1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1982, 1986 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  *
   6:  *	@(#)vm_proc.c	7.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/86
   7:  */
   9: #include "../machine/pte.h"
  11: #include "param.h"
  12: #include "systm.h"
  13: #include "dir.h"
  14: #include "user.h"
  15: #include "proc.h"
  16: #include "map.h"
  17: #include "cmap.h"
  18: #include "text.h"
  19: #include "vm.h"
  21: #ifdef vax
  22: #include "../vax/mtpr.h"
  23: #endif
  25: /*
  26:  * Get virtual memory resources for a new process.
  27:  * Called after page tables are allocated, but before they
  28:  * are initialized, we initialize the memory management registers,
  29:  * and then expand the page tables for the data and stack segments
  30:  * creating zero fill pte's there.  Text pte's are set up elsewhere.
  31:  *
  33:  */
  34: vgetvm(ts, ds, ss)
  35:     size_t ts, ds, ss;
  36: {
  38:     u.u_pcb.pcb_p0lr = AST_NONE;
  39:     setp0lr(ts);
  40:     setp1lr(P1PAGES - HIGHPAGES);
  41:     u.u_procp->p_tsize = ts;
  42:     u.u_tsize = ts;
  43:     expand((int)ss, 1);
  44:     expand((int)ds, 0);
  45: }
  47: /*
  48:  * Release the virtual memory resources (memory
  49:  * pages, and swap area) associated with the current process.
  50:  * Caller must not be swappable.  Used at exit or execl.
  51:  */
  52: vrelvm()
  53: {
  54:     register struct proc *p = u.u_procp;
  56:     /*
  57: 	 * Release memory; text first, then data and stack pages.
  58: 	 */
  59:     xfree();
  60:     p->p_rssize -= vmemfree(dptopte(p, 0), (int)p->p_dsize);
  61:     p->p_rssize -= vmemfree(sptopte(p, p->p_ssize - 1), (int)p->p_ssize);
  62:     if (p->p_rssize != 0)
  63:         panic("vrelvm rss");
  64:     /*
  65: 	 * Wait for all page outs to complete, then
  66: 	 * release swap space.
  67: 	 */
  68:     p->p_swrss = 0;
  69:     while (p->p_poip)
  70:         sleep((caddr_t)&p->p_poip, PSWP+1);
  71:     (void) vsexpand((size_t)0, &u.u_dmap, 1);
  72:     (void) vsexpand((size_t)0, &u.u_smap, 1);
  73:     p->p_tsize = 0;
  74:     p->p_dsize = 0;
  75:     p->p_ssize = 0;
  76:     u.u_tsize = 0;
  77:     u.u_dsize = 0;
  78:     u.u_ssize = 0;
  79: }
  81: /*
  82:  * Pass virtual memory resources from p to q.
  83:  * P's u. area is up, q's is uq.  Used internally
  84:  * when starting/ending a vfork().
  85:  */
  86: vpassvm(p, q, up, uq, umap)
  87:     register struct proc *p, *q;
  88:     register struct user *up, *uq;
  89:     struct pte *umap;
  90: {
  92:     /*
  93: 	 * Pass fields related to vm sizes.
  94: 	 */
  95:     uq->u_tsize = q->p_tsize = p->p_tsize; up->u_tsize = p->p_tsize = 0;
  96:     uq->u_dsize = q->p_dsize = p->p_dsize; up->u_dsize = p->p_dsize = 0;
  97:     uq->u_ssize = q->p_ssize = p->p_ssize; up->u_ssize = p->p_ssize = 0;
  99:     /*
 100: 	 * Pass proc table paging statistics.
 101: 	 */
 102:     q->p_swrss = p->p_swrss; p->p_swrss = 0;
 103:     q->p_rssize = p->p_rssize; p->p_rssize = 0;
 104:     q->p_poip = p->p_poip; p->p_poip = 0;
 106:     /*
 107: 	 * Relink text segment.
 108: 	 */
 109:     q->p_textp = p->p_textp;
 110:     xrepl(p, q);
 111:     p->p_textp = 0;
 113:     /*
 114: 	 * Pass swap space maps.
 115: 	 */
 116:     uq->u_dmap = up->u_dmap; up->u_dmap = zdmap;
 117:     uq->u_smap = up->u_smap; up->u_smap = zdmap;
 119:     /*
 120: 	 * Pass u. paging statistics.
 121: 	 */
 122:     uq->u_outime = up->u_outime; up->u_outime = 0;
 123:     uq->u_ru = up->u_ru;
 124:     bzero((caddr_t)&up->u_ru, sizeof (struct rusage));
 125:     uq->u_cru = up->u_cru;
 126:     bzero((caddr_t)&up->u_cru, sizeof (struct rusage));
 128:     /*
 129: 	 * And finally, pass the page tables themselves.
