1: #include <paths.h>
   2: #include <stdio.h>
   3: #include <sysexits.h>
   4: #include <varargs.h>
   6: #include <sys/types.h>
   7: #include <sys/time.h>
   8: #include <pwd.h>
   9: #include <utmp.h>
  11: #define SEND_FD W[1]
  12: #define RECV_FD R[0]
  14: #define CTIME   1
  15: #define ASCTIME 2
  16: #define TZSET   3
  17: #define LOCALTIME 4
  18: #define GMTIME  5
  19: #define OFFTIME 6
  21: #define GETPWENT        7
  22: #define GETPWNAM        8
  23: #define GETPWUID        9
  24: #define SETPASSENT      10
  25: #define ENDPWENT        11
  27:     static  int R[2], W[2], inited;
  28:     static  char    result[256 + 4];
  29:     static  struct  tm  tmtmp;
  30:     static  struct  passwd  _pw, *getandfixpw();
  32: char    *
  33: ctime(t)
  34:     time_t  *t;
  35:     {
  36:     u_char  fnc = CTIME;
  38:     sewer();
  39:     write(SEND_FD, &fnc, sizeof fnc);
  40:     write(SEND_FD, t, sizeof (*t));
  41:     getb(RECV_FD, result, 26);
  42:     return(result);
  43:     }
  45: char    *
  46: asctime(tp)
  47:     struct  tm  *tp;
  48:     {
  49:     u_char  fnc = ASCTIME;
  51:     sewer();
  52:     write(SEND_FD, &fnc, sizeof fnc);
  53:     write(SEND_FD, tp, sizeof (*tp));
  54:     getb(RECV_FD, result, 26);
  55:     return(result);
  56:     }
  58: void
  59: tzset()
  60:     {
  61:     u_char  fnc = TZSET;
  63:     sewer();
  64:     write(SEND_FD, &fnc, sizeof fnc);
  65:     }
  67: struct  tm *
  68: localtime(tp)
  69:     time_t  *tp;
  70:     {
  71:     u_char  fnc = LOCALTIME;
  73:     sewer();
  74:     write(SEND_FD, &fnc, sizeof fnc);
  75:     write(SEND_FD, tp, sizeof (*tp));
  76:     getb(RECV_FD, &tmtmp, sizeof tmtmp);
  77:     getb(RECV_FD, result, 24);
  78:     tmtmp.tm_zone = result;
  79:     return(&tmtmp);
  80:     }
  82: struct  tm *
  83: gmtime(tp)
  84:     time_t  *tp;
  85:     {
  86:     u_char  fnc = GMTIME;
  88:     sewer();
  89:     write(SEND_FD, &fnc, sizeof fnc);
  90:     write(SEND_FD, tp, sizeof (*tp));
  91:     getb(RECV_FD, &tmtmp, sizeof tmtmp);
  92:     getb(RECV_FD, result, 24);
  93:     tmtmp.tm_zone = result;
  94:     return(&tmtmp);
  95:     }
  97: struct  tm *
  98: offtime(clock, offset)
  99:     time_t  *clock;
 100:     long    offset;
 101:     {
 102:     u_char  fnc = OFFTIME;
 104:     sewer();
 105:     write(SEND_FD, &fnc, sizeof fnc);
 106:     write(SEND_FD, clock, sizeof (*clock));
 107:     write(SEND_FD, &offset, sizeof offset);
 108:     getb(RECV_FD, &tmtmp, sizeof tmtmp);
 109:     tmtmp.tm_zone = "";
 110:     return(&tmtmp);
 111:     }
 113: struct passwd *
 114: getpwent()
 115:     {
 116:     u_char  fnc = GETPWENT;
 118:     sewer();
 119:     write(SEND_FD, &fnc, sizeof fnc);
 120:     return(getandfixpw());
 121:     }
 123: struct  passwd *
 124: getpwnam(nam)
 125:     char    *nam;
 126:     {
 127:     u_char  fnc = GETPWNAM;
 128:     char    lnam[UT_NAMESIZE + 1];
 129:     int len;
 131:     len = strlen(nam);
 132:     if  (len > UT_NAMESIZE)
 133:         len = UT_NAMESIZE;
 134:     bcopy(nam, lnam, len);
 135:     lnam[len] = '\0';
 137:     sewer();
 138:     write(SEND_FD, &fnc, 1);
 139:     write(SEND_FD, &len, sizeof (int));
 140:     write(SEND_FD, lnam, len);
 141:     return(getandfixpw());
 142:     }
 144: struct  passwd  *
 145: getpwuid(uid)
 146:     uid_t   uid;
 147:     {
 148:     u_char  fnc = GETPWUID;
 150:     sewer();
 151:     write(SEND_FD, &fnc, sizeof fnc);
 152:     write(SEND_FD, &uid, sizeof (uid_t));
 153:     return(getandfixpw());
 154:     }
 156: setpwent()
 157:     {
 158:     return(setpassent(0));
 159:     }
 161: setpassent(stayopen)
 162:     int stayopen;
 163:     {
 164:     u_char  fnc = SETPASSENT;
 165:     int sts;
 167:     sewer();
 168:     write(SEND_FD, &fnc, sizeof fnc);
 169:     write(SEND_FD, &stayopen, sizeof (int));
 170:     getb(RECV_FD, &sts, sizeof (int));
 171:     return(sts);
 172:     }
 174: void
 175: endpwent()
 176:     {
 177:     u_char  fnc = ENDPWENT;
 179:     sewer();
 180:     write(SEND_FD, &fnc, sizeof fnc);
 181:     return;
 182:     }
 184: /* setpwfile() is deprecated */
 185: void
 186: setpwfile(file)
 187:     char    *file;
 188:     {
 189:     return;
 190:     }
 192: struct passwd *
 193: getandfixpw()
 194:     {
 195:     short   sz;
 197:     getb(RECV_FD, &sz, sizeof (int));
 198:     if  (sz == 0)
 199:         return(NULL);
 200:     getb(RECV_FD, &_pw, sizeof (_pw));
 201:     getb(RECV_FD, result, sz);
 202:     _pw.pw_name += (int)result;
 203:     _pw.pw_passwd += (int)result;
 204:     _pw.pw_class += (int)result;
 205:     _pw.pw_gecos += (int)result;
 206:     _pw.pw_dir += (int)result;
 207:     _pw.pw_shell += (int)result;
 208:     return(&_pw);
 209:     }
 211: getb(f, p, n)
 212:     register int f, n;
 213:     register char *p;
 214:     {
 215:     int i;
 217:     while   (n)
 218:         {
 219:         i = read(f, p, n);
 220:         if  (i <= 0)
 221:             return;
 222:         p += i;
 223:         n -= i;
 224:         }
 225:     }
 227: sewer()
 228:     {
 229:     register int    pid, ourpid = getpid();
 231:     if  (inited == ourpid)
 232:         return;
 233:     if  (inited)
 234:         {
 235:         close(SEND_FD);
 236:         close(RECV_FD);
 237:         }
 238:     pipe(W);
 239:     pipe(R);
 240:     pid = vfork();
 241:     if  (pid == 0)
 242:         {           /* child */
 243:         alarm(0);       /* cancel alarms */
 244:         dup2(W[0], 0);      /* parent write side to our stdin */
 245:         dup2(R[1], 1);      /* parent read side to our stdout */
 246:         close(SEND_FD);     /* copies made, close the... */
 247:         close(RECV_FD);     /* originals now */
 248:         execl(_PATH_CTIMED, "ctimed", 0);
 249:         _exit(EX_OSFILE);
 250:         }
 251:     if  (pid == -1)
 252:         abort();        /* nothing else really to do */
 253:     close(W[0]);            /* close read side of SEND channel */
 254:     close(R[1]);            /* close write side of RECV channel */
 255:     inited = ourpid;        /* don't do this again in this proc */
 256:     }
 258: XXctime()
 259:     {
 261:     if  (SEND_FD)
 262:         close(SEND_FD);
 263:     if  (RECV_FD)
 264:         close(RECV_FD);
 265:     SEND_FD = RECV_FD = 0;
 266:     inited = 0;
 267:     }

