1: /*
   2:  * rfuncs2 - more routines needed by readr.
   3:  */
   5: #ifdef SCCSID
   6: static char *SccsId = "@(#)rfuncs2.c	1.27	6/7/85";
   7: #endif /* SCCSID */
  11: #include "rparams.h"
  13: static char lbuf[BUFLEN*2];
  15: FILE *popen();
  17: /*
  18:  * Match title.
  19:  */
  20: titmat(h, titlist)
  21: register struct hbuf *h;
  22: register char   *titlist;
  23: {
  24:     register char   *p;
  26:     while (*titlist != '\0') {
  28:         if (strcmp(titlist, h->ident) == 0)
  29:             return TRUE;
  30:         for (p = h->title; *p != '\0'; p++)
  31:             if (prefix(p, titlist)) {
  32:                 return TRUE;
  33:             }
  34:         while (*titlist++ != '\0')
  35:             ;
  36:     }
  37:     return FALSE;
  38: }
  41: /*
  42:  * Save the news item in the user's file.
  43:  *	Allow files with first character as '|' to write article
  44:  *	to program across a pipe.
  45:  */
  47: #define PIPECHAR '|'
  49: save(file, to)
  50: register char   *file, *to;
  51: {
  52:     register FILE *ufp, *hfp;
  53: #ifdef u370
  54:     static struct hbuf hh;
  55: #else /* !u370 */
  56:     struct hbuf hh;
  57: #endif /* !u370 */
  58:     int isprogram = 0;
  59:     int isnew = 1;
  60:     register int i;
  62:     for(i=0;i<NUNREC;i++)
  63:         hh.unrec[i] = NULL;
  65:     if ((hfp = fopen(file, "r")) == NULL) {
  66:         fprintf(stderr, "Can't get article.\n");
  67:         return;
  68:     }
  69:     if (hread(&hh, hfp, TRUE) == NULL) {
  70:         fprintf(stderr, "Article is garbled.\n");
  71:         return;
  72:     }
  73:     ufp = fopen(to, "r");
  74:     if (ufp != NULL) {
  75:         (void) fclose(ufp);
  76:         isnew = 0;
  77:     }
  78:     (void) setgid(gid);
  79:     (void) setuid(uid);
  80:     (void) umask(savmask);
  82:     if (*to == PIPECHAR) {
  83:         if ((ufp = popen (&to[1], "w")) == NULL) {
  84:             fprintf(stderr,"Cannot execute %s\n", &to[1]);
  85:             return;
  86:         }
  87:         isprogram++;
  88:     } else if ((ufp = fopen(to, "a")) == NULL) {
  89:         fprintf(stderr,"Cannot append to %s.\n", to);
  90:         return;
  91:     }
  92:     /*
  93: 	 * V7MAIL code is here to conform to V7 mail format.
  94: 	 * If you need a different format to be able to
  95: 	 * use your local mail command (such as four ^A's
  96: 	 * on the end of articles) substitute it here.
  97: 	 */
  98: #ifdef MMDF
  99:     if (!isprogram)
 100:         fprintf(ufp, "\001\001\001\001\n");  /* MMDF message header */
 101: #endif /* MMDF */
 102: #ifdef V7MAIL
 103:     hh.subtime = cgtdate(hh.subdate);
 104:     fprintf(ufp, "From %s %s",
 105: #ifdef INTERNET
 106:                 hh.from,
 107: #else
 108:                 hh.path,
 109: #endif
 110:                     ctime(&hh.subtime));
 111: #endif
 112:     hprint(&hh, ufp, 2);
 113: #ifdef V7MAIL
 114:     tprint(hfp, ufp, TRUE);
 115:     putc('\n', ufp);    /* force blank line at end (ugh) */
 116: #else
 117:     tprint(hfp, ufp, FALSE);
 118: #endif
 119:     (void) fclose(hfp);
 120: #ifdef MMDF
 121:     if (!isprogram)
 122:         fprintf(ufp, "\001\001\001\001\n");  /* MMDF message header */
 123: #endif /* MMDF */
 124:     if (isprogram)
 125:         (void) pclose (ufp);
 126:     else
 127:         (void) fclose(ufp);
 128:     if (!isprogram)
 129:         printf("%s: %s\n", to, isnew ? "New file" : "Appended");
 130: }
 133: /*
 134:  * Print out the rest of the article.
 135:  */
 136: tprint(ifp, ofp, checkfrom)
 137: register FILE *ifp, *ofp;
 138: int checkfrom;
 139: {
 140:     while ((fgets(bfr, sizeof bfr, ifp)) != NULL && !SigTrap) {
 141:         if (checkfrom && strncmp(bfr, "From ", 5) == 0)
 142:             putc('>', ofp);
 143:         (void) fputs(bfr, ofp);
 144:     }
 145:     if (SigTrap)
 146:         qfflush(ofp);
 147:     (void) fflush(ofp);
 148:     fprintf(ofp, (SigTrap ? "\n\n" : "\n"));
 149:     SigTrap = FALSE;
 150: }
 153: /*
 154:  * Print the file header.
