1: char *connv = "Connect Command for Unix, V4C(014) 29 Jul 85";
   3: /*  C K U C O N  --  Dumb terminal connection to remote system, for Unix  */
   4: /*
   5:  This module should work under all versions of Unix.  It calls externally
   6:  defined system-dependent functions for i/o, but depends upon the existence
   7:  of the fork() function.
   9:  Author: Frank da Cruz (SY.FDC@CU20B),
  10:  Columbia University Center for Computing Activities, January 1985.
  11:  Copyright (C) 1985, Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York.
  12:  Permission is granted to any individual or institution to use, copy, or
  13:  redistribute this software so long as it is not sold for profit, provided this
  14:  copyright notice is retained.
  16:  Enhanced by H. Fischer to detect when child process (modem reader)
  17:  reports that the communications line has been broken and hang up.
  18:  Also enhanced to allow escaping from connect state to command
  19:  interpreter, to allow sending/receiving without breaking connection.
  20: */
  22: #include <stdio.h>
  23: #include <ctype.h>          /* Character types */
  24: #include "ckcdeb.h"
  25: #include "ckcker.h"
  26: #include <signal.h>
  27: #include <setjmp.h>
  29: #ifndef SIGUSR1
  30: #define SIGUSR1 16
  31: #endif
  33: extern int local, speed, escape, duplex, parity, flow, seslog, mdmtyp;
  34: extern int errno;
  35: extern char ttname[], sesfil[];
  36: extern CHAR dopar();
  38: int i, active;              /* Variables global to this module */
  39: char *chstr();
  40: char temp[50];
  42: #define LBUFL 200           /* Line buffer */
  43: char lbuf[LBUFL];
  45: /* Connect state parent/child communication signal handlers */
  47: static jmp_buf env_con;         /* Envir ptr for connect errors */
  49: static
  50: conn_int() {                /* Modem read failure handler, */
  51:     longjmp(env_con,1);         /* notifies parent process to stop */
  52: }
  54: /*  C O N E C T  --  Perform terminal connection  */
  56: conect() {
  57:     int pid,            /* process id of child (modem reader) */
  58:     parent_id,      /* process id of parent (keyboard reader) */
  59:     n;
  60:     int c;          /* c is a character, but must be signed
  61: 				   integer to pass thru -1, which is the
  62: 				   modem disconnection signal, and is
  63: 				   different from the character 0377 */
  64:     char errmsg[50], *erp;
  66:     if (!local) {
  67:         printf("Sorry, you must 'set line' first\n");
  68:         return(-2);
  69:     }
  70:     if (speed < 0) {
  71:         printf("Sorry, you must 'set speed' first\n");
  72:         return(-2);
  73:         }
  74:     if ((escape < 0) || (escape > 0177)) {
  75:         printf("Your escape character is not ASCII - %d\n",escape);
  76:         return(-2);
  77:     }
  78:     if (ttopen(ttname,&local,mdmtyp) < 0) {
  79:         erp = errmsg;
  80:         sprintf(erp,"Sorry, can't open %s",ttname);
  81:         perror(errmsg);
  82:         return(-2);
  83:         }
  84:         printf("Connecting thru %s, speed %d.\r\n",ttname,speed);
  85:     printf("The escape character is %s (%d).\r\n",chstr(escape),escape);
  86:     printf("Type the escape character followed by C to get back,\r\n");
  87:     printf("or followed by ? to see other options.\r\n");
  88:     if (seslog) printf("(Session logged to %s.)\r\n",sesfil);
  90: /* Condition console terminal and communication line */
  92:         if (conbin(escape) < 0) {
  93:         printf("Sorry, can't condition console terminal\n");
  94:         return(-2);
  95:         }
  96:     if (ttvt(speed,flow) < 0) {
  97:         conres();
  98:         printf("Sorry, Can't condition communication line\n");
  99:         return(-2);
 100:         }
 102: /* cont'd... */
 104: /* ...connect, cont'd */
 107:     parent_id = getpid();       /* get parent id for signalling */
 108:     pid = fork();           /* All ok, make a fork */
 109:     if (pid) {
 110:       active = 1;           /* This fork reads, sends keystrokes */
 111:       if (!setjmp(env_con)) {   /* comm error in child process */
 112:         signal(SIGUSR1,conn_int);   /* routine for child process exit */
 113:         while (active) {
 114:         c = coninc(0) & 0177;   /* Get character from keyboard */
 115:         if (c == escape) {      /* Look for escape char */
 116:             c = coninc(0) & 0177;   /* Got esc, get its arg */
 117:             doesc(c);           /* And process it */
 118:         } else {        /* Ordinary character */
 119:             if (ttoc(dopar(c)) > -1) {
 120:                 if (duplex) {   /* Half duplex? */
 121:                 conoc(c);   /* Yes, also echo it. */
 122:                 if (seslog)     /* And maybe log it. */
 123:                     if (zchout(ZSFILE,c) < 0) seslog = 0;
 124:             }
 125:                     } else {
 126:             perror("\r\nCan't send character");
 127:             active = 0;
 128:             }
 129:         }
 130:           }
 131:             }               /* Come here on death of child */
 132:         kill(pid,9);        /* Done, kill inferior fork. */
