1: /*
   2: **  Sendmail
   3: **  Copyright (c) 1983  Eric P. Allman
   4: **  Berkeley, California
   5: **
   6: **  Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
   7: **  All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   8: **  specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   9: **
  10: **	@(#)sendmail.h	5.8.3 (2.11BSD GTE) 1997/10/3
  11: */
  13: /*
  14: **  SENDMAIL.H -- Global definitions for sendmail.
  15: */
  19: # ifdef _DEFINE
  20: # define EXTERN
  21: # if !defined(lint) && !defined(NOSCCS)
  22: static char SmailSccsId[] = "@(#)sendmail.h	5.8.3		1997/10/3";
  23: # endif lint
  24: # else  _DEFINE
  25: # define EXTERN extern
  26: # endif _DEFINE
  28: # include <stdio.h>
  29: # include <ctype.h>
  30: # include <setjmp.h>
  31: # include "conf.h"
  32: # include "useful.h"
  33: #include <errno.h>
  34: #include <stdlib.h>
  35: #include <string.h>
  36: #include <sys/time.h>
  37: #include <unistd.h>
  39: # ifdef LOG
  40: # include <sys/syslog.h>
  41: # endif LOG
  43: # ifdef DAEMON
  44: # ifdef VMUNIX
  45: # include <sys/socket.h>
  46: # include <netinet/in.h>
  47: # include <arpa/inet.h>
  48: # endif VMUNIX
  49: # endif DAEMON
  52: # define PSBUFSIZE  (MAXNAME + MAXATOM) /* size of prescan buffer */
  55: /*
  56: **  Data structure for bit maps.
  57: **
  58: **	Each bit in this map can be referenced by an ascii character.
  59: **	This is 128 possible bits, or 12 8-bit bytes.
  60: */
  62: #define BITMAPBYTES 16  /* number of bytes in a bit map */
  63: #define BYTEBITS    8   /* number of bits in a byte */
  65: /* internal macros */
  66: #define _BITWORD(bit)   (bit / (BYTEBITS * sizeof (int)))
  67: #define _BITBIT(bit)    (1 << (bit % (BYTEBITS * sizeof (int))))
  69: typedef int BITMAP[BITMAPBYTES / sizeof (int)];
  71: /* test bit number N */
  72: #define bitnset(bit, map)   ((map)[_BITWORD(bit)] & _BITBIT(bit))
  74: /* set bit number N */
  75: #define setbitn(bit, map)   (map)[_BITWORD(bit)] |= _BITBIT(bit)
  77: /* clear bit number N */
  78: #define clrbitn(bit, map)   (map)[_BITWORD(bit)] &= ~_BITBIT(bit)
  80: /* clear an entire bit map */
  81: #define clrbitmap(map)      bzero((char *) map, BITMAPBYTES)
  82: /*
  83: **  Address structure.
  84: **	Addresses are stored internally in this structure.
  85: */
  87: struct address
  88: {
  89:     char        *q_paddr;   /* the printname for the address */
  90:     char        *q_user;    /* user name */
  91:     char        *q_host;    /* host name */
  92:     struct mailer   *q_mailer;  /* mailer to use */
  93:     u_short     q_flags;    /* status flags, see below */
  94:     short       q_uid;      /* user-id of receiver (if known) */
  95:     short       q_gid;      /* group-id of receiver (if known) */
  96:     char        *q_home;    /* home dir (local mailer only) */
  97:     char        *q_fullname;    /* full name if known */
  98:     struct address  *q_next;    /* chain */
  99:     struct address  *q_alias;   /* address this results from */
 100:     struct address  *q_tchain;  /* temporary use chain */
 101:     time_t      q_timeout;  /* timeout for this address */
 102: };
 104: typedef struct address ADDRESS;
 106: # define QDONTSEND  000001  /* don't send to this address */
 107: # define QBADADDR   000002  /* this address is verified bad */
 108: # define QGOODUID   000004  /* the q_uid q_gid fields are good */
 109: # define QPRIMARY   000010  /* set from argv */
 110: # define QQUEUEUP   000020  /* queue for later transmission */
 111: /*
 112: **  Mailer definition structure.