 155:  */
 156: hprint(hp, ofp, verbose)
 157: register struct hbuf *hp;
 158: int verbose;
 159: register FILE *ofp;
 160: {
 161:     register char   *p1, *p2;
 162:     char    fname[BUFLEN];
 163:     char *tailpath();
 165:     fname[0] = '\0';        /* init name holder */
 167:     if (verbose == 2) {
 168:         lhwrite(hp, ofp);
 169:         return;
 170:     }
 172:     if (lflag || eflag) {
 173:         char buf1[80], buf2[200];
 174:         char *cp;
 176:         (void) strcpy(bfr, groupdir);
 177:         for (cp=bfr; *cp; cp++)
 178:             if (*cp == '/')
 179:                 *cp = '.';
 180:         (void) sprintf(buf1, "%s/%ld", bfr, bit);
 181:         (void) sprintf(buf2, "%-20s %s", buf1, hp->title);
 182:         fprintf(ofp, "%.76s\n", buf2);
 183:         return;
 184:     }
 186:     p1 = index(hp->from, '(');  /* Find the sender's full name. */
 187:     if (p1 == NULL && hp->path[0])
 188:         p1 = index(hp->path, '(');
 189:     if (p1 != NULL) {
 190:         strcpy(fname, p1+1);
 191:         p2 = index(fname, ')');
 192:         if (p2 != NULL)
 193:             *p2 = '\0';
 194:     }
 196:     fprintf(ofp, "Subject: %s\n", hp->title);
 197:     if (!hflag && hp->summary[0])
 198:         fprintf(ofp, "Summary: %s\n", hp->summary);
 199:     if (!hflag && hp->keywords[0])
 200:         fprintf(ofp, "Keywords: %s\n", hp->keywords);
 201:     if (verbose) {
 202:         fprintf(ofp, "From: %s\n", hp->from);
 203:         fprintf(ofp, "Path: %s\n", hp->path);
 204:         if (hp->organization[0])
 205:             fprintf(ofp, "Organization: %s\n", hp->organization);
 206:     }
 207:     else {
 208:         if (p1 != NULL)
 209:             *--p1 = '\0';       /* bump over the '(' */
 210: #ifdef INTERNET
 211:         /*
 212: 		 * Prefer Path line if it's in internet format, or if we don't
 213: 		 * understand internet format here, or if there is no reply-to.
 214: 		 */
 215:         fprintf(ofp, "From: %s", hp->from);
 216: #else
 217:         fprintf(ofp, "Path: %s", tailpath(hp));
 218: #endif
 219:         if (fname[0] || hp->organization[0]) {
 220:             if (fname[0] == '\0') {
 221:                 (void) strcpy(fname,hp->from);
 222:                 p2 = index(fname,'@');
 223:                 if (p2)
 224:                     *p2 = '\0';
 225:             }
 226:             fprintf(ofp, " (%s", fname);
 227:             if (hp->organization[0] && !hflag)
 228:                 fprintf(ofp, " @ %s", hp->organization);
 229:             fprintf(ofp, ")");
 230:         }
 231:         fprintf(ofp, "\n");
 232:         if (p1 != NULL)
 233:             *p1 = ' ';
 234:     }
 236:     if (verbose) {
 237:         fprintf(ofp, "Newsgroups: %s\n", hp->nbuf);
 238:         fprintf(ofp, "Date: %s\n", hp->subdate);
 239:         if (hp->sender[0])
 240:             fprintf(ofp, "Sender: %s\n", hp->sender);
 241:         if (hp->replyto[0])
 242:             fprintf(ofp, "Reply-To: %s\n", hp->replyto);
 243:         if (hp->followto[0])
 244:             fprintf(ofp, "Followup-To: %s\n", hp->followto);
 245:     }
 246:     else if (index(hp->nbuf, ',') || strcmp(groupdir, "junk") == 0)
 247:         fprintf(ofp, "Newsgroups: %s\n", hp->nbuf);
 249:     if (pflag || ofp != stdout)
 250:         putc('\n', ofp);
 251: }
 254: /*
 255:  * If ofp != stdout, close it and run the script in coptbuf.
