1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California,
   3:  * All rights reserved.  Redistribution permitted subject to
   4:  * the terms of the Berkeley Software License Agreement.
   5:  */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)battlestar.c	1.3 4/24/85";
   9: #endif
  11: /*
  12:  * Battlestar - a stellar-tropical adventure game
  13:  *
  14:  * Originally written by His Lordship, Admiral David W. Horatio Riggle,
  15:  * on the Cory PDP-11/70, University of California, Berkeley.
  16:  */
  18: #include "externs.h"
  20: main(argc,argv)
  21: int  argc;
  22: char **argv;
  23: {
  24:     char mainbuf[LINELENGTH];
  25:     char *next;
  27:     initialize(argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1], "-r"));
  28: start:
  29:     news();
  30:     beenthere[position]++;
  31:     if (notes[LAUNCHED])
  32:         crash();        /* decrements fuel & crash */
  33:     if (matchlight) {
  34:         puts("Your match splutters out.");
  35:         matchlight = 0;
  36:     }
  37:     if (!notes[CANTSEE] || testbit(inven,LAMPON) ||
  38:         testbit(location[position].objects, LAMPON)) {
  39:         writedes();
  40:         printobjs();
  41:     } else
  42:         puts("It's too dark to see anything in here!");
  43:     whichway(location[position]);
  44: run:
  45:     next = getcom(mainbuf, sizeof mainbuf, ">-: ",
  46:         "Please type in something.");
  47:     for (wordcount = 0; next && wordcount < 20; wordcount++)
  48:         next = getword(next, words[wordcount], -1);
  49:     parse();
  50:     switch (cypher()) {
  51:         case -1:
  52:             goto run;
  53:         case 0:
  54:             goto start;
  55:         default:
  56:             exit();
  57:     }
  58: }

Defined functions

main defined in line 20; never used

Defined variables

sccsid defined in line 8; never used
Last modified: 1985-04-25
Generated: 2016-12-26
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