1: /*************************************************************************
   2:  * This program is copyright (C) 1985, 1986 by Jonathan Payne.  It is    *
   3:  * provided to you without charge for use only on a licensed Unix        *
   4:  * system.  You may copy JOVE provided that this notice is included with *
   5:  * the copy.  You may not sell copies of this program or versions        *
   6:  * modified for use on microcomputer systems, unless the copies are      *
   7:  * included with a Unix system distribution and the source is provided.  *
   8:  *************************************************************************/
  10: #include "jove.h"
  11: #include "io.h"
  12: #include "ctype.h"
  13: #include "temp.h"
  14: #include "termcap.h"
  16: extern int  BufSize;
  18: int OkayAbort,
  19:     tabstop = 8;
  21: int (*TTins_line)(),
  22:     (*TTdel_line)();
  24: struct scrimage
  25:     *DesiredScreen = 0,
  26:     *PhysScreen = 0;
  28: struct screenline   *Screen = 0,    /* the screen (a bunch of screenline) */
  29:             *Savelines = 0, /* another bunch (LI of them) */
  30:             *Curline = 0;   /* current line */
  31: char    *cursor,            /* offset into current Line */
  32:     *cursend;
  34: int CapCol,
  35:     CapLine,
  37:     i_line,
  38:     i_col;
  40: make_scr()
  41: {
  42:     register int    i;
  43:     register struct screenline  *ns;
  44:     register char   *nsp;
  46: #ifdef RESHAPING
  47:     /* In case we are RESHAPING the window! */
  48:     if (DesiredScreen)
  49:         free((char *) DesiredScreen);
  50:     if (PhysScreen)
  51:         free((char *) PhysScreen);
  52:     if (Savelines)
  53:         free((char *) Savelines);
  54:     if (Screen) {
  55:         ns = Screen;
  56:         for (i = 0; i < LI; i++)
  57:             free((ns++)->s_line);
  58:         free((char *) Screen);
  59:     }
  60: #endif RESHAPING
  62:     DesiredScreen = (struct scrimage *) malloc((unsigned) LI * sizeof (struct scrimage));
  63:     PhysScreen = (struct scrimage *) malloc((unsigned) LI * sizeof (struct scrimage));
  65:     Savelines = (struct screenline *)
  66:             malloc((unsigned) LI * sizeof(struct screenline));
  67:     ns = Screen = (struct screenline *)
  68:             malloc((unsigned) LI * sizeof(struct screenline));
  70:     nsp = (char *) malloc((unsigned)CO * LI);
  71:     if (nsp == 0) {
  72:         printf("\n\rCannot malloc screen!\n");
  73:         finish(1);
  74:     }
  76:     for (i = 0; i < LI; i++) {
  77:         ns->s_line = nsp;
  78:         nsp += CO;
  79:         ns->s_length = nsp - 1;     /* End of Line */
  80:         ns++;
  81:     }
  82:     cl_scr(0);
  83: }
  85: clrline(cp1, cp2)
  86: register char   *cp1,
  87:         *cp2;
  88: {
  89:     while (cp1 <= cp2)
  90:         *cp1++ = ' ';
  91: }
  93: #define sputc(c)    ((*cursor != (char) (c)) ? dosputc(c) : (cursor++, i_col++))
  94: #define soutputc(c) if (--n <= 0) break; else sputc(c)
  96: cl_eol()
  97: {
  98:     if (cursor > cursend)
  99:         return;
 101:     if (cursor < Curline->s_length) {
 102:         if (CE) {
 103:             Placur(i_line, i_col);
 104:             putpad(CE, 1);
 105:             clrline(cursor, Curline->s_length);
 106:         } else {
 107:         /* Ugh.  The slow way for dumb terminals. */
