1: /* $Header: init.c,v 86/12/12 16:58:03 lwall Exp $ */
   3: /* $Log:	init.c,v $
   4:  * Revision  86/12/12  16:58:03  lwall
   5:  * Baseline for net release.
   6:  *
   7:  * Revision  86/10/20  14:35:31  lwall
   8:  * Picked some lint.
   9:  *
  10:  * Revision  86/10/17  15:53:30  lwall
  11:  * Added random walk star fields.
  12:  *
  13:  * Revision  86/10/16  10:51:19  lwall
  14:  * Added Damage.  Fixed random bugs.
  15:  *
  16:  * Revision 7.0  86/10/08  15:12:10  lwall
  17:  * Split into separate files.  Added amoebas and pirates.
  18:  *
  19:  */
  21: #include "EXTERN.h"
  22: #include "warp.h"
  23: #include "bang.h"
  24: #include "object.h"
  25: #include "move.h"
  26: #include "play.h"
  27: #include "score.h"
  28: #include "term.h"
  29: #include "them.h"
  30: #include "us.h"
  31: #include "util.h"
  32: #include "weapon.h"
  33: #include "INTERN.h"
  34: #include "init.h"
  36: void
  37: initialize()
  38: {
  39:     Reg1 int i;
  40:     Reg2 int x;
  41:     Reg3 int y;
  42:     Reg4 int dist;
  43:     Reg5 int ydist;
  44:     Reg6 int xdist;
  45:     long e;
  46:     int yoff, xoff, ypred, xpred;
  47:     Reg7 OBJECT *obj;
  48:     char ch;
  49:     FILE *mapfp = NULL;
  50:     bool tmptholspec;
  51:     int inhabjackpot;
  52:     long inhenergy;
  53:     int walksplit = 200;
  54:     static char *distname[] =
  55:     {" #"," -"," \\"," /",
  56:      " |"," *"," `"," '"};
  58:     cloaking = madgorns = FALSE;
  59:     deados = madfriends = 0;
  60:     curscore = possiblescore = 0L;
  61:     yamblast = xamblast = ambsize = 0;
  62:     if (smarts > 90)
  63:     massacre = TRUE;
  64:     scandist = (massacre?20:15);
  65:     antibase = (smarts>60?1:(smarts>40?2:(smarts>25?4:100)));
  66:     sm35 = (smarts>35?35:smarts);
  67:     sm45 = (smarts>45?45:smarts);
  68:     sm50 = (smarts>50?50:smarts);
  69:     sm55 = (smarts>55?55:smarts);
  70:     sm80 = (smarts>80?80:smarts);
  71:     sm95 = (smarts>95?95:smarts);
  72:     super = (smarts>50?smarts-50:0);
  73:     enemshields = 10 + super/2;     /* (scaled by 10) 1 @ 50 .. 3 @ 90 */
  74:     if (smarts>90)
  75:     enemshields += (smarts-90)*10;  /* lay it on thick: ~13 @ 99 */
  76:     entmax = (smarts>=75?5000:(smarts>=50?4000:(smarts>=40?3000:2000)));
  77:     basemax = (smarts>=75?20000:(smarts>=50?15000:(smarts>=40?12500:10000)));
  79:     clear();
  80:     while (root.next != &root) {
  81:     root.next = root.next->next;
  82:     free_object(root.next->prev);
  83:     }
  84:     root.prev = &root;
  85:     enemies = movers = NULL;
  86:     numos = numxes = 0;
  87: #if defined(vax) && XYSIZEx4 == 3680
  88:     asm("movc5 $0,_occupant,$0,$3680,_occupant");
  89:     asm("movc5 $0,_blast,$0,$3680,_blast"); /* 3680 = XYSIZEx4 */
  90:     asm("movc5 $0,_amb,$32,$920,_amb");
  91: #else
  92:     for (y=0;y<YSIZE;y++)
  93:     for (x=0;x<XSIZE;x++) {
  94:         occupant[y][x] = 0;
  95:         blast[y][x] = 0;
  96:         amb[y][x] = ' ';
  97:     }
  98: #endif
  99:     for (y=0; y<YSIZE; y++)
 100:     yblasted[y] = 0;
 101:     for (x=0; x<XSIZE; x++)
 102:     xblasted[x] = 0;
 103:     blasted = FALSE;
 104:     if (!starspec)
 105:     if (smarts < 15)
 106:         inumstars = 50 + rand_mod(50);
 107:     else if (smarts < 50 || smarts > 85)
 108:         inumstars = exdis(800) + rand_mod(100) + 1;
 109:     else /* too few stars makes 50..85 too hard */
 110:         inumstars = exdis(700) + rand_mod(150-super*2) + 50+super*2;
 111:     tmptholspec = (smarts > 15 && inumstars < 450 && ! rand_mod(90-sm80));
 112:     if (!klingspec) {
 113:     inumenemies = rand_mod((smarts+1)/2) + 1;
