Sequence interpreter -- pick up next sequence from command string,
  61:  decode escapes and place into seq_buf
  63:  If string contains a ~d (delay) then sequenc returns a 1 expecting
  64:  to be called again after the ~d executes.
  65: */
  66: static
  67: sequenc()  {
  69:     int i;
  70:     char c, oct_char;
  72:     no_cr = 0;              /* output needs cr appended */
  74:     for (i=0; i<SBUFL; ) {
  75:     if (*s == '\0' || *s == '-' || isspace(*s) ) { /* done */
  76:         seq_buf[i] = '\0';
  77:         return(0) ;
  78:     }
  80:     if (*s == '~') {        /* escape character */
  81:         switch (c = *(++s) ) {
  82:         case 'n':   seq_buf[i++] = '\n'; break;
  83:         case 'r':   seq_buf[i++] = '\r'; break;
  84:         case 't':   seq_buf[i++] = '\t'; break;
  85:         case 'b':   seq_buf[i++] = '\b'; break;
  86:         case 'q':   seq_buf[i++] = '?';  break;
  87:         case '~':   seq_buf[i++] = '~';  break;
  88:         case '\'':  seq_buf[i++] = '\''; break;
  89:         case '\"':  seq_buf[i++] = '\"'; break;
  90:         case 's':   seq_buf[i++] = ' ';  break;
  91:         case 'x':   seq_buf[i++] = '\021'; break;
  92:         case 'c':   no_cr = 1; break;
  93:         case 'd': {         /* send what we have and then */
  94:             seq_buf[i] = '\0';      /* expect to send rest after */
  95:             no_cr = 1;          /* sender delays a little */
  96:             s++;
  97:             return(1);
  98:             }
  99:         case 'w': {         /* wait count */
 100:             EXP_ALRM = 15;      /* default to 15 sec */
 101:             if ( isdigit( *(s+1) ) ) {
 102:             EXP_ALRM = (*(++s)) & 15;
 103:             if ( isdigit( *(s+1) ) ) {
 104:                 EXP_ALRM = EXP_ALRM*10 + ( (*(++s)) & 15 );
 105:                 }
 106:             }
 107:             break;
 108:             }
 109:         default:
 110:             if ( isdigit(c) ) {         /* octal character */
 111:                 oct_char = (c & 7); /* most significant digit */
 112:             if (isdigit( *(s+1) ) ) {
 113:                 oct_char = (oct_char<<3) | ( (*(++s)) & 7 ) ;
 114:                 if (isdigit( *(s+1) ) ) {
 115:                     oct_char = (oct_char<<3) | ( (*(++s)) & 7 ) ;
 116:                 }
 117:             }
 118:             seq_buf[i++] = oct_char;
 119:             break;
 120:             }
 121:         }
 122:     }
 123:     else seq_buf[i++] = *s;     /* plain old character */
 124:     s++;
 125:     }
 126:     seq_buf[i] = '\0';
 127:     return(0);          /* end of space, return anyway */
 128: }
 131: /*
 132:  Receive sequence -- see if expected response comes return success
 133:  (or failure) in got_it
 134: */
 135: static
 136: recvSeq()  {
 138:     char *e, got[7], trace[300];
 139:     int i, l;
 141:     sequenc();
 142:     l = strlen(e=seq_buf);      /* no more than 7 chars allowed */
 143:     if (l > 7) {
 144:         e += l-7;
 145:         l = 7;
 146:     }
 148:     tlog(F111,"expecting sequence",e,(long) l);
 149:     if (l == 0) {       /* null sequence, just delay a little */
 150:         sleep (NULL_EXP);
 151:         got_it = 1;
 152:         tlog(F100,"got it (null sequence)","",0l);
 153:         return;
 154:     }
 155:     *trace = '\0';
 156:     for (i=0; i<7; i++) got[i]='\0';
 158:     signal(SIGALRM,scrtime);    /* did we get it? */
 159:     if (!setjmp(alrmRng)) { /* not timed out yet */
 160:         alarm(EXP_ALRM);
 161:         while (!got_it) {
 162:         for (i=0; i<(l-1); i++) got[i] = got[i+1]; /* shift over one */
 163:         got[l-1] = ttinc(0) & 0177;     /* next char */
 164:         if (strlen(trace) < sizeof(trace)-2 )
 165:             strcat(trace,chstr(got[l-1]));
 166:         got_it = (!strncmp(seq_buf, got, l) ) ;
 167:         }
 168:     } else got_it = 0;      /* timed out here */
 170:     alarm(0);
 171:     signal(SIGALRM,SIG_IGN);
 172:     tlog(F110,"received sequence: ",trace,0l);
 173:     tlog(F101,"returning with got-it code","",(long) got_it);
 174:     return;
 175: }
 178: /*
 179:  Output A Sequence starting at pointer s,
 180:  return 0 if okay,
 181:  1 if failed to read (modem hangup or whatever)
 182: */
 183: static int
 184: outSeq()  {
 185:     char *sb;
 186:     int l;
 187:     int delay;
 188:     int retCode = 0;
 190:   while(1) {
 191:     delay = sequenc();
 192:     l = strlen(seq_buf);
 193:     tlog(F111,"sending sequence ",seq_buf,(long) l);
 194:     signal(SIGALRM,scrtime);