 108:             register char *savecp = cursor;
 110:             while (cursor <= Curline->s_length)
 111:                 sputc(' ');
 112:             cursor = savecp;
 113:         }
 114:         Curline->s_length = cursor;
 115:     }
 116: }
 118: cl_scr(doit)
 119: {
 120:     register int    i;
 121:     register struct screenline  *sp = Screen;
 123:     for (i = 0; i < LI; i++, sp++) {
 124:         clrline(sp->s_line, sp->s_length);
 125:         sp->s_length = sp->s_line;
 126:         PhysScreen[i].s_id = 0;
 127:     }
 128:     if (doit) {
 129:         putpad(CL, LI);
 130:         CapCol = CapLine = 0;
 131:         UpdMesg++;
 132:     }
 133: }
 135: #ifdef ID_CHAR
 136: extern int  IN_INSmode;
 137: #endif
 139: /* Output one character (if necessary) at the current position */
 141: dosputc(c)
 142: register char   c;
 143: {
 144:     if (*cursor != c) {
 145: #ifdef ID_CHAR
 146:         if (IN_INSmode)
 147:             INSmode(0);
 148: #endif
 149:         if (i_line != CapLine || i_col != CapCol)
 150:             Placur(i_line, i_col);
 151:         if (UL && (c & 0177) == '_' && (*cursor & 0177) != ' ')
 152:             putstr(" \b");      /* Erase so '_' looks right. */
 153:         *cursor++ = c;
 154:         putchar(c & 0177);
 155:         CapCol++;
 156:         i_col++;
 157:     } else {
 158:         cursor++;
 159:         i_col++;
 160:     }
 161: }
 163: /* Write `line' at the current position of `cursor'.  Stop when we
 164:    reach the end of the screen.  Aborts if there is a character
 165:    waiting.  */
 167: swrite(line, inversep, abortable)
 168: register char   *line;
 169: register int    abortable;
 170: {
 171:     register int    c;
 172:     int col = i_col,
 173:         aborted = 0;
 174:     register int    n = cursend - cursor;
 175:     int or_byte = inversep ? 0200 : 0,
 176:         thebyte;
 178:     if (n <= 0)
 179:         return 1;
 181:     OkayAbort = 0;
 182:     while (c = *line++) {
 183:         if (abortable && OkayAbort) {
 184:             OkayAbort = NO;
 185:             if (InputPending = charp()) {
 186:                 aborted = 1;
 187:                 break;
 188:             }
 189:         }
 190:         if (c == '\t') {
 191:             int nchars;
 193:             nchars = (tabstop - (col % tabstop));
 194:             col += nchars;
 196:             thebyte = (' ' | or_byte);
 197:             while (nchars--)
 198:                 soutputc(thebyte);
 199:             if (n <= 0)
 200:                 break;
 201:         } else if (isctrl(c)) {
 202:             thebyte = ('^' | or_byte);
 203:             soutputc(thebyte);
 204:             thebyte = (((c == '\177') ? '?' : c + '@') | or_byte);
 205:             soutputc(thebyte);
 206:             col += 2;
 207:         } else {
 208:             thebyte = (c | or_byte);
 209:             soutputc(thebyte);
 210:             col++;
 211:         }
 212:     }
 213:     if (n <= 0) {
 214:         thebyte = ('!' | or_byte);
 215:         sputc(thebyte);
 216:     }
 217:     if (cursor > Curline->s_length)
 218:         Curline->s_length = cursor;
 219:     return !aborted;
 220: }
 222: /* This is for writing a buffer line to the screen.  This is to
 223:    minimize the amount of copying from one buffer to another buffer.
