1: /*
   2:  *  Hunt
   3:  *  Copyright (c) 1985 Conrad C. Huang, Gregory S. Couch, Kenneth C.R.C. Arnold
   4:  *  San Francisco, California
   5:  *
   6:  *  Copyright (c) 1985 Regents of the University of California.
   7:  *  All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   8:  *  specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   9:  */
  11: # include   <curses.h>
  12: # include   <ctype.h>
  13: # include   <signal.h>
  14: # include   <errno.h>
  15: # include   "hunt.h"
  16: # include   <sys/file.h>
  18: # undef  CTRL
  19: # define CTRL(x)    ('x' & 037)
  21: int     input();
  22: static int  nchar_send;
  23: static int  in  = FREAD;
  24: char        screen[24][80], blanks[80];
  25: int     cur_row, cur_col;
  26: # ifdef OTTO
  27: int     Otto_count;
  28: int     Otto_mode;
  29: static int  otto_y, otto_x;
  30: static char otto_face;
  31: # endif OTTO
  33: # define    MAX_SEND    5
  35: /*
  36:  * ibuf is the input buffer used for the stream from the driver.
  37:  * It is small because we do not check for user input when there
  38:  * are characters in the input buffer.
  39:  */
  40: static char ibuf[20];
  42: #define GETCHR(fd)  (--(fd)->_cnt >= 0 ? *(fd)->_ptr++&0377 : getchr(fd))
  44: /*
  45:  * playit:
  46:  *	Play a given game, handling all the curses commands from
  47:  *	the driver.
  48:  */
  49: playit()
  50: {
  51:     register FILE       *inf;
  52:     register int        ch;
  53:     register unsigned int   y, x;
  54:     extern int      Master_pid;
  55:     extern int      errno;
  56:     extern int      _putchar();
  58:     errno = 0;
  59:     while ((inf = fdopen(Socket, "r")) == NULL)
  60:         if (errno == EINTR)
  61:             errno = 0;
  62:         else {
  63:             perror("fdopen of socket");
  64:             exit(1);
  65:         }
  66:     setbuffer(inf, ibuf, sizeof ibuf);
  67:     Master_pid = getw(inf);
  68:     if (Master_pid == 0 || Master_pid == EOF) {
  69:         bad_con();
  70:         /* NOTREACHED */
  71:     }
  72: # ifdef OTTO
  73:     Otto_count = 0;
  74: # endif OTTO
  75:     nchar_send = MAX_SEND;
  76:     while ((ch = GETCHR(inf)) != EOF) {
  77: # ifdef DEBUG
  78:         fputc(ch, stderr);
  79: # endif DEBUG
  80:         switch (ch & 0377) {
  81:           case MOVE:
  82:             y = GETCHR(inf);
  83:             x = GETCHR(inf);
  84:             mvcur(cur_row, cur_col, y, x);
  85:             cur_row = y;
  86:             cur_col = x;
  87:             break;
  88:           case ADDCH:
  89:             ch = GETCHR(inf);
  90: # ifdef OTTO
  91:             switch (ch) {
  93:             case '<':
  94:             case '>':
  95:             case '^':
  96:             case 'v':
  97:                 otto_face = ch;
  98:                 getyx(stdscr, otto_y, otto_x);
  99:                 break;
 100:             }
 101: # endif OTTO
 102:             put_ch(ch);
 103:             break;
 104:           case CLRTOEOL:
 105:             clear_eol();
 106:             break;
 107:           case CLEAR:
 108:             clear_screen();
 109:             break;
 110:           case REFRESH:
 111:             fflush(stdout);
 112:             break;
 113:           case REDRAW:
 114:             redraw_screen();
 115:             fflush(stdout);
 116:             break;
 117:           case ENDWIN:
 118:             fflush(stdout);
 119:             if ((ch = GETCHR(inf)) == LAST_PLAYER)
 120:                 Last_player = TRUE;
 121:             ch = EOF;
 122:             goto out;
 123:           case BELL:
 124:             putchar(CTRL(G));
 125:             break;
 126:           case READY:
 127:             (void) fflush(stdout);
 128:             if (nchar_send < 0)
 129:                 (void) ioctl(fileno(stdin), TIOCFLUSH, &in);
 130:             nchar_send = MAX_SEND;
 131: # ifndef OTTO
 132:             (void) GETCHR(inf);
 133: # else OTTO
 134:             Otto_count -= (GETCHR(inf) & 255);
