1: /*
   2:  *  Hunt
   3:  *  Copyright (c) 1985 Conrad C. Huang, Gregory S. Couch, Kenneth C.R.C. Arnold
   4:  *  San Francisco, California
   5:  *
   6:  *  Copyright (c) 1985 Regents of the University of California.
   7:  *  All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   8:  *  specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   9:  */
  11: # include   <errno.h>
  12: # include   <curses.h>
  13: # include   "hunt.h"
  14: # include   <signal.h>
  15: # include   <ctype.h>
  16: # include   <sys/stat.h>
  18: FLAG    Last_player = FALSE;
  19: # ifdef MONITOR
  20: FLAG    Am_monitor = FALSE;
  21: # endif MONITOR
  22: FLAG    Query_driver = FALSE;
  24: char    Buf[BUFSIZ];
  26: int Master_pid;
  27: int Socket;
  28: # ifdef INTERNET
  29: char    *Sock_host;
  30: # endif INTERNET
  32: SOCKET  Daemon;
  33: # ifdef INTERNET
  34: # define    DAEMON_SIZE (sizeof Daemon)
  35: # else  INTERNET
  36: # define    DAEMON_SIZE (sizeof Daemon - 1)
  37: # endif	INTERNET
  39: char    map_key[256];           /* what to map keys to */
  41: static char name[NAMELEN];
  43: extern int  cur_row, cur_col, _putchar();
  44: extern char *tgoto();
  46: /*
  47:  * main:
  48:  *	Main program for local process
  49:  */
  50: main(ac, av)
  51: int ac;
  52: char    **av;
  53: {
  54:     char        *term;
  55:     extern int  errno;
  56:     extern int  Otto_mode;
  57:     int     dumpit(), intr(), sigterm(), sigemt(), tstp();
  59:     for (ac--, av++; ac > 0 && av[0][0] == '-'; ac--, av++) {
  60:         switch (av[0][1]) {
  62:         case 'l':   /* rsh compatibility */
  63:         case 'n':
  64:             if (ac <= 1)
  65:                 goto usage;
  66:             ac--, av++;
  67:             (void) strcpy(name, av[0]);
  68:             break;
  69:         case 'o':
  70: # ifndef OTTO
  71:             fputs("The -o flag is reserved for future use.\n",
  72:                 stderr);
  73:             goto usage;
  74: # else OTTO
  75:             Otto_mode = TRUE;
  76:             break;
  77: # endif OTTO
  78: # ifdef MONITOR
  79:         case 'm':
  80:             Am_monitor = TRUE;
  81:             break;
  82: # endif MONITOR
  83: # ifdef INTERNET
  84:         case 'q':   /* query whether hunt is running */
  85:             Query_driver = TRUE;
  86:             break;
  87:         case 'h':
  88:             if (ac <= 1)
  89:                 goto usage;
  90:             ac--, av++;
  91:             Sock_host = av[0];
  92:             break;
  93: # endif INTERNET
  94:         default:
  95:         usage:
  96: # ifdef INTERNET
  97: #  ifdef MONITOR
  98: #   define  USAGE   "usage: hunt [-q] [-n name] [-h host] [-m]\n"
  99: #  else MONITOR
 100: #   define  USAGE   "usage: hunt [-q] [-n name] [-h host]\n"
 101: #  endif MONITOR
 102: # else INTERNET
 103: #  ifdef MONITOR
 104: #   define  USAGE   "usage: hunt [-n name] [-m]\n"
 105: #  else MONITOR
 106: #   define  USAGE   "usage: hunt [-n name]\n"
 107: #  endif MONITOR
 108: # endif INTERNET
 109:             fputs(USAGE, stderr);
 110: # undef USAGE
 111:             exit(1);
 112:         }
 113:     }
 114: # ifdef INTERNET
 115:     if (ac > 1)
 116:         goto usage;
 117:     else if (ac > 0)
 118:         Sock_host = av[0];
 119: # else INTERNET
 120:     if (ac > 0)
 121:         goto usage;
 122: # endif INTERNET
 124: # ifdef INTERNET
 125:     if (Query_driver) {
 126:         find_driver(FALSE);
 127:         if (Daemon.sin_port != 0) {
 128:             struct  hostent *hp;
 130:             hp = gethostbyaddr(&Daemon.sin_addr,
 131:                 sizeof Daemon.sin_addr, AF_INET);
 132:             fprintf(stderr, "HUNT!! found on %s\n", hp != NULL
 133:                 ? hp->h_name : inet_ntoa(Daemon.sin_addr));
 134:         }
 135:         exit(Daemon.sin_port == 0);
 136:     }
 137: # endif INTERNET
 138: # ifdef OTTO