 113: **	Every mailer known to the system is declared in this
 114: **	structure.  It defines the pathname of the mailer, some
 115: **	flags associated with it, and the argument vector to
 116: **	pass to it.  The flags are defined in conf.c
 117: **
 118: **	The argument vector is expanded before actual use.  All
 119: **	words except the first are passed through the macro
 120: **	processor.
 121: */
 123: struct mailer
 124: {
 125:     char    *m_name;    /* symbolic name of this mailer */
 126:     char    *m_mailer;  /* pathname of the mailer to use */
 127:     BITMAP  m_flags;    /* status flags, see below */
 128:     short   m_mno;      /* mailer number internally */
 129:     char    **m_argv;   /* template argument vector */
 130:     short   m_s_rwset;  /* rewriting set for sender addresses */
 131:     short   m_r_rwset;  /* rewriting set for recipient addresses */
 132:     char    *m_eol;     /* end of line string */
 133:     long    m_maxsize;  /* size limit on message to this mailer */
 134: };
 136: typedef struct mailer   MAILER;
 138: /* bits for m_flags */
 139: # define M_CANONICAL    'C' /* make addresses canonical "u@dom" */
 140: # define M_EXPENSIVE    'e' /* it costs to use this mailer.... */
 141: # define M_ESCFROM  'E' /* escape From lines to >From */
 142: # define M_FOPT     'f' /* mailer takes picky -f flag */
 143: # define M_HST_UPPER    'h' /* preserve host case distinction */
 144: # define M_INTERNAL 'I' /* SMTP to another sendmail site */
 145: # define M_LOCAL    'l' /* delivery is to this host */
 146: # define M_LIMITS   'L' /* must enforce SMTP line limits */
 147: # define M_MUSER    'm' /* can handle multiple users at once */
 148: # define M_NHDR     'n' /* don't insert From line */
 149: # define M_FROMPATH 'p' /* use reverse-path in MAIL FROM: */
 150: # define M_ROPT     'r' /* mailer takes picky -r flag */
 151: # define M_SECURE_PORT  'R' /* try to send on a reserved TCP port */
 152: # define M_STRIPQ   's' /* strip quote chars from user/host */
 153: # define M_RESTR    'S' /* must be daemon to execute */
 154: # define M_USR_UPPER    'u' /* preserve user case distinction */
 155: # define M_UGLYUUCP 'U' /* this wants an ugly UUCP from line */
 156: # define M_XDOT     'X' /* use hidden-dot algorithm */
 160: EXTERN MAILER   *LocalMailer;       /* ptr to local mailer */
 161: EXTERN MAILER   *ProgMailer;        /* ptr to program mailer */
 162: /*
 163: **  Header structure.
 164: **	This structure is used internally to store header items.
 165: */
 167: struct header
 168: {
 169:     char        *h_field;   /* the name of the field */
 170:     char        *h_value;   /* the value of that field */
 171:     struct header   *h_link;    /* the next header */
 172:     u_short     h_flags;    /* status bits, see below */
 173:     BITMAP      h_mflags;   /* m_flags bits needed */
 174: };
 176: typedef struct header   HDR;
 178: /*
 179: **  Header information structure.
 180: **	Defined in conf.c, this struct declares the header fields
 181: **	that have some magic meaning.
 182: */
 184: struct hdrinfo
 185: {
 186:     char    *hi_field;  /* the name of the field */
 187:     u_short hi_flags;   /* status bits, see below */
 188: };
 190: extern struct hdrinfo   HdrInfo[];
 192: /* bits for h_flags and hi_flags */
 193: # define H_EOH      00001   /* this field terminates header */
 194: # define H_RCPT     00002   /* contains recipient addresses */
 195: # define H_DEFAULT  00004   /* if another value is found, drop this */
 196: # define H_RESENT   00010   /* this address is a "Resent-..." address */
 197: # define H_CHECK    00020   /* check h_mflags against m_flags */
 198: # define H_ACHECK   00040   /* ditto, but always (not just default) */
 199: # define H_FORCE    00100   /* force this field, even if default */
 200: # define H_TRACE    00200   /* this field contains trace information */
 201: # define H_FROM     00400   /* this is a from-type field */
 202: # define H_VALID    01000   /* this field has a validated value */
 203: /*
 204: **  Envelope structure.