 130: 	 * On return we are running on the other set of
 131: 	 * page tables, but still with the same u. area.
 132: 	 */
 133:     vpasspt(p, q, up, uq, umap);
 134: }
 136: /*
 137:  * Change the size of the data+stack regions of the process.
 138:  * If the size is shrinking, it's easy-- just release virtual memory.
 139:  * If it's growing, initalize new page table entries as
 140:  * 'zero fill on demand' pages.
 141:  */
 142: expand(change, region)
 143:     int change, region;
 144: {
 145:     register struct proc *p;
 146:     register struct pte *base, *p0, *p1;
 147:     struct pte proto;
 148:     int p0lr, p1lr;
 149:     struct pte *base0;
 150:     size_t ods, oss;
 151:     int size;
 152:     u_int v;
 154:     p = u.u_procp;
 155:     if (change == 0)
 156:         return;
 157:     if (change % CLSIZE)
 158:         panic("expand");
 160: #ifdef PGINPROF
 161:     vmsizmon();
 162: #endif
 164:     /*
 165: 	 * Update the sizes to reflect the change.  Note that we may
 166: 	 * swap as a result of a ptexpand, but this will work, because
 167: 	 * the routines which swap out will get the current text and data
 168: 	 * sizes from the arguments they are passed, and when the process
 169: 	 * resumes the lengths in the proc structure are used to
 170: 	 * build the new page tables.
 171: 	 */
 172:     ods = u.u_dsize;
 173:     oss = u.u_ssize;
 174:     if (region == 0) {
 175:         v = dptov(p, p->p_dsize);
 176:         p->p_dsize += change;
 177:         u.u_dsize += change;
 178:     } else {
 179:         p->p_ssize += change;
 180:         v = sptov(p, p->p_ssize-1);
 181:         u.u_ssize += change;
 182:     }
 184:     /*
 185: 	 * Compute the end of the text+data regions and the beginning
 186: 	 * of the stack region in the page tables,
 187: 	 * and expand the page tables if necessary.
 188: 	 */
 189:     p0 = u.u_pcb.pcb_p0br + (u.u_pcb.pcb_p0lr&~AST_CLR);
 190:     p1 = u.u_pcb.pcb_p1br + (u.u_pcb.pcb_p1lr&~PME_CLR);
 191:     if (change > p1 - p0)
 192:         ptexpand(clrnd(ctopt(change - (p1 - p0))), ods, oss);
 195:     /*
 196: 	 * Compute the base of the allocated/freed region.
 197: 	 */
 198:     p0lr = u.u_pcb.pcb_p0lr&~AST_CLR;
 199:     p1lr = u.u_pcb.pcb_p1lr&~PME_CLR;
 200:     if (region == 0)
 201:         base = u.u_pcb.pcb_p0br + p0lr + (change > 0 ? 0 : change);
 202:     else
 203:         base = u.u_pcb.pcb_p1br + p1lr - (change > 0 ? change : 0);
 205:     /*
 206: 	 * If we shrunk, give back the virtual memory.
 207: 	 */
 208:     if (change < 0)
 209:         p->p_rssize -= vmemfree(base, -change);
 211:     /*
 212: 	 * Update the processor length registers and copies in the pcb.
 213: 	 */
 214:     if (region == 0)
 215:         setp0lr(p0lr + change);
 216:     else
 217:         setp1lr(p1lr - change);
 219:     /*
 220: 	 * If shrinking, clear pte's, otherwise
 221: 	 * initialize zero fill on demand pte's.
 222: 	 */
 223:     *(int *)&proto = PG_UW;
 224:     if (change < 0)
 225:         change = -change;
 226:     else {
 227:         proto.pg_fod = 1;
 228:         ((struct fpte *)&proto)->pg_fileno = PG_FZERO;
 229:         cnt.v_nzfod += change;
 230:     }
 231:     base0 = base;
 232:     size = change;
 233:     while (--change >= 0)
 234:         *base++ = proto;
 236:     /*
 237: 	 * We changed mapping for the current process,
 238: 	 * so must update the hardware translation
 239: 	 */
 240:     newptes(base0, v, size);
 241: }
 243: /*
 244:  * Create a duplicate copy of the current process
 245:  * in process slot p, which has been partially initialized
 246:  * by newproc().
 247:  *
 248:  * Could deadlock here if two large proc's get page tables
 249:  * and then each gets part of his UPAGES if they then have
 250:  * consumed all the available memory.  This can only happen when
 251:  *	USRPTSIZE + UPAGES * NPROC > maxmem
 252:  * which is impossible except on systems with tiny real memories,
 253:  * when large procs stupidly fork() instead of vfork().