 139:     if (Otto_mode)
 140:         (void) strcpy(name, "otto");
 141:     else
 142: # endif OTTO
 143:     env_init();
 145:     (void) fflush(stdout);
 146:     if (!isatty(0) || (term = getenv("TERM")) == NULL) {
 147:         fprintf(stderr, "no terminal type\n");
 148:         exit(1);
 149:     }
 150:     _tty_ch = 0;
 151:     gettmode();
 152:     setterm(term);
 153:     noecho();
 154:     cbreak();
 155:     _puts(TI);
 156:     _puts(VS);
 157:     clear_screen();
 158:     (void) signal(SIGINT, intr);
 159:     (void) signal(SIGTERM, sigterm);
 160:     (void) signal(SIGEMT, sigemt);
 161:     (void) signal(SIGQUIT, dumpit);
 162:     (void) signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);
 163:     (void) signal(SIGTSTP, tstp);
 165:     do {
 166: # ifdef INTERNET
 167:         find_driver(TRUE);
 169:         do {
 170:             int msg;
 172: # ifndef OLDIPC
 173:             Socket = socket(SOCK_FAMILY, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
 174: # else OLDIPC
 175:             Socket = socket(SOCK_STREAM, 0, 0, 0);
 176: # endif OLDIPC
 177:             if (Socket < 0) {
 178:                 perror("socket");
 179:                 exit(1);
 180:             }
 181: # ifndef OLDIPC
 182:             msg = 1;
 183:             if (setsockopt(Socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_USELOOPBACK,
 184:                 &msg, sizeof msg) < 0)
 185:                 perror("setsockopt loopback");
 186: # endif OLDIPC
 187:             errno = 0;
 188:             if (connect(Socket, (struct sockaddr *) &Daemon,
 189:                 DAEMON_SIZE) < 0) {
 190:                 if (errno != ECONNREFUSED) {
 191:                     perror("connect");
 192:                     leave(1, "connect");
 193:                 }
 194:             }
 195:             else
 196:                 break;
 197:             sleep(1);
 198:         } while (close(Socket) == 0);
 199: # else  INTERNET
 200:         /*
 201: 		 * set up a socket
 202: 		 */
 204:         if ((Socket = socket(SOCK_FAMILY, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
 205:             perror("socket");
 206:             exit(1);
 207:         }
 209:         /*
 210: 		 * attempt to connect the socket to a name; if it fails that
 211: 		 * usually means that the driver isn't running, so we start
 212: 		 * up the driver.
 213: 		 */
 215:         Daemon.sun_family = SOCK_FAMILY;
 216:         (void) strcpy(Daemon.sun_path, Sock_name);
 217:         if (connect(Socket, &Daemon, DAEMON_SIZE) < 0) {
 218:             if (errno != ENOENT) {
 219:                 perror("connect");
 220:                 leave(1, "connect2");
 221:             }
 222:             start_driver();
 224:             do {
 225:                 (void) close(Socket);
 226:                 if ((Socket = socket(SOCK_FAMILY, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
 227:                     perror("socket");
 228:                     exit(1);
 229:                 }
 230:                 sleep(2);
 231:             } while (connect(Socket, &Daemon, DAEMON_SIZE) < 0);
 232:         }
 233: # endif INTERNET
 235:         do_connect(name);
 236:         playit();
 237:     } while (!quit());
 238:     leave(0, NULL);
 239:     /* NOTREACHED */
 240: }
 242: # ifdef INTERNET
 243: # ifdef BROADCAST
 244: broadcast_vec(s, vector)
 245:     int         s;      /* socket */
 246:     struct  sockaddr    **vector;
 247: {
 248:     char            if_buf[BUFSIZ];
 249:     struct  ifconf      ifc;
 250:     struct  ifreq       *ifr;
 251:     int         n;
 252:     int         vec_cnt;
 254:     *vector = NULL;
 255:     ifc.ifc_len = sizeof if_buf;
 256:     ifc.ifc_buf = if_buf;
 257:     if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFCONF, (char *) &ifc) < 0)
 258:         return 0;
 259:     vec_cnt = 0;
 260:     n = ifc.ifc_len / sizeof (struct ifreq);
