1: /*
   2:  * This software is Copyright (c) 1986 by Rick Adams.
   3:  *
   4:  * Permission is hereby granted to copy, reproduce, redistribute or
   5:  * otherwise use this software as long as: there is no monetary
   6:  * profit gained specifically from the use or reproduction or this
   7:  * software, it is not sold, rented, traded or otherwise marketed, and
   8:  * this copyright notice is included prominently in any copy
   9:  * made.
  10:  *
  11:  * The author make no claims as to the fitness or correctness of
  12:  * this software for any use whatsoever, and it is provided as is.
  13:  * Any use of this software is at the user's own risk.
  14:  *
  15:  * header.c - header functions plus some other goodies
  16:  */
  18: #ifdef SCCSID
  19: static char *SccsId = "@(#)header.c	2.41	3/19/86";
  20: #endif /* SCCSID */
  22: #include <stdio.h>
  23: #include "params.h"
  25: char *hfgets();
  27: char *news_version = NEWS_VERSION;
  29: /*
  30:  * Read header from file fp into *hp.  If wholething is FALSE,
  31:  * it's an incremental read, otherwise start from scratch.
  32:  * Return (FILE *) if header okay, else NULL.
  33:  */
  34: FILE *
  35: hread(hp, fp, wholething)
  36: register struct hbuf *hp;
  37: FILE *fp;
  38: int wholething;
  39: {
  40:     register int    len;
  41:     register int    i;
  42: #ifdef OLD
  43:     char *p;
  44: #endif /* OLD */
  46:     if (wholething) {
  47:         for(i=0;i<NUNREC;i++)
  48:             if (hp->unrec[i] != NULL)
  49:                 free(hp->unrec[i]);
  50:             else
  51:                 break;
  52:         bzero((char *)hp, sizeof (*hp));
  53:         for (i=0;i<NUNREC;i++)
  54:             hp->unrec[i] = NULL;
  55:     }
  57:     /* Check that it's a B news style header. */
  58:     if (hfgets(bfr, PATHLEN, fp) != NULL && isalpha(bfr[0])
  59:         && index(bfr, ':'))
  60:         if (frmread(fp, hp))
  61:             goto strip;
  63:     if (!nstrip(bfr+1))
  64:         return NULL;
  66:     /* It's not.  Try A news (begins with PROTO). */
  67:     if (bfr[0] != PROTO)
  68:         return NULL;
  69: #ifndef OLD
  70:     logerr("Can not process A news format article without OLD defined");
  71: #else /* OLD */
  72:     /* Read in an A news format article. */
  73:     p = index(bfr+1, '.');
  74:     if (p == NULL) {
  75:         (void) strcpy(hp->ident, bfr+1);
  76:         return NULL;
  77:     }
  78:     *p++ = '\0';
  79:     (void) sprintf(hp->ident, "<%s@%s%s>", p, bfr+1, ".UUCP");
  81:     /* Newsgroup List */
  82:     if (hfgets(hp->nbuf, BUFLEN, fp) == NULL || !nstrip(hp->nbuf))
  83:         return NULL;
  84:     /* source path */
  85:     if (hfgets(hp->path, PATHLEN, fp) == NULL || !nstrip(hp->path))
  86:         return NULL;
  87:     /* date */
  88:     if (hfgets(hp->subdate, DATELEN, fp) == NULL || !nstrip(hp->subdate))
  89:         return NULL;
  90:     /* title */
  91:     if (hfgets(hp->title, BUFLEN, fp) == NULL || !nstrip(hp->title))
  92:         return NULL;
  93: #endif /* OLD */
  95: strip:  /* strip off sys! from front of path. */
  96:     if (strncmp(FULLSYSNAME, hp->path, (len = strlen(FULLSYSNAME))) == 0
  97:         && index(NETCHRS, hp->path[len]))
  98:         (void) strcpy(hp->path, &(hp->path[len+1]));
  99:     lcase(hp->nbuf);
 101:     /* Intuit the From: line if only a path was given. */
 102:     if (wholething) {
 103: #ifdef OLD
 104:         if (hp->from[0] == '\0')
 105:             intuitfrom(hp);
 106:         else
 107: #endif /* OLD */
 108:             fixfrom(hp);
 109:     }
 111:     return fp;
 112: }
 115: /*
 116:  * Get header info from mail-format file.
 117:  * Return non-zero on success.