 205: **	This structure defines the message itself.  There is usually
 206: **	only one of these -- for the message that we originally read
 207: **	and which is our primary interest -- but other envelopes can
 208: **	be generated during processing.  For example, error messages
 209: **	will have their own envelope.
 210: */
 212: struct envelope
 213: {
 214:     HDR     *e_header;  /* head of header list */
 215:     long        e_msgpriority;  /* adjusted priority of this message */
 216:     time_t      e_ctime;    /* time message appeared in the queue */
 217:     char        *e_to;      /* the target person */
 218:     char        *e_receiptto;   /* return receipt address */
 219:     ADDRESS     e_from;     /* the person it is from */
 220:     char        **e_fromdomain; /* the domain part of the sender */
 221:     ADDRESS     *e_sendqueue;   /* list of message recipients */
 222:     ADDRESS     *e_errorqueue;  /* the queue for error responses */
 223:     long        e_msgsize;  /* size of the message in bytes */
 224:     int     e_nrcpts;   /* number of recipients */
 225:     short       e_class;    /* msg class (priority, junk, etc.) */
 226:     short       e_flags;    /* flags, see below */
 227:     short       e_hopcount; /* number of times processed */
 228:     int     (*e_puthdr)();  /* function to put header of message */
 229:     int     (*e_putbody)(); /* function to put body of message */
 230:     struct envelope *e_parent;  /* the message this one encloses */
 231:     struct envelope *e_sibling; /* the next envelope of interest */
 232:     char        *e_df;      /* location of temp file */
 233:     FILE        *e_dfp;     /* temporary file */
 234:     char        *e_id;      /* code for this entry in queue */
 235:     FILE        *e_xfp;     /* transcript file */
 236:     char        *e_message; /* error message */
 237:     char        *e_macro[128];  /* macro definitions */
 238: };
 240: typedef struct envelope ENVELOPE;
 242: /* values for e_flags */
 243: #define EF_OLDSTYLE 000001      /* use spaces (not commas) in hdrs */
 244: #define EF_INQUEUE  000002      /* this message is fully queued */
 245: #define EF_TIMEOUT  000004      /* this message is too old */
 246: #define EF_CLRQUEUE 000010      /* disk copy is no longer needed */
 247: #define EF_SENDRECEIPT  000020      /* send a return receipt */
 248: #define EF_FATALERRS    000040      /* fatal errors occured */
 249: #define EF_KEEPQUEUE    000100      /* keep queue files always */
 250: #define EF_RESPONSE 000200      /* this is an error or return receipt */
 251: #define EF_RESENT   000400      /* this message is being forwarded */
 253: EXTERN ENVELOPE *CurEnv;    /* envelope currently being processed */
 254: /*
 255: **  Message priority classes.
 256: **
 257: **	The message class is read directly from the Priority: header
 258: **	field in the message.
 259: **
 260: **	CurEnv->e_msgpriority is the number of bytes in the message plus
 261: **	the creation time (so that jobs ``tend'' to be ordered correctly),
 262: **	adjusted by the message class, the number of recipients, and the
 263: **	amount of time the message has been sitting around.  This number
 264: **	is used to order the queue.  Higher values mean LOWER priority.
 265: **
 266: **	Each priority class point is worth WkClassFact priority points;
 267: **	each recipient is worth WkRecipFact priority points.  Each time
 268: **	we reprocess a message the priority is adjusted by WkTimeFact.
 269: **	WkTimeFact should normally decrease the priority so that jobs
 270: **	that have historically failed will be run later; thanks go to
 271: **	Jay Lepreau at Utah for pointing out the error in my thinking.
 272: **
 273: **	The "class" is this number, unadjusted by the age or size of
 274: **	this message.  Classes with negative representations will have
 275: **	error messages thrown away if they are not local.
 276: */
 278: struct priority
 279: {
 280:     char    *pri_name;  /* external name of priority */
 281:     int pri_val;    /* internal value for same */
 282: };
 284: EXTERN struct priority  Priorities[MAXPRIORITIES];
 285: EXTERN int      NumPriorities;  /* pointer into Priorities */
 286: /*
 287: **  Rewrite rules.
 288: */
 290: struct rewrite
 291: {
 292:     char    **r_lhs;    /* pattern match */
 293:     char    **r_rhs;    /* substitution value */
 294:     struct rewrite  *r_next;/* next in chain */
 295: };
 297: EXTERN struct rewrite   *RewriteRules[MAXRWSETS];
 299: /*
 300: **  Special characters in rewriting rules.
