1: /*
   2:  *                     RCS rcsclean operation
   3:  */
   4: static char rcsid[]=
   5: "$Header $ Purdue CS";
   6: /*****************************************************************************
   7:  *                       remove unneded working files
   8:  *****************************************************************************
   9:  *
  10:  * Copyright (C) 1982 by Walter F. Tichy
  11:  *                       Purdue University
  12:  *                       Computer Science Department
  13:  *                       West Lafayette, IN 47907
  14:  *
  15:  * All rights reserved. No part of this software may be sold or distributed
  16:  * in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the
  17:  * author.
  18:  * Report problems and direct all inquiries to Tichy@purdue (ARPA net).
  19:  */
  22: /* $Log:	rcsclean.c,v $
  23:  * Revision 4.2  87/10/18  10:30:43  narten
  24:  * Updating version numbers. Changes relative to 1.1 are actually
  25:  * relative to 4.1
  26:  *
  27:  * Revision 1.2  87/09/24  13:59:13  narten
  28:  * Sources now pass through lint (if you ignore printf/sprintf/fprintf
  29:  * warnings)
  30:  *
  31:  * Revision 1.1  84/01/23  14:50:16  kcs
  32:  * Initial revision
  33:  *
  34:  * Revision 4.1  83/12/15  12:26:18  wft
  35:  * Initial revision.
  36:  *
  37:  */
  38: #include "rcsbase.h"
  39: #define ERRCODE 2                   /*error code for exit status            */
  40: static char rcsbaseid[] = RCSBASE;
  42: extern int    cleanup();            /* cleanup after signals                */
  43: extern char * mktempfile();         /*temporary file name generator         */
  44: extern int    fterror();            /*forward for special fatal error func. */
  45: extern struct hshentry * genrevs(); /*generate delta numbers                */
  46: extern int    nerror;               /*counter for errors                    */
  47: extern int    quietflag;            /*suppresses diagnostics                */
  48: extern FILE * finptr;               /* RCS input file                       */
  49: extern FILE * fopen();
  51: char *RCSfilename;
  52: char *workfilename;
  53: char * tempfile;
  54: FILE * file1, * file2;              /*file descriptors for comparison       */
  56: main (argc, argv)
  57: int argc; char **argv;
  58: {
  59:         char * cmdusage;
  60:         char command[NCPPN+revlength+40];
  61:     char * rev;                   /* revision number from command line  */
  62:         char numericrev[revlength];   /* holds expanded revision number     */
  63:     int  revnums;                 /* number of -r options               */
  64:         struct hshentry * gendeltas[hshsize];/*stores deltas to be generated*/
  65:         struct hshentry * target;
  66:         int  filecounter;
  67:     register int c1;              /* reading input                      */
  68:     int  result;                  /* result of comparison               */
  69:     int pairresult;               /* reulst of pairfilenames            */
  71:         catchints();
  72:     cmdid = "rcsclean";
  73:     cmdusage = "command format:\n    rcsclean [-rrev] file";
  74:         filecounter=revnums=0;
  75:     quietflag=true; /* default no diagnostics */
  76:         while (--argc,++argv, argc>=1 && ((*argv)[0] == '-')) {
  77:                 switch ((*argv)[1]) {
  78:                 case 'r':
  79:         revno:  if ((*argv)[2]!='\0') {
  80:                             if (revnums==0) {
  81:                     rev= *argv+2; revnums=1;
  82:                             } else {
  83:                     fterror("too many revision numbers");
  84:                             }
  85:                         } /* do nothing for empty -r */
  86:                         break;
  87:         case 'D': /* debug option */
  88:             quietflag = false;
  89:             break;
  91:                 default:
  92:             fterror("unknown option: %s\n%s", *argv,cmdusage);
  93:                 };
  94:         } /* end of option processing */
  96:     if (argc<1) fterror("No input file\n%s",cmdusage);
  98:         /* now handle all filenames */
  99:         do {
 100:                 finptr=NULL;
 101:         pairresult=pairfilenames(argc,argv,false,false);
 103:         if (pairresult==0) continue; /* error */
 104:         if (!(access(workfilename,4)==0)) {
 105:             diagnose("Can't open %s",workfilename);
 106:                         continue;
 107:         } elsif (pairresult == -1) {
 108:             warn("Can't find RCS file for %s",workfilename);
 109:             continue;
 110:         }
 111:                 diagnose("RCS file: %s",RCSfilename);
 112:                 if (!trysema(RCSfilename,false)) continue; /* give up */
 115:                 gettree(); /* reads in the delta tree */
 117:                 if (Head==nil) {
 118:                         error("no revisions present");
 119:                         continue;
 120:                 }
 121:                 if (revnums==0)
 122:             rev=(Dbranch!=nil?Dbranch->num:Head->num); /* default rev1 */
 124:         if (!expandsym(rev,numericrev)) continue;
 125:                 if (!(target=genrevs(numericrev,nil,nil,nil,gendeltas))) continue;
 127:         tempfile=mktempfile("/tmp/",TMPFILE1);
 128:         diagnose("retrieving revision %s",target->num);
 129:                 sprintf(command,"%s/co -q -p%s %s > %s\n",
 130:             TARGETDIR,target->num,RCSfilename,tempfile);
 131:                 if (system(command)){
 132:                         error("co failed");
 133:                         continue;
 134:                 }
 135:         /* now do comparison */
 136:         if ((file1=fopen(tempfile,"r"))==NULL) {
 137:             error("Can't open checked out file %s",tempfile);
 138:             continue;
 139:         }
 140:         if ((file2=fopen(workfilename,"r"))==NULL) {
 141:             error("Can't open %s",workfilename);
 142:             continue;
 143:         }
 144:         result=1;
 145:         while ((c1=getc(file1))==getc(file2)) {
 146:             if (c1==EOF) {
 147:                 /* identical files; can remove working file */
 148:                 result=0;
 149:                 diagnose("files identical; %s removed",workfilename);
 150:                 if (unlink(workfilename)!=0) {
 151:                     error("Can't unlink %s",workfilename);
 152:                 }
 153:                 break;
 154:             }
 155:         }
 156:         fclose(file1); fclose(file2);
 158:         if (result==1) diagnose ("files different");
 161:         } while (cleanup(),
 162:                  ++argv, --argc >=1);
 165:     if (nerror>0) {
 166:         exit(ERRCODE);
 167:     } else {
 168:         exit(result);
 169:     }
 171: }
 174: fterror(e, e1, e2)
 175: char * e, * e1, * e2;
 176: /* prints error message and terminates program with ERRCODE */
 177: {       nerror++;
 178:         VOID fprintf(stderr,"%s error: ",cmdid);
 179:     VOID fprintf(stderr,e, e1, e2);
 180:         VOID fprintf(stderr,"\n%s aborted\n",cmdid);
 181:         VOID cleanup();
 182:     exit(ERRCODE);
 183: }

Defined functions

fterror defined in line 174; used 4 times
main defined in line 56; never used

Defined variables

RCSfilename defined in line 51; used 3 times
rcsbaseid defined in line 40; never used
rcsid defined in line 4; never used
tempfile defined in line 53; used 4 times
workfilename defined in line 52; used 8 times

Defined macros

ERRCODE defined in line 39; used 2 times
Last modified: 1987-12-18
Generated: 2016-12-26
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