 118:  */
 119: #include <ctype.h>
 120: #define FROM        1
 121: #define NEWSGROUP   2
 122: #define TITLE       3
 123: #define SUBMIT      4
 124: #define RECEIVE     5
 125: #define EXPIRE      6
 126: #define ARTICLEID   7
 127: #define MESSAGEID   8
 128: #define REPLYTO     9
 129: #define FOLLOWID    10
 130: #define CONTROL     11
 131: #define SENDER      12
 132: #define FOLLOWTO    13
 133: #define PATH        14
 134: #define POSTVERSION 15
 135: #define RELAYVERSION    16
 136: #define DISTRIBUTION    17
 137: #define ORGANIZATION    18
 138: #define NUMLINES    19
 139: #define KEYWORDS    20
 140: #define APPROVED    21
 141: #define NFID        22
 142: #define NFFROM      23
 143: #define XREF        24
 144: #define SUMMARY     25
 145: #define XPATH       26
 146: #define OTHER       99
 148: char *malloc();
 150: frmread(fp, hp)
 151: register FILE *fp;
 152: register struct hbuf *hp;
 153: {
 154:     int unreccnt = 0;
 155:     register int    i;
 156:     long    curpos;
 158:     i = type(bfr);
 159:     do {
 160:         curpos = ftell(fp);
 161:         switch (i) {
 162:         case PATH:
 163:             getfield(hp->path, sizeof(hp->path));
 164:             break;
 165:         case FROM:
 166:             getfield(hp->from, sizeof(hp->from));
 167:             break;
 168:         case NEWSGROUP:
 169:             getfield(hp->nbuf, sizeof(hp->nbuf));
 170:             break;
 171:         case TITLE:
 172:             getfield(hp->title, sizeof(hp->title));
 173:             break;
 174:         case SUBMIT:
 175:             getfield(hp->subdate, sizeof(hp->subdate));
 176:             break;
 177:         case EXPIRE:
 178:             getfield(hp->expdate, sizeof(hp->expdate));
 179:             break;
 180: #ifdef OLD
 181:         case ARTICLEID:
 182:             /* Believe Message-ID in preference to Article-ID */
 183:             if (hp->ident[0] == '\0') {
 184:                 register char *p;
 185:                 char msgb[NAMELEN];
 186:                 getfield(msgb, sizeof msgb);
 187:                 p = index(msgb, '.');
 188:                 if (p == NULL) {
 189:                     (void) strcpy(hp->ident, msgb);
 190:                 } else {
 191:                     *p++ = '\0';
 192:                     (void) sprintf(hp->ident, "<%s@%s%s>", p, msgb, ".UUCP");
 193:                 }
 194:             }
 195:             break;
 196: #endif /* OLD */
 197:         case MESSAGEID:
 198:             getfield(hp->ident, sizeof(hp->ident));
 199:             break;
 200:         case REPLYTO:
 201:             getfield(hp->replyto, sizeof(hp->replyto));
 202:             break;
 203:         case FOLLOWID:
 204:             getfield(hp->followid, sizeof(hp->followid));
 205:             break;
 206:         case SENDER:
 207:             getfield(hp->sender, sizeof(hp->sender));
 208:             break;
 209:         case FOLLOWTO:
 210:             getfield(hp->followto, sizeof(hp->followto));
 211:             break;
 212:         case CONTROL:
 213:             getfield(hp->ctlmsg, sizeof(hp->ctlmsg));
 214:             break;
 215:         case DISTRIBUTION:
 216:             getfield(hp->distribution, sizeof(hp->distribution));
 217:             break;
 218:         case ORGANIZATION:
 219:             getfield(hp->organization, sizeof(hp->organization));
 220:             break;
 221:         case NUMLINES:
 222:             getfield(hp->numlines, sizeof(hp->numlines));
 223:             hp->intnumlines = atoi(hp->numlines);
 224:             break;
 225:         case KEYWORDS:
 226:             getfield(hp->keywords, sizeof(hp->keywords));
 227:             break;
 228:         case APPROVED:
 229:             getfield(hp->approved, sizeof(hp->approved));
 230:             break;
 231:         case NFID:
 232:             getfield(hp->nf_id, sizeof(hp->nf_id));
 233:             break;
 234:         case NFFROM:
 235:             getfield(hp->nf_from, sizeof(hp->nf_from));
 236:             break;
 237:         /* discard these lines */
