2: /*
3: * RCS common definitions and data structures
4: */
5: #define RCSBASE "$Id: rcsbase.h,v 4.5 87/12/18 17:06:41 narten Exp $"
6: /*****************************************************************************
8: * =============
9: * The following should be handled in the Makefile:
10: * For USG Unix, define USG; for BSD Unix, don't (see ifdef USG).
11: * For 4.2 bsd, define V4_2BSD; this will replace the routines
12: * getwd() and rename() with the corresponding ones in the C-library.
13: * V4_2BSD also selects different definitions for the macros NCPFN and NCPPN
14: * (max. number of characters per filename, number of characters per path name).
15: * Define STRICT_LOCKING appropriately (see STRICT_LOCKING).
16: * The following need be changed for porting to a different machine:
17: * Define SMALLOG for a machine with small memory (like the PDP11).
18: * SMALLOG conserves space for log messages.
19: * Change BYTESIZ if necessary.
20: * If you need to change the comment leaders, update the table comtable[]
21: * in rcsfnms.c. (This can wait until you know what a comment leader is.)
22: *****************************************************************************
23: *
24: * Copyright (C) 1982 by Walter F. Tichy
25: * Purdue University
26: * Computer Science Department
27: * West Lafayette, IN 47907
28: *
29: * All rights reserved. No part of this software may be sold or distributed
30: * in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the
31: * author.
32: * Report problems and direct all inquiries to Tichy@purdue (ARPA net).
33: */
36: /* $Log: rcsbase.h,v $
37: * Revision 4.5 87/12/18 17:06:41 narten
38: * made removed BSD ifdef, now uses V4_2BSD
39: *
40: * Revision 4.4 87/10/18 10:29:49 narten
41: * Updating version numbers
42: * Changes relative to 1.1 are actually relative to 4.2
43: *
44: * Revision 1.3 87/09/24 14:02:25 narten
45: * changes for lint
46: *
47: * Revision 1.2 87/03/27 14:22:02 jenkins
48: * Port to suns
49: *
50: * Revision 1.1 84/01/23 14:50:14 kcs
51: * Initial revision
52: *
53: * Revision 4.2 83/12/20 16:04:20 wft
54: * merged and 4.1 (SMALLOG, logsize).
55: * moved setting of STRICT_LOCKING to Makefile.
56: * changed DOLLAR to UNKN (conflict with KDELIM).
57: *
58: * Revision 4.1 83/05/04 09:12:41 wft
59: * Added markers Id and RCSfile.
60: * Added Dbranch for default branches.
61: *
62: * Revision 83/12/02 21:56:22 wft
63: * Increased logsize, added macro SMALLOG.
64: *
65: * Revision 3.6 83/01/15 16:43:28 wft
66: * 4.2 prerelease
67: *
68: * Revision 3.6 83/01/15 16:43:28 wft
69: * Replaced dbm.h with BYTESIZ, fixed definition of rindex().
70: * Added variants of NCPFN and NCPPN for bsd 4.2, selected by defining V4_2BSD.
71: * Added macro DELNUMFORM to have uniform format for printing delta text nodes.
72: * Added macro DELETE to mark deleted deltas.
73: *
74: * Revision 3.5 82/12/10 12:16:56 wft
75: * Added two forms of DATEFORM, one using %02d, the other %.2d.
76: *
77: * Revision 3.4 82/12/04 20:01:25 wft
78: * added LOCKER, Locker, and USG (redefinition of rindex).
79: *
80: * Revision 3.3 82/12/03 12:22:04 wft
81: * Added dbm.h, stdio.h, RCSBASE, RCSSEP, RCSSUF, WORKMODE, TMPFILE3,
82: * PRINTDATE, PRINTTIME, map, and ctab; removed Suffix. Redefined keyvallength
83: * using NCPPN. Changed putc() to abort on write error.
84: *
85: * Revision 3.2 82/10/18 15:03:52 wft
86: * added macro STRICT_LOCKING, removed RCSUMASK.
87: * renamed JOINFILE[1,2] to JOINFIL[1,2].
88: *
89: * Revision 3.1 82/10/11 19:41:17 wft
90: * removed NBPW, NBPC, NCPW.