 261:     *vector = (struct sockaddr *) malloc(n * sizeof (struct sockaddr));
 262:     for (ifr = ifc.ifc_req; n > 0; n--, ifr++)
 263:         if (ioctl(s, SIOCGIFBRDADDR, ifr) >= 0)
 264:             bcopy(&ifr->ifr_addr, &(*vector)[vec_cnt++],
 265:                         sizeof (struct sockaddr));
 266:     return vec_cnt;
 267: }
 268: # endif BROADCAST
 270: find_driver(do_startup)
 271: FLAG    do_startup;
 272: {
 273:     int         msg;
 274:     static SOCKET       test;
 275:     int         test_socket;
 276:     int         namelen;
 277:     char            local_name[80];
 278:     static          initial = TRUE;
 279:     static struct in_addr   local_address;
 280:     register struct hostent *hp;
 281:     int         (*oldsigalrm)(), sigalrm();
 282:     extern int      errno;
 283: # ifdef BROADCAST
 284:     static  int     brdc;
 285:     static  SOCKET      *brdv;
 286:     int         i;
 287: # endif BROADCAST
 289:     if (Sock_host != NULL) {
 290:         if (!initial)
 291:             return;     /* Daemon address already valid */
 292:         initial = FALSE;
 293:         if ((hp = gethostbyname(Sock_host)) == NULL) {
 294:             leave(1, "Unknown host");
 295:             /* NOTREACHED */
 296:         }
 297:         Daemon.sin_family = SOCK_FAMILY;
 298:         Daemon.sin_port = htons(Sock_port);
 299:         Daemon.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *) hp->h_addr);
 300:         if (!Query_driver)
 301:             return;
 302:     }
 305:     if (initial) {          /* do one time initialization */
 306: # ifndef BROADCAST
 307:         sethostent(1);      /* don't bother to close host file */
 308: # endif BROADCAST
 309:         if (gethostname(local_name, sizeof local_name) < 0) {
 310:             leave(1, "Sorry, I have no name.");
 311:             /* NOTREACHED */
 312:         }
 313:         if ((hp = gethostbyname(local_name)) == NULL) {
 314:             leave(1, "Can't find myself.");
 315:             /* NOTREACHED */
 316:         }
 317:         local_address = * ((struct in_addr *) hp->h_addr);
 319:         test.sin_family = SOCK_FAMILY;
 320:         test.sin_addr = local_address;
 321:         test.sin_port = htons(Test_port);
 322:     }
 324: # ifndef OLDIPC
 325:     test_socket = socket(SOCK_FAMILY, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
 326: # else OLDIPC
 327:     test_socket = socket(SOCK_DGRAM, 0, 0, 0);
 328: # endif OLCIPC
 329:     if (test_socket < 0) {
 330:         perror("socket");
 331:         leave(1, "socket system call failed");
 332:         /* NOTREACHED */
 333:     }
 335:     msg = 1;
 336:     if (Query_driver && Sock_host != NULL) {
 337:         test.sin_family = SOCK_FAMILY;
 338:         test.sin_addr = Daemon.sin_addr;
 339:         test.sin_port = htons(Test_port);
 340: # ifndef OLDIPC
 341:         (void) sendto(test_socket, (char *) &msg, sizeof msg, 0,
 342:             (struct sockaddr *) &test, DAEMON_SIZE);
 343: # else OLDIPC
 344:         (void) send(test_socket, (struct sockaddr *) &test,
 345:             (char *) &msg, sizeof msg);
 346: # endif OLDIPC
 347:         goto get_response;
 348:     }
 350:     if (!initial) {
 351:         /* favor host of previous session by broadcasting to it first */
 352:         test.sin_addr = Daemon.sin_addr;
 353:         test.sin_port = htons(Test_port);
 354:         (void) sendto(test_socket, (char *) &msg, sizeof msg, 0,
 355:             (struct sockaddr *) &test, DAEMON_SIZE);
 356:     }
 359: # ifdef BROADCAST
 360:     if (initial)
 361:         brdc = broadcast_vec(test_socket, &brdv);
 363:     if (brdc <= 0) {
 364:         Daemon.sin_family = SOCK_FAMILY;
 365:         Daemon.sin_addr = local_address;
 366:         Daemon.sin_port = htons(Sock_port);
 367:         initial = FALSE;
 368:         return;
 369:     }
 371:     if (setsockopt(test_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST,