 224:    This gets the info directly from the disk buffers. */
 226: BufSwrite(linenum)
 227: {
 228:     char    *bp;
 229:     register int    n = cursend - cursor,
 230:             col = 0,
 231:             c;
 232:     int StartCol = DesiredScreen[linenum].s_offset,
 233:         visspace = DesiredScreen[linenum].s_window->w_visspace,
 234:         aborted = 0;
 236:     bp = lcontents(DesiredScreen[linenum].s_lp);
 237:     if (*bp) for (;;) {
 238:         if (col >= StartCol) {
 239:             DesiredScreen[linenum].s_offset = col;
 240:             break;
 241:         }
 243:         c = *bp++ & 0177;
 244:         if (c == '\t')
 245:             col += (tabstop - (col % tabstop));
 246:         else if (isctrl(c))
 247:             col += 2;
 248:         else
 249:             col++;
 250:     }
 252:     OkayAbort = 0;
 253:     while (c = (*bp++ & 0177)) {
 254:         if (OkayAbort) {
 255:             OkayAbort = NO;
 256:             if (InputPending = charp()) {
 257:                 aborted = 1;
 258:                 break;
 259:             }
 260:         }
 261:         if (c == '\t') {
 262:             int nchars = (tabstop - (col % tabstop));
 264:             col += nchars;
 265:             if (visspace) {
 266:                 soutputc('>');
 267:                 nchars--;
 268:             }
 269:             while (--nchars >= 0)
 270:                 soutputc(' ');
 271:             if (n <= 0)
 272:                 break;
 273:         } else if (isctrl(c)) {
 274:             soutputc('^');
 275:             soutputc((c == '\177') ? '?' : c + '@');
 276:             col += 2;
 277:         } else {
 278:             if (visspace && c == ' ')
 279:                 c = '_';
 280:             soutputc(c);
 281:             col++;
 282:         }
 283:     }
 284:     if (n <= 0)
 285:         sputc('!');
 286:     if (cursor > Curline->s_length)
 287:         Curline->s_length = cursor;
 288:     return !aborted;        /* Didn't abort */
 289: }
 291: i_set(nline, ncol)
 292: register int    nline,
 293:         ncol;
 294: {
 295:     Curline = &Screen[nline];
 296:     cursor = Curline->s_line + ncol;
 297:     cursend = &Curline->s_line[CO - 1];
 298:     i_line = nline;
 299:     i_col = ncol;
 300: }
 302: /* Insert `num' lines a top, but leave all the lines BELOW `bottom'
 303:    alone (at least they won't look any different when we are done).
 304:    This changes the screen array AND does the physical changes. */
 306: v_ins_line(num, top, bottom)
 307: {
 308:     register int    i;
 310:     /* Save the screen pointers. */
 312:     for(i = 0; i < num && top + i <= bottom; i++)
 313:         Savelines[i] = Screen[bottom - i];
 315:     /* Num number of bottom lines will be lost.
 316: 	   Copy everything down num number of times. */
 318:     for (i = bottom; i > top && i-num >= 0; i--)
 319:         Screen[i] = Screen[i - num];
 321:     /* Restore the saved ones, making them blank. */
 323:     for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
 324:         Screen[top + i] = Savelines[i];
 325:         clrline(Screen[top + i].s_line, Screen[top + i].s_length);
 326:         Screen[top + i].s_length = Screen[top + i].s_line;
 327:     }
 329:     (*TTins_line)(top, bottom, num);
 330: }
 332: /* Delete `num' lines starting at `top' leaving the lines below `bottom'
 333:    alone.  This updates the internal image as well as the physical image.  */
 335: v_del_line(num, top, bottom)
 336: {
 337:     register int    i,
 338:             bot;
 340:     bot = bottom;
 342:     /* Save the lost lines. */
 344:     for (i = 0; i < num && top + i <= bottom; i++)
 345:         Savelines[i] = Screen[top + i];
 347:     /* Copy everything up num number of lines. */
 349:     for (i = top; num + i <= bottom; i++)
 350:         Screen[i] = Screen[i + num];
 352:     /* Restore the lost ones, clearing them. */
 354:     for (i = 0; i < num; i++) {
 355:         Screen[bottom - i] = Savelines[i];
 356:         clrline(Screen[bot].s_line, Screen[bot].s_length);
 357:         Screen[bot].s_length = Screen[bot].s_line;
 358:         bot--;
 359:     }
 361:     (*TTdel_line)(top, bottom, num);
 362: }
 365: /* The cursor optimization happens here.  You may decide that this
 366:    is going too far with cursor optimization, or perhaps it should
 367:    limit the amount of checking to when the output speed is slow.