 114:     if (massacre || tmptholspec)
 115:         inumenemies += 10;
 116:     }
 117:     if (!friendspec)
 118:     inumfriends = rand_mod(smarts/8+1);
 119:     if (!piratespec)
 120:     inumpirates = rand_mod(inumfriends/2+1);
 121:     if (inumfriends+inumenemies+inumstars > YSIZE*XSIZE-20)
 122:     inumstars = YSIZE*XSIZE-20 - inumenemies - inumfriends;
 123:     if (inumstars < 0) {
 124:     inumfriends += inumstars;
 125:     inumstars = 0;
 126:     }
 127:     if (inumfriends < 0) {
 128:     inumenemies += inumfriends;
 129:     inumfriends = 0;
 130:     }
 131:     if (inumenemies < 0)
 132:     inumenemies = 0;
 133:     numstars = inumstars;
 134:     inuminhab = numinhab = 0;
 135:     inumroms = inumthols = inumgorns = 0;
 136:     numapollos = apolspec || massacre ? 1 :
 137:        ((!numstars || rand_mod(2) || smarts < 10) ? 0 : 1);
 138:     inumapollos = apolloflag = 0;
 139:     realapollo = NULL;
 140:     inumcrushes = numcrushes =
 141:     crushspec||massacre?1:(rand_mod(2000) < inumstars);
 142:     inumenemies += inumcrushes;
 143:     inumamoebas = numamoebas = (amoebaspec ? 1 :
 144:     !rand_mod(inumcrushes?3-massacre:8) );  /* < and & are fun together */
 145:     inumenemies += inumamoebas;
 146:     if (!rand_mod(40)) {
 147:     inhabjackpot = 32767;
 148:     inumfriends += rand_mod(10);
 149:     inumpirates += rand_mod(10);
 150:     }
 151:     else
 152:     inhabjackpot = inumpirates;
 153:     inhenergy = 30000-super*150;
 154:     if (!rand_mod(10))
 155:     inhenergy = 50000;
 156:     if (!rand_mod(4))
 157:     inhenergy += rand_mod(3500+super*150);
 158:     numfriends = inumfriends;
 159:     numpirates = inumpirates;
 160:     numenemies = inumenemies;
 161:     deadmudds = 0;
 163:     /* do stars */
 165: stars_again:
 166:     if (prespec)
 167:     dist = 4;
 168:     else if (numstars > 750)
 169:     dist = 0;
 170:     else
 171:     dist = rand_mod(starspec||smarts<=5?3:5);
 172:     if (debugging) {
 173:     real_y = real_x = -100;
 174:     printf("\r\n");
 175:     }
 176:     switch (dist) {
 177:     case 0:             /* uniform random */
 178:     ydist = xdist = 0;
 179:     if (inumstars < 700 && !rand_mod(3-(inumstars<50))) {
 180:         ydist = xdist = 6;      /* well, maybe not so random */
 181:         y = rand_mod(YSIZE);
 182:         x = rand_mod(XSIZE);
 183:         if (rand_mod(2))
 184:         walksplit = inumstars/(exdis(40)+1);
 185:     }
 186:     if (debugging)
 187:         printf(" R\r\n");
 188:     break;
 189:     case 1: case 2: /* clumped, maybe skewed, maybe superposed */
 190:     ydist = rand_mod(4);
 191:     xdist = rand_mod(2);
 192:     if (debugging)
 193:         printf("%s\r\n",distname[ydist+4*xdist]);
 194:     yoff = rand_mod(YSIZE);
 195:     xoff = rand_mod(XSIZE);
 196:     if (dist == 2)
 197:         dist = numstars/2 + exdis(numstars/2) - exdis(numstars/2);
 198:     else
 199:         dist = 0;
 200:     break;
 201:     case 3: case 4:         /* predefined or residual */
 202:       scenario_again:
 203:     if (debugging)
 204:         printf(" P\r\n");
 205:     dist = 0;
 206:     Sprintf(spbuf,"smap.%d",
 207:         (prescene>=0?prescene:rand_mod(MAPS)) );
 208:     if ((mapfp = fopen(spbuf,"r")) != NULL &&
 209:         fgets(spbuf,10,mapfp) != NULL ) {
 210:         inumstars = numstars = atoi(spbuf);
 211:         if (inumenemies+inumstars > YSIZE*XSIZE-20)
 212:         inumstars = numstars = YSIZE*XSIZE-20 - inumenemies;
 213:         ydist = rand_mod(2) + 4;    /* flip y axis? */
 214:         xdist = rand_mod(2) + 4;    /* flip x axis? */
 215:         yoff = rand_mod(YSIZE); /* how much to shift y */
