1: /
   2: /	SCCS id	@(#)M.s	1.7 (Berkeley)	7/11/83
   3: /		@(#)M.s	3.1 (2.11BSD)	1995/06/01 (sms@wlv.iipo.gtegsc.com)
   4: /
   5: / Startup code for two-stage bootstrap with support for autoboot.
   6: / Supports 11/45, 11/70, 11/53, 11/73, 11/83, 11/84, 11/93, 11/94
   8: /  The boot options and device are placed in the last SZFLAGS bytes
   9: /  at the end of core by the kernel if this is an autoboot.
  10: /  The first-stage boot will leave them in registers for us;
  11: /  we clobber possible old flags so that they don't get re-used.
  12: ENDCORE=        160000          / end of core, mem. management off
  13: SZFLAGS=        6               / size of boot flags
  14: BOOTOPTS=       2               / location of options, bytes below ENDCORE
  15: BOOTDEV=        4               / makedev(major,unit)
  16: CHECKWORD=      6               / ~BOOTOPTS
  18: .globl  _end
  19: .globl  _main,_ubmapset
  20:         jmp     start
  22: /
  23: / trap vectors
  24: /
  25:         trap;340        / bus error -- grok!
  26:         trap;341        / illegal instruction
  27:         trap;342        / BPT
  28:         trap;343        / IOT
  29:         trap;344        / POWER FAIL
  30:         trap;345        / EMT
  31: tvec:
  32:         start;346       / TRAP
  35: /
  36: / Here is a totally tacky ``fix'' if your kernel is larger than
  37: / 192K and therefore overwrites boot here.  Just change the .=400^.
  38: / below to something like .=10240^.  This will move the critical
  39: / sections of boot up far enough so that the load can finish.
  40: / We can't actually load boot too much higher because it can't use memory
  41: / above 256-8K (to avoid UNIBUS mapping problems).
  42: /
  43: .=400^.
  45: start:
  46:         reset
  47:         mov     $340,PS
  48:         mov     $_end+512.,sp
  50: /save boot options, if present
  51:         mov     r4,_bootopts
  52:         mov     r3,_bootdev
  53:         mov     r2,_checkword
  54:         mov     r1,_bootcsr             / 'boot' will apply ADJcsr[] correction
  55: /clobber any boot flags left in memory
  56:         clr     ENDCORE-BOOTOPTS
  57:         clr     ENDCORE-BOOTDEV
  58:         clr     ENDCORE-CHECKWORD
  59: /
  60: / determine what kind of cpu we are running on.  this was totally rewritten
  61: / when support for the 93 and 94 was added.
  63:         clrb    _sep_id
  64:         clrb    _ubmap
  65:         jsr     pc,cpuprobe     / fill in _cputype, _ubmap and _sep_id
  66:                                 / also sets MSCR bits
  67:         clr     nofault
  69: /
  70: /	Set kernel I space registers to physical 0 and I/O page
  71: /
  72:         clr     r1
  73:         mov     $77406, r2
  74:         mov     $KISA0, r3
  75:         mov     $KISD0, r4
  76:         jsr     pc, setseg
  77:         mov     $IO, -(r3)
  80: / Set user I space registers to physical N*64kb and I/O page.  This is
  81: / where boot will copy itself to.  Boot is less simple minded about its
  82: / I/O addressing than it used to be.  Physical memory addresses are now
  83: / calculated (because support was needed for running split I/D utilities)
  84: / rather than assuming that boot is loaded on a 64kb boundary.
  85: /
  86: / The constraint forcing us to keep boot in the bottom 248Kb of
  87: / memory is UNIBUS mapping.  There would be little difficulty in relocating
  88: / Boot much higher on a Qbus system.
  89: /
  90: / Unless boot's method of managing its I/O addressing and physical addressing
  91: / is reworked some more, 3*64Kb +/- a couple Kb is probably the highest
  92: / we'll ever relocate boot.  This means that the maximum size
  93: / of any program boot can load is ~192Kb.  That size includes text, data
  94: / and bss.