 254:  */
 255: procdup(p, isvfork)
 256:     register struct proc *p;
 257: {
 259:     /*
 260: 	 * Allocate page tables for new process, waiting
 261: 	 * for memory to be free.
 262: 	 */
 263:     while (vgetpt(p, vmemall) == 0) {
 264:         kmapwnt++;
 265:         sleep((caddr_t)kernelmap, PSWP+4);
 266:     }
 267:     /*
 268: 	 * Snapshot the current u. area pcb and get a u.
 269: 	 * for the new process, a copy of our u.
 270: 	 */
 271:     resume(pcbb(u.u_procp));
 272:     (void) vgetu(p, vmemall, Forkmap, &forkutl, &u);
 274:     /*
 275: 	 * Arrange for a non-local goto when the new process
 276: 	 * is started, to resume here, returning nonzero from setjmp.
 277: 	 */
 278:     forkutl.u_pcb.pcb_sswap = (int *)&u.u_ssave;
 279:     if (savectx(&forkutl.u_ssave))
 280:         /*
 281: 		 * Return 1 in child.
 282: 		 */
 283:         return (1);
 285:     /*
 286: 	 * If the new process is being created in vfork(), then
 287: 	 * exchange vm resources with it.  We want to end up with
 288: 	 * just a u. area and an empty p0 region, so initialize the
 289: 	 * prototypes in the other area before the exchange.
 290: 	 */
 291:     if (isvfork) {
 292:         forkutl.u_pcb.pcb_p0lr = u.u_pcb.pcb_p0lr & AST_CLR;
 293:         forkutl.u_pcb.pcb_p1lr = P1PAGES - HIGHPAGES;
 294:         vpassvm(u.u_procp, p, &u, &forkutl, Forkmap);
 295:         /*
 296: 		 * Return 0 in parent.
 297: 		 */
 298:         return (0);
 299:     }
 300:     /*
 301: 	 * A real fork; clear vm statistics of new process
 302: 	 * and link into the new text segment.
 303: 	 * Equivalent things happen during vfork() in vpassvm().
 304: 	 */
 305:     bzero((caddr_t)&forkutl.u_ru, sizeof (struct rusage));
 306:     bzero((caddr_t)&forkutl.u_cru, sizeof (struct rusage));
 307:     forkutl.u_dmap = u.u_cdmap;
 308:     forkutl.u_smap = u.u_csmap;
 309:     forkutl.u_outime = 0;
 311:     /*
 312: 	 * Attach to the text segment.
 313: 	 */
 314:     if (p->p_textp) {
 315:         p->p_textp->x_count++;
 316:         xlink(p);
 317:     }
 319:     /*
 320: 	 * Duplicate data and stack space of current process
 321: 	 * in the new process.
 322: 	 */
 323:     vmdup(p, dptopte(p, 0), dptov(p, 0), p->p_dsize, CDATA);
 324:     vmdup(p, sptopte(p, p->p_ssize - 1), sptov(p, p->p_ssize - 1), p->p_ssize, CSTACK);
 326:     /*
 327: 	 * Return 0 in parent.
 328: 	 */
 329:     return (0);
 330: }
 332: vmdup(p, pte, v, count, type)
 333:     struct proc *p;
 334:     register struct pte *pte;
 335:     register unsigned v;
 336:     register size_t count;
 337:     int type;
 338: {
 339:     register struct pte *opte = vtopte(u.u_procp, v);
 340:     register int i;
 341:     register struct cmap *c;
 343:     while (count != 0) {
 344:         count -= CLSIZE;
 345:         if (opte->pg_fod) {
 346:             v += CLSIZE;
 347:             for (i = 0; i < CLSIZE; i++)
 348:                 *(int *)pte++ = *(int *)opte++;
 349:             continue;
 350:         }
 351:         opte += CLSIZE;
 352:         (void) vmemall(pte, CLSIZE, p, type);
 353:         p->p_rssize += CLSIZE;
 354:         for (i = 0; i < CLSIZE; i++) {
 355:             copyseg((caddr_t)ctob(v+i), (pte+i)->pg_pfnum);
 356:             *(int *)(pte+i) |= (PG_V|PG_M) + PG_UW;
 357:         }
 358:         v += CLSIZE;
 359:         c = &cmap[pgtocm(pte->pg_pfnum)];
 360:         MUNLOCK(c);
 361:         pte += CLSIZE;
 362:     }
 363:     p->p_flag |= SPTECHG;
 364: }

Defined functions

expand defined in line 142; used 5 times
procdup defined in line 255; used 1 times
vgetvm defined in line 34; used 1 times
vmdup defined in line 332; used 2 times
vpassvm defined in line 86; used 2 times
vrelvm defined in line 52; used 2 times
Last modified: 1986-06-05
Generated: 2016-12-26
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