1: #ifndef lint
   2: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)rlex.c	1.2 (Berkeley) 8/11/83";
   3: #endif
   5: # include "r.h"
   7: char *keyword [] = {
   8:     "do",
   9:     "if",
  10:     "else",
  11:     "for",
  12:     "repeat",
  13:     "until",
  14:     "while",
  15:     "break",
  16:     "next",
  17:     "define",
  18:     "include",
  19:     "return",
  20:     "switch",
  21:     "case",
  22:     "default",
  23:     0};
  25: int keytran[] = {
  26:     DO,
  27:     IF,
  28:     ELSE,
  29:     FOR,
  30:     REPEAT,
  31:     UNTIL,
  32:     WHILE,
  33:     BREAK,
  34:     NEXT,
  35:     DEFINE,
  36:     INCLUDE,
  37:     RETURN,
  38:     SWITCH,
  39:     CASE,
  40:     DEFAULT,
  41:     0};
  43: char    *fcnloc;    /* spot for "function" */
  45: int svargc;
  46: char    **svargv;
  47: char    *curfile[10]    = { "" };
  48: int infptr  = 0;
  49: FILE    *outfil = { stdout };
  50: FILE    *infile[10] = { stdin };
  51: int linect[10];
  53: int contfld = CONTFLD;  /* place to put continuation char */
  54: int printcom    = 0;    /* print comments if on */
  55: int hollerith   = 0;    /* convert "..." to 27H... if on */
  57: #ifdef  gcos
  58: char    *ratfor "tssrat";
  59: int bcdrat[2];
  60: char    *bwkmeter   ".           bwkmeter    ";
  61: int bcdbwk[5];
  62: #endif
  64: main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; {
  65:     int i;
  66:     while(argc>1 && argv[1][0]=='-') {
  67:         if(argv[1][1]=='6') {
  68:             contfld=6;
  69:             if (argv[1][2]!='\0')
  70:                 contchar = argv[1][2];
  71:         } else if (argv[1][1] == 'C')
  72:             printcom++;
  73:         else if (argv[1][1] == 'h')
  74:             hollerith++;
  75:         argc--;
  76:         argv++;
  77:     }
  79: #ifdef  gcos
  80:     if (!intss()) {
  81:         _fixup();
  82:         ratfor = "batrat";
  83:     }
  84:     ascbcd(ratfor,bcdrat,6);
  85:     ascbcd(bwkmeter,bcdbwk,24);
  86:     acdata(bcdrat[0],1);
  87:     acupdt(bcdbwk[0]);
  88:     if (!intss()) {
  89:         if ((infile[infptr]=fopen("s*", "r")) == NULL)
  90:             cant("s*");
  91:         if ((outfil=fopen("*s", "w")) == NULL)
  92:             cant("*s");
  93:     }
  94: #endif
  96:     svargc = argc;
  97:     svargv = argv;
  98:     if (svargc > 1)
  99:         putbak('\0');
 100:     for (i=0; keyword[i]; i++)
 101:         install(keyword[i], "", keytran[i]);
 102:     fcnloc = install("function", "", 0);
 103:     yyparse();
 104: #ifdef  gcos
 105:     if (!intss())
 106:         bexit(errorflag);
 107: #endif
 108:     exit(errorflag);
 109: }
 111: #ifdef gcos
 112: bexit(status) {
 113:     /* this is the batch version of exit for gcos tss */
 114:     FILE *inf, *outf;
 115:     char c;
 117:     fclose(stderr); /* make sure diagnostics get flushed */
 118:     if (status) /* abort */
 119:         _nogud();
 121:     /* good: copy output back to s*, call forty */
 123:     fclose(outfil,"r");
 124:     fclose(infile[0],"r");
 125:     inf = fopen("*s", "r");
 126:     outf = fopen("s*", "w");
 127:     while ((c=getc(inf)) != EOF)
 128:         putc(c, outf);
 129:     fclose(inf,"r");
 130:     fclose(outf,"r");
 131:     __imok();
 132: }
 133: #endif
 135: cant(s) char *s; {
 136:     linect[infptr] = 0;
 137:     curfile[infptr] = s;
 138:     error("can't open");
 139:     exit(1);
 140: }
 142: inclstat() {
 143:     int c;
 144:     char *ps;
 145:     char fname[100];
 146:     while ((c = getchr()) == ' ' || c == '\t');
 147:     if (c == '(') {
 148:         for (ps=fname; (*ps=getchr()) != ')'; ps++);
 149:         *ps = '\0';
 150:     } else if (c == '"' || c == '\'') {
 151:         for (ps=fname; (*ps=getchr()) != c; ps++);
 152:         *ps = '\0';
