1: #include "parms.h"
   2: #include "structs.h"
   4: #ifdef  RCSIDENT
   5: static char rcsid[] = "$Header: compress.c,v 85/03/19 13:02:07 notes Rel $";
   6: #endif	RCSIDENT
   8: /*
   9:  *	compress(io) struct io_f
  10:  *	compresses the notefile specified. All wasted space
  11:  *	reclaimed. The process is a simple one which, like dcheck,
  12:  *	does not work so well on active file systems.
  13:  *	As a consequence, the director options (which call this)
  14:  *	require the notefile to be closed before allowing compression
  15:  *	to take place.
  16:  *	The code generates 3 scratch files, corresponding with the
  17:  *	two index files and the text file. These are made to
  18:  *	represent a virgin notefile. The descriptor is copied over
  19:  *	with the appropriate fields zapped, and then we go through
  20:  *	a cycle of (read note; write note; (read resp; write resp))
  21:  *	until all the notes and responses are moved over.
  22:  *	the new files are then copied back into place.
  23:  *
  24:  *	Returns:	0 - all successful
  25:  *			otherwise will core dump with the notefile
  26:  *			in a shambles from the users view point,
  27:  *			but still recoverable by a hotshot-pro.
  28:  *
  29:  *	Original Coding:	Ray Essick	January 1981
  30:  */
  32: compress (io, lockflag, verbosity, numnotes, numresps)
  33: struct io_f *io;
  34: int     lockflag;                   /* to lock or not */
  35: int     verbosity;
  36: /* verbosity 	== 0	silent
  37:  *		else	print dots as go & do totals
  38:  */
  39: int    *numnotes,                   /* remaining notes when done */
  40:        *numresps;                   /* ditto for responses */
  41: {
  42:     struct io_f tmpio;                  /* scratch notefile */
  43:     struct note_f   note;               /* hold a note record */
  44:     struct resp_f   resp;               /* hold the response format */
  45:     char    fn1[WDLEN],
  46:             fn2[WDLEN],
  47:             fn3[WDLEN],
  48:             on1[WDLEN],
  49:             on2[WDLEN],
  50:             on3[WDLEN],
  51:             txtfn[WDLEN];               /* hold text going between files */
  52:     struct daddr_f  where;
  53:     FILE * txtfile;
  54:     int     nnotes,
  55:             nresps,
  56:             dint,
  57:             roffset,
  58:             num,
  59:             rblock;
  60:     register int    newnum,
  61:                     presps,
  62:                     rnum;
  63:     struct daddr_f  daddr;
  64:     int     old_umask;                  /* save it */
  67: /*
  68:  *	build names of files - in notefile directory
  69:  */
  71:     /* new files */
  72:     sprintf (fn1, "%s/%s/%s%s", io -> basedir, io -> nf, COMPRESS, INDEXN);
  73:     sprintf (fn2, "%s/%s/%s%s", io -> basedir, io -> nf, COMPRESS, INDEXR);
  74:     sprintf (fn3, "%s/%s/%s%s", io -> basedir, io -> nf, COMPRESS, TEXT);
  76:     sprintf (on1, "%s/%s/%s", io -> basedir, io -> nf, INDEXN);/* old files */
  77:     sprintf (on2, "%s/%s/%s", io -> basedir, io -> nf, INDEXR);
  78:     sprintf (on3, "%s/%s/%s", io -> basedir, io -> nf, TEXT);
  80:     old_umask = umask (0);              /* wide open */
  81:     x ((tmpio.fidndx = creat (fn1, 0660)) < 0, "compress: create nindex");
  82:     x ((tmpio.fidrdx = creat (fn2, 0660)) < 0, "compress: create rindex");
  83:     x ((tmpio.fidtxt = creat (fn3, 0660)) < 0, "compress: create txt");
  85:     dint = 0;                       /* resp index free pointer */
  86:     daddr.addr = sizeof daddr;              /* and for text file */
  87:     x (write (tmpio.fidrdx, &dint, sizeof dint) != sizeof dint, "compress: resp ptr");
