1: /* $Header: util.h,v 7.0 86/10/08 15:14:37 lwall Exp $ */
   3: /* $Log:	util.h,v $
   4:  * Revision 7.0  86/10/08  15:14:37  lwall
   5:  * Split into separate files.  Added amoebas and pirates.
   6:  *
   7:  */
   9: #if RANDBITS < 15 || defined(lint)
  10: #define rand_mod(m) getpid()
  11: #define RANDRAND 0.0
  12: #define HALFRAND 0
  13: #define myrand() getpid()
  14: #else
  15: #if RANDBITS == 15  /* 15 bits of rand()? */
  16: #define RANDRAND 268435456.0 /* that's 2**28 */
  17: #define HALFRAND 0x4000 /* that's 2**14 */
  18: int rand();
  19: #define myrand() (rand()&32767)
  20: #define rand_mod(m) ((int)((double)myrand() / 32768.0 * ((double)(m))))
  21: /* pick number in 0..m-1 */
  23: #else
  25: #if RANDBITS < 31   /* 16 bits of rand()? */
  26: #define RANDRAND 1073741824.0 /* that's 2**30 */
  27: #define HALFRAND 0x8000 /* that's 2**15 */
  28: unsigned rand();
  29: #define myrand() (rand()&65535)
  30: #define rand_mod(m) ((int)((double)myrand() / 65536.0 * ((double)(m))))
  31: /* pick number in 0..m-1 */
  33: #else       /* assume 31 bits */
  34: #define RANDRAND 1152921504606846976.0 /* that's 2**60 */
  35: #define HALFRAND 0x40000000 /* that's 2**30 */
  36: long rand();
  37: #define myrand() rand()
  38: #define rand_mod(m) ((myrand() / 37) % (m)) /* pick number in 0..m-1 */
  39: /*
  40:  * The reason for the /37 above is that our random number generator yields
  41:  * successive evens and odds, for some reason.  This makes strange star maps.
  42:  */
  43: #endif
  44: #endif
  45: #endif
  48:     /* we get fractions of seconds from calling ftime on timebuf */
  50: #ifdef FTIMER
  51: EXT struct timeb timebuf;
  52: #define roundsleep(x) (ftime(&timebuf),sleep(timebuf.millitm > 500?x+1:x))
  53: #else
  54: #define roundsleep(x) sleep(x)
  55: #endif
  57: void movc3();
  58: void no_can_do();
  59: int exdis();
  61: EXT bool waiting INIT(FALSE);       /* are we waiting for subprocess (in doshell)? */
  63: #ifdef NOTDEF
  64: EXT int len_last_line_got INIT(0);
  65:             /* strlen of some_buf after */
  66:             /*  some_buf = get_a_line(bufptr,buffersize,fp) */
  67: #endif
  69: #ifdef NOTDEF
  70: /* is the string for makedir a directory name or a filename? */
  72: #define MD_DIR 0
  73: #define MD_FILE 1
  74: #endif
  76: void util_init();
  77: char    *safemalloc();
  78: char    *safecpy();
  79: char    *cpytill();
  80: char    *instr();
  81: #ifdef SETUIDGID
  82:     int     eaccess();
  83: #endif
  84: char    *getwd();
  85: void    cat();
  86: void    prexit();
  87: char    *savestr();
  88: char    *getval();

Defined variables

len_last_line_got defined in line 64; never used
timebuf defined in line 51; used 2 times
  • in line 52(2)

Defined macros

HALFRAND defined in line 35; used 8 times
MD_DIR defined in line 72; never used
MD_FILE defined in line 73; never used
RANDRAND defined in line 34; used 4 times
myrand defined in line 37; used 12 times
rand_mod defined in line 38; used 211 times

Usage of this include

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