 372:         (int) &msg, sizeof msg) < 0) {
 373:         perror("setsockopt broadcast");
 374:         leave(1, "setsockopt broadcast");
 375:         /* NOTREACHED */
 376:     }
 378:     /* send broadcast packets on all interfaces */
 379:     for (i = 0; i < brdc; i++) {
 380:         bcopy(&brdv[i], &test, sizeof (SOCKET));
 381:         test.sin_port = htons(Test_port);
 382:         if (sendto(test_socket, (char *) &msg, sizeof msg, 0,
 383:             (struct sockaddr *) &test, DAEMON_SIZE) < 0) {
 384:             perror("sendto");
 385:             leave(1, "sendto");
 386:             /* NOTREACHED */
 387:         }
 388:     }
 389: # else BROADCAST
 390:     /* loop thru all hosts on local net and send msg to them. */
 391:     sethostent(0);      /* rewind host file */
 392:     while (hp = gethostent()) {
 393:         if (inet_netof(test.sin_addr)
 394:         == inet_netof(* ((struct in_addr *) hp->h_addr))) {
 395:             test.sin_addr = * ((struct in_addr *) hp->h_addr);
 396: # ifndef OLDIPC
 397:             (void) sendto(test_socket, (char *) &msg, sizeof msg, 0,
 398:                 (struct sockaddr *) &test, DAEMON_SIZE);
 399: # else OLDIPC
 400:             (void) send(test_socket, (struct sockaddr *) &test,
 401:                 (char *) &msg, sizeof msg);
 402: # endif OLDIPC
 403:         }
 404:     }
 405: # endif BROADCAST
 407: get_response:
 408:     namelen = DAEMON_SIZE;
 409:     oldsigalrm = signal(SIGALRM, sigalrm);
 410:     errno = 0;
 411:     (void) alarm(1);
 412: # ifndef OLDIPC
 413:     if (recvfrom(test_socket, (char *) &msg, sizeof msg, 0,
 414:         (struct sockaddr *) &Daemon, &namelen) < 0)
 415: # else OLDIPC
 416:     if (receive(test_socket, (struct sockaddr *) &Daemon, &msg,
 417:         sizeof msg) < 0)
 418: # endif OLDIPC
 419:     {
 420:         if (errno != EINTR) {
 421:             perror("recvfrom");
 422:             leave(1, "recvfrom");
 423:             /* NOTREACHED */
 424:         }
 425:         (void) alarm(0);
 426:         (void) signal(SIGALRM, oldsigalrm);
 427:         Daemon.sin_family = SOCK_FAMILY;
 428:         Daemon.sin_port = htons(Sock_port);
 429:         Daemon.sin_addr = local_address;
 430:         if (!do_startup)
 431:             Daemon.sin_port = 0;
 432:         else
 433:             start_driver();
 434:     }
 435:     else {
 436:         (void) alarm(0);
 437:         (void) signal(SIGALRM, oldsigalrm);
 438:         Daemon.sin_port = htons(Sock_port);
 439:     }
 440:     (void) close(test_socket);
 441:     initial = FALSE;
 442: }
 443: # endif INTERNET
 445: start_driver()
 446: {
 447:     register int    procid;
 449: # ifdef MONITOR
 450:     if (Am_monitor) {
 451:         leave(1, "No one playing.");
 452:         /* NOTREACHED */
 453:     }
 454: # endif MONITOR
 456: # ifdef INTERNET
 457:     if (Sock_host != NULL) {
 458:         sleep(3);
 459:         return 0;
 460:     }
 461: # endif INTERNET
 463:     mvcur(cur_row, cur_col, 23, 0);
 464:     cur_row = 23;
 465:     cur_col = 0;
 466:     put_str("Starting...");
 467:     fflush(stdout);
 468:     procid = vfork();
 469:     if (procid == -1) {
 470:         perror("fork");
 471:         leave(1, "fork failed.");
 472:     }
 473:     if (procid == 0) {
 474:         (void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
 475:         (void) close(Socket);
 476:         execl(Driver, "HUNT", NULL);
 477:         /* only get here if exec failed */
 478:         kill(getppid(), SIGEMT);    /* tell mom */
 479:         _exit(1);
 480:     }
 481:     mvcur(cur_row, cur_col, 23, 0);
 482:     cur_row = 23;
 483:     cur_col = 0;
 484:     put_str("Connecting...");
 485:     fflush(stdout);
 486:     return 0;
 487: }
 489: /*
 490:  * bad_con:
 491:  *	We had a bad connection.  For the moment we assume that this
 492:  *	means the game is full.