  88:     x (write (tmpio.fidtxt, &daddr, sizeof daddr) != sizeof daddr, "Compress: text ptr");
  91:     closenf (&tmpio);                   /* close them up */
  93:     x ((tmpio.fidndx = open (fn1, 2)) < 0, "compress: reopen 1");
  94:                             /* open R/W */
  95:     x ((tmpio.fidrdx = open (fn2, 2)) < 0, "compress: reopen 2");
  96:     x ((tmpio.fidtxt = open (fn3, 2)) < 0, "compress: reopen 3");
  98:     strcpy (tmpio.nf, io -> nf);            /* notesfile name */
  99:     strcpy (tmpio.basedir, io -> basedir);      /* and directory */
 100:     nnotes = nresps = 0;
 101:     sprintf (txtfn, "/tmp/nf%d", getpid ());        /* scratch for text */
 103:     if (lockflag)
 104:     locknf (io, DSCRLOCK);              /* lock up the notefile */
 105:     getdscr (io, &tmpio.descr);             /* grab descriptor */
 106:     if (io -> descr.d_stat & NFINVALID)
 107:     {
 108:     printf ("Notesfile compressed behind your back");
 109:     if (lockflag)
 110:         unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);
 111:     closenf (&tmpio);               /* clean up mess */
 112:     x (unlink (fn1) < 0, "compress: unlink tmp1");
 113:     x (unlink (fn2) < 0, "compress: unlink tmp2");
 114:     x (unlink (fn3) < 0, "compress: unlink tmp3");
 115:     umask (old_umask);              /* restore */
 116:     return (-1);
 117:     }
 119:     locknf (io, TXTLOCK);               /* always */
 121:     tmpio.descr.d_nnote = 0;                /* reset note count */
 122:     tmpio.descr.d_delnote = 0;              /* no holes */
 123:     tmpio.descr.d_delresp = 0;
 124:     putdscr (&tmpio, &tmpio.descr);         /* place it into the file */
 126:     if (io -> descr.d_plcy)             /* copy the policy note over */
 127:     {
 128:     getnrec (io, 0, &note);             /* descriptor */
 129: #ifdef  notdef
 130:     x ((txtfile = fopen (txtfn, "w")) == NULL, "compress:bad txt");
 131:     pageout (io, &note.n_addr, txtfile);
 132:     fclose (txtfile);
 133:     x ((txtfile = fopen (txtfn, "r")) == NULL, "compress: bad txt read");
 134:     pagein (&tmpio, txtfile, &where);
 135:     fclose (txtfile);
 136: #else
 137:     pagemove (io, &note.n_addr, &tmpio, &where, NOLOCKIT);
 138: #endif
 139: #ifdef  FIXTIMES
 140:     fixtime (&note.n_rcvd);
 141:     fixtime (&note.n_lmod);
 142:     fixtime (&note.n_date);
 143: #endif	FIXTIME
 144:     putnote (&tmpio, &where, note.ntitle, note.n_stat, &note, &note.n_auth,
 145:         POLICY, NOLOCKIT, NOADDID, note.n_from, NOADDTIME);
 146:     }
 147:     for (num = 1; num <= io -> descr.d_nnote; num++)
 148:     {
 149:     if (verbosity)                  /* if being noisy */
 150:     {
 151:         putchar ('.');
 152:         fflush (stdout);                /* so he see action */
 153:     }
 154:     getnrec (io, num, &note);
 155:     if (note.n_stat & DELETED)
 156:         continue;                   /* deleted - we throw away */
 157: #ifdef  notdef
 158:     x ((txtfile = fopen (txtfn, "w")) == NULL, "compress:bad txt");
 159:     pageout (io, &note.n_addr, txtfile);
 160:     fclose (txtfile);
 161:     x ((txtfile = fopen (txtfn, "r")) == NULL, "compress: bad txt read");
 162:     pagein (&tmpio, txtfile, &where);
 163:     fclose (txtfile);
 164: #else
 165:     pagemove (io, &note.n_addr, &tmpio, &where, NOLOCKIT);
 166: #endif
 167:     presps = note.n_nresp;              /* save max number of responses */
 168: #ifdef  FIXTIMES
 169:     fixtime (&note.n_rcvd);
 170:     fixtime (&note.n_lmod);
 171:     fixtime (&note.n_date);
 172: #endif	FIXTIME
 173:     newnum = putnote (&tmpio, &where, note.ntitle, note.n_stat, &note, &note.n_auth,
 174:         NOPOLICY, NOLOCKIT, NOADDID, note.n_from, NOADDTIME);