 301: **	These are used internally only.
 302: **	The COND* rules are actually used in macros rather than in
 303: **		rewriting rules, but are given here because they
 304: **		cannot conflict.
 305: */
 307: /* left hand side items */
 308: # define MATCHZANY  '\020'  /* match zero or more tokens */
 309: # define MATCHANY   '\021'  /* match one or more tokens */
 310: # define MATCHONE   '\022'  /* match exactly one token */
 311: # define MATCHCLASS '\023'  /* match one token in a class */
 312: # define MATCHNCLASS    '\024'  /* match anything not in class */
 313: # define MATCHREPL  '\025'  /* replacement on RHS for above */
 315: /* right hand side items */
 316: # define CANONNET   '\026'  /* canonical net, next token */
 317: # define CANONHOST  '\027'  /* canonical host, next token */
 318: # define CANONUSER  '\030'  /* canonical user, next N tokens */
 319: # define CALLSUBR   '\031'  /* call another rewriting set */
 321: /* conditionals in macros */
 322: # define CONDIF     '\032'  /* conditional if-then */
 323: # define CONDELSE   '\033'  /* conditional else */
 324: # define CONDFI     '\034'  /* conditional fi */
 326: /* bracket characters for host name lookup */
 327: # define HOSTBEGIN  '\035'  /* hostname lookup begin */
 328: # define HOSTEND    '\036'  /* hostname lookup end */
 330: /* \001 is also reserved as the macro expansion character */
 331: /*
 332: **  Information about hosts that we have looked up recently.
 333: **
 334: **	This stuff is 4.2/3bsd specific.
 335: */
 337: # ifdef DAEMON
 338: # ifdef VMUNIX
 340: # define HOSTINFO   struct hostinfo
 343: {
 344:     char        *ho_name;   /* name of this host */
 345:     struct in_addr  ho_inaddr;  /* internet address */
 346:     short       ho_flags;   /* flag bits, see below */
 347:     short       ho_errno;   /* error number on last connection */
 348:     short       ho_exitstat;    /* exit status from last connection */
 349: };
 352: /* flag bits */
 353: #define HOF_VALID   00001       /* this entry is valid */
 355: # endif VMUNIX
 356: # endif DAEMON
 357: /*
 358: **  Symbol table definitions
 359: */
 361: struct symtab
 362: {
 363:     char        *s_name;    /* name to be entered */
 364:     char        s_type;     /* general type (see below) */
 365:     struct symtab   *s_next;    /* pointer to next in chain */
 366:     union
 367:     {
 368:         BITMAP      sv_class;   /* bit-map of word classes */
 369:         ADDRESS     *sv_addr;   /* pointer to address header */
 370:         MAILER      *sv_mailer; /* pointer to mailer */
 371:         char        *sv_alias;  /* alias */
 372: # ifdef HOSTINFO
 373:         HOSTINFO    sv_host;    /* host information */
 374: # endif HOSTINFO
 375:     }   s_value;
 376: };
 378: typedef struct symtab   STAB;
 380: /* symbol types */
 381: # define ST_UNDEF   0   /* undefined type */
 382: # define ST_CLASS   1   /* class map */
 383: # define ST_ADDRESS 2   /* an address in parsed format */
 384: # define ST_MAILER  3   /* a mailer header */
 385: # define ST_ALIAS   4   /* an alias */
 386: # define ST_HOST    5   /* host information */
 388: # define s_class    s_value.sv_class
 389: # define s_address  s_value.sv_addr
 390: # define s_mailer   s_value.sv_mailer
 391: # define s_alias    s_value.sv_alias
 392: # define s_host     s_value.sv_host
 394: extern STAB *stab();
 396: /* opcodes to stab */
 397: # define ST_FIND    0   /* find entry */
 398: # define ST_ENTER   1   /* enter if not there */
 399: /*
 400: **  STRUCT EVENT -- event queue.
 401: **
 402: **	Maintained in sorted order.
 403: **
 404: **	We store the pid of the process that set this event to insure
 405: **	that when we fork we will not take events intended for the parent.