91: * added typdef int void to aid compiling
92: */
96: #include <stdio.h>
97: #undef putc /* will be redefined */
100: #ifdef USG
101: # define rindex strrchr
102: # define DATEFORM "%.2d.%.2d.%.2d.%.2d.%.2d.%.2d"
103: #else
104: # define DATEFORM "%02d.%02d.%02d.%02d.%02d.%02d"
105: #endif
106: /* Make sure one of %02d or %.2d prints a number with a field width 2, with
107: * leading zeroes. For example, 0, 1, and 22 must be printed as 00, 01, and
108: * 22. Otherwise, there will be problems with the dates.
109: */
111: #define PRINTDATE(file,date) fprintf(file,"%.2s/%.2s/%.2s",date,date+3,date+6)
112: #define PRINTTIME(file,date) fprintf(file,"%.2s:%.2s:%.2s",date+9,date+12,date+15)
113: /* print RCS format date and time in nice format from a string */
115: /*
116: * Parameters
117: */
118: #define BYTESIZ 8 /* number of bits in a byte */
120: /*#define STRICT_LOCKING 0 /* 0 sets the default locking to non-strict; */
121: /* used in experimental environments. */
122: /* 1 sets the default locking to strict; */
123: /* used in production environments. */
124: /* STRICT_LOCKING is set in the Makefile! */
125: #define hshsize 239 /* hashtable size; MUST be prime and -1 mod 4 */
126: /* other choices: 547 or 719 */
127: #define strtsize (hshsize * 50) /* string table size */
128: #ifdef SMALLOG
129: # define logsize 1024 /* max. size of log message for pdp11 */
130: #else
131: # define logsize 4096 /* max. size of log message for others */
132: #endif
133: #define revlength 30 /* max. length of revision numbers */
134: #define datelength 20 /* length of a date in RCS format */
135: #define joinlength 20 /* number of joined revisions permitted */
136: #define RCSDIR "RCS/" /* subdirectory for RCS files */
137: #define RCSSUF 'v' /* suffix for RCS files */
138: #define RCSSEP ',' /* separator for RCSSUF */
139: #define KDELIM '$' /* delimiter for keywords */
140: #define VDELIM ':' /* separates keywords from values */
141: #define DEFAULTSTATE "Exp" /* default state of revisions */
142: #ifdef V4_2BSD
143: # define NCPFN 256 /* number of characters per filename */
144: # define NCPPN 1024 /* number of characters per pathname */
145: #else
146: # define NCPFN 14 /* number of characters per filename */
147: # define NCPPN 6*NCPFN /* number of characters per pathname */
148: #endif
149: #define keylength 20 /* buffer length for expansion keywords */
150: #define keyvallength NCPPN+revlength+datelength+60
151: /* buffer length for keyword expansion */
155: #define true 1
156: #define false 0
157: #define nil 0
158: #define elsif else if
159: #define elif else if
162: /* temporary file names */
164: #define NEWRCSFILE ",RCSnewXXXXXX"
165: #define DIFFILE ",RCSciXXXXXX"
166: #define TMPFILE1 ",RCSt1XXXXXX"
167: #define TMPFILE2 ",RCSt2XXXXXX"
168: #define TMPFILE3 ",RCSt3XXXXXX"
169: #define JOINFIL2 ",RCSj2XXXXXX"
170: #define JOINFIL3 ",RCSj3XXXXXX"
173: #define putc(x,p) (--(p)->_cnt>=0? ((int)(*(p)->_ptr++=(unsigned)(x))):fflsbuf((unsigned)(x),p))
174: /* This version of putc prints a char, but aborts on write error */
176: #define GETC(in,out,echo) (echo?putc(getc(in),out):getc(in))
177: /* GETC writes a del-character (octal 177) on end of file */
179: #define WORKMODE(RCSmode) (RCSmode&~0222)|((lockflag||!StrictLocks)?0600:0000)
180: /* computes mode of working file: same as RCSmode, but write permission */
181: /* determined by lockflag and StrictLocks. */
184: /* character classes and token codes */
185: enum tokens {
188: };
190: #define AT SBEGIN /* class SBEGIN (string begin) is returned by lex. anal. */
191: #define SDELIM '@' /* the actual character is needed for string handling*/
192: /* these must be changed consistently, for instance to:
193: * #define DQUOTE SBEGIN
194: * #define SDELIM '"'
195: * #define AT IDCHAR
196: * there should be no overlap among SDELIM, KDELIM, and VDELIM
197: */
199: /* other characters */
201: #define ACCENT IDCHAR
