1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California,
   3:  * All rights reserved.  Redistribution permitted subject to
   4:  * the terms of the Berkeley Software License Agreement.
   5:  */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)init.c	1.3 4/24/85";
   9: #endif
  11: #include "externs.h"
  12: #include <pwd.h>
  14: initialize(startup)
  15:     char startup;
  16: {
  17:     register struct objs *p;
  18:     int die();
  20:     puts("Version 4.2, fall 1984.");
  21:     puts("First Adventure game written by His Lordship, the honorable");
  22:     puts("Admiral D.W. Riggle\n");
  23:     srand(getpid());
  24:     getutmp(uname);
  25:     wiz = wizard(uname);
  26:     wordinit();
  27:     if (startup) {
  28:         location = dayfile;
  29:         direction = NORTH;
  30:         time = 0;
  31:         snooze = CYCLE * 1.5;
  32:         position = 22;
  33:         setbit(wear, PAJAMAS);
  34:         fuel = TANKFULL;
  35:         torps = TORPEDOES;
  36:         for (p = dayobjs; p->room != 0; p++)
  37:             setbit(location[p->room].objects, p->obj);
  38:     } else
  39:         restore();
  40:     signal(SIGINT, die);
  41: }
  43: getutmp(uname)
  44:     char *uname;
  45: {
  46:     struct passwd *ptr;
  48:     ptr = getpwuid(getuid());
  49:     strcpy(uname, ptr ? ptr->pw_name : "");
  50: }
  52: char *list[] = {    /* hereditary wizards */
  53:     "riggle",
  54:     "chris",
  55:     "edward",
  56:     "comay",
  57:     "yee",
  58:     "dmr",
  59:     "ken",
  60:     0
  61: };
  63: char *badguys[] = {
  64:     "wnj",
  65:     "root",
  66:     "ted",
  67:     0
  68: };
  70: wizard(uname)
  71:     char *uname;
  72: {
  73:     char flag;
  75:     if (flag = checkout(uname))
  76:         printf("You are the Great wizard %s.\n", uname);
  77:     return flag;
  78: }
  80: checkout(uname)
  81:     register char *uname;
  82: {
  83:     register char **ptr;
  85:     for (ptr = list; *ptr; ptr++)
  86:         if (strcmp(*ptr, uname) == 0)
  87:             return 1;
  88:     for (ptr = badguys; *ptr; ptr++)
  89:         if (strcmp(*ptr, uname) == 0) {
  90:             printf("You are the Poor anti-wizard %s.  Good Luck!\n",
  91:                 uname);
  92:             CUMBER = 3;
  93:             WEIGHT = 9; /* that'll get him! */
  94:             clock = 10;
  95:             setbit(location[7].objects, WOODSMAN);  /* viper room */
  96:             setbit(location[20].objects, WOODSMAN); /* laser " */
  97:             setbit(location[13].objects, DARK); /* amulet " */
  98:             setbit(location[8].objects, ELF);   /* closet */
  99:             return 0;   /* anything else, Chris? */
 100:         }
 101:     return 0;
 102: }

Defined functions

checkout defined in line 80; used 1 times
  • in line 75
getutmp defined in line 43; used 1 times
  • in line 24
initialize defined in line 14; used 1 times
wizard defined in line 70; used 1 times
  • in line 25

Defined variables

badguys defined in line 63; used 1 times
  • in line 88
list defined in line 52; used 1 times
  • in line 85
sccsid defined in line 8; never used
Last modified: 1985-04-25
Generated: 2016-12-26
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