 238:         case XREF:
 239:         case XPATH:
 240:         case RELAYVERSION:
 241:         case POSTVERSION:
 242:         case RECEIVE:
 243:             break;
 244:         case SUMMARY:
 245:             getfield(hp->summary, sizeof(hp->summary));
 246:             break;
 247:         case OTHER:
 248:             if (unreccnt < NUNREC) {
 249:                 if ((hp->unrec[unreccnt] = malloc((unsigned)(strlen(bfr) + 1))) != NULL ) {
 250:                     (void) strcpy(hp->unrec[unreccnt], bfr);
 251:                     (void) nstrip(hp->unrec[unreccnt]);
 252:                     unreccnt++;
 253:                 } else
 254:                     xerror("frmread: out of memory");
 255:             }
 256:             break;
 257:         }
 258:     } while ((i = type(hfgets(bfr, LBUFLEN, fp))) > 0);
 260:     if (*bfr != '\n')
 261:         fseek(fp, curpos, 0);
 262:     if ((hp->from[0] || hp->path[0]) && hp->subdate[0] && hp->ident[0])
 263:         return TRUE;
 264:     return FALSE;
 265: }
 267: #ifdef OLD
 268: /*
 269:  * There was no From: line in the message (because it was generated by
 270:  * an old news program).  Guess what it should have been and create it.
 271:  */
 272: intuitfrom(hp)
 273: register struct hbuf *hp;
 274: {
 275:     char *tp;
 276:     char *user, *host;
 277:     char *tailpath(), *rindex();
 278:     char *at, *dot;
 279:     char pathbuf[PATHLEN];
 280:     char fullname[BUFLEN];
 282:     tp = tailpath(hp);
 283:     user = rindex(tp, '!');
 284:     if (user == NULL)
 285:         user = tp;
 286:     else
 287:         *user++ = '\0';
 289:     /* Check for an existing Internet address on the end. */
 290:     at = index(user, '@');
 291:     if (at) {
 292:         dot = index(at, '.');
 293:         if (dot) {
 294:             (void) strcpy(hp->from, user);
 295:             return;
 296:         }
 297:         /* @ signs are illegal except for the biggie, so */
 298:         *at = '%';
 299:     }
 301:     if (tp[0] == '.')
 302:         host = index(tp, '!') + 1;
 303:     else if (user == tp)
 304:         host = FULLSYSNAME;
 305:     else
 306:         host = tp;
 308:     tp = index(host, '@');
 309:     if (tp != NULL)
 310:         *tp = 0;
 311:     (void) sprintf(hp->from, "%s@%s%s", user, host, MYDOMAIN);
 313:     skin(pathbuf, fullname, hp->path);  /* remove RFC822-style comments */
 314:     if (fullname[0] != '\0') {
 315:         strcat(hp->from, " (");
 316:         (void) strcat(hp->from, fullname);
 317:         strcat(hp->from, ")");
 318:     }
 319:     strcpy(hp->path, pathbuf);  /* and stick it back in */
 320: }
 321: #endif /* OLD */
 323: /*
 324:  * Canonicalize the "From:" line into the form
 325:  *
 326:  * From: <mail-address> (full-name)
 327:  *
 328:  * RFC822 doesn't require the comment to be at the end of the string
 329:  * like that.
 330:  */
 331: fixfrom(hp)
 332: register struct hbuf *hp;
 333: {
 334:     char frombuf[PATHLEN];
 335:     char fullname[BUFLEN];
 337:     skin(frombuf, fullname, hp->from);  /* remove RFC822-style comments */
 338:     if (fullname[0] != '\0') {
 339:         strcat(frombuf, " (");
 340:         strcat(frombuf, fullname);
 341:         strcat(frombuf, ")");
 342:     }
 343:     strcpy(hp->from, frombuf);  /* stick the canonicalized "from" back in */
 344: }
 346: skin(name, fullname, hfield)
 347: char *name;
 348: char *fullname;
 349: char *hfield;
 350: {
 351:     register int c;
 352:     register char *cp, *cp2;
 353:     char *bufend;
 354:     int gotlt, parenlev, lastsp;
 355:     int seenfullname = FALSE;
 357:     *fullname = '\0';   /* no full name yet */
 358:     if (strpbrk(hfield, "(< ") == NULL) {       /* include ',' ?? */
 359:         strcpy(name, hfield);
 360:         return;
 361:     }
 362:     gotlt = 0;
 363:     parenlev = 0;
 364:     lastsp = 0;
 365:     bufend = name;
 366:     for (cp = hfield, cp2 = bufend; c = *cp++; ) {
 367:         switch (c) {
 368:         case '(':
 369:             /*
 370: 			 * Start of a "comment".