 175:     nnotes++;                   /* add a note */
 177:     for (rnum = 1; rnum <= presps; rnum++)      /* process responses */
 178:     {
 179:         if (lrsp (io, num, rnum, &resp, &roffset, &rblock) != 0)
 180:         break;                  /* bad response chain - drop rest */
 181: #ifdef  notdef
 182:         x ((txtfile = fopen (txtfn, "w")) == NULL, "compress:bad txt");
 183:         pageout (io, &resp.r_addr[roffset], txtfile);
 184:         fclose (txtfile);
 185:         x ((txtfile = fopen (txtfn, "r")) == NULL, "compress: bad txt read");
 186:         pagein (&tmpio, txtfile, &where);
 187:         fclose (txtfile);
 188: #else
 189:         pagemove (io, &resp.r_addr[roffset], &tmpio, &where, NOLOCKIT);
 190: #endif
 191: #ifdef  FIXTIMES
 192:         fixtime (&resp.r_when[roffset]);
 193:         fixtime (&resp.r_rcvd[roffset]);
 194: #endif	FIXTIMES
 195:         putresp (&tmpio, &where, resp.r_stat[roffset], newnum, &resp.r_when[roffset],
 196:             &resp.r_auth[roffset], &note, NOLOCKIT, &resp.r_id[roffset],
 197:             NOADDID, resp.r_from[roffset], NOADDTIME, &resp.r_rcvd[roffset]);
 198:         nresps++;                   /* count responses */
 199:     }
 200:     }
 202: /*	well, we have now copied the entire notefile over, so the time
 203:  *	has come to move it back into the correct file names - we will
 204:  *	do this by
 205:  */
 206:     closenf (&tmpio);                   /* close the new one */
 208:     getdscr (io, &io -> descr);
 209:     io -> descr.d_stat |= NFINVALID;            /* mark it bad */
 210:     putdscr (io, &io -> descr);
 211:     closenf (io);                   /* close the old one */
 213:     x (unlink (on1) < 0, "compress: remove old 1");
 214:     x (link (fn1, on1) < 0, "compress: link new 1");
 215:     x (unlink (fn1) < 0, "compress: remove tmp 1");
 216:     x (unlink (on2) < 0, "compress: remove old 2");
 217:     x (link (fn2, on2) < 0, "compress: link new 2");
 218:     x (unlink (fn2) < 0, "compress: remove tmp 2");
 219:     x (unlink (on3) < 0, "compress: remove old 3");
 220:     x (link (fn3, on3) < 0, "compress: link new 3");
 221:     x (unlink (fn3) < 0, "compress: remove tmp 3");
 223:     opennf (io, (char *) NULL);             /* relink to new one */
 225:     getdscr (io, &io -> descr);             /* get new descr */
 227:     if (lockflag)
 228:     unlocknf (io, DSCRLOCK);            /* release the locks */
 229:     unlocknf (io, TXTLOCK);             /* always text lock */
 230: #ifdef  notdef
 231:     unlink (txtfn);
 232: #endif
 233:     *numnotes = nnotes;                 /* fill in callers values */
 234:     *numresps = nresps;
 235:     umask (old_umask);                  /* restore */
 236:     return 0;                       /* return ok */
 237: }
 239: #ifdef  FIXTIMES
 240: static  fixtime (when)
 241: struct when_f  *when;
 242: {
 243:     struct when_f   built;
 245:     if (when -> w_gmttime == 0)
 246:     return;                     /* already ok */
 247:     if (when -> w_gmttime < 0)
 248:     {
 249:     when -> w_gmttime = 0;
 250:     return;
 251:     }
 252:     maketime (&built, when -> w_gmttime);
 253:     if (built.w_year != when -> w_year ||
 254:         built.w_month != when -> w_month ||
 255:         built.w_day != when -> w_day ||
 256:         built.w_hours != when -> w_hours ||
 257:         built.w_mins != when -> w_mins)
 258:     when -> w_gmttime = 0;              /* zero it */
 259: }
 260: #endif	FIXTIMES

Defined functions

fixtime defined in line 240; used 8 times

Defined variables

rcsid defined in line 5; never used
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