 368:    What ever turns you on ...   */
 370: private struct cursaddr {
 371:     int c_numchars,
 372:         (*c_proc)();
 373: };
 375: private char    *Cmstr;
 376: private struct cursaddr *HorMin,
 377:             *VertMin,
 378:             *DirectMin;
 380: private ForMotion(),
 381:     ForTab(),
 382:     BackMotion(),
 383:     RetTab(),
 384:     DownMotion(),
 385:     UpMotion(),
 386:     GoDirect(),
 387:     HomeGo(),
 388:     BottomUp();
 391: private struct cursaddr WarpHor[] = {
 392:     0,  ForMotion,
 393:     0,  ForTab,
 394:     0,  BackMotion,
 395:     0,  RetTab
 396: };
 398: private struct cursaddr WarpVert[] = {
 399:     0,  DownMotion,
 400:     0,  UpMotion
 401: };
 403: private struct cursaddr WarpDirect[] = {
 404:     0,  GoDirect,
 405:     0,  HomeGo,
 406:     0,  BottomUp
 407: };
 409: #undef  FORWARD
 410: #define FORWARD     0   /* Move forward */
 411: #define FORTAB      1   /* Forward using tabs */
 412: #undef  BACKWARD
 413: #define BACKWARD    2   /* Move backward */
 414: #define RETFORWARD  3   /* Beginning of line and then tabs */
 415: #define NUMHOR      4
 417: #define DOWN        0   /* Move down */
 418: #define UPMOVE      1   /* Move up */
 419: #define NUMVERT     2
 421: #define DIRECT      0   /* Using CM */
 422: #define HOME        1   /* HOME	*/
 423: #define LOWER       2   /* Lower Line */
 424: #define NUMDIRECT   3
 426: #define home()      Placur(0, 0)
 427: #define LowLine()   putpad(LL, 1), CapLine = ILI, CapCol = 0
 428: #define PrintHo()   putpad(HO, 1), CapLine = CapCol = 0
 430: int phystab = 8;
 432: private
 433: GoDirect(line, col)
 434: register int    line,
 435:         col;
 436: {
 437:     putpad(Cmstr, 1);
 438:     CapLine = line;
 439:     CapCol = col;
 440: }
 442: private
 443: RetTab(col)
 444: register int    col;
 445: {
 446:     putchar('\r');
 447:     CapCol = 0;
 448:     ForTab(col);
 449: }
 451: private
 452: HomeGo(line, col)
 453: {
 454:     PrintHo();
 455:     DownMotion(line);
 456:     ForTab(col);
 457: }
 459: private
 460: BottomUp(line, col)
 461: register int    line,
 462:         col;
 463: {
 464:     LowLine();
 465:     UpMotion(line);
 466:     ForTab(col);
 467: }
 469: /* Tries to move forward using tabs (if possible).  It tabs to the
 470:    closest tabstop which means it may go past 'destcol' and backspace
 471:    to it. */
 473: private
 474: ForTab(destcol)
 475: int destcol;
 476: {
 477:     register int    tabgoal,
 478:             ntabs,
 479:             tabstp = phystab;
 481:     if (TABS && (tabstp > 0)) {
 482:         tabgoal = destcol + (tabstp / 2);
 483:         tabgoal -= (tabgoal % tabstp);
 485:         /* Don't tab to last place or else it is likely to screw up. */
 486:         if (tabgoal >= CO)
 487:             tabgoal -= tabstp;
 489:         ntabs = (tabgoal / tabstp) - (CapCol / tabstp);
 490:         while (--ntabs >= 0)
 491:             putchar('\t');
 492:         CapCol = tabgoal;
 493:     }
 494:     if (CapCol > destcol)
 495:         BackMotion(destcol);
 496:     else if (CapCol < destcol)
 497:         ForMotion(destcol);
 498: }
 500: private
 501: ForMotion(destcol)
 502: register int    destcol;
 503: {
 504:     register int    nchars = destcol - CapCol;
 505:     register char   *cp = &Screen[CapLine].s_line[CapCol];
 507:     while (--nchars >= 0)
 508:         putchar(*cp++ & 0177);
 509:     CapCol = destcol;