  96: N       = 3                     / 3*64Kb = 192Kb
  98:         mov     $N*64.*16., r1  / N*64 * btoc(1024)
  99:         mov     $UISA0, r3
 100:         mov     $UISD0, r4
 101:         jsr     pc, setseg
 102:         mov     $IO, -(r3)
 104: /
 105: /	If 11/40 class processor, only need set the I space registers
 106: /
 107:         movb    _sep_id, _ksep
 108:         jeq     1f
 110: /
 111: /	Set kernel D space registers to physical 0 and I/O page
 112: /
 113:         clr     r1
 114:         mov     $KDSA0, r3
 115:         mov     $KDSD0, r4
 116:         jsr     pc, setseg
 117:         mov     $IO, -(r3)
 119: /
 120: /	Set user D space registers to physical N*64kb and I/O page
 121: /
 122:         mov     $N*64.*16., r1  / N*64 * btoc(1024)
 123:         mov     $UDSA0, r3
 124:         mov     $UDSD0, r4
 125:         jsr     pc, setseg
 126:         mov     $IO, -(r3)
 128: 1:
 129: / enable map
 130:         tstb    _ubmap
 131:         beq     2f
 132:         jsr     pc,_ubmapset    / 24, 44, 70 -> ubmap
 133:         tstb    _sep_id
 134:         bne     3f
 135:         mov     $60,SSR3        / 24 -> !I/D
 136:         br      1f
 137: 3:
 138:         mov     $65,SSR3        / 44, 70 -> ubmap, I/D
 139:         br      1f
 140: 2:
 141:         tstb    _sep_id         / 23, 34, 40, 45, 60, 73 -> no ubmap
 142:         beq     1f
 143:         mov     $25,SSR3        / 45, 73 -> no ubmap, I/D; maybe 22-bit
 144: 1:
 145:         mov     $30340,PS
 146:         inc     SSR0            / turn on memory management
 148: / copy program to user I space
 149:         mov     $_end,r0
 150:         clc
 151:         ror     r0
 152:         clr     r1
 153: 1:
 154:         mov     (r1),-(sp)
 155:         mtpi    (r1)+
 156:         sob     r0,1b
 158: / continue execution in user space copy.  No sense in loading sp with
 159: / anything special since the call to _main below overwrites low core.
 161:         mov     $140340,-(sp)
 162:         mov     $user,-(sp)
 163:         rtt
 164: user:
 165: / clear bss
 166:         mov     $_edata,r0
 167:         mov     $_end,r1
 168:         sub     r0,r1
 169:         inc     r1
 170:         clc
 171:         ror     r1
 172: 1:
 173:         clr     (r0)+
 174:         sob     r1,1b
 175:         mov     $_end+512.,sp
 176:         mov     sp,r5
 178:         jsr     pc,_main
 179:         mov     _cputype,r0
 180:         mov     _bootcsr,r1     / csr of boot controller (from ROMs)
 181:         mov     _bootdev,r3     / makedev(major,unit) (from ROMs & bootblock)
 182:         mov     _bootopts,r4
 183:         mov     r4,r2
 184:         com     r2              / checkword
 185:         mov     $160000,-(sp)   / set ksp to very top so that the trap
 186:         mtpi    sp              / puts the return address and psw at 157774,6
 187:         sys     0               / can't use "trap" because that's a label
 189:         br      user
 191: cpuprobe:
 192:         mov     $1f,nofault     / catch possible trap
 193:         tst     *$UBMAP         / look for unibus map
 194:         incb    _ubmap          / we've got one, note that and continue on
 195: 1:
 196:         mov     $1f,nofault
 197:         tst     *$KDSA6         / look for split I/D
 198:         incb    _sep_id
 199: 1:
 200:         mov     $nomfpt,nofault / catch possible fault from instruction
 201:         mfpt                    / 23/24, 44, and KDJ-11 have this instruction
 202:         cmp     r0,$1           / 44?
 203:         bne     1f              / no - br
 204:         mov     $1,*$MSCR       / disable cache parity traps
 205:         mov     $44.,_cputype
 206:         rts     pc
 207: 1:
 208:         cmp     r0,$5           / KDJ-11?
 209:         bne     2f              / no - br
 210:         mov     *$MAINT,r0      / get system maint register
 211:         ash     $-4,r0          / move down and
 212:         bic     $177760,r0      /  isolate the module id
 213:         mov     $1,*$MSCR       / disable cache parity traps
 214:         movb    j11typ(r0),r0   / lookup cpu type
 215:         movb    _ubmap,r1       / unibus?
 216:         beq     1f              / nope - br
 217:         bis     $2,*$MSCR       / disable unibus traps
 218: 1:
 219:         add     r1,r0           / bump the cpu type (93 -> 94, 83 ->84)
 220:         br      out
 221: 2:
 222:         cmp     r0,$3           / 23 or 24?
