1: /*
   2:  *  Hunt
   3:  *  Copyright (c) 1985 Conrad C. Huang, Gregory S. Couch, Kenneth C.R.C. Arnold
   4:  *  San Francisco, California
   5:  *
   6:  *  Copyright (c) 1985 Regents of the University of California.
   7:  *  All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   8:  *  specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   9:  */
  11: # include   "hunt.h"
  13: # ifdef MONITOR
  14: FLAG    Am_monitor = FALSE;     /* current process is a monitor */
  15: # endif MONITOR
  17: char    Buf[BUFSIZ];            /* general scribbling buffer */
  18: char    Maze[HEIGHT][WIDTH2];       /* the maze */
  19: char    Orig_maze[HEIGHT][WIDTH2];  /* the original maze */
  21: long    Fds_mask;           /* mask for the file descriptors */
  22: int Have_inp;           /* which file descriptors have input */
  23: int Nplayer = 0;            /* number of players */
  24: int Num_fds;            /* number of maximum file descriptor */
  25: int Socket;             /* main socket */
  26: long    Sock_mask;          /* select mask for main socket */
  27: int See_over[NASCII];       /* lookup table for determining whether
  28: 					 * character represents "transparent"
  29: 					 * item */
  31: BULLET  *Bullets = NULL;        /* linked list of bullets */
  33: EXPL    *Expl[EXPLEN];          /* explosion lists */
  35: PLAYER  Player[MAXPL];          /* all the players */
  36: PLAYER  *End_player = Player;       /* last active player slot */
  37: IDENT   *Scores;            /* score cache */
  38: # ifdef MONITOR
  39: PLAYER  Monitor[MAXMON];        /* all the monitors */
  40: PLAYER  *End_monitor = Monitor;     /* last active monitor slot */
  41: # endif MONITOR
  43: # ifdef VOLCANO
  44: int volcano = 0;            /* Explosion size */
  45: # endif VOLCANO

Defined variables

Am_monitor defined in line 14; never used
Buf defined in line 17; used 9 times
Bullets defined in line 31; never used
End_monitor defined in line 40; never used
End_player defined in line 36; never used
Expl defined in line 33; never used
Fds_mask defined in line 21; never used
Have_inp defined in line 22; never used
Maze defined in line 18; used 32 times
Monitor defined in line 39; used 1 times
  • in line 40
Nplayer defined in line 23; used 1 times
Num_fds defined in line 24; never used
Orig_maze defined in line 19; used 1 times
Player defined in line 35; used 1 times
  • in line 36
Scores defined in line 37; never used
See_over defined in line 27; never used
Sock_mask defined in line 26; never used
Socket defined in line 25; used 2 times
volcano defined in line 44; never used
Last modified: 1985-11-15
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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