 510: }
 512: private
 513: BackMotion(destcol)
 514: register int    destcol;
 515: {
 516:     register int    nchars = CapCol - destcol;
 518:     if (BC)
 519:         while (--nchars >= 0)
 520:             putpad(BC, 1);
 521:     else
 522:         while (--nchars >= 0)
 523:             putchar('\b');
 524:     CapCol = destcol;
 525: }
 527: private
 528: DownMotion(destline)
 529: register int    destline;
 530: {
 531:     register int    nlines = destline - CapLine;
 533:     while (--nlines >= 0)
 534:         putchar('\n');
 535:     CapLine = destline;
 536: }
 538: private
 539: UpMotion(destline)
 540: register int    destline;
 541: {
 542:     register int    nchars = CapLine - destline;
 544:     while (--nchars >= 0)
 545:         putpad(UP, 1);
 546:     CapLine = destline;
 547: }
 549: #ifdef ID_CHAR
 550: static int  EIlen;
 551: #endif
 552: extern int  IMlen;
 554: InitCM()
 555: {
 556:     HOlen = HO ? strlen(HO) : 1000;
 557:     LLlen = LL ? strlen(LL) : 1000;
 558:     UPlen = UP ? strlen(UP) : 1000;
 559: #ifdef ID_CHAR
 560:     if (EI)
 561:         EIlen = strlen(EI);
 562: #endif
 563: }
 565: Placur(line, col)
 566: {
 567:     int dline,      /* Number of lines to move */
 568:         dcol;       /* Number of columns to move */
 569:     register int    best,
 570:             i;
 571:     register struct cursaddr    *cp;
 572:     int xtracost = 0;   /* Misc addition to cost. */
 574: #define CursMin(which,addrs,max) \
 575:     for (best = 0, cp = &addrs[1], i = 1; i < max; i++, cp++) \
 576:         if (cp->c_numchars < addrs[best].c_numchars) \
 577:             best = i; \
 578:     which = &addrs[best];
 580:     if (line == CapLine && col == CapCol)
 581:         return;     /* We are already there. */
 583:     dline = line - CapLine;
 584:     dcol = col - CapCol;
 585: #ifdef ID_CHAR
 586:     if (IN_INSmode && MI)
 587:         xtracost = EIlen + IMlen;
 588:     /* If we're already in insert mode, it is likely that we will
 589: 	   want to be in insert mode again, after the insert. */
 590: #endif
 592:     /* Number of characters to move horizontally for each case.
 593: 	   1: Just move forward by typing the right character on the screen.
 594: 	   2: Print the correct number of back spaces.
 595: 	   3: Try tabbing to the correct place.
 596: 	   4: Try going to the beginning of the line, and then tab. */
 598:     if (dcol == 1 || dcol == 0) {       /* Most common case. */
 599:         HorMin = &WarpHor[FORWARD];
 600:         HorMin->c_numchars = dcol + xtracost;
 601:     } else {
 602:         WarpHor[FORWARD].c_numchars = dcol >= 0 ? dcol + xtracost : 1000;
 603:         WarpHor[BACKWARD].c_numchars = dcol < 0 ? -(dcol + xtracost) : 1000;
 604:         WarpHor[FORTAB].c_numchars = dcol >= 0 && TABS ?
 605:                 ForNum(CapCol, col) + xtracost : 1000;
 606:         WarpHor[RETFORWARD].c_numchars = (xtracost + 1 + (TABS ? ForNum(0, col) : col));
 608:         /* Which is the shortest of the bunch */
 610:         CursMin(HorMin, WarpHor, NUMHOR);
 611:     }
 613:     /* Moving vertically is more simple. */
 615:     WarpVert[DOWN].c_numchars = dline >= 0 ? dline : 1000;
 616:     WarpVert[UPMOVE].c_numchars = dline < 0 ? ((-dline) * UPlen) : 1000;
 618:     /* Which of these is simpler */
 619:     CursMin(VertMin, WarpVert, NUMVERT);
 621:     /* Homing first and lowering first are considered
 622: 	   direct motions.