 133:         wait(0);            /* Wait till gone. */
 134:         conres();           /* Reset the console. */
 135:         printf("[Back at Local System]\n");
 136:         return(0);
 138:     } else {            /* Inferior reads, prints port input */
 140:         while (1) {         /* Fresh read, wait for a character */
 141:         if ((c = ttinc(0)) < 0) { /* Comm line hangup detected */
 142:             if (errno == 9999)  /* this value set by ckutio.c myread */
 143:              printf("\r\nCommunications disconnect ");
 144:             else perror("\r\nCan't get character");
 145:             kill(parent_id,SIGUSR1);    /* notify parent. */
 146:             pause();        /* Wait to be killed by parent. */
 147:                 }
 148:         c &= 0177;      /* Got a char, strip parity, etc */
 149:         conoc(c);       /* Put it on the screen. */
 150:         if (seslog) zchout(ZSFILE,c);   /* If logging, log it. */
 151:         while ((n = ttchk()) > 0) { /* Any more left in buffer? */
 152:             if (n > LBUFL) n = LBUFL;   /* Get them all at once. */
 153:             if ((n = ttxin(n,lbuf)) > 0) {
 154:             for (i = 0; i < n; i++) lbuf[i] &= 0177;   /* Strip */
 155:             conxo(n,lbuf);                             /* Output */
 156:             if (seslog) zsoutx(ZSFILE,lbuf,n);         /* Log */
 157:             }
 158:             }
 159:         }
 160:         }
 161: }
 163: /*  H C O N N E  --  Give help message for connect.  */
 165: hconne() {
 166:     int c;
 167:     static char *hlpmsg[] = {"\
 168: \r\nC to close the connection, or:",
 169: "\r\n  0 (zero) to send a null",
 170: "\r\n  B to send a BREAK",
 171: "\r\n  H to hangup and close connection",
 172: "\r\n  S for status",
 173: "\r\n  ? for help",
 174: "\r\n escape character twice to send the escape character.\r\n\r\n",
 175: "" };
 177:     conola(hlpmsg);         /* Print the help message. */
 178:     conol("Command>");          /* Prompt for command. */
 179:     c = coninc(0);
 180:     conoc(c);               /* Echo it. */
 181:     conoll("");
 182:     c &= 0177;              /* Strip any parity. */
 183:     return(c);              /* Return it. */
 184: }
 187: /*  C H S T R  --  Make a printable string out of a character  */
 189: char *
 190: chstr(c) int c; {
 191:     static char s[8];
 192:     char *cp = s;
 194:     if (c < SP) {
 195:     sprintf(cp,"CTRL-%c",ctl(c));
 196:     } else sprintf(cp,"'%c'\n",c);
 197:     cp = s;
 198:     return(cp);
 199: }
 201: /*  D O E S C  --  Process an escape character argument  */
 203: doesc(c) char c; {
 204:     CHAR d;
 206:     c &= 0177;
 207:     while (1) {
 208:     if (c == escape) {      /* Send escape character */
 209:         d = dopar(c); ttoc(d); return;
 210:         } else              /* Or else look it up below. */
 211:         if (isupper(c)) c = tolower(c);
 213:     switch (c) {
 215:     case 'c':           /* Close connection */
 216:     case '\03':
 217:         active = 0; conol("\r\n"); return;
 219:     case 'b':           /* Send a BREAK signal */
 220:     case '\02':
 221:         ttsndb(); return;
 223:     case 'h':           /* Hangup */
 224:     case '\010':
 225:         tthang(); active = 0; conol("\r\n"); return;
 227:     case 's':           /* Status */
 228:     case '\023':
 229:         conol("\r\nConnected thru ");
 230:         conol(ttname);
 231:         if (speed >= 0) {
 232:         sprintf(temp,", speed %d",speed); conol(temp);
 233:         }
 234:         if (parity) {
 235:         conol(", ");
 236:         switch (parity) {
 237:             case 'e': conol("even");  break;
 238:             case 'o': conol("odd");   break;
 239:             case 's': conol("space"); break;
 240:             case 'm': conol("mark");  break;
 241:         }
 242:         conol(" parity");
 243:         }
 244:         if (seslog) {
 245:         conol(", logging to "); conol(sesfil);
 246:             }
 247:         conoll(""); return;
 249:     case '?':           /* Help */
 250:         c = hconne(); continue;
 252:     case '0':           /* Send a null */
 253:         c = '\0'; d = dopar(c); ttoc(d); return;
 255:     case SP:            /* Space, ignore */
 256:         return;
 258:     default:            /* Other */
 259:         conoc(BEL); return;     /* Invalid esc arg, beep */
 260:         }
 261:     }
 262: }

Defined functions

chstr defined in line 189; used 4 times
conect defined in line 56; used 4 times
conn_int defined in line 49; used 1 times
doesc defined in line 203; used 1 times
hconne defined in line 165; used 1 times

Defined variables

active defined in line 38; used 5 times
connv defined in line 1; used 1 times
env_con defined in line 47; used 2 times
i defined in line 38; used 4 times
  • in line 154(4)
lbuf defined in line 43; used 4 times
temp defined in line 40; used 2 times
  • in line 232(2)

Defined macros

LBUFL defined in line 42; used 3 times
SIGUSR1 defined in line 30; used 3 times
Last modified: 1985-08-14
Generated: 2016-12-26
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