 223:         bne     nomfpt          / mfpt returned other than 1,3,5 - HELP!
 224:         mov     $23.,r0         / assume 23
 225:         movb    _ubmap,r1       / add in...
 226:         add     r1,r0           / the unibus flag (23 -> 24)
 227:         br      out
 228: nomfpt:
 229:         tstb    _sep_id         / split I/D present?
 230:         beq     2f              / no - br
 231:         mov     $45.,r0         / assume 45
 232:         tstb    _ubmap          / is that correct?
 233:         beq     out             / yes - br
 234:         mov     $3,*$MSCR       / disable unibus and cache traps
 235:         mov     $70.,r0
 236:         br      out
 237: 2:
 238:         mov     $40.,r0         / assume 40
 239:         mov     $out,nofault
 240:         tst     *$MSCR          / 60 has MSCR, 40 doesn't
 241:         mov     $60.,r0
 242:         mov     $1,*$MSCR
 243: out:
 244:         mov     r0,_cputype
 245:         rts     pc
 247: setseg:
 248:         mov     $8,r0
 249: 1:
 250:         mov     r1,(r3)+
 251:         add     $200,r1
 252:         mov     r2,(r4)+
 253:         sob     r0,1b
 254:         rts     pc
 256: .globl  _setseg
 257: _setseg:
 258:         mov     2(sp),r1
 259:         mov     r2,-(sp)
 260:         mov     r3,-(sp)
 261:         mov     r4,-(sp)
 262:         mov     $77406,r2
 263:         mov     $KISA0,r3
 264:         mov     $KISD0,r4
 265:         jsr     pc,setseg
 266:         tstb    _ksep
 267:         bne     1f
 268:         mov     $IO,-(r3)
 269: 1:
 270:         mov     (sp)+,r4
 271:         mov     (sp)+,r3
 272:         mov     (sp)+,r2
 273:         rts     pc
 275: .globl  _setnosep
 276: _setnosep:
 277:         bic     $4,SSR3 / turn off kernel i/d sep
 278:         clrb    _ksep
 279:         rts pc
 281: .globl  _setsep
 282: _setsep:
 283:         bis     $4,SSR3 / turn on kernel i/d sep (if not already)
 284:         movb    $1,_ksep
 285:         rts pc
 287: / clrseg(addr,count)
 288: .globl  _clrseg
 289: _clrseg:
 290:         mov     4(sp),r0
 291:         asr     r0
 292:         bic     $!77777,r0
 293:         beq     2f
 294:         mov     2(sp),r1
 295: 1:
 296:         clr     -(sp)
 297:         mtpi    (r1)+
 298:         sob     r0,1b
 299: 2:
 300:         rts     pc
 302: / mtpd(word,addr)
 303: .globl  _mtpd
 304: _mtpd:
 305:         mov     4(sp),r0
 306:         mov     2(sp),-(sp)
 307:         mtpd    (r0)+
 308:         rts     pc
 310: / mtpi(word,addr)
 311: .globl  _mtpi
 312: _mtpi:
 313:         mov     4(sp),r0
 314:         mov     2(sp),-(sp)
 315:         mtpi    (r0)+
 316:         rts     pc
 318: .globl  __rtt
 319: __rtt:
 320:         br      .               / Can't do halt because that is an illegal
 321:                                 /   instruction in 'user mode' (which Boot
 322:                                 /   runs in).
