1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)v831.c	5.1 (Berkeley) 4/30/85";
   9: #endif not lint
  11: /*
  12:  * Routines for dialing up on Vadic 831
  13:  */
  14: #include <sys/time.h>
  16: #include "tip.h"
  18: int v831_abort();
  19: static  int alarmtr();
  20: extern  errno;
  22: static jmp_buf jmpbuf;
  23: static int child = -1;
  25: v831_dialer(num, acu)
  26:         char *num, *acu;
  27: {
  28:         int status, pid, connected = 1;
  29:         register int timelim;
  31:         if (boolean(value(VERBOSE)))
  32:                 printf("\nstarting call...");
  33: #ifdef DEBUG
  34:         printf ("(acu=%s)\n", acu);
  35: #endif
  36:         if ((AC = open(acu, O_RDWR)) < 0) {
  37:                 if (errno == EBUSY)
  38:                         printf("line busy...");
  39:                 else
  40:                         printf("acu open error...");
  41:                 return (0);
  42:         }
  43:         if (setjmp(jmpbuf)) {
  44:                 kill(child, SIGKILL);
  45:                 close(AC);
  46:                 return (0);
  47:         }
  48:         signal(SIGALRM, alarmtr);
  49:         timelim = 5 * strlen(num);
  50:         alarm(timelim < 30 ? 30 : timelim);
  51:         if ((child = fork()) == 0) {
  52:                 /*
  53:                  * ignore this stuff for aborts
  54:                  */
  55:                 signal(SIGALRM, SIG_IGN);
  56:         signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN);
  57:                 signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN);
  58:                 sleep(2);
  59:                 exit(dialit(num, acu) != 'A');
  60:         }
  61:         /*
  62:          * open line - will return on carrier
  63:          */
  64:         if ((FD = open(DV, O_RDWR)) < 0) {
  65: #ifdef DEBUG
  66:                 printf("(after open, errno=%d)\n", errno);
  67: #endif
  68:                 if (errno == EIO)
  69:                         printf("lost carrier...");
  70:                 else
  71:                         printf("dialup line open failed...");
  72:                 alarm(0);
  73:                 kill(child, SIGKILL);
  74:                 close(AC);
  75:                 return (0);
  76:         }
  77:         alarm(0);
  78: #ifdef notdef
  79:         ioctl(AC, TIOCHPCL, 0);
  80: #endif
  81:         signal(SIGALRM, SIG_DFL);
  82:         while ((pid = wait(&status)) != child && pid != -1)
  83:                 ;
  84:         if (status) {
  85:                 close(AC);
  86:                 return (0);
  87:         }
  88:         return (1);
  89: }
  91: static
  92: alarmtr()
  93: {
  95:         alarm(0);
  96:         longjmp(jmpbuf, 1);
  97: }
  99: /*
 100:  * Insurance, for some reason we don't seem to be
 101:  *  hanging up...
 102:  */
 103: v831_disconnect()
 104: {
 105:         struct sgttyb cntrl;
 107:         sleep(2);
 108: #ifdef DEBUG
 109:         printf("[disconnect: FD=%d]\n", FD);
 110: #endif
 111:         if (FD > 0) {
 112:                 ioctl(FD, TIOCCDTR, 0);
 113:                 ioctl(FD, TIOCGETP, &cntrl);
 114:                 cntrl.sg_ispeed = cntrl.sg_ospeed = 0;
 115:                 ioctl(FD, TIOCSETP, &cntrl);
 116:                 ioctl(FD, TIOCNXCL, (struct sgttyb *)NULL);
 117:         }
 118:         close(FD);
 119: }
 121: v831_abort()
 122: {
 124: #ifdef DEBUG
 125:         printf("[abort: AC=%d]\n", AC);
 126: #endif
 127:         sleep(2);
 128:         if (child > 0)
 129:                 kill(child, SIGKILL);
 130:         if (AC > 0)
 131:                 ioctl(FD, TIOCNXCL, (struct sgttyb *)NULL);