 493:  */
 494: bad_con()
 495: {
 496:     leave(1, "The game is full.  Sorry.");
 497:     /* NOTREACHED */
 498: }
 500: /*
 501:  * dumpit:
 502:  *	Handle a core dump signal by not dumping core, just leaving,
 503:  *	so we end up with a core dump from the driver
 504:  */
 505: dumpit()
 506: {
 507:     (void) kill(Master_pid, SIGQUIT);
 508:     (void) chdir("coredump");
 509:     abort();
 510: }
 512: /*
 513:  * sigterm:
 514:  *	Handle a terminate signal
 515:  */
 516: sigterm()
 517: {
 518:     leave(0, NULL);
 519:     /* NOTREACHED */
 520: }
 523: /*
 524:  * sigemt:
 525:  *	Handle a emt signal - shouldn't happen on vaxes(?)
 526:  */
 527: sigemt()
 528: {
 529:     leave(1, "Unable to start driver.  Try again.");
 530:     /* NOTREACHED */
 531: }
 533: # ifdef INTERNET
 534: /*
 535:  * sigalrm:
 536:  *	Handle an alarm signal
 537:  */
 538: sigalrm()
 539: {
 540:     return;
 541: }
 542: # endif INTERNET
 544: /*
 545:  * rmnl:
 546:  *	Remove a '\n' at the end of a string if there is one
 547:  */
 548: rmnl(s)
 549: char    *s;
 550: {
 551:     register char   *cp;
 552:     char        *rindex();
 554:     cp = rindex(s, '\n');
 555:     if (cp != NULL)
 556:         *cp = '\0';
 557: }
 559: /*
 560:  * intr:
 561:  *	Handle a interrupt signal
 562:  */
 563: intr()
 564: {
 565:     register int    ch;
 566:     register int    explained;
 567:     register int    y, x;
 569:     (void) signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
 570:     y = cur_row;
 571:     x = cur_col;
 572:     mvcur(cur_row, cur_col, 23, 0);
 573:     cur_row = 23;
 574:     cur_col = 0;
 575:     put_str("Really quit? ");
 576:     clear_eol();
 577:     fflush(stdout);
 578:     explained = FALSE;
 579:     for (;;) {
 580:         ch = getchar();
 581:         if (isupper(ch))
 582:             ch = tolower(ch);
 583:         if (ch == 'y') {
 584:             (void) write(Socket, "q", 1);
 585:             (void) close(Socket);
 586:             leave(0, NULL);
 587:         }
 588:         else if (ch == 'n') {
 589:             (void) signal(SIGINT, intr);
 590:             mvcur(cur_row, cur_col, y, x);
 591:             cur_row = y;
 592:             cur_col = x;
 593:             fflush(stdout);
 594:             return;
 595:         }
 596:         if (!explained) {
 597:             put_str("(Y or N) ");
 598:             fflush(stdout);
 599:             explained = TRUE;
 600:         }
 601:         (void) putchar(CTRL(G));
 602:         (void) fflush(stdout);
 603:     }
 604: }
 606: /*
 607:  * leave:
 608:  *	Leave the game somewhat gracefully, restoring all current
 609:  *	tty stats.