 135:             if (!Am_monitor) {
 136: # ifdef DEBUG
 137:                 fputc('0' + Otto_count, stderr);
 138: # endif DEBUG
 139:                 if (Otto_count == 0 && Otto_mode)
 140:                     otto(otto_y, otto_x, otto_face);
 141:             }
 142: # endif OTTO
 143:             break;
 144:           default:
 145: # ifdef OTTO
 146:             switch (ch) {
 148:             case '<':
 149:             case '>':
 150:             case '^':
 151:             case 'v':
 152:                 otto_face = ch;
 153:                 getyx(stdscr, otto_y, otto_x);
 154:                 break;
 155:             }
 156: # endif OTTO
 157:             put_ch(ch);
 158:             break;
 159:         }
 160:     }
 161: out:
 162:     (void) fclose(inf);
 163: }
 165: /*
 166:  * getchr:
 167:  *	Grab input and pass it along to the driver
 168:  *	Return any characters from the driver
 169:  *	When this routine is called by GETCHR, we already know there are
 170:  *	no characters in the input buffer.
 171:  */
 172: getchr(fd)
 173: register FILE   *fd;
 174: {
 175:     long    nchar;
 176:     long    readfds, s_readfds;
 177:     int driver_mask, stdin_mask;
 178:     int nfds, s_nfds;
 180:     driver_mask = 1L << fileno(fd);
 181:     stdin_mask = 1L << fileno(stdin);
 182:     s_readfds = driver_mask | stdin_mask;
 183:     s_nfds = (driver_mask > stdin_mask) ? driver_mask : stdin_mask;
 184:     s_nfds++;
 186: one_more_time:
 187:     do {
 188:         errno = 0;
 189:         readfds = s_readfds;
 190:         nfds = s_nfds;
 191: # ifndef OLDIPC
 192:         nfds = select(nfds, &readfds, NULL, NULL, NULL);
 193: # else OLDIPC
 194:         nfds = select(nfds, &readfds, (int *) NULL, 32767);
 195: # endif OLDIPC
 196:     } while (nfds <= 0 && errno == EINTR);
 198:     if (readfds & stdin_mask)
 199:         send_stuff();
 200:     if ((readfds & driver_mask) == 0)
 201:         goto one_more_time;
 202:     return _filbuf(fd);
 203: }
 205: /*
 206:  * send_stuff:
 207:  *	Send standard input characters to the driver
 208:  */
 209: send_stuff()
 210: {
 211:     register int    count;
 212:     register char   *sp, *nsp;
 213:     static char inp[sizeof Buf];
 214:     extern char map_key[256];
 216:     count = read(fileno(stdin), Buf, sizeof Buf);
 217:     if (count <= 0)
 218:         return;
 219:     if (nchar_send <= 0) {
 220:         (void) write(1, "\7", 1);
 221:         return;
 222:     }
 224:     /*
 225: 	 * look for 'q'uit commands; if we find one,
 226: 	 * confirm it.  If it is not confirmed, strip
 227: 	 * it out of the input
 228: 	 */
 229:     Buf[count] = '\0';
 230:     nsp = inp;
 231:     for (sp = Buf; *sp != '\0'; sp++)
 232:         if ((*nsp = map_key[*sp]) == 'q')
 233:             intr();
 234: # ifdef OTTO
 235:         else if (*nsp == CTRL(O))
 236:             Otto_mode = !Otto_mode;
 237: # endif OTTO
 238:         else
 239:             nsp++;
 240:     count = nsp - inp;
 241:     if (count) {
 242: # ifdef OTTO
 243:         Otto_count += count;
 244: # endif OTTO
 245:         nchar_send -= count;
 246:         if (nchar_send < 0)
 247:             count += nchar_send;
 248:         (void) write(Socket, inp, count);
 249:     }
 250: }
 252: /*
 253:  * quit:
 254:  *	Handle the end of the game when the player dies
 255:  */
 256: quit()
 257: {
 258:     register int    explain, ch;
 260:     if (Last_player)
 261:         return TRUE;
 262: # ifdef OTTO
 263:     if (Otto_mode)
 264:         return FALSE;
 265: # endif OTTO
 266:     mvcur(cur_row, cur_col, HEIGHT, 0);
 267:     cur_row = HEIGHT;
 268:     cur_col = 0;
 269:     put_str("Re-enter game? ");
 270:     clear_eol();
 271:     fflush(stdout);
 272:     explain = FALSE;
 273:     for (;;) {
 274:         if (isupper(ch = getchar()))
 275:             ch = tolower(ch);
 276:         if (ch == 'y') {
 277:             sleep(2);
 278:             return FALSE;
 279:         }
 280:         else if (ch == 'n')
 281:             return TRUE;