 132:                 close(AC);
 133:         if (FD > 0)
 134:                 ioctl(FD, TIOCCDTR, 0);
 135:         close(FD);
 136: }
 138: /*
 139:  * Sigh, this probably must be changed at each site.
 140:  */
 141: struct vaconfig {
 142:     char    *vc_name;
 143:     char    vc_rack;
 144:     char    vc_modem;
 145: } vaconfig[] = {
 146:     { "/dev/cua0",'4','0' },
 147:     { "/dev/cua1",'4','1' },
 148:     { 0 }
 149: };
 151: #define pc(x)   (c = x, write(AC,&c,1))
 152: #define ABORT   01
 153: #define SI  017
 154: #define STX 02
 155: #define ETX 03
 157: static
 158: dialit(phonenum, acu)
 159:     register char *phonenum;
 160:     char *acu;
 161: {
 162:         register struct vaconfig *vp;
 163:     struct sgttyb cntrl;
 164:         char c, *sanitize();
 165:         int i, two = 2;
 167:         phonenum = sanitize(phonenum);
 168: #ifdef DEBUG
 169:         printf ("(dial phonenum=%s)\n", phonenum);
 170: #endif
 171:         if (*phonenum == '<' && phonenum[1] == 0)
 172:                 return ('Z');
 173:     for (vp = vaconfig; vp->vc_name; vp++)
 174:         if (strcmp(vp->vc_name, acu) == 0)
 175:             break;
 176:     if (vp->vc_name == 0) {
 177:         printf("Unable to locate dialer (%s)\n", acu);
 178:         return ('K');
 179:     }
 180:         ioctl(AC, TIOCGETP, &cntrl);
 181:         cntrl.sg_ispeed = cntrl.sg_ospeed = B2400;
 182:         cntrl.sg_flags = RAW | EVENP | ODDP;
 183:         ioctl(AC, TIOCSETP, &cntrl);
 184:     ioctl(AC, TIOCFLUSH, &two);
 185:         pc(STX);
 186:     pc(vp->vc_rack);
 187:     pc(vp->vc_modem);
 188:     while (*phonenum && *phonenum != '<')
 189:         pc(*phonenum++);
 190:         pc(SI);
 191:     pc(ETX);
 192:         sleep(1);
 193:         i = read(AC, &c, 1);
 194: #ifdef DEBUG
 195:         printf("read %d chars, char=%c, errno %d\n", i, c, errno);
 196: #endif
 197:         if (i != 1)
 198:         c = 'M';
 199:         if (c == 'B' || c == 'G') {
 200:                 char cc, oc = c;
 202:                 pc(ABORT);
 203:                 read(AC, &cc, 1);
 204: #ifdef DEBUG
 205:                 printf("abort response=%c\n", cc);
 206: #endif
 207:                 c = oc;
 208:                 v831_disconnect();
 209:         }
 210:         close(AC);
 211: #ifdef DEBUG
 212:         printf("dialit: returns %c\n", c);
 213: #endif
 214:         return (c);
 215: }
 217: static char *
 218: sanitize(s)
 219:     register char *s;
 220: {
 221:         static char buf[128];
 222:         register char *cp;
 224:         for (cp = buf; *s; s++) {
 225:         if (!isdigit(*s) && *s == '<' && *s != '_')
 226:             continue;
 227:         if (*s == '_')
 228:             *s = '=';
 229:         *cp++ = *s;
 230:     }
 231:         *cp++ = 0;
 232:         return (buf);
 233: }

Defined functions

alarmtr defined in line 91; used 2 times
dialit defined in line 157; used 1 times
  • in line 59
sanitize defined in line 217; used 2 times
v831_abort defined in line 121; used 1 times
  • in line 18
v831_dialer defined in line 25; never used
v831_disconnect defined in line 103; used 1 times

Defined variables

child defined in line 23; used 6 times
sccsid defined in line 8; never used
vaconfig defined in line 145; used 1 times

Defined struct's

vaconfig defined in line 141; used 2 times
  • in line 162(2)

Defined macros

ABORT defined in line 152; used 1 times
ETX defined in line 155; used 1 times
SI defined in line 153; used 1 times
STX defined in line 154; used 1 times
pc defined in line 151; used 7 times
Last modified: 1985-04-30
Generated: 2016-12-26
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