 324:         .globl  _trap
 326: trap:
 327:         mov     *$PS,-(sp)
 328:         tst     nofault
 329:         bne     3f
 330:         mov     r0,-(sp)
 331:         mov     r1,-(sp)
 332:         jsr     pc,_trap
 333:         mov     (sp)+,r1
 334:         mov     (sp)+,r0
 335:         tst     (sp)+
 336:         rtt
 337: 3:      tst     (sp)+
 338:         mov     nofault,(sp)
 339:         rtt
 341: PS      = 177776
 342: SSR0    = 177572
 343: SSR1    = 177574
 344: SSR2    = 177576
 345: SSR3    = 172516
 346: KISA0   = 172340
 347: KISA6   = 172354
 348: KISD0   = 172300
 349: KISD7   = 172316
 350: KDSA0   = 172360
 351: KDSA6   = 172374
 352: KDSD0   = 172320
 353: UISA0   = 177640
 354: UISD0   = 177600
 355: UDSA0   = 177660
 356: UDSD0   = 177620
 357: MSCR    = 177746        / 11/44/60/70 memory system cache control register
 358: MAINT   = 177750        / KDJ-11 system maintenance register
 359: IO      = 177600
 360: UBMAP   = 170200
 362: .data
 363: .globl  _cputype
 364: .globl  _ksep, _sep_id, _ubmap, _ssr3copy
 365: .globl  _bootopts, _bootdev, _checkword, _bootcsr, _bootctlr
 367: _ssr3copy:      .=.+2   / copy of SSR3.  Always 0 in Boot because that runs
 368:                         / in user mode.  The standalone utilities which run
 369:                         / in kernel mode have their copy of SSR3 in srt0.s
 370: nofault:        .=.+2   / where to go on predicted trap
 371: _cputype:       .=.+2   / cpu type
 372: _sep_id:        .=.+1   / 1 if we have separate I and D
 373: _ksep:          .=.+1   / 1 if kernel mode has sep I/D enabled
 374: _ubmap:         .=.+2   / 1 if we have a unibus map
 375: _bootopts:      .=.+2   / flags if an autoboot
 376: _bootdev:       .=.+2   / device booted from
 377: _bootcsr:       .=.+2   / csr of device booted from
 378: _bootctlr:      .=.+2   / number of controller booted from
 379: _checkword:     .=.+2   / saved r2, complement of bootopts if an autoboot
 380: j11typ: .byte 0, 73., 83., 0, 53., 93.

Defined functions

BOOTDEV defined in line 15; used 1 times
  • in line 57
BOOTOPTS defined in line 14; used 1 times
  • in line 56
CHECKWORD defined in line 16; used 1 times
  • in line 58
ENDCORE defined in line 12; used 3 times
IO defined in line 359; used 5 times
KDSA0 defined in line 350; used 1 times
KDSA6 defined in line 351; used 1 times
KDSD0 defined in line 352; used 1 times
KISA0 defined in line 346; used 2 times
KISA6 defined in line 347; never used
KISD0 defined in line 348; used 2 times
KISD7 defined in line 349; never used
MAINT defined in line 358; used 1 times
MSCR defined in line 357; used 6 times
N defined in line 96; used 2 times
PS defined in line 341; used 3 times
SSR0 defined in line 342; used 1 times
SSR1 defined in line 343; never used
SSR2 defined in line 344; never used
SSR3 defined in line 345; used 5 times
SZFLAGS defined in line 13; never used
UBMAP defined in line 360; used 1 times
UDSA0 defined in line 355; used 1 times
UDSD0 defined in line 356; used 1 times
UISA0 defined in line 353; used 1 times
  • in line 99
UISD0 defined in line 354; used 1 times
__rtt declared in line 318; defined in line 319; used 1 times
_clrseg declared in line 288; defined in line 289; used 2 times
_mtpd declared in line 303; defined in line 304; used 6 times
_mtpi declared in line 311; defined in line 312; used 2 times
_setnosep declared in line 275; defined in line 276; used 2 times
_setseg declared in line 256; defined in line 257; used 3 times
_setsep declared in line 281; defined in line 282; used 2 times
cpuprobe defined in line 191; used 1 times
  • in line 65
nomfpt defined in line 228; used 2 times
out defined in line 243; used 5 times
setseg defined in line 247; used 5 times
start defined in line 45; used 2 times
trap defined in line 326; used 6 times
tvec defined in line 31; never used
user defined in line 164; used 2 times

Defined variables

_bootcsr declared in line 365; defined in line 377; used 3 times
_bootctlr declared in line 365; defined in line 378; used 1 times
_bootdev declared in line 365; defined in line 376; used 3 times
_bootopts declared in line 365; defined in line 375; used 12 times
_checkword declared in line 365; defined in line 379; used 3 times
_cputype declared in line 363; defined in line 371; used 4 times
_ksep declared in line 364; defined in line 373; used 12 times
_sep_id declared in line 364; defined in line 372; used 9 times
_ssr3copy declared in line 364; defined in line 367; used 1 times
_ubmap declared in line 364; defined in line 374; used 8 times
j11typ defined in line 380; used 1 times
nofault defined in line 370; used 7 times
Last modified: 1995-06-06
Generated: 2016-12-26
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