 256:  */
 257: cout(ofp)
 258: FILE *ofp;
 259: {
 260:     register char   *p, *q, *r;
 262:     if (ofp == stdout || ofp == NULL)
 263:         return;
 264:     (void) fclose(ofp);
 265:     p = coptbuf;
 266:     q = lbuf;
 267:     while ((*q = *p++) != '\0')
 268:         if (*q++ == FMETA) {
 269:             q--;
 270:             r = outfile;
 271:             while ((*q++ = *r++) != '\0')
 272:                 ;
 273:             q--;
 274:         }
 275:     fwait(fsubr(ushell, lbuf, (char *)NULL));
 276:     (void) unlink(outfile);
 277: }
 280: cdump(ofp)
 281: register FILE *ofp;
 282: {
 283:     if (ofp == stdout)
 284:         return;
 285:     fclose(ofp);
 286:     unlink(outfile);
 287: }
 290: /*
 291:  * Quiet 'flush'.
 292:  * Empty (without fflush()) the buffer for stream fp.
 293:  */
 294: /* ARGSUSED */
 295: qfflush(fp)
 296: FILE *fp;
 297: {
 298:     /* Alas, stdio does not permit this */
 299: }
 302: /*
 303:  * Count the number of remaining lines in file fp.
 304:  * Do not move the file pointer.
 305:  */
 306: linecnt(fp)
 307: FILE *fp;
 308: {
 309:     long    curpos;
 310:     register int    nlines = 0;
 311:     register int    c;
 313:     if (fp == NULL)
 314:         return 0;
 315:     curpos = ftell(fp);
 316:     while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF)
 317:         if (c == '\n')
 318:             nlines++;
 319:     (void) fseek(fp, curpos, 0);
 320:     return nlines;
 321: }
 324: /*
 325:  * Transmit file to system.
 326:  */
 327: transmit(sp, file)
 328: register struct srec *sp;
 329: char    *file;
 330: {
 331:     register FILE *ifp, *ofp;
 332:     register int    c, i;
 333: #ifdef u370
 334:     static struct hbuf hh;
 335: #else /* !u370 */
 336:     struct hbuf hh;
 337: #endif /* !u370 */
 338:     char    TRANS[BUFLEN];
 340: #ifdef DEBUG
 341:     fprintf(stderr, "xmit %s to %s using %s\n", file, sp->s_name, sp->s_xmit);
 342: #endif
 343:     bzero((char *)&hh, sizeof hh);
 344:     ifp = xfopen(file, "r");
 345:     if (hread(&hh, ifp, TRUE) == NULL)
 346:         return;
 347:     strcpy(TRANS, "/tmp/trXXXXXX");
 348:     ofp = xfopen(mktemp(TRANS), "w");
 349:     if (index(sp->s_flags, 'A') == NULL)
 350:         hwrite(&hh, ofp);
 351:     else {
 352: #ifdef OLD
 353:             fprintf(ofp, "A%s\n%s\n%s!%s\n%s\n%s\n", oident(hh.ident), hh.nbuf, FULLSYSNAME,
 354:                 hh.path, hh.subdate, hh.title);
 355: #else /* !OLD */
 356:             logerr("Must have OLD defined to use A flag for xmit");
 357:             unlink(TRANS);
 358:             return;
 359: #endif /* !OLD */
 360:     }
 361:     while ((c = getc(ifp)) != EOF)
 362:         putc(c, ofp);
 363:     (void) fclose(ifp);
 364:     (void) fclose(ofp);
 365:     for (i=0;i<NUNREC;i++)
 366:         if (hh.unrec[i] != NULL)
 367:             free(hh.unrec[i]);
 368:     if (*sp->s_xmit == '\0' || strpbrk(sp->s_flags, "FUMH"))
 369:         (void) sprintf(bfr, DFTXMIT, sp->s_name, TRANS);
 370:     else
 371:         (void) sprintf(bfr, "(%s) < %s", sp->s_xmit, TRANS);
 372: #ifdef DEBUG
 373:     fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", bfr);
 374: #endif
 375:     (void) system(bfr);
 376:     (void) unlink(TRANS);
 377: }
 380: /*
 381:  * Cancel the article whose header is in hp, by posting a control message
 382:  * to cancel it.  The scope of the control message depends on who would
 383:  * really be willing to cancel it.  It is sent as far as it will do any good.
 384:  * notauthor is true iff the person posting this article is not the
 385:  * real author of the article being cancelled.
