1: /* execute.c
2: *
3: * Copyright (c) 1984, 1985 Xerox Corp.
4: *
5: * Define the functions used in parse.c.
6: *
7: * Execute the RES file and leave the correct parameters on the stack.
8: *
10: *
11: * K. Knox, 1-Apr-85 23:45:46, Created first version.
12: * K. Knox, 13-May-85 10:25:25, Fixed bugs in calls to maketransformation.
13: * K. Knox, 13-May-85 10:25:25, Fixed bug in angle calculation in op_rotate.
14: *
15: */
17: #include <math.h>
18: #include <stdio.h>
19: #include <iptokens.h>
20: #include "stack.h"
22: #define "Interpress/Xerox/2.1/RasterEncoding/1.0 "
23: #define 40
25: #define err0 "(%d) execute: Bad IP header, got %s\n"
26: #define err1 "(%d) execute: roll moveFirst > depth, %d > %d!\n"
27: #define err2 "(%d) execute: unknown operator subtype, got %d!\n"
28: #define err3 "(%d) execute: unknown operator, type=%d!\n"
29: #define err4 "(%d) execute: unknown sequence, type=%d, length=%d!\n"
30: #define err5 "(%d) execute: sequenceInsertFile not implemented!\n"
33: /* Defined elsewhere. */
34: extern unsigned char **malloc();
35: extern long filepos;
36: extern FILE *fp;
38: /* Defined in this module. */
39: extern unsigned char *popidentifier();
40: extern double popdouble();
43: /*
44: * Public procedures defined for "parse" module.
45: *
46: */
48: (string)
49: {
50: if (strncmp(string, RES_header, 10) != 0) error(err0, filepos, string);
51: }
53: op_makevec()
54: {
55: int n, depth;
56: unsigned char *ptr, **array;
57: depth = popint();
58: array = malloc((depth+1)*sizeof(unsigned char *)); /* null terminated array */
59: for (n=0; n < depth; n++) array[depth-n-1] = pop(0);
60: array[depth] = (unsigned char *) 0;
61: ptr = makevector(array, type_vector, subtype_general);
62: for (n=0; n < depth; n++) free(array[n]);
63: free(array);
64: push(ptr);
65: }
67: op_makeveclu()
68: {
69: int n, depth,
70: upper,
71: lower;
72: unsigned char *ptr, **array;
74: upper = popint();
75: lower = popint();
76: depth = upper - lower + 1;
77: array = malloc((depth+1)*sizeof(unsigned char *)); /* null terminated array */
78: for (n=0; n < depth; n++)
79: array[depth-n-1] = pop(0);
81: array[depth] = (unsigned char *) 0;
82: ptr = makevector(array, type_vector, subtype_general);
83: /* set uppper and lower bounds */
85: for (n=0; n < depth; n++)
86: free(array[n]);
88: free(array);
89: push(ptr);
90: }
92: op_rotate()
93: {
94: double angle, cosA, sinA, pi;
95: unsigned char *ptr;
96: angle = popdouble();
97: angle = 3.1415926*angle/180.;
98: cosA = cos(angle);
99: sinA = sin(angle);
100: ptr = maketransformation(cosA, -sinA, 0.0, sinA, cosA, 0.0);
101: push(ptr);
102: }
104: op_scale()
105: {
106: unsigned char *ptr;
107: double s;
108: s = popdouble();
109: ptr = maketransformation(s, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, s, 0.0);
110: push(ptr);
111: }
113: op_scale2()
114: {
115: unsigned char *ptr;
116: double sx, sy;
117: sy = popdouble();
118: sx = popdouble();
119: ptr = maketransformation(sx, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, sy, 0.0);
120: push(ptr);
121: }
123: op_concat()
124: {
125: double a, b, c, d, e, f;
126: unsigned char *ptr, *nptr, *mptr;
127: double *m, *n;
128: nptr = pop(type_transformation, 0);
129: mptr = pop(type_transformation, 0);
130: n = gettransformation(nptr);
131: m = gettransformation(mptr);
132: a = m[0]*n[0]+m[3]*n[1];
133: b = m[1]*n[0]+m[4]*n[1];
134: c = m[2]*n[0]+m[5]*n[1]+n[2];
135: d = m[0]*n[3]+m[3]*n[4];
136: e = m[1]*n[3]+m[4]*n[4];
137: f = m[2]*n[3]+m[5]*n[4]+n[5];
138: ptr = maketransformation(a, b, c, d, e, f);
139: free(mptr);
140: free(nptr);
141: free(m);
142: free(n);
143: push(ptr);
144: }
146: op_beginblock()
147: {
148: }
150: op_endblock()
151: {
152: }
154: op_beginbody()
155: {
156: }
158: op_endbody()
159: {
160: }
162: op_unknown(op)
163: int op;
164: {
165: error(err3, filepos, op);
166: }
168: (nbytes)
169: int nbytes;