 216:         xoff = rand_mod(XSIZE); /* how much to shift x */
 217:     }
 218:     else {
 219:         prespec = FALSE;
 220:         prescene = -1;
 221:         if (rand_mod(2))
 222:         goto scenario_again;
 223:         goto stars_again;
 224:     }
 225:     break;
 226:     }
 227:     for (i = 1; i <= numstars; i++) {
 228:     if (dist && i == dist) {    /* flip to another skewing? */
 229:         ydist = rand_mod(4);
 230:         xdist = rand_mod(2);
 231:         if (!rand_mod(4)) {
 232:         ydist = xdist = 6;
 233:         if (debugging)
 234:             printf("&\r\n");
 235:         }
 236:         else if (debugging)
 237:         printf("%s\r\n",distname[ydist+4*xdist]);
 238:         yoff = rand_mod(YSIZE);
 239:         xoff = rand_mod(XSIZE);
 240:         dist = 0;
 241:     }
 242:     do {                /* until an open spot found */
 243:         switch (xdist) {
 244:         case 0:
 245:         x = rand_mod(XSIZE);    /* pick from 0..39, uniform */
 246:         break;
 247:         case 1: case 2: case 3:
 248: #ifndef lint
 249:         x = (int)((((double)(myrand()-HALFRAND)) *
 250:                    ((double)(myrand()-HALFRAND))/RANDRAND)
 251:               * 20.0) + xoff;   /* pick from -20..20, clumped */
 252: #endif
 253:         break;
 254:         case 4:
 255:         if (fscanf(mapfp,"%d %d\n",&ypred,&xpred) == EOF)
 256:             ydist = xdist = 0;
 257:         x = xpred + xoff;
 258:         break;
 259:         case 5:
 260:         if (fscanf(mapfp,"%d %d\n",&ypred,&xpred) == EOF)
 261:             ydist = xdist = 0;
 262:         x = -xpred + xoff;
 263:         break;
 264:         case 6:
 265:         x += rand_mod(3) - 1;
 266:         break;
 267:         }
 268:         switch (ydist) {
 269:         case 0:
 270:         y = rand_mod(YSIZE);
 271:         break;
 272:         case 1:
 273: #ifndef lint
 274:         y = (int)((((double)(myrand()-HALFRAND)) *
 275:                    ((double)(myrand()-HALFRAND))/RANDRAND)
 276:               * 12.0) + yoff;   /* pick from -12..12, clumped */
 277: #endif
 278:         break;
 279:         case 2:
 280: #ifndef lint
 281:         y = (int)((((double)(myrand()-HALFRAND)) *
 282:                    ((double)(myrand()-HALFRAND))/RANDRAND)
 283:               * 12.0) + yoff + x*YSIZE/XSIZE;
 284:                         /* clumped & skewed */
 285: #endif
 286:         break;
 287:         case 3:
 288: #ifndef lint
 289:         y = (int)((((double)(myrand()-HALFRAND)) *
 290:                    ((double)(myrand()-HALFRAND))/RANDRAND)
 291:               * 12.0) + yoff - x*YSIZE/XSIZE;
 292:                         /* clumped & skewed */
 293: #endif
 294:         break;
 295:         case 4:
 296:         y = ypred + yoff;
 297:         break;
 298:         case 5:
 299:         y = -ypred + yoff;
 300:         break;
 301:         case 6:
 302:         y += rand_mod(3) - 1;
 303: #ifdef lint
 304:         walksplit = walksplit;
 305: #endif
 306:         if (!rand_mod(walksplit)) {
 307:             y = rand_mod(YSIZE);
 308:             x = rand_mod(XSIZE);
 309:         }
 310:         break;
 311:         }
 312:         while (x<0) x += XSIZE00;
 313:         while (y<0) y += YSIZE00;
 314:         x %= XSIZE;
 315:         y %= YSIZE;
 316:     } while (occupant[y][x]);
 317:     e = rand_mod(32768);
 318:     if (--inhabjackpot > 0 || e >= inhenergy) {
 319:         ch = '@';
 320:         if (inhabjackpot && e < 10000)
 321:         e += 10000;
 322:         inuminhab = ++numinhab;
 323:     }
 324:     else {
 325:         ch = '*';
 326:     }
 327:     obj = make_object(Star,ch,y,x,0,0,e+rand_mod(super*100+1),e/4,&root);