 623: 	   Homing first's total is the sum of the cost of homing
 624: 	   and the sum of tabbing (if possible) to the right. */
 626:     if (VertMin->c_numchars + HorMin->c_numchars <= 3) {
 627:         DirectMin = &WarpDirect[DIRECT];    /* A dummy ... */
 628:         DirectMin->c_numchars = 100;
 629:     } else {
 630:         WarpDirect[DIRECT].c_numchars = CM ?
 631:                 strlen(Cmstr = tgoto(CM, col, line)) : 1000;
 632:         WarpDirect[HOME].c_numchars = HOlen + line +
 633:                 WarpHor[RETFORWARD].c_numchars;
 634:         WarpDirect[LOWER].c_numchars = LLlen + ((ILI - line) * UPlen) +
 635:                 WarpHor[RETFORWARD].c_numchars;
 636:         CursMin(DirectMin, WarpDirect, NUMDIRECT);
 637:     }
 639:     if (HorMin->c_numchars + VertMin->c_numchars < DirectMin->c_numchars) {
 640:         if (line != CapLine)
 641:             (*VertMin->c_proc)(line);
 642:         if (col != CapCol) {
 643: #ifdef ID_CHAR
 644:             if (IN_INSmode) /* We may use real characters ... */
 645:                 INSmode(0);
 646: #endif
 647:             (*HorMin->c_proc)(col);
 648:         }
 649:     } else {
 650: #ifdef ID_CHAR
 651:         if (IN_INSmode && !MI)
 652:             INSmode(0);
 653: #endif
 654:         (*DirectMin->c_proc)(line, col);
 655:     }
 656: }
 658: #define abs(x)  ((x) >= 0 ? (x) : -(x))
 660: ForNum(from, to)
 661: register int    from;
 662: {
 663:     register int    tabgoal,
 664:             tabstp = phystab;
 665:     int     numchars = 0;
 667:     if (from >= to)
 668:         return from - to;
 669:     if (TABS && (tabstp > 0)) {
 670:         tabgoal = to + (tabstp / 2);
 671:         tabgoal -= (tabgoal % tabstp);
 672:         if (tabgoal >= CO)
 673:             tabgoal -= tabstp;
 674:         numchars = (tabgoal / tabstop) - (from / tabstp);
 675:         from = tabgoal;
 676:     }
 677:     return numchars + abs(from - to);
 678: }
 680: #ifdef WIRED_TERMS
 682: BGi_lines(top, bottom, num)
 683: {
 684:     printf("\033[%d;%dr\033[%dL\033[r", top + 1, bottom + 1, num);
 685:     CapCol = CapLine = 0;
 686: }
 688: SUNi_lines(top, bottom, num)
 689: {
 690:     Placur(bottom - num + 1, 0);
 691:     printf("\033[%dM", num);
 692:     Placur(top, 0);
 693:     printf("\033[%dL", num);
 694: }
 696: C100i_lines(top, bottom, num)
 697: {
 698:     if (num <= 1) {
 699:         GENi_lines(top, bottom, num);
 700:         return;
 701:     }
 702:     printf("\033v%c%c%c%c", ' ', ' ', ' ' + bottom + 1, ' ' + CO);
 703:     CapLine = CapCol = 0;
 704:     Placur(top, 0);
 705:     while (num--)
 706:         putpad(AL, ILI - CapLine);
 707:     printf("\033v%c%c%c%c", ' ', ' ', ' ' + LI, ' ' + CO);
 708:     CapLine = CapCol = 0;
 709: }
 711: #endif WIRED_TERMS
 713: GENi_lines(top, bottom, num)
 714: {
 715:     register int    i;
 717:     if (CS) {
 718:         printf(tgoto(CS, bottom, top));
 719:         CapCol = CapLine = 0;
 720:         Placur(top, 0);
 721:         for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
 722:             putpad(SR, bottom - top);
 723:         printf(tgoto(CS, ILI, 0));
 724:         CapCol = CapLine = 0;
 725:     } else {
 726:         Placur(bottom - num + 1, 0);
 727:         if (M_DL && (num > 1)) {
 728:             char    minibuf[16];
 730:             sprintf(minibuf, M_DL, num);