 371: 			 * Ignore it, or save it in "fullname" if we haven't
 372: 			 * seen a comment yet.
 373: 			 */
 374:             parenlev++;
 375:             while ((c = *cp) != 0) {
 376:                 cp++;
 377:                 switch (c) {
 378:                 case '\\':
 379:                     if ((c = *cp) == 0)
 380:                         goto outcm;
 381:                     cp++;
 382:                     break;
 383:                 case '(':
 384:                     parenlev++;
 385:                     break;
 386:                 case ')':
 387:                     parenlev--;
 388:                     if (parenlev == 0)
 389:                         goto outcm;
 390:                     break;
 391:                 }
 392:                 if (!seenfullname)
 393:                     *fullname++ = c;
 394:             }
 395:         outcm:
 396:             parenlev = 0;
 397:             lastsp = 0;
 398:             if (!seenfullname) {
 399:                 *fullname = '\0';
 400:                 seenfullname = TRUE;    /* only extract first comment */
 401:             }
 402:             break;
 404:         case '"':
 405:             /*
 406: 			 * Start of a "quoted-string".
 407: 			 * Copy it in its entirety.
 408: 			 */
 409:             while ((c = *cp) != 0) {
 410:                 cp++;
 411:                 switch (c) {
 412:                 case '\\':
 413:                     if ((c = *cp) == 0)
 414:                         goto outqs;
 415:                     cp++;
 416:                     break;
 417:                 case '"':
 418:                     goto outqs;
 419:                 }
 420:                 *cp2++ = c;
 421:             }
 422:         outqs:
 423:             lastsp = 0;
 424:             break;
 426:         case ' ':
 427:             if (cp[0] == 'a' && cp[1] == 't' && cp[2] == ' ')
 428:                 cp += 3, *cp2++ = '@';
 429:             else
 430:             if (cp[0] == '@' && cp[1] == ' ')
 431:                 cp += 2, *cp2++ = '@';
 432:             else
 433:                 lastsp = 1;
 434:             break;
 436:         case '<':
 437:             if (!seenfullname) {
 438:                 *cp2 = '\0';
 439:                 strcpy(fullname, name);
 440:                 seenfullname = TRUE;
 441:             }
 442:             cp2 = bufend;
 443:             gotlt++;
 444:             lastsp = 0;
 445:             break;
 447:         case '>':
 448:             if (gotlt) {
 449:                 gotlt = 0;
 450:                 /*
 451: 				 * this doesn't seem reasonable, what about (,)
 452: 				 * or "," ??
 453: 				 */
 454:                 while (*cp != ',' && *cp != 0)
 455:                     cp++;
 456:                 if (*cp == 0 )
 457:                     goto done;
 458:                 *cp2++ = ',';
 459:                 *cp2++ = ' ';
 460:                 bufend = cp2;
 461:                 break;
 462:             }
 464:             /* Fall into . . . */
 466:         default:
 467:             if (lastsp) {
 468:                 lastsp = 0;
 469:                 *cp2++ = ' ';
 470:             }
 471:             *cp2++ = c;
 472:             break;
 473:         }
 474:     }
 475: done:
 476:     *cp2 = 0;
 477: }
 480: #ifdef OLD
 481: char *
 482: oident(ident)
 483: char *ident;
 484: {
 485:     char lbuf[BUFLEN];
 486:     static char oidbuf[BUFLEN];
 487:     register char *p, *q;
 489:     (void) strcpy(lbuf, ident);
 490:     p = index(lbuf, '@');
 491:     if (p == NULL)
 492:         return ident;
 493:     *p++ = '\0';
 494:     q = index(p, '.');
 495:     if (q == NULL)
 496:         q = index(p, '>');
 497:     if (q)
 498:         *q++ = '\0';
 499:     p[SNLN] = '\0';
 500:     (void) sprintf(oidbuf, "%s.%s", p, lbuf+1);
 501:     return oidbuf;
 502: }
 503: #endif /* OLD */
 505: /*
 506:  * Get the given field of a header (char * parm) from bfr, but only
 507:  * if there's something actually there (after the colon).  Don't
 508:  * bother if we already have an entry for this field.