 386:  */
 387: cancel(ofp, hp, notauthor)
 388: FILE *ofp;
 389: struct hbuf *hp;
 390: int notauthor;
 391: {
 392:     int pid;
 394:     fflush(ofp);
 395:     pid = fork();
 396:     if (pid < 0) {
 397:         perror("readnews: cancel");
 398:         return 0;
 399:     }
 400:     if (pid > 0)
 401:         return 0;
 402:     if (notauthor)
 403:         (void) sprintf(bfr, "%s/%s -t 'cmsg cancel %s' -n %s -d local < /dev/null",
 404:             LIB, "inews", hp->ident, hp->nbuf);
 405:     else {
 406:         if (hp->distribution[0] == '\0')
 407:             (void) sprintf(bfr, "%s/%s -t 'cmsg cancel %s' -n %s < /dev/null",
 408:                 LIB, "inews", hp->ident, hp->nbuf);
 409:         else
 410:             (void) sprintf(bfr, "%s/%s -t 'cmsg cancel %s' -n %s -d %s < /dev/null",
 411:                 LIB, "inews", hp->ident, hp->nbuf, hp->distribution);
 412:     }
 413:     execl("/bin/sh", "sh", "-c", bfr, (char *) 0);
 414:     perror(bfr);
 415:     for ( ; ; )
 416:         exit(1);
 417: }
 420: dash(num, ofp)
 421: register int    num;
 422: register FILE *ofp;
 423: {
 424:     register int    i;
 426:     for (i = 0; i < num; i++)
 427:         putc('-', ofp);
 428:     putc('\n', ofp);
 429: }
 432: help(ofp)
 433: register FILE *ofp;
 434: {
 435:     register FILE *fp;
 436:     register int    c;
 437:     char temp[BUFLEN];
 439:     if (cflag) {
 440: oneline:
 441:         fprintf(ofp, "(n)ext re(p)rint (w)rite (q)uit (r)eply\
 442:  (c)ancel -[n] +[n] (f)ollowup (N)ext (U)nsubscribe (v)ersion\n");
 443:         return;
 444:     }
 445:     (void) sprintf(temp, "%s/%s", LIB, "help");
 446:     if ((fp = fopen(temp, "r")) == NULL) {
 447:         fprintf(ofp, "No help file.\n");
 448:         goto oneline;
 449:     }
 450:     while ((c = getc(fp)) != EOF && !SigTrap)
 451:         putc(c, ofp);
 452:     (void) fclose(fp);
 453: }
 456: pout(ofp)
 457: FILE *ofp;
 458: {
 459:     register char   *p, *q, *r;
 461:     p = PAGER;
 462:     q = lbuf;
 463:     while ((*q = *p++) != '\0')
 464:         if (*q++ == FMETA) {
 465:             q--;
 466:             r = filename;
 467:             while ((*q++ = *r++) != '\0')
 468:                 ;
 469:             q--;
 470:         }
 471:     fwait(fsubr(ushell, lbuf, (char *)NULL));
 472:     fprintf(ofp, "\n");
 473: }
 475: /*
 476:  * Print a very brief version of the date in question.
 477:  */
 478: char *
 479: briefdate(datestr)
 480: char *datestr;
 481: {
 482:     time_t dt, now;
 483:     char *tmstr;
 484:     char *wkday, *monthdate, *timeofday;
 485:     static char rbuf[20];
 487:     dt = cgtdate(datestr);
 488:     tmstr = ctime(&dt);
 490:     wkday = tmstr; tmstr[3] = '\0';
 491:     monthdate = tmstr+4; tmstr[10] = '\0';
 492:     timeofday = tmstr+11; tmstr[16] = '\0';
 494:     (void) time(&now);
 495:     if (now - dt < 7 * DAYS)
 496:         (void) strcpy(rbuf, wkday);
 497:     else
 498:         (void) strcpy(rbuf, monthdate);
 499:     (void) strcat(rbuf, " ");
 500:     (void) strcat(rbuf, timeofday);
 501:     return rbuf;
 502: }
 504: /*
 505:  * Return TRUE iff stdout is /dev/null.
 506:  */
 507: ignoring()
 508: {
 509:     struct stat ss, ns;
 511:     if (fstat(1, &ss) < 0)
 512:         return FALSE;
 513:     if (stat("/dev/null", &ns) < 0)
 514:         return FALSE;
 515:     if (ss.st_dev == ns.st_dev && ss.st_rdev == ns.st_rdev)
 516:         return TRUE;
 517:     return FALSE;
 518: }

Defined functions

cancel defined in line 387; used 2 times
cdump defined in line 280; used 1 times
cout defined in line 257; used 1 times
dash defined in line 420; used 4 times
help defined in line 432; used 1 times
ignoring defined in line 507; used 1 times
linecnt defined in line 306; used 2 times
pout defined in line 456; used 2 times
qfflush defined in line 295; used 2 times
save defined in line 49; used 1 times
titmat defined in line 20; used 1 times
tprint defined in line 136; used 10 times
transmit defined in line 327; used 3 times

Defined variables

SccsId defined in line 6; never used
lbuf defined in line 13; used 4 times

Defined macros

PIPECHAR defined in line 47; used 1 times
  • in line 82
Last modified: 1986-01-20
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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