 731:             putpad(minibuf, ILI - CapLine);
 732:         } else {
 733:             for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
 734:                 putpad(DL, ILI - CapLine);
 735:         }
 736:         Placur(top, 0);
 737:         if (M_AL && (num > 1)) {
 738:             char    minibuf[16];
 740:             sprintf(minibuf, M_AL, num);
 741:             putpad(minibuf, ILI - CapLine);
 742:         } else {
 743:             for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
 744:                 putpad(AL, ILI - CapLine);
 745:         }
 746:     }
 747: }
 749: #ifdef WIRED_TERMS
 751: BGd_lines(top, bottom, num)
 752: {
 753:     printf("\033[%d;%dr\033[%dM\033[r", top + 1, bottom + 1, num);
 754:     CapCol = CapLine = 0;
 755: }
 757: SUNd_lines(top, bottom, num)
 758: {
 759:     Placur(top, 0);
 760:     printf("\033[%dM", num);
 761:     Placur(bottom + 1 - num, 0);
 762:     printf("\033[%dL", num);
 763: }
 765: C100d_lines(top, bottom, num)
 766: {
 767:     if (num <= 1) {
 768:         GENd_lines(top, bottom, num);
 769:         return;
 770:     }
 771:     printf("\033v%c%c%c%c", ' ', ' ', ' ' + bottom + 1, ' ' + CO);
 772:     CapLine = CapCol = 0;
 773:     Placur(top, 0);
 774:     while (num--)
 775:         putpad(DL, ILI - CapLine);
 776:     printf("\033v%c%c%c%c", ' ', ' ', ' ' + LI, ' ' + CO);
 777:     CapLine = CapCol = 0;
 778: }
 780: #endif WIRED_TERMS
 782: GENd_lines(top, bottom, num)
 783: {
 784:     register int    i;
 786:     if (CS) {
 787:         printf(tgoto(CS, bottom, top));
 788:         CapCol = CapLine = 0;
 789:         Placur(bottom, 0);
 790:         for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
 791:             putpad(SF, bottom - top);
 792:         printf(tgoto(CS, ILI, 0));
 793:         CapCol = CapLine = 0;
 794:     } else {
 795:         Placur(top, 0);
 796:         if (M_DL && (num > 1)) {
 797:             char    minibuf[16];
 799:             sprintf(minibuf, M_DL, num);
 800:             putpad(minibuf, ILI - top);
 801:         } else {
 802:             for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
 803:                 putpad(DL, ILI - top);
 804:         }
 805:         Placur(bottom + 1 - num, 0);
 806:         if (M_AL && (num > 1)) {
 807:             char    minibuf[16];
 809:             sprintf(minibuf, M_AL, num);
 810:             putpad(minibuf, ILI - CapLine);
 811:         } else {
 812:             for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
 813:                 putpad(AL, ILI - CapLine);
 814:         }
 815:     }
 816: }
 818: struct ID_lookup {
 819:     char    *ID_name;
 820:     int (*I_proc)();    /* proc to insert lines */
 821:     int (*D_proc)();    /* proc to delete lines */
 822: } ID_trms[] = {
 823:     "generic",  GENi_lines, GENd_lines, /* This should stay here */
 824: #ifdef WIRED_TERMS
 825:     "sun",      SUNi_lines, SUNd_lines,
 826:     "bg",       BGi_lines,  BGd_lines,
 827:     "c1",       C100i_lines,    C100d_lines,
 828: #endif WIRED_TERMS
 829:     0,      0,      0
 830: };
 832: IDline_setup(tname)
 833: char    *tname;
 834: {
 835:     register struct ID_lookup   *idp;
 837:     for (idp = &ID_trms[1]; idp->ID_name; idp++)
 838:         if (strncmp(idp->ID_name, tname, strlen(idp->ID_name)) == 0)
 839:             break;
 840:     if (idp->ID_name == 0)