 195:     if (!setjmp(alrmRng)) {
 196:     alarm(SND_ALRM);
 197:     if (!strcmp(seq_buf,"EOT")) ttoc(dopar('\004'));
 198:     else if (!strcmp(seq_buf,"BREAK")) ttsndb();
 199:     else {
 200:         if (l > 0) {
 201:         for ( sb=seq_buf; *sb; sb++) *sb = dopar(*sb);
 202:         ttol(seq_buf,l);        /* with parity */
 203:         }
 204:         if (!no_cr) ttoc( dopar('\r') );
 205:     }
 206:     }
 207:         else retCode |= -1;         /* else -- alarm rang */
 208:     alarm(0);
 209:     signal(SIGALRM,SIG_IGN);
 210:     if (!delay) return ( retCode );
 211:     msleep(DEL_MSEC);       /* delay, and loop to next stuff to send */
 212:     }
 213: }
 216: /*  L O G I N  --  Login to remote system */
 218: login(cmdstr) char *cmdstr; {
 220:     int (*saveAlm)();   /* save incomming alarm function */
 221:     char *e;
 223:     s = cmdstr;         /* make global to ckuscr.c */
 225:     tlog(F100,loginv,"",0l);
 227:     if (!local) {
 228:         printf("Sorry, you must 'set line' first\n");
 229:         return(-2);
 230:     }
 231:     if (speed < 0) {
 232:         printf("Sorry, you must 'set speed' first\n");
 233:         return(-2);
 234:         }
 235:     if (ttopen(ttname,&local,mdmtyp) < 0) {
 236:         sprintf(seq_buf,"Sorry, can't open %s",ttname);
 237:         perror(seq_buf);
 238:         return(-2);
 239:         }
 240:         printf("Executing script thru %s, speed %d.\r\n",ttname,speed);
 241:     *seq_buf=0;
 242:     for (e=s; *e; e++) strcat(seq_buf, chstr(*e) );
 243:     printf("The logon string is: %s\r\n",seq_buf);
 244:     tlog(F110,"Logon command string: ",seq_buf, 0l);
 246: /* Condition console terminal and communication line */
 248:     if (ttvt(speed,flow) < 0) {
 249:         printf("Sorry, Can't condition communication line\n");
 250:         return(-2);
 251:         }
 252:                 /* save initial timer interrupt value */
 253:     saveAlm = signal(SIGALRM,SIG_IGN);
 255:     ttflui();       /* flush stale input */
 257: /* cont'd... */
 260: /* ...login, cont'd */
 262: /* start expect - send sequence */
 264:     while (*s) {        /* while not done with buffer */
 266:     while (*s && isspace(*s)) s++;  /* skip over separating whitespaces */
 267:                 /* gather up expect sequence */
 268:     got_it = 0;
 269:     recvSeq();
 271:     while (!got_it) {
 272:                 /* no, is there a conditional send */
 273:         if (*s++ != '-') goto failRet;      /* no -- return failure */
 275:                 /* start of conditional send */
 276:         ttflui();               /* flush out input buffer */
 277:         if (outSeq()) goto failRet;     /* if unable to send! */
 279:         if (*s++ != '-') goto failRet;  /* must have condit respon.*/
 280:         recvSeq();
 281:     }   /* loop back and check got_it */
 283:     while (*s && !isspace(*s++) ) ;     /* skip over conditionals */
 284:     while (*s && isspace(*s)) s++;  /* skip over separating whitespaces */
 285:     ttflui();           /* Flush */
 286:     if (*s) if (outSeq()) goto failRet;     /* if any */
 287:     }
 288:     signal(SIGALRM,saveAlm);
 289:     printf("Logged on!\r\n");
 290:     tlog(F100,"Logged on!","",0l);
 291:     return(0);
 293: failRet:
 294:     signal(SIGALRM,saveAlm);
 295:     printf("Sorry, logon failed\r\n");
 296:     tlog(F100,"Logon failed","",0l);
 297:     return(-2);
 298: }
 301: /*  C H S T R  --  Make printable string from a character */
 303: static char *
 304: chstr(c) char c; {
 305:     static char sc[4];
 307:     if (c < SP) sprintf(sc, "^%c",ctl(c) );
 308:     else sprintf(sc, "%c", c);
 310:     return(sc);
 311: }

Defined functions

chstr defined in line 303; used 3 times
login defined in line 218; used 1 times
outSeq defined in line 183; used 2 times
recvSeq defined in line 135; used 2 times
scrtime defined in line 54; used 2 times
sequenc defined in line 66; used 2 times

Defined variables

EXP_ALRM defined in line 41; used 5 times
alrmRng defined in line 52; used 3 times
got_it defined in line 48; used 7 times
loginv defined in line 1; used 2 times
no_cr defined in line 48; used 4 times
s defined in line 47; used 30 times
seq_buf defined in line 47; used 29 times

Defined macros

DEL_MSEC defined in line 44; used 1 times
NULL_EXP defined in line 43; used 1 times
SBUFL defined in line 46; used 2 times
SND_ALRM defined in line 42; used 1 times
Last modified: 1985-08-14
Generated: 2016-12-26
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