 328:     obj->flags |= STATIC;
 329:     }
 330:     if (inumstars > 30 && inhabjackpot <= 0 &&
 331:      !rand_mod(3 - (inumstars > 400) - (inhenergy > 32768)) ) {
 332:     int initx;
 333:     int inity;
 335:     x = initx = obj->posx;
 336:     y = inity = obj->posy;
 337:     while (rand_mod(2) && inuminhab < inumstars/2) {
 338:         for (i=rand_mod(smarts)*2+20; i; i--) {
 339:         if ((obj = occupant[y][x]) && obj->image == '*') {
 340:             setimage(obj,'@');
 341:             if (obj->energy < 10000)
 342:             obj->energy += 20000; /* the benefits of civilization */
 343:             inuminhab = ++numinhab;
 344:         }
 345:         if (i&15) {
 346:             y = (y + rand_mod(3) + YSIZE99) % YSIZE;
 347:             x = (x + rand_mod(3) + XSIZE99) % XSIZE;
 348:         }
 349:         else {          /* don't wander too far */
 350:             y = inity;
 351:             x = initx;
 352:         }
 353:         }
 354:         x = initx = rand_mod(XSIZE);
 355:         y = inity = rand_mod(YSIZE);
 356:     }
 357:     }
 358:     if (mapfp != NULL)
 359:     Fclose(mapfp);
 360:     if (numcrushes) {
 361:     do {
 362:         x = rand_mod(XSIZE);
 363:         y = rand_mod(YSIZE);
 364:     } while (occupant[y][x]);
 365:     movers = make_object(Crusher,'<',y,x,0,1,32767L,32768L,&root);
 366:     possiblescore += 10000;
 367:     }
 368:     ient = (numents != 0);
 369:     if (ient) {
 370:     do {
 371:         x = rand_mod(XSIZE);
 372:         y = rand_mod(YSIZE);
 373:     } while (occupant[y][x]);
 374:     e = entmax;
 375:     ent = make_object(Enterprise,'E',y,x,0,0,e,e/2,&root);
 376:     if (!movers)
 377:         movers = ent;
 378:     }
 379:     ibase = (numbases != 0);
 380:     if (ibase) {
 381:     e = 52-super;
 382:     do {
 383:         x = rand_mod(XSIZE);
 384:         y = rand_mod(YSIZE);
 385:     } while (occupant[y][x] || lookaround(y,x,Star) * 7 < e--);
 386:     e = basemax;
 387:     base = make_object(Base, 'B',y,x,0,0,e,e/4,&root);
 388:     if (!movers)
 389:         movers = base;
 390:     }
 391:     if (numamoebas) {
 392:     do {
 393:         x = rand_mod(XSIZE);
 394:         y = rand_mod(YSIZE);
 395:     } while (occupant[y][x]);
 396:     nuke = make_object(Enemy,'&',y,x,0,0,32767L,
 397:       (long)entmax+entmax+rand_mod(entmax),&root);
 398:     possiblescore += 10000;
 399:     amb[y][x] = '~';
 400:     if (rand_mod(2))
 401:         modify_amoeba(y,x,2,'~',(int)rand_mod(smarts<<1));/* just make blob */
 402:     else {
 403:         for (i=smarts/10+1; i; i--) {
 404:         nuke->strategy = rand_mod(256);     /* random direction */
 405:         modify_amoeba(y,x,2,'~',(int)rand_mod(5));
 406:         modify_amoeba(y,x,2,'~',(int)rand_mod(5));
 407:         modify_amoeba(y,x,2,'~',(int)rand_mod(5));
 408:         modify_amoeba(y,x,2,'~',(int)rand_mod(5));  /* extend pseudopod */
 409:         }
 410:     }
 411:     if (!enemies)
 412:         enemies = nuke;
 413:     if (!movers)
 414:         movers = nuke;
 415:     }
 416:     if (rand_mod(27-sm50/2) && !romspec && !gornspec)
 417:     dist = 27-sm50/2;
 418:     else
 419:     dist = rand_mod(4) + 1;
 420:     for (i = 1+inumcrushes+inumamoebas; i <= numenemies; i++) {
 421:     do {
 422:         x = rand_mod(XSIZE);
 423:         y = rand_mod(YSIZE);
 424:     } while (occupant[y][x]);
 425:     if (rand_mod(dist)) {
 426:         if (!tholspec && !tmptholspec && rand_mod((inumstars*3)/sm50+2))
 427:         ch = 'K';
 428:         else {
 429:         ch = 'T';
 430:         inumthols++;
 431:         }
 432:     }
 433:     else {
 434:         if (romspec == gornspec)
 435:         e = 50;