 509:  */
 510: getfield(hpfield, size)
 511: char    *hpfield;
 512: int size;
 513: {
 514:     register char   *ptr;
 516:     if (hpfield[0])
 517:         return;
 518:     for (ptr = index(bfr, ':'); isspace(*++ptr); )
 519:         ;
 520:     if (*ptr != '\0') {
 521:         (void) strncpy(hpfield, ptr, size - 1);
 522:         (void) nstrip(hpfield);
 523:     }
 524: }
 527: #define its(type) (prefix(ptr, type))
 528: type(ptr)
 529: register char   *ptr;
 530: {
 531:     register char   *colon, *space;
 533:     if (ptr == NULL)
 534:         return FALSE;
 535:     if (!isalpha(*ptr))
 536:         return FALSE;
 537:     colon = index(ptr, ':');
 538:     space = index(ptr, ' ');
 539:     if (!colon || space && space < colon)
 540:         return FALSE;
 541:     if (its("From: "))
 542:         if (index(ptr, '@') || !index(ptr, '!'))
 543:             return FROM;
 544:         else
 545:             return PATH;
 546:     if (its("Path: "))
 547:         return PATH;
 548:     if (its("Newsgroups: "))
 549:         return NEWSGROUP;
 550:     if (its("Subject: "))
 551:         return TITLE;
 552:     if (its("Date: "))
 553:         return SUBMIT;
 554:     if (its("Date-Received: "))
 555:         return RECEIVE;
 556: #ifdef OLD
 557:     if (its("Title: "))
 558:         return TITLE;
 559:     if (its("Posted: "))
 560:         return SUBMIT;
 561:     if (its("Received: "))
 562:         return RECEIVE;
 563: #endif /* OLD */
 564:     if (its("Expires: "))
 565:         return EXPIRE;
 566:     if (its("Article-I.D.: "))
 567:         return ARTICLEID;
 568:     if (its("Message-ID: "))
 569:         return MESSAGEID;
 570:     if (its("Reply-To: "))
 571:         return REPLYTO;
 572:     if (its("References: "))
 573:         return FOLLOWID;
 574:     if (its("Control: "))
 575:         return CONTROL;
 576:     if (its("Sender: "))
 577:         return SENDER;
 578:     if (its("Followup-To: "))
 579:         return FOLLOWTO;
 580:     if (its("Posting-Version: "))
 581:         return POSTVERSION;
 582:     if (its("Relay-Version: "))
 583:         return RELAYVERSION;
 584:     if (its("Distribution: "))
 585:         return DISTRIBUTION;
 586:     if (its("Organization: "))
 587:         return ORGANIZATION;
 588:     if (its("Lines: "))
 589:         return NUMLINES;
 590:     if (its("Summary: "))
 591:         return SUMMARY;
 592:     if (its("Keywords: "))
 593:         return KEYWORDS;
 594:     if (its("Approved: "))
 595:         return APPROVED;
 596:     if (its("Nf-ID: "))
 597:         return NFID;
 598:     if (its("Nf-From: "))
 599:         return NFFROM;
 600:     if (its("Xref: "))
 601:         return XREF;
 602:     if (its("Xpath: "))
 603:         return XPATH;
 604:     return OTHER;
 605: }
 607: /*
 608:  * Generate the current version of the news software.
 609:  */
 611: static char *my_version = NULL;
 613: char *
 614: genversion()
 615: {
 616:     char rb[BUFLEN];
 617:     register char *t;
 619:     if (my_version == NULL) {
 620: #ifdef HIDDENNET
 621:         if (strcmp(LOCALSYSNAME, FULLSYSNAME))
 622:             (void) sprintf(rb, "version %s; site %s.%s%s",
 623:                 news_version, LOCALSYSNAME, FULLSYSNAME, MYDOMAIN);
 624:         else
 625: #endif /* !HIDDENNET */
 626:             (void) sprintf(rb, "version %s; site %s%s",
 627:                 news_version, FULLSYSNAME, MYDOMAIN);
 628:         while (t = index(rb, '\t'))
 629:             *t = ' ';
 630:         my_version = malloc((unsigned)strlen(rb) + 1);
 631:         if (my_version == NULL)
 632:             xerror("malloc failed for my_version");
 633:         (void) strcpy(my_version, rb);
 634:     }
 635:     return my_version;
 636: }
 638: /*
 639:  * Write header at 'hp' on stream 'fp' in B+ format.  Include received date
 640:  * if wr is 1.  Leave off sysname if wr is 2.