170: {
171: fseek(fp, (long) nbytes, 1);
172: }
174: seq_largevector(nbytes)
175: int nbytes;
176: {
177: int b;
178: long bytepos, bytelength;
179: unsigned char *ptr, **array;
180: b = getc(fp) & 0377; /* read the number of bytes/integer. */
181: bytepos = ftell(fp);
182: bytelength = nbytes-1;
183: array = malloc(2*sizeof(unsigned char *));
184: array[0] = makeintegers(b, bytepos, bytelength);
185: array[1] = (unsigned char *) 0;
186: ptr = makevector(array, type_vector, subtype_integers);
187: fseek(fp, bytelength, 1);
188: free(array[0]);
189: free(array);
190: push(ptr);
191: }
193: seq_identifier(nbytes)
194: int nbytes;
195: {
196: pushstring(nbytes, subtype_identifier);
197: }
199: seq_string(nbytes)
200: int nbytes;
201: {
202: pushstring(nbytes, subtype_string);
203: }
205: seq_unknown(type, nbytes)
206: int type, nbytes;
207: {
208: error(err4, filepos, type, nbytes);
209: }
211: seq_integer(nbytes)
212: int nbytes;
213: {
214: pushinteger(nbytes, subtype_integer);
215: }
217: seq_rational(nbytes)
218: int nbytes;
219: {
220: pushinteger(nbytes, subtype_rational);
221: }
223: shortnum(number)
224: int number;
225: {
226: unsigned char value[2];
227: unsigned char *ptr;
228: value[0] = (number >> 8) & 0377;
229: value[1] = number & 0377;
230: ptr = makenumber(2, value, subtype_integer);
231: push(ptr);
232: }
235: /*
236: * Private procedures to this module.
237: *
238: */
240: static pushinteger(nbytes, subtype)
241: int nbytes, subtype;
242: {
243: int n;
244: unsigned char *ptr;
245: unsigned char *array;
246: array = (unsigned char *) malloc(nbytes);
247: for (n=0; n < nbytes; n++) array[n] = getc(fp) & 0377;
248: ptr = makenumber(nbytes, array, subtype);
249: free(array);
250: push(ptr);
251: }
253: static pushstring(nbytes, subtype)
254: int nbytes, subtype;
255: {
256: int n;
257: unsigned char *ptr;
258: char *string;
259: string = (char *) malloc(nbytes+1);
260: for (n=0; n < nbytes; n++) string[n] = getc(fp) & 0377;
261: string[nbytes] = (char) 0;
262: ptr = makestring(string, subtype);
263: free(string);
264: push(ptr);
265: }
267: static popint()
268: {
269: int result;
270: unsigned char *ptr;
271: ptr = pop(type_number, 0);
272: result = getint(ptr);
273: free(ptr);
274: return(result);
275: }
277: static double popdouble()
278: {
279: double result;
280: unsigned char *ptr;
281: ptr = pop(type_number, 0);
282: result = getdouble(ptr);
283: free(ptr);
284: return(result);
285: }
287: static unsigned char *popidentifier(prefix)
288: char *prefix; /* should end with '/' character */
289: {
290: unsigned char *ptr, *composite;
291: ptr = pop(type_vector, subtype_general);
292: composite = makeidentifier(ptr, prefix);
293: free(ptr);
294: return(composite);
295: }
297: static extendnumber(nbytes)
298: int nbytes;
299: {
300: int n, len;
301: unsigned char *number, *newnumber;
302: unsigned char *ptr, *newptr;
303: ptr = pop(type_number, subtype_integer | subtype_rational);
304: number = getnumber(ptr);
305: len = getnumlen(ptr);
306: newnumber = (unsigned char *) malloc(len+nbytes);
307: for (n=0; n < len; n++) newnumber[n] = number[n];
308: for (n=0; n < nbytes; n++) newnumber[n+len] = getc(fp) & 0377;
309: newptr = makenumber(len+nbytes, newnumber, getsubtype(ptr));
310: free(ptr);
311: free(newnumber);
312: push(newptr);
313: }
315: static extendstring(nbytes)
316: int nbytes;
317: {
318: int n, len;
319: char *string, *newstring;
320: unsigned char *ptr, *newptr;
321: ptr = pop(type_string, subtype_identifier | subtype_string);
322: string = getstring(ptr, 0);
323: len = strlen(string);
324: newstring = (char *) malloc(len+nbytes+1);
325: strcpy(newstring, string);
326: for (n=0; n < nbytes; n++) newstring[n+len] = getc(fp) & 0377;
327: newstring[len+nbytes] = (char) 0;
328: newptr = makestring(newstring, getsubtype(ptr));
329: free(ptr);
330: free(newstring);
331: push(newptr);
332: }