 406: */
 408: struct event
 409: {
 410:     time_t      ev_time;    /* time of the function call */
 411:     int     (*ev_func)();   /* function to call */
 412:     int     ev_arg;     /* argument to ev_func */
 413:     int     ev_pid;     /* pid that set this event */
 414:     struct event    *ev_link;   /* link to next item */
 415: };
 417: typedef struct event    EVENT;
 419: EXTERN EVENT    *EventQueue;        /* head of event queue */
 420: /*
 421: **  Operation, send, and error modes
 422: **
 423: **	The operation mode describes the basic operation of sendmail.
 424: **	This can be set from the command line, and is "send mail" by
 425: **	default.
 426: **
 427: **	The send mode tells how to send mail.  It can be set in the
 428: **	configuration file.  It's setting determines how quickly the
 429: **	mail will be delivered versus the load on your system.  If the
 430: **	-v (verbose) flag is given, it will be forced to SM_DELIVER
 431: **	mode.
 432: **
 433: **	The error mode tells how to return errors.
 434: */
 436: EXTERN char OpMode;     /* operation mode, see below */
 438: #define MD_DELIVER  'm'     /* be a mail sender */
 439: #define MD_ARPAFTP  'a'     /* old-style arpanet protocols */
 440: #define MD_SMTP     's'     /* run SMTP on standard input */
 441: #define MD_DAEMON   'd'     /* run as a daemon */
 442: #define MD_VERIFY   'v'     /* verify: don't collect or deliver */
 443: #define MD_TEST     't'     /* test mode: resolve addrs only */
 444: #define MD_INITALIAS    'i'     /* initialize alias database */
 445: #define MD_PRINT    'p'     /* print the queue */
 446: #define MD_FREEZE   'z'     /* freeze the configuration file */
 449: EXTERN char SendMode;   /* send mode, see below */
 451: #define SM_DELIVER  'i'     /* interactive delivery */
 452: #define SM_QUICKD   'j'     /* deliver w/o queueing */
 453: #define SM_FORK     'b'     /* deliver in background */
 454: #define SM_QUEUE    'q'     /* queue, don't deliver */
 455: #define SM_VERIFY   'v'     /* verify only (used internally) */
 457: /* used only as a parameter to sendall */
 458: #define SM_DEFAULT  '\0'        /* unspecified, use SendMode */
 461: EXTERN char ErrorMode;  /* error mode, see below */
 463: #define EM_PRINT    'p'     /* print errors */
 464: #define EM_MAIL     'm'     /* mail back errors */
 465: #define EM_WRITE    'w'     /* write back errors */
 466: #define EM_BERKNET  'e'     /* special berknet processing */
 467: #define EM_QUIET    'q'     /* don't print messages (stat only) */
 469: /* offset used to issure that the error messages for name server error
 470:  * codes are unique.
 471:  */
 472: #define MAX_ERRNO   100
 473: /*
 474: **  Global variables.
 475: */
 477: EXTERN bool FromFlag;   /* if set, "From" person is explicit */
 478: EXTERN bool NoAlias;    /* if set, don't do any aliasing */
 479: EXTERN bool ForceMail;  /* if set, mail even if already got a copy */
 480: EXTERN bool MeToo;      /* send to the sender also */
 481: EXTERN bool IgnrDot;    /* don't let dot end messages */
 482: EXTERN bool SaveFrom;   /* save leading "From" lines */
 483: EXTERN bool Verbose;    /* set if blow-by-blow desired */
 484: EXTERN bool GrabTo;     /* if set, get recipients from msg */
 485: EXTERN bool NoReturn;   /* don't return letter to sender */
 486: EXTERN bool SuprErrs;   /* set if we are suppressing errors */
 487: EXTERN bool QueueRun;   /* currently running message from the queue */
 488: EXTERN bool HoldErrs;   /* only output errors to transcript */
 489: EXTERN bool NoConnect;  /* don't connect to non-local mailers */
 490: EXTERN bool SuperSafe;  /* be extra careful, even if expensive */
 491: EXTERN bool ForkQueueRuns;  /* fork for each job when running the queue */