 641:  */
 642: ihwrite(hp, fp, wr)
 643: register struct hbuf *hp;
 644: register FILE *fp;
 645: int wr;
 646: {
 647:     int iu;
 648:     time_t t;
 649:     time_t cgtdate();
 651:     /*
 652: 	 * We're being tricky with Path/From because of upward compatibility
 653: 	 * issues.  The new version considers From and Path to be separate.
 654: 	 * The old one thinks they both mean "Path" but only believes the
 655: 	 * first one it sees, so will ignore the second.
 656: 	 */
 657:     if (prefix(hp->path, FULLSYSNAME) &&
 658:         index(NETCHRS, hp->path[strlen(FULLSYSNAME)]))
 659:         fprintf(fp, "Path: %s\n", hp->path);
 660:     else
 661:         fprintf(fp, "Path: %s!%s\n", FULLSYSNAME, hp->path);
 662:     if (hp->from[0])
 663:         fprintf(fp, "From: %s\n", hp->from);
 665:     fprintf(fp, "Newsgroups: %s\n", hp->nbuf);
 666:     fprintf(fp, "Subject: %s\n", hp->title);
 667:     fprintf(fp, "Message-ID: %s\n", hp->ident);
 668:     t = cgtdate(hp->subdate);
 669:     fprintf(fp, "Date: %s\n", arpadate(&t));
 670: #ifdef OLD
 671:     fprintf(fp, "Article-I.D.: %s\n", oident(hp->ident));
 672:     fprintf(fp, "Posted: %s", ctime(&t));
 673: #endif /* OLD */
 674:     if (*hp->expdate)
 675:         fprintf(fp, "Expires: %s\n", hp->expdate);
 676:     if (*hp->followid) {
 677:         register char *dp, *cp;
 679:         dp = cp = hp->followid;
 680:         while (*cp != '\0')
 681:             if (*cp == '<' && *(cp + 1) == '>')
 682:                 cp += 2;
 683:             else
 684:                 *dp++ = *cp++;
 685:         *dp = '\0';
 686:         if (*hp->followid)
 687:             fprintf(fp, "References: %s\n", hp->followid);
 688:     }
 689:     if (*hp->ctlmsg)
 690:         fprintf(fp, "Control: %s\n", hp->ctlmsg);
 691:     if (*hp->sender)
 692:         fprintf(fp, "Sender: %s\n", hp->sender);
 693:     if (*hp->replyto)
 694:         fprintf(fp, "Reply-To: %s\n", hp->replyto);
 695:     if (*hp->followto)
 696:         fprintf(fp, "Followup-To: %s\n", hp->followto);
 697:     if (*hp->distribution)
 698:         fprintf(fp, "Distribution: %s\n", hp->distribution);
 699:     if (*hp->organization)
 700:         fprintf(fp, "Organization: %s\n", hp->organization);
 701:     if (*hp->numlines)
 702:         fprintf(fp, "Lines: %s\n", hp->numlines);
 703:     if (*hp->keywords)
 704:         fprintf(fp, "Keywords: %s\n", hp->keywords);
 705:     if (*hp->summary)
 706:         fprintf(fp, "Summary: %s\n", hp->summary);
 707:     if (*hp->approved)
 708:         fprintf(fp, "Approved: %s\n", hp->approved);
 709:     if (*hp->nf_id)
 710:         fprintf(fp, "Nf-ID: %s\n", hp->nf_id);
 711:     if (*hp->nf_from)
 712:         fprintf(fp, "Nf-From: %s\n", hp->nf_from);
 713: #ifdef DOXREFS
 714:     if ( wr ==1 && *hp->xref)
 715:         fprintf(fp, "Xref: %s\n", hp->xref);
 716: #endif /* DOXREFS */
 717:     for (iu = 0; iu < NUNREC; iu++) {
 718:         if (hp->unrec[iu])
 719:             fprintf(fp, "%s\n", &hp->unrec[iu][0]);
 720:     }
 721:     putc('\n', fp);
 722: }
 725: #ifndef BSD4_2
 726: /*
 727:  * Set nc bytes, starting at cp, to zero.