 610:  */
 611: leave(eval, mesg)
 612: int eval;
 613: char    *mesg;
 614: {
 615:     mvcur(cur_row, cur_col, 23, 0);
 616:     if (mesg == NULL)
 617:         clear_eol();
 618:     else {
 619:         put_str(mesg);
 620:         clear_eol();
 621:         putchar('\n');
 622:         fflush(stdout);     /* flush in case VE changes pages */
 623:     }
 624:     resetty();
 625:     _puts(VE);
 626:     _puts(TE);
 627:     exit(eval);
 628: }
 630: /*
 631:  * tstp:
 632:  *	Handle stop and start signals
 633:  */
 634: tstp()
 635: {
 636:     static struct sgttyb    tty;
 637:     int y, x;
 639:     tty = _tty;
 640:     y = cur_row;
 641:     x = cur_col;
 642:     mvcur(cur_row, cur_col, 23, 0);
 643:     cur_row = 23;
 644:     cur_col = 0;
 645:     _puts(VE);
 646:     _puts(TE);
 647:     (void) fflush(stdout);
 648:     resetty();
 649:     (void) kill(getpid(), SIGSTOP);
 650:     (void) signal(SIGTSTP, tstp);
 651:     _tty = tty;
 652:     (void) stty(_tty_ch, &_tty);
 653:     _puts(TI);
 654:     _puts(VS);
 655:     cur_row = y;
 656:     cur_col = x;
 657:     _puts(tgoto(CM, cur_row, cur_col));
 658:     redraw_screen();
 659:     fflush(stdout);
 660: }
 662: env_init()
 663: {
 664:     register int    i;
 665:     char    *envp, *envname, *s, *index();
 667:     for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
 668:         map_key[i] = (char) i;
 670:     envname = NULL;
 671:     if ((envp = getenv("HUNT")) != NULL) {
 672:         while ((s = index(envp, '=')) != NULL) {
 673:             if (strncmp(envp, "name=", s - envp + 1) == 0) {
 674:                 envname = s + 1;
 675:                 if ((s = index(envp, ',')) == NULL) {
 676:                     *envp = '\0';
 677:                     break;
 678:                 }
 679:                 *s = '\0';
 680:                 envp = s + 1;
 681:             }           /* must be last option */
 682:             else if (strncmp(envp, "mapkey=", s - envp + 1) == 0) {
 683:                 for (s = s + 1; *s != '\0'; s += 2) {
 684:                     map_key[(unsigned int) *s] = *(s + 1);
 685:                     if (*(s + 1) == '\0') {
 686:                         break;
 687:                     }
 688:                 }
 689:                 *envp = '\0';
 690:                 break;
 691:             } else {
 692:                 *s = '\0';
 693:                 printf("unknown option %s\n", envp);
 694:                 if ((s = index(envp, ',')) == NULL) {
 695:                     *envp = '\0';
 696:                     break;
 697:                 }
 698:                 envp = s + 1;
 699:             }
 700:         }
 701:         if (*envp != '\0')
 702:             if (envname == NULL)
 703:                 envname = envp;
 704:             else
 705:                 printf("unknown option %s\n", envp);
 706:     }
 707:     if (envname != NULL) {
 708:         (void) strcpy(name, envname);
 709:         printf("Entering as '%s'\n", envname);
 710:     }
 711:     else if (name[0] == '\0') {
 712:         printf("Enter your code name: ");
 713:         if (fgets(name, sizeof name, stdin) == NULL)
 714:             exit(1);
 715:     }
 716:     rmnl(name);
 717: }

Defined functions

bad_con defined in line 494; used 1 times
broadcast_vec defined in line 244; used 1 times
dumpit defined in line 505; used 2 times
env_init defined in line 662; used 1 times
find_driver defined in line 270; used 2 times
intr defined in line 563; used 4 times
leave defined in line 611; used 16 times
main defined in line 50; never used
rmnl defined in line 548; used 1 times
sigalrm defined in line 538; used 2 times
sigemt defined in line 527; used 2 times
sigterm defined in line 516; used 2 times
start_driver defined in line 445; used 2 times
tstp defined in line 634; used 3 times

Defined variables

Am_monitor defined in line 20; used 2 times
Buf defined in line 24; never used
Daemon defined in line 32; used 27 times
Last_player defined in line 18; never used
Master_pid defined in line 26; used 1 times
Query_driver defined in line 22; used 4 times
Sock_host defined in line 29; used 6 times
Socket defined in line 27; used 14 times
map_key defined in line 39; used 2 times
name defined in line 41; used 8 times

Defined macros

DAEMON_SIZE defined in line 36; used 8 times
USAGE defined in line 106; used 2 times
Last modified: 1986-01-11
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
page hit count: 3202
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