 492: EXTERN bool AutoRebuild;    /* auto-rebuild the alias database as needed */
 493: EXTERN bool CheckAliases;   /* parse addresses during newaliases */
 494: EXTERN int  SafeAlias;  /* minutes to wait until @:@ in alias file */
 495: EXTERN time_t   TimeOut;    /* time until timeout */
 496: EXTERN FILE *InChannel; /* input connection */
 497: EXTERN FILE *OutChannel;    /* output connection */
 498: EXTERN int  RealUid;    /* when Daemon, real uid of caller */
 499: EXTERN int  RealGid;    /* when Daemon, real gid of caller */
 500: EXTERN int  DefUid;     /* default uid to run as */
 501: EXTERN int  DefGid;     /* default gid to run as */
 502: EXTERN int  OldUmask;   /* umask when sendmail starts up */
 503: EXTERN int  Errors;     /* set if errors (local to single pass) */
 504: EXTERN int  ExitStat;   /* exit status code */
 505: EXTERN int  AliasLevel; /* depth of aliasing */
 506: EXTERN int  MotherPid;  /* proc id of parent process */
 507: EXTERN int  LineNumber; /* line number in current input */
 508: EXTERN time_t   ReadTimeout;    /* timeout on reads */
 509: EXTERN int  LogLevel;   /* level of logging to perform */
 510: EXTERN int  FileMode;   /* mode on files */
 511: EXTERN int  QueueLA;    /* load average starting forced queueing */
 512: EXTERN int  RefuseLA;   /* load average refusing connections are */
 513: EXTERN int  QueueFactor;    /* slope of queue function */
 514: EXTERN time_t   QueueIntvl; /* intervals between running the queue */
 515: EXTERN char *AliasFile; /* location of alias file */
 516: EXTERN char *HelpFile;  /* location of SMTP help file */
 517: EXTERN char *StatFile;  /* location of statistics summary */
 518: EXTERN char *QueueDir;  /* location of queue directory */
 519: EXTERN char *FileName;  /* name to print on error messages */
 520: EXTERN char *SmtpPhase; /* current phase in SMTP processing */
 521: EXTERN char *MyHostName;    /* name of this host for SMTP messages */
 522: EXTERN char *RealHostName;  /* name of host we are talking to */
 523: EXTERN char *CurHostName;   /* current host we are dealing with */
 524: EXTERN jmp_buf  TopFrame;   /* branch-to-top-of-loop-on-error frame */
 525: EXTERN bool QuickAbort; /*  .... but only if we want a quick abort */
 526: extern char *ConfFile;  /* location of configuration file [conf.c] */
 527: extern char *FreezeFile;    /* location of frozen memory image [conf.c] */
 528: extern char *Arpa_Info; /* the reply code for Arpanet info [conf.c] */
 529: extern char *Arpa_TSyserr;
 530: extern char *Arpa_PSyserr;
 531: extern char *Arpa_Usrerr;
 532: extern char *Version;   /* the version of sendmail [Version.c] */
 533: extern ADDRESS  NullAddress;    /* a null (template) address [main.c] */
 534: EXTERN char SpaceSub;   /* substitution for <lwsp> */
 535: EXTERN int  WkClassFact;    /* multiplier for message class -> priority */
 536: EXTERN int  WkRecipFact;    /* multiplier for # of recipients -> priority */
 537: EXTERN int  WkTimeFact; /* priority offset each time this job is run */
 538: EXTERN int  CheckPointLimit;    /* deliveries before checkpointing */
 539: EXTERN int  Nmx;            /* number of MX RRs */
 540: EXTERN char *PostMasterCopy;    /* address to get errs cc's */
 541: EXTERN char *MxHosts[MAXMXHOSTS+1]; /* for MX RRs */
 542: EXTERN char *TrustedUsers[MAXTRUST+1];  /* list of trusted users */
 543: EXTERN char *UserEnviron[MAXUSERENVIRON+1]; /* saved user environment */
 544: /*
 545: **  Trace information
 546: */
 548: /* trace vector and macros for debugging flags */
 549: EXTERN u_char   tTdvect[100];
 550: # define tTd(flag, level)   (tTdvect[flag] >= level)
 551: # define tTdlevel(flag)     (tTdvect[flag])
 552: /*
 553: **  Miscellaneous information.