 153:     } else {
 154:         putbak(c);
 155:         for (ps=fname; (*ps=getchr()) != ' ' &&*ps!='\t' && *ps!='\n' && *ps!=';'; ps++);
 156:         *ps = '\0';
 157:     }
 158:     if ((infile[++infptr] = fopen(fname,"r")) == NULL) {
 159:         cant(fname);
 160:         exit(1);
 161:     }
 162:     linect[infptr] = 0;
 163:     curfile[infptr] = fname;
 164: }
 166: char    str[500];
 167: int nstr;
 169: yylex() {
 170:     int c, t;
 171:     for (;;) {
 172:         while ((c=gtok(str))==' ' || c=='\n' || c=='\t')
 173:             ;
 174:         yylval = c;
 175:         if (c==';' || c=='{' || c=='}')
 176:             return(c);
 177:         if (c==EOF)
 178:             return(0);
 179:         yylval = (int) str;
 180:         if (c == DIG)
 181:             return(DIGITS);
 182:         t = lookup(str)->ydef;
 183:         if (t==DEFINE)
 184:             defstat();
 185:         else if (t==INCLUDE)
 186:             inclstat();
 187:         else if (t > 0)
 188:             return(t);
 189:         else
 190:             return(GOK);
 191:     }
 192: }
 194: int dbg = 0;
 196: yyerror(p) char *p; {;}
 199: defstat() {
 200:     int c,i,val,t,nlp;
 201:     extern int nstr;
 202:     extern char str[];
 203:     while ((c=getchr())==' ' || c=='\t');
 204:     if (c == '(') {
 205:         t = '(';
 206:         while ((c=getchr())==' ' || c=='\t');
 207:         putbak(c);
 208:     }
 209:     else {
 210:         t = ' ';
 211:         putbak(c);
 212:     }
 213:     for (nstr=0; c=getchr(); nstr++) {
 214:         if (type[c] != LET && type[c] != DIG)
 215:             break;
 216:         str[nstr] = c;
 217:     }
 218:     putbak(c);
 219:     str[nstr] = '\0';
 220:     if (c != ' ' && c != '\t' && c != '\n' && c != ',') {
 221:         error("illegal define statement");
 222:         return;
 223:     }
 224:     val = nstr+1;
 225:     if (t == ' ') {
 226:         while ((c=getchr())==' ' || c=='\t');
 227:         putbak(c);
 228:         for (i=val; (c=getchr())!='\n' && c!='#' && c!='\0'; i++)
 229:             str[i] = c;
 230:         putbak(c);
 231:     } else {
 232:         while ((c=getchr())==' ' || c=='\t' || c==',' || c=='\n');
 233:         putbak(c);
 234:         nlp  = 0;
 235:         for (i=val; nlp>=0 && (c=str[i]=getchr()); i++)
 236:             if (c == '(')
 237:                 nlp++;
 238:             else if (c == ')')
 239:                 nlp--;
 240:         i--;
 241:     }
 242:     for ( ; i>0; i--)
 243:         if (str[i-1] != ' ' && str[i-1] != '\t')
 244:             break;
 245:     str[i] = '\0';
 246:     install(str, &str[val], 0);
 247: }

Defined functions

bexit defined in line 112; used 1 times
cant defined in line 135; used 4 times
defstat defined in line 199; used 1 times
inclstat defined in line 142; used 1 times
main defined in line 64; never used
yyerror defined in line 196; never used
yylex defined in line 169; never used

Defined variables

bcdbwk defined in line 61; used 2 times
bcdrat defined in line 59; used 2 times
bwkmeter defined in line 60; used 1 times
  • in line 85
contfld defined in line 53; used 3 times
dbg defined in line 194; never used
fcnloc defined in line 43; used 3 times
hollerith defined in line 55; used 3 times
infptr defined in line 48; used 26 times
keytran defined in line 25; used 1 times
keyword defined in line 7; used 2 times
linect defined in line 51; used 8 times
nstr defined in line 167; used 6 times
printcom defined in line 54; used 6 times
ratfor defined in line 58; used 2 times
sccsid defined in line 2; never used
str defined in line 166; used 13 times
svargc defined in line 45; used 6 times
svargv defined in line 46; used 6 times
Last modified: 1983-08-12
Generated: 2016-12-26
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