 282:         (void) putchar(CTRL(G));
 283:         if (!explain) {
 284:             put_str("(Y or N) ");
 285:             explain = TRUE;
 286:         }
 287:         fflush(stdout);
 288:     }
 289: }
 291: put_ch(ch)
 292:     char    ch;
 293: {
 294:     if (!isprint(ch)) {
 295:         fprintf(stderr, "r,c,ch: %d,%d,%d", cur_row, cur_col, ch);
 296:         return;
 297:     }
 298:     screen[cur_row][cur_col] = ch;
 299:     putchar(ch);
 300:     if (++cur_col >= COLS) {
 301:         if (!AM || XN)
 302:             putchar('\n');
 303:         cur_col = 0;
 304:         if (++cur_row >= LINES)
 305:             cur_row = LINES;
 306:     }
 307: }
 309: put_str(s)
 310:     char    *s;
 311: {
 312:     while (*s)
 313:         put_ch(*s++);
 314: }
 316: clear_screen()
 317: {
 318:     register int    i;
 320:     if (blanks[0] == '\0')
 321:         for (i = 0; i < 80; i++)
 322:             blanks[i] = ' ';
 324:     if (CL != NULL) {
 325:         tputs(CL, LINES, _putchar);
 326:         for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
 327:             bcopy(blanks, screen[i], 80);
 328:     } else {
 329:         for (i = 0; i < 24; i++) {
 330:             mvcur(cur_row, cur_col, i, 0);
 331:             cur_row = i;
 332:             cur_col = 0;
 333:             clear_eol();
 334:         }
 335:         mvcur(cur_row, cur_col, 0, 0);
 336:     }
 337:     cur_row = cur_col = 0;
 338: }
 340: clear_eol()
 341: {
 342:     if (CE != NULL)
 343:         tputs(CE, 1, _putchar);
 344:     else {
 345:         fwrite(blanks, sizeof (char), 80 - cur_col, stdout);
 346:         if (COLS != 80)
 347:             mvcur(cur_row, 80, cur_row, cur_col);
 348:         else if (AM)
 349:             mvcur(cur_row + 1, 0, cur_row, cur_col);
 350:         else
 351:             mvcur(cur_row, 79, cur_row, cur_col);
 352:     }
 353:     bcopy(blanks, &screen[cur_row][cur_col], 80 - cur_col);
 354: }
 356: redraw_screen()
 357: {
 358:     register int    i;
 359:     static int  first = 1;
 361:     if (first) {
 362:         if ((curscr = newwin(24, 80, 0, 0)) == NULL) {
 363:             fprintf(stderr, "Can't create curscr\n");
 364:             exit(1);
 365:         }
 366:         for (i = 0; i < 24; i++)
 367:             curscr->_y[i] = screen[i];
 368:         first = 0;
 369:     }
 370:     curscr->_cury = cur_row;
 371:     curscr->_curx = cur_col;
 372:     wrefresh(curscr);
 373: #ifdef  NOCURSES
 374:     mvcur(cur_row, cur_col, 0, 0);
 375:     for (i = 0; i < 23; i++) {
 376:         fwrite(screen[i], sizeof (char), 80, stdout);
 377:         if (COLS > 80 || (COLS == 80 && !AM))
 378:             putchar('\n');
 379:     }
 380:     fwrite(screen[23], sizeof (char), 79, stdout);
 381:     mvcur(23, 79, cur_row, cur_col);
 382: #endif
 383: }

Defined functions

clear_eol defined in line 340; used 6 times
clear_screen defined in line 316; used 2 times
getchr defined in line 172; used 1 times
  • in line 42
playit defined in line 49; used 1 times
put_ch defined in line 291; used 3 times
put_str defined in line 309; used 7 times
quit defined in line 256; used 1 times
redraw_screen defined in line 356; used 2 times
send_stuff defined in line 209; used 1 times

Defined variables

Otto_count defined in line 27; used 5 times
Otto_mode defined in line 28; used 4 times
blanks defined in line 24; used 5 times
cur_col defined in line 25; used 36 times
cur_row defined in line 25; used 37 times
ibuf defined in line 40; used 2 times
  • in line 66(2)
in defined in line 23; used 1 times
nchar_send defined in line 22; used 7 times
otto_face defined in line 30; used 3 times
otto_x defined in line 29; used 3 times
otto_y defined in line 29; used 3 times
screen defined in line 24; used 6 times

Defined macros

CTRL defined in line 19; used 4 times
GETCHR defined in line 42; used 7 times
MAX_SEND defined in line 33; used 2 times
Last modified: 1986-01-11
Generated: 2016-12-26
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