1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  */
   7: #ifndef lint
   8: char copyright[] =
   9: "@(#) Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.\n\
  10:  All rights reserved.\n";
  11: #endif not lint
  13: #ifndef lint
  14: static char sccsid[] = "@(#)int.c	5.1 (Berkeley) 6/5/85";
  15: #endif not lint
  17: /*
  18:  * px - interpreter for Berkeley Pascal
  19:  * Version 3.0 Winter 1979
  20:  *
  21:  * Original version for the PDP 11/70 authored by:
  22:  * Bill Joy, Charles Haley, Ken Thompson
  23:  *
  24:  * Rewritten for VAX 11/780 by Kirk McKusick
  25:  */
  27: #include    <signal.h>
  28: #include    "whoami.h"
  29: #include    "vars.h"
  30: #include    "libpc.h"
  31: #include    "objfmt.h"
  33: /*
  34:  * New stuff for pdx
  35:  */
  37: extern char *end;
  38: extern loopaddr();
  39: union progcntr *pcaddrp;    /* address of interpreter frame address */
  41: main(ac,av)
  43:     int ac;
  44:     char    **av;
  46: {
  47:     register char *objprog, *file;
  48:     char *name;
  49:     register long bytesread, bytestoread, block;
  50:     register FILE *prog;
  51:     struct   pxhdr pxhd;
  52: #	define     pipe 3
  54:     /*
  55: 	 * Initialize everything
  56: 	 */
  57:     _argc = ac;
  58:     _argv = av;
  59:     _nodump = FALSE;
  61:     /*
  62: 	 * Determine how PX was invoked, and how to process the program
  63: 	 */
  64:     file = _argv[1];
  65:     if (!strcmp(_argv[0], "pdx")) {
  66:         _mode = PDX;
  67:         _argv += 2; _argc -= 2;
  68:         name = _argv[0];
  69:     } else if (!strcmp(_argv[0], "pix")) {
  70:         _mode = PIX;
  71:         _argv++; _argc--;
  72:         name = _argv[0];
  73:     } else if (!strcmp(_argv[0], "pipe")) {
  74:         _mode = PIPE;
  75:         file = "PIPE";
  76:         _argv++; _argc--;
  77:         name = _argv[0];
  78:     } else {
  79:         _mode = PX;
  80:         if (_argc <= 1)
  81:             file = "obj";
  82:         name = file;
  83:     }
  85:     /*
  86: 	 * kludge to check for old style objs.
  87: 	 */
  88:     if (_mode == PX && !strcmp(file, "-")) {
  89:         fprintf(stderr, "%s is obsolete and must be recompiled\n",
  90:             _argv[0]);
  91:         exit(1);
  92:     }
  93:     /*
  94: 	 * Process program header information
  95: 	 */
  96:     if (_mode == PIPE) {
  97:         read(pipe,&pxhd,sizeof(struct pxhdr));
  98:     } else {
  99:         prog = fopen(file,"r");
 100:         if (prog == NULL) {
 101:             perror(file);
 102:             exit(1);
 103:         }
 104:         fread(&pxhd,sizeof(struct pxhdr),1,prog);
 105:         if (pxhd.magicnum != MAGICNUM) {
 106:             fseek(prog,(long)(HEADER_BYTES-sizeof(struct pxhdr)),0);
 107:             fread(&pxhd,sizeof(struct pxhdr),1,prog);
 108:         }
 109:     }
 110:     if (pxhd.magicnum != MAGICNUM) {
 111:         fprintf(stderr,"%s is not a Pascal interpreter file\n",name);
 112:         exit(1);
 113:     }
 114:     if (pxhd.maketime < createtime) {
 115:         fprintf(stderr,"%s is obsolete and must be recompiled\n",name);
 116:         exit(1);
 117:     }
 119:     /*
 120: 	 * Load program into memory
 121: 	 */
 122:     objprog = malloc((int)pxhd.objsize);
 123:     if (_mode == PIPE) {
 124:         bytestoread = pxhd.objsize;
 125:         bytesread = 0;
 126:         do  {
 127:             block = read(pipe,(int)(objprog+bytesread),bytestoread);
 128:             if (block > 0) {
 129:                 bytesread += block;
 130:                 bytestoread -= block;
 131:             }
 132:         } while (block > 0);
 133:     } else {
 134:         bytesread = fread(objprog,1,(int)pxhd.objsize,prog);
 135:         fclose(prog);
 136:     }
 137:     if (bytesread != pxhd.objsize) {
 138:         fprintf(stderr,"Read error occurred while loading %s\n",file);
 139:         exit(1);
 140:     }
 141:     if (_mode == PIX)
 142:         fputs("Execution begins...\n",stderr);
 143:     /*
 144: 	 * set interpreter to catch expected signals and begin interpretation
 145: 	 */
 146:     signal(SIGILL,syserr);
 147:     signal(SIGBUS,syserr);
 148:     signal(SIGSYS,syserr);
 149:     if (signal(SIGINT,SIG_IGN) != SIG_IGN)
 150:         signal(SIGINT,intr);
 151:     signal(SIGSEGV,memsize);
 152:     signal(SIGFPE,EXCEPT);
 153:     signal(SIGTRAP,liberr);
 155:     /*
 156: 	 * See if we're being watched by the debugger, if so set a trap.
 157: 	 */
 158:     if (_mode == PDX || (_mode == PIX && pxhd.symtabsize > 0)) {
 159:         inittrap(&_display, &_dp, objprog, &pcaddrp, loopaddr);
 160:     }
 162:     /*
 163: 	 * do it
 164: 	 */
 165:     interpreter(objprog);
 166:     /*
 167: 	 * reset signals, deallocate memory, and exit normally
 168: 	 */
 169:     signal(SIGINT,SIG_IGN);
 170:     signal(SIGSEGV,SIG_DFL);
 171:     signal(SIGFPE,SIG_DFL);
 172:     signal(SIGTRAP,SIG_DFL);
 173:     signal(SIGILL,SIG_DFL);
 174:     signal(SIGBUS,SIG_DFL);
 175:     signal(SIGSYS,SIG_DFL);
 176:     PFLUSH();
 177:     psexit(0);
 178: }
 180: /*
 181:  * Generate an IOT trap to tell the debugger that the object code
 182:  * has been read in.  Parameters are there for debugger to look at,
 183:  * not the procedure.
 184:  */
 186: static inittrap(dispaddr, dpaddr, endaddr, pcaddrp, loopaddrp)
 187: union disply *dispaddr;
 188: struct disp *dpaddr;
 189: char *endaddr;
 190: union progcntr **pcaddrp;
 191: char **loopaddrp;
 192: {
 193:     kill(getpid(), SIGIOT);
 194: }

Defined functions

inittrap defined in line 186; used 1 times
main defined in line 41; never used

Defined variables

copyright defined in line 8; never used
pcaddrp defined in line 39; used 3 times
sccsid defined in line 14; never used

Defined macros

pipe defined in line 52; used 2 times
Last modified: 1985-06-05
Generated: 2016-12-26
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