1: # include   <ingres.h>
   2: # include   <access.h>
   3: # include   <catalog.h>
   4: # include   <batch.h>
   5: # include   <btree.h>
   6: # include   <sccs.h>
   8: SCCSID(@(#)replace.c	8.2	2/8/85)
  10: # define    SAMETUP     0
  11: # define    SAMEKEYS    1
  12: # define    DIFFTUP     2
  14: /*
  15: **  REPLACE - replace an already existing tuple
  16: **
  17: **	Replace will replace the tuple specified by TID
  18: **	with the new tuple. An attempt is made to not
  19: **	move the tuple if at all possible.
  20: **
  21: **	Three separate conditions are dealt with. If the
  22: **	new tuple is the same as the old tuple, a return
  23: **	of zero occures and the page is not changed.
  24: **
  25: **	If the keys(if any) are the same and the canonical
  26: **	tuple lengths are the same, then the new tuple will
  27: **	be placed in the same location.
  28: **
  29: **	If the lengths or the keys are different, then the
  30: **	tuple is deleted and the new tuple inserted
  31: **
  32: **	Checkdups specifies whether to check for duplicates.
  33: **	If the new tuple is a duplicate of one already there,
  34: **	then the tuple at TID is deleted
  35: **
  36: **	Returns:
  37: **		<0  fatal error
  38: **		 1(DUPTUP)  new tuple was duplicate of returned tid
  39: **		 2(DELTUP) tuple identified by tid has been deleted
  40: **		 3(BADLID) bad lid
  41: **
  42: **		If replace returns 1 then tid is set to the
  43: **		duplicate tuple. This is necessary for updating
  44: **		secondary indices.
  45: **
  46: **	Trace Flags:
  47: **		24.4-7
  48: */
  51: replace(d, tid, tuple, checkdups)
  52: register DESC   *d;
  53: register TID    *tid;
  54: char        *tuple;
  55: int     checkdups;
  56: {
  57:     register int    i;
  58:     int     j;
  59:     char        oldtuple[MAXTUP];
  60:     TID     primtid, tidloc, tidpos;
  61:     long        primpage, old_lid[MAXLID], new_lid[MAXLID], page, t;
  62:     int     need, same, numatts;
  63:     int     len, oldlength;
  64:     char        *new, *old, *oldt;
  65:     char        *getint_tuple();
  66:     char        btree[MAXNAME + 4];
  67:     long        oldtid;
  68:     int     lidwid, compare;
  69:     struct locator  temp;
  71: #	ifdef xATR1
  72:     if (tTf(24, 4))
  73:     {
  74:         printf("replace: %.14s,", d->reldum.relid);
  75:         dumptid(tid);
  76:         printf("replace: ");
  77:         printup(d, tuple);
  78:     }
  79: #	endif
  81:     /* make tuple canonical */
  82:     need = canonical(d, tuple);
  84:     /* if heap or ordered, no dup checking */
  85:     if (abs(d->reldum.relspec) == M_HEAP || d->reldum.reldim > 0)
  86:         checkdups = FALSE;
  88:     if (i = get_page(d, tid))
  89:         return (i); /* fatal error */
  91:     /* check if tid exists */
  92:     if (i = invalid(tid))
  93:         return (i); /* already deleted or invalid */
  95:     oldt = getint_tuple(d, tid, oldtuple);
  96:     /* reset page back to main relation page */
  97:     if (i = get_page(d, tid))
  98:         return(i);
  99:     oldlength = tup_len(tid);
 100:     lidwid = LIDSIZE * d->reldum.reldim;
 102:     if (d->reldum.reldim > 0)
 103:     {
 104:         /* extract lid values from tuples */
 105:         btreename(d->reldum.relid, btree);
 106:         old = oldt + d->reldum.relwid  - lidwid;
 107:         bmove(old, old_lid, lidwid);
 108:         new = tuple + d->reldum.relwid - lidwid;
 109:         bmove(new, new_lid, lidwid);
 110:         compare = 0;
 111:         for (i = 0; i < d->reldum.reldim; ++i)
 112:         {
 113:             if (new_lid[i] > old_lid[i])
 114:             {
 115:                 compare = 1;
 116:                 break;
 117:             }
 118:             else if (new_lid[i] == old_lid[i])
 119:                 compare = -1;
 120:             else
 121:             {
 122:                 compare = 0;
 123:                 break;
 124:             }
 125:         }
 126:         if (compare >= 0)
 127:         {
 128:         /* do insertion and deletion of new lid and old values in
 129: 		** order that insures that they will be placed in the proper
 130: 		** place
 131: 		*/
 132:             if (compare == 1)
 133:             {
 134:                 if (insert_mbtree(d, btree, new_lid, tid, &tidpos) < 0)
 135:                     return(BADLID);
 136:                 if (fwrite(old_lid, 1, lidwid, Del_infp) != lidwid)
 137:                     syserr("write error in replace");
 138:                 ++Del_cnt;
 139:             }
 140:             else if (compare == 0)
 141:             {
 142:                 page = RT;
 143:                 for (j = 0; j < d->reldum.reldim; ++j)
 144:                 {
 145:                     if (new_lid[j] > 0 && (t = get_tid(page, new_lid[j], &temp)) > 0)
 146:                         page = t;
 147:                     else if (t == -1)
 148:                     {
 149:                         for (i = j + 1; i < d->reldum.reldim; ++i)
 150:                         {
 151:                             if (new_lid[i] != 1 && new_lid[i] != 0)
 152:                                 return(BADLID);
 153:                         }
 154:                         break;