 554: */
 556: # include   <sysexits.h>
 559: /*
 560: **  Some in-line functions
 561: */
 563: /* set exit status */
 564: #define setstat(s)  { \
 565:                 if (ExitStat == EX_OK || ExitStat == EX_TEMPFAIL) \
 566:                     ExitStat = s; \
 567:             }
 569: /* make a copy of a string */
 570: #define newstr(s)   strcpy(xalloc(strlen(s) + 1), s)
 572: #define STRUCTCOPY(s, d)    d = s
 575: /*
 576: **  Declarations of useful functions
 577: */
 579: extern ADDRESS  *parseaddr();
 580: extern char *xalloc();
 581: extern bool sameaddr();
 582: extern FILE *dfopen();
 583: extern EVENT    *setevent();
 584: extern char *sfgets();
 585: extern char *queuename();
 586: extern time_t   curtime();
 587: extern bool shouldqueue();
 588: extern char *denlstring();

Defined variables

CheckPointLimit defined in line 538; used 1 times
CurEnv defined in line 253; used 207 times
EventQueue defined in line 419; used 11 times
MxHosts defined in line 541; never used
Nmx defined in line 539; never used
OldUmask defined in line 502; used 1 times
RealGid defined in line 499; used 1 times
RealUid defined in line 498; used 1 times
SmailSccsId defined in line 22; never used
UserEnviron defined in line 543; used 3 times
tTdvect defined in line 549; used 8 times

Defined struct's

address defined in line 87; used 8 times
envelope defined in line 212; used 6 times
event defined in line 408; used 4 times
hdrinfo defined in line 184; used 10 times
header defined in line 167; used 4 times
priority defined in line 278; used 2 times
  • in line 284(2)
rewrite defined in line 290; used 14 times
symtab defined in line 361; used 4 times

Defined typedef's

Defined macros

BITMAPBYTES defined in line 62; used 4 times
BYTEBITS defined in line 63; used 2 times
CONDELSE defined in line 323; used 1 times
CONDFI defined in line 324; used 1 times
CONDIF defined in line 322; used 1 times
EF_KEEPQUEUE defined in line 249; used 1 times
EF_TIMEOUT defined in line 245; used 1 times
EM_BERKNET defined in line 466; never used
EM_PRINT defined in line 463; never used
EM_QUIET defined in line 467; used 1 times
EM_WRITE defined in line 465; never used
EXTERN defined in line 25; used 71 times
HOF_VALID defined in line 353; never used
HOSTINFO defined in line 340; used 3 times
H_VALID defined in line 202; never used
MAX_ERRNO defined in line 472; used 1 times
MD_DELIVER defined in line 438; used 1 times
MD_FREEZE defined in line 446; used 1 times
MD_PRINT defined in line 445; used 1 times
MD_VERIFY defined in line 442; used 4 times
M_CANONICAL defined in line 139; used 1 times
M_ESCFROM defined in line 141; never used
M_EXPENSIVE defined in line 140; never used
M_FOPT defined in line 142; never used
M_FROMPATH defined in line 149; used 1 times
M_HST_UPPER defined in line 143; used 1 times
M_INTERNAL defined in line 144; used 1 times
M_LIMITS defined in line 146; used 2 times
M_LOCAL defined in line 145; used 2 times
M_MUSER defined in line 147; never used
M_NHDR defined in line 148; never used
M_RESTR defined in line 153; never used
M_ROPT defined in line 150; never used
M_SECURE_PORT defined in line 151; never used
M_STRIPQ defined in line 152; never used
M_UGLYUUCP defined in line 155; never used
M_USR_UPPER defined in line 154; used 1 times
M_XDOT defined in line 156; used 2 times
QGOODUID defined in line 108; used 3 times
SM_FORK defined in line 453; never used
SM_QUEUE defined in line 454; never used
SM_QUICKD defined in line 452; never used
SM_VERIFY defined in line 455; used 1 times
ST_ADDRESS defined in line 383; never used
ST_ALIAS defined in line 385; used 2 times
ST_HOST defined in line 386; never used
ST_UNDEF defined in line 381; never used
_BITBIT defined in line 67; used 3 times
_BITWORD defined in line 66; used 3 times
clrbitmap defined in line 81; used 2 times
clrbitn defined in line 78; never used
s_address defined in line 389; never used
s_alias defined in line 391; used 2 times
s_host defined in line 392; never used
setstat defined in line 564; used 2 times
tTdlevel defined in line 551; never used

Usage of this include

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Generated: 2016-12-26
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