202: #define AMPER IDCHAR
203: #define BACKSL IDCHAR
204: #define BAR IDCHAR
205: #define COMMA UNKN
206: #define DIVIDE IDCHAR
207: #define DOLLAR UNKN /* overlap with KDELIM */
208: #define DQUOTE IDCHAR
209: #define EQUAL IDCHAR
210: #define EXCLA IDCHAR
211: #define GREAT IDCHAR
212: #define HASH IDCHAR
213: #define INSERT UNKN
214: #define LBRACE IDCHAR
215: #define LBRACK IDCHAR
216: #define LESS IDCHAR
217: #define LPARN IDCHAR
218: #define MINUS IDCHAR
219: #define PERCNT IDCHAR
220: #define PLUS IDCHAR
221: #define QUEST IDCHAR
222: #define RBRACE IDCHAR
223: #define RBRACK IDCHAR
224: #define RPARN IDCHAR
225: #define SQUOTE IDCHAR
226: #define TILDE IDCHAR
227: #define TIMES IDCHAR
228: #define UNDER IDCHAR
229: #define UPARR IDCHAR
234: /***************************************
235: * Data structures for the symbol table
236: ***************************************/
239: /* Hash table entry */
240: struct hshentry {
241: char * num; /* pointer to revision number (ASCIZ) */
242: char * date; /* pointer to date of checking */
243: char * author; /* login of person checking in */
244: char * lockedby; /* who locks the revision */
245: char * log; /* log message requested at checkin */
246: char * state; /* state of revision (Exp by default) */
247: struct branchhead * branches; /* list of first revisions on branches*/
248: struct hshentry * next; /* next revision on same branch */
249: int insertlns;/* lines inserted (computed by rlog) */
250: int deletelns;/* lines deleted (computed by rlog) */
251: char selector; /* marks entry for selection/deletion */
252: };
254: /* list element for branch lists */
255: struct branchhead {
256: struct hshentry * hsh;
257: struct branchhead * nextbranch;
258: };
260: /* accesslist element */
261: struct access {
262: char * login;
263: struct access * nextaccess;
264: };
266: /* list element for locks */
267: struct lock {
268: char * login;
269: struct hshentry * delta;
270: struct lock * nextlock;
271: };
273: /* list element for symbolic names */
274: struct assoc {
275: char * symbol;
276: struct hshentry * delta;
277: struct assoc * nextassoc;
278: };
281: /* common variables (getadmin and getdelta())*/
282: extern char * Comment;
283: extern struct access * AccessList;
284: extern struct assoc * Symbols;
285: extern struct lock * Locks;
286: extern struct hshentry * Head;
287: extern struct hshentry * Dbranch;
288: extern int StrictLocks;
289: extern int TotalDeltas;
290: #ifndef lint
291: static char copyright[]="Copyright (C) 1982 by Walter F. Tichy";
292: #endif
294: /* common variables (lexical analyzer)*/
295: extern enum tokens map[];
296: #define ctab (&map[1])
297: extern struct hshentry hshtab[];
298: extern struct hshentry * nexthsh;
299: extern enum tokens nexttok;
300: extern int hshenter;
301: extern char * NextString;
302: extern char * cmdid;
304: #if defined(USG) || defined(V4_2BSD)
305: #define VOID (void)
306: #else
307: typedef int void;
308: #define VOID
309: #endif
311: /* common routines */
312: extern int serror();
313: extern int faterror();
314: extern int fatserror();
315: extern void ignoreints();
316: extern void catchints();
317: extern void restoreints();
319: extern char *strcpy();
320: extern char *strcat();
321: extern char *strncpy();
323: /*
324: * Markers for keyword expansion (used in co and ident)
325: */
326: #define AUTHOR "Author"
327: #define DATE "Date"
328: #define "Header"
329: #define IDH "Id"
330: #define LOCKER "Locker"
331: #define LOG "Log"
332: #define RCSFILE "RCSfile"
333: #define REVISION "Revision"
334: #define SOURCE "Source"
335: #define STATE "State"
337: enum markers { Nomatch, Author, Date, Header, Id,
338: Locker, Log, RCSfile, Revision, Source, State };
340: #define DELNUMFORM "\n\n%s\n%s\n"
341: /* used by putdtext and scanlogtext */
342: #define DELETE 'D'
343: /* set by rcs -o and used by puttree() in rcssyn */