 436:         else if (gornspec)
 437:         e = 10;
 438:         else
 439:         e = 90;
 440:         if (rand_mod(100) < e) {
 441:         ch = 'R';
 442:         inumroms++;
 443:         }
 444:         else {
 445:         ch = 'G';
 446:         inumgorns++;
 447:         }
 448:     }
 449:     if (possiblescore > ENTBOUNDARY - 10000)
 450:         e = (ENTBOUNDARY - possiblescore) / 5;
 451:     else
 452:         e = 250 + (sm50-1) * 30 * 20 / numenemies+1;
 453: #ifndef lint
 454:     e = exdis((int)e) + e - exdis((int)e);
 455:     obj = make_object(Enemy,ch,y,x,0,0,
 456:         e + rand_mod(super*200+2) + 10000*massacre,e/4,&root);
 457: #endif
 458:     e /= 4;
 459:     switch (ch) {
 460:     case 'K':
 461:         possiblescore += e;
 462:         break;
 463:     case 'T':
 464:         possiblescore += e*3/2;
 465:         break;
 466:     case 'G':
 467:         possiblescore += e*2;
 468:         break;
 469:     case 'R':
 470:         possiblescore += e*3;
 471:         obj->flags |= CLOAKS;
 472:         break;
 473:     }
 474:     if (!enemies)
 475:         enemies = obj;
 476:     if (!movers)
 477:         movers = obj;
 478:     }
 479:     numgorns = inumgorns;
 480:     for (i=0; i<numfriends; i++) {
 481:     do {
 482:         x = rand_mod(XSIZE);
 483:         y = rand_mod(YSIZE);
 484:     } while (occupant[y][x]);
 485:     e = 250 + (sm50-1) * 30 * 20 / numenemies+1;
 486: #ifndef lint
 487:     e = exdis((int)e) + e - exdis((int)e);
 488: #endif
 489:     {
 490:         static char let[] = "QWYUISDHJLZVMFFFFFFFFF";
 492:         dist = rand_mod(20);
 493:         ch = let[dist];
 494:     }       /* grr, venix doesn't like indexing into string */
 495:     obj = make_object(Enemy,ch,y,x,0,0,
 496:         e + rand_mod(super*200+2),e/4,&root);
 497:     if (numpirates-- > 0) {
 498:         obj->flags |= PIRATE;
 499:         if (smarts >= 20 && !rand_mod(10-smarts/10))
 500:         obj->flags |= CLOAKS;
 501:     }
 502:     obj->flags |= FRIENDLY;
 503:     if (!enemies)
 504:         enemies = obj;
 505:     if (!movers)
 506:         movers = obj;
 507:     }
 508:     if (!movers)
 509:     movers = &root;
 510:     if (!enemies)
 511:     enemies = &root;
 512:     if (ent)
 513:     mvaddch(ent->posy+1, ent->posx*2, ent->image);
 514:     if (base)
 515:     mvaddch(base->posy+1, base->posx*2, base->image);
 516:     sleep(2);
 517:     {
 518:     Reg7 OBJECT *curobj;
 520:     for (curobj = root.next; curobj != &root; curobj = curobj->next) {
 521:         mvaddch(curobj->posy+1, curobj->posx*2, curobj->image);
 522:     }
 523:     }
 525:     for (i=0;i<2;i++) for (y=0;y<3;y++) for (x=0;x<3;x++)
 526:     isatorp[i][y][x]=0;
 528:     whenok = 0;
 529:     timer = 0;
 530:     finish = 0;
 531:     bombed_out = FALSE;
 532:     if (ent)
 533:     entmode = status = 0;
 534:     else
 535:     if (base)
 536:         status = 2;
 537:     else
 538:         status = 3;
 540:     Sprintf(spbuf,
 541:     "%-4s E: %4d %2d B: %5d %3d Enemies: %-3d Stars: %-3d Stardate%5d.%1d %9ld",
 542:     "   ", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, smarts * 100, 0, 0L);
 543:     mvaddstr(0,0,spbuf);
 544:     oldeenergy = oldbenergy = oldcurscore =
 545:     oldstatus = oldetorp = oldbtorp = oldstrs = oldenemies = -1;
 546:                     /* force everything to fill in */
 547:     damage = olddamage = 0;
 548:     for (i=0; i<MAXDAMAGE; i++)
 549:     damflag[i] = 0;
 550:     btorp = 500;
 551:     etorp = 50;
 552: }

Defined functions

initialize defined in line 36; used 2 times
Last modified: 1987-06-19
Generated: 2016-12-26
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