 728:  */
 729: bzero(cp, nc)
 730: register char   *cp;
 731: register int    nc;
 732: {
 733:     if (nc > 0)
 734:         do {
 735:             *cp++ = 0;
 736:         } while (--nc);
 737: }
 738: #endif /* !BSD4_2 */
 740: /*
 741:  * hfgets is like fgets, but deals with continuation lines.
 742:  * It also ensures that even if a line that is too long is
 743:  * received, the remainder of the line is thrown away
 744:  * instead of treated like a second line.
 745:  */
 746: char *
 747: hfgets(buf, len, fp)
 748: char *buf;
 749: int len;
 750: FILE *fp;
 751: {
 752:     register int c;
 753:     register int n = 0;
 754:     register char *cp;
 756:     cp = buf;
 757:     while (n < len && (c = getc(fp)) != EOF) {
 758:         if (c == '\n')
 759:             break;
 760:         if (isprint(c) || c == '\b' || c == ' ' || c == '\t') {
 761:             *cp++ = c;
 762:             n++;
 763:         }
 764:     }
 765:     if (c == EOF && cp == buf)
 766:         return NULL;
 767:     *cp = '\0';
 769:     if (c != '\n') {
 770:         /* Line too long - part read didn't fit into a newline */
 771:         while ((c = getc(fp)) != '\n' && c != EOF)
 772:             ;
 773:     } else if (cp == buf) {
 774:         /* Don't look for continuation of blank lines */
 775:         *cp++ = '\n';
 776:         *cp = '\0';
 777:         return buf;
 778:     }
 780:     while ((c = getc(fp)) == ' ' || c == '\t') {    /* for each cont line */
 781:         /* Continuation line. */
 782:         if ((n += 2) < len) {
 783:             *cp++ = '\n';
 784:             *cp++ = c;
 785:         }
 786:         while ((c = getc(fp)) != '\n' && c != EOF)
 787:             if ((isprint(c) || c == '\b' || c == ' ' || c == '\t')
 788:                 && n++ < len)
 789:                 *cp++ = c;
 790:     }
 791:     if (n >= len - 1)
 792:         cp = buf + len - 2;
 793:     *cp++ = '\n';
 794:     *cp = '\0';
 795:     if (c != EOF)
 796:         (void) ungetc(c, fp); /* push back first char of next header */
 797:     return buf;
 798: }

Defined functions

bzero defined in line 729; used 3 times
fixfrom defined in line 331; used 1 times
frmread defined in line 150; used 1 times
  • in line 60
genversion defined in line 613; used 1 times
getfield defined in line 510; used 21 times
hfgets defined in line 746; used 7 times
ihwrite defined in line 642; used 2 times
intuitfrom defined in line 272; used 1 times
skin defined in line 346; used 2 times
type defined in line 528; used 4 times

Defined variables

SccsId defined in line 19; never used
my_version defined in line 611; used 5 times
news_version defined in line 27; used 4 times

Defined macros

APPROVED defined in line 140; used 1 times
ARTICLEID defined in line 126; used 1 times
CONTROL defined in line 130; used 1 times
DISTRIBUTION defined in line 136; used 1 times
EXPIRE defined in line 125; used 1 times
FOLLOWID defined in line 129; used 1 times
FOLLOWTO defined in line 132; used 1 times
FROM defined in line 120; used 1 times
KEYWORDS defined in line 139; used 1 times
MESSAGEID defined in line 127; used 1 times
NEWSGROUP defined in line 121; used 1 times
NFFROM defined in line 142; used 1 times
NFID defined in line 141; used 1 times
NUMLINES defined in line 138; used 1 times
ORGANIZATION defined in line 137; used 1 times
OTHER defined in line 146; used 1 times
PATH defined in line 133; used 2 times
POSTVERSION defined in line 134; used 1 times
RECEIVE defined in line 124; used 2 times
RELAYVERSION defined in line 135; used 1 times
REPLYTO defined in line 128; used 1 times
SENDER defined in line 131; used 1 times
SUBMIT defined in line 123; used 2 times
SUMMARY defined in line 144; used 1 times
TITLE defined in line 122; used 2 times
XPATH defined in line 145; used 1 times
XREF defined in line 143; used 1 times
its defined in line 527; used 29 times
Last modified: 1986-03-20
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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