 155:                     }
 156:                     else if (new_lid[j] == 0)
 157:                     {
 158:                         for (i = j + 1; i < d->reldum.reldim; ++i)
 159:                         {
 160:                             if (new_lid[i] != 0)
 161:                                 return(BADLID);
 162:                         }
 163:                         break;
 164:                     }
 165:                     else
 166:                         return(BADLID);
 167:                 }
 168:                 for (i = 0; i < d->reldum.reldim; ++i)
 169:                     if (new_lid[i] < 0)
 170:                         return(BADLID);
 171:                 delete_btree(old_lid, d->reldum.reldim);
 172:                 if (insert_mbtree(d, btree, new_lid, tid, &tidpos) < 0)
 173:                     return(BADLID);
 174:             }
 175:         }
 176:     }
 178:     /* check whether tuples are the same, different lengths, different keys */
 179:     same = DIFFTUP; /* assume diff lengths or keys */
 180:     if (oldlength == need)
 181:     {
 182:         /* same size. check for same domains */
 183:         same = SAMETUP; /* assume identical */
 184:         new = tuple;
 185:         old = oldt;
 186:         /* ignore lid field */
 187:         numatts = d->reldum.relatts - d->reldum.reldim;
 188:         for (i = 1; i <= numatts; i++)
 189:         {
 190:             len = d->relfrml[i] & I1MASK;
 191:             if (icompare(new, old, d->relfrmt[i], len))
 192:             {
 193:                 if (d->relxtra[i])
 194:                 {
 195:                     same = DIFFTUP;
 196:                     break;
 197:                 }
 198:                 same = SAMEKEYS;
 199:             }
 200:             old += len;
 201:             new += len;
 202:         }
 203:     }
 205: #	ifdef xATR2
 206:     if (tTf(24, 5))
 207:         printf("replace:same=%d\n", same);
 208: #	endif
 210:     switch (same)
 211:     {
 213:       case SAMETUP:
 214:         /* new tuple same as old tuple */
 215:         i = DUPTUP; /* flag as duplicate */
 216:         /* though character strings may compare equal,
 217: 		**  they can look different, so if they do look different
 218: 		**  go ahead and do the replace using put_tuple.  */
 219:         if (!bequal(tuple, oldt, d->reldum.relwid - lidwid))
 220:             goto puttuple;
 221:         break;
 223:       case SAMEKEYS:
 224:         /* keys the same, lengths the same, tuples different */
 225:         if (checkdups)
 226:         {
 227:             /* This is either an ISAM or HASH file. If mainpg
 228: 			** is non-zero, then the primary page=mainpg -1.
 229: 			** Otherwise, "find" must be called to determine
 230: 			** the primary page
 231: 			*/
 232:             if (Acc_head->mainpg)
 233:             {
 234:                 primpage = Acc_head->mainpg -1;
 235:                 stuff_page(&primtid, &primpage);
 236:             }
 237:             else
 238:             {
 239:                 if (i = find(d, FULLKEY, &primtid, &primtid, tuple))
 240:                     return (i); /* fatal error */
 241:                 if (i = get_page(d, tid))   /* restore page for tuple */
 242:                     return (i);
 243:             }
 245:             if (i = scan_dups(d, &primtid, tuple))
 246:             {
 247:                 if (i == DUPTUP)
 248:                 {
 249:                     del_tuple(tid, oldlength);  /* tuple a duplicate */
 250:                     d->reladds--;
 251:                     /* copy tid of duplicate tuple */
 252:                     bmove(&primtid, tid, sizeof(primtid));
 253:                 }
 254:                 break;
 255:             }
 256:         }
 257:         goto puttuple;
 259:       case DIFFTUP:
 260:         /* keys different or lengths different */
 261:         get_page(d, tid);
 262:         del_tuple(tid, oldlength);
 263:         bmove(tid, &oldtid, LIDSIZE);
 265:         /* find where to put tuple */
 266:         if (i = findbest(d, tid, tuple, need, checkdups))
 267:         {
 268:             d->reladds--;
 269:             break;
 270:         }
 272:         /* place new tuple in page */
 273:     puttuple:
 274:         put_tuple(tid, Acctuple, need);
 275:         i = NEWTUP;
 277:         if (same == DIFFTUP && d->reldum.reldim > 0)
 278:         {
 279:             /* main tid value has changed, update btree */
 280:             if (compare < 0)
 281:                 search_btree(oldtid, &tidpos);
 282:             /* tid different, must be reflected in BTree */
 283:                 replace_btree(*tid, &tidpos);
 284:         }
 285:     }
 287: #	ifdef xATR1
 288:     if (tTf(24, 6))
 289:     {
 290:         printf("replace rets %d,", i);
 291:         dumptid(tid);
 292:     }
 293: #	endif
 294:     return (i);
 295: }

Defined functions

replace defined in line 8; used 1 times

Defined macros

DIFFTUP defined in line 12; used 3 times
SAMEKEYS defined in line 11; used 1 times
SAMETUP defined in line 10; used 1 times
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Generated: 2016-12-26
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