Defined functions

asctime defined in line 45; used 1 times
ctime defined in line 32; used 1 times
endpwent defined in line 174; used 1 times
getandfixpw defined in line 192; used 4 times
getb defined in line 211; used 11 times
getpwent defined in line 113; used 1 times
getpwnam defined in line 123; used 2 times
getpwuid defined in line 144; used 1 times
gmtime defined in line 82; used 1 times
localtime defined in line 67; used 1 times
offtime defined in line 97; never used
setpassent defined in line 161; used 2 times
setpwent defined in line 156; never used
setpwfile defined in line 185; never used
sewer defined in line 227; used 11 times
tzset defined in line 58; never used

Defined variables

R defined in line 27; used 4 times
W defined in line 27; used 4 times
_pw defined in line 30; used 9 times
inited defined in line 27; used 4 times
result defined in line 28; used 15 times
tmtmp defined in line 29; used 12 times

Defined macros

ASCTIME defined in line 15; used 1 times
  • in line 49
CTIME defined in line 14; used 1 times
  • in line 36
ENDPWENT defined in line 25; used 1 times
GETPWENT defined in line 21; used 1 times
GETPWNAM defined in line 22; used 1 times
GETPWUID defined in line 23; used 1 times
GMTIME defined in line 18; used 1 times
  • in line 86
LOCALTIME defined in line 17; used 1 times
  • in line 71
OFFTIME defined in line 19; used 1 times
RECV_FD defined in line 12; used 16 times
SEND_FD defined in line 11; used 26 times
SETPASSENT defined in line 24; used 1 times
TZSET defined in line 16; used 1 times
  • in line 61
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