 841:         idp = &ID_trms[0];
 842:     TTins_line = idp->I_proc;
 843:     TTdel_line = idp->D_proc;
 844: }

Defined functions

BGd_lines defined in line 751; used 1 times
BGi_lines defined in line 682; used 1 times
BackMotion defined in line 512; used 3 times
BottomUp defined in line 459; used 2 times
BufSwrite defined in line 226; used 1 times
C100d_lines defined in line 765; used 1 times
C100i_lines defined in line 696; used 1 times
DownMotion defined in line 527; used 3 times
ForMotion defined in line 500; used 3 times
ForNum defined in line 660; used 2 times
ForTab defined in line 473; used 5 times
GENd_lines defined in line 782; used 2 times
GENi_lines defined in line 713; used 2 times
GoDirect defined in line 432; used 2 times
HomeGo defined in line 451; used 2 times
IDline_setup defined in line 832; used 1 times
InitCM defined in line 554; used 1 times
Placur defined in line 565; used 22 times
RetTab defined in line 442; used 2 times
SUNd_lines defined in line 757; used 1 times
SUNi_lines defined in line 688; used 1 times
UpMotion defined in line 538; used 3 times
cl_eol defined in line 96; used 6 times
cl_scr defined in line 118; used 3 times
clrline defined in line 85; used 5 times
dosputc defined in line 141; used 1 times
  • in line 93
i_set defined in line 291; used 7 times
make_scr defined in line 40; used 2 times
swrite defined in line 167; used 5 times
v_del_line defined in line 335; used 1 times
v_ins_line defined in line 306; used 1 times

Defined variables

CapCol defined in line 34; used 60 times
CapLine defined in line 35; used 62 times
Cmstr defined in line 375; used 2 times
DesiredScreen defined in line 25; used 14 times
DirectMin defined in line 378; used 5 times
EIlen defined in line 550; used 2 times
HorMin defined in line 376; used 6 times
ID_trms defined in line 822; used 2 times
OkayAbort defined in line 18; used 14 times
Screen defined in line 28; used 25 times
VertMin defined in line 377; used 4 times
WarpDirect defined in line 403; used 5 times
WarpHor defined in line 391; used 8 times
WarpVert defined in line 398; used 3 times
cursend defined in line 32; used 6 times
cursor defined in line 31; used 20 times
i_col defined in line 38; used 8 times
i_line defined in line 37; used 4 times
phystab defined in line 430; used 5 times
tabstop defined in line 19; used 17 times

Defined struct's

ID_lookup defined in line 818; used 2 times
  • in line 835(2)
cursaddr defined in line 370; used 10 times

Defined macros

BACKWARD defined in line 413; used 2 times
CursMin defined in line 574; used 3 times
DIRECT defined in line 421; used 2 times
DOWN defined in line 417; used 1 times
FORTAB defined in line 411; used 1 times
FORWARD defined in line 410; used 3 times
HOME defined in line 422; used 1 times
LOWER defined in line 423; used 1 times
LowLine defined in line 427; used 1 times
NUMDIRECT defined in line 424; used 1 times
NUMHOR defined in line 415; used 1 times
NUMVERT defined in line 419; used 1 times
PrintHo defined in line 428; used 1 times
RETFORWARD defined in line 414; used 3 times
UPMOVE defined in line 418; used 1 times
abs defined in line 658; used 1 times
home defined in line 426; never used
soutputc defined in line 94; used 9 times
sputc defined in line 93; used 4 times
Last modified: 1986-03-28
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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