1: /* $Header: ngdata.c,v 4.3 85/05/01 11:44:38 lwall Exp $
   2:  *
   3:  * $Log:	ngdata.c,v $
   4:  * Revision 4.3  85/05/01  11:44:38  lwall
   5:  * Baseline for release with 4.3bsd.
   6:  *
   7:  */
   9: #include "EXTERN.h"
  10: #include "common.h"
  11: #include "ndir.h"
  12: #include "rcstuff.h"
  13: #include "rn.h"
  14: #include "intrp.h"
  15: #include "final.h"
  16: #include "rcln.h"
  17: #include "server.h"
  18: #include "INTERN.h"
  19: #include "ngdata.h"
  21: #ifdef SERVER
  22: char    active_name[256];
  23: #endif SERVER
  25: void
  26: ngdata_init()
  27: {
  28: #ifdef SERVER
  29:     char ser_line[256];
  30:     char *cp;
  31: #endif
  32: /* The following is only for systems that do not zero globals properly */
  33: #ifdef ZEROGLOB
  34: # ifdef CACHEFIRST
  35:     for (i=0; i<MAXRCLINE; i++)
  36:     abs1st[i] = 0;
  37: # endif
  38: #endif	/* ZEROGLOB */
  40:     /* open the active file */
  42: #ifdef SERVER
  44:     put_server("LIST");     /* tell server we want the active file */
  45:     (void) get_server(ser_line, sizeof(ser_line));
  46:     if (*ser_line != CHAR_OK) {     /* and then see if that's ok */
  47:     fprintf(stdout, "Can't get active file from server: \n%s\n", ser_line);
  48:     finalize(1);
  49:     }
  51:     cp = filexp("/tmp/rrnact.%$");  /* make a temporary name */
  52:     strcpy(active_name, cp);
  53:     actfp = fopen(active_name, "w+");   /* and get ready */
  54:     if (actfp == Nullfp) {
  55:     printf(cantopen,filexp(ACTIVE)) FLUSH;
  56:     finalize(1);
  57:     }
  59:     while (get_server(ser_line, sizeof(ser_line)) >= 0) {  /* while */
  60:     if (ser_line[0] == '.')     /* there's another line */
  61:         break;          /* get it and write it to */
  62:     fputs(ser_line, actfp);
  63:     putc('\n', actfp);
  64:     }
  66:     fseek(actfp,0L,0);      /* just get to the beginning */
  68: #else not SERVER
  70:     actfp = fopen(filexp(ACTIVE),"r");
  72: #endif SERVER
  74:     if (actfp == Nullfp) {
  75:     printf(cantopen,filexp(ACTIVE)) FLUSH;
  76:     finalize(1);
  77:     }
  78: }
  80: /* find the maximum article number of a newsgroup */
  82: ART_NUM
  83: getngsize(num)
  84: register NG_NUM num;
  85: {
  86:     register int len;
  87:     register char *nam;
  88:     char tmpbuf[80];
  89:     ART_POS oldsoft;
  91:     nam = rcline[num];
  92:     len = rcnums[num] - 1;
  93:     softtries++;
  94: #ifdef DEBUGGING
  95:     if (debug & DEB_SOFT_POINTERS)
  96:     printf("Softptr = %ld\n",(long)softptr[num]) FLUSH;
  97: #endif
  98:     oldsoft = softptr[num];
  99:     if ((softptr[num] = findact(tmpbuf, nam, len, (long)oldsoft)) >= 0) {
 100:     if (softptr[num] != oldsoft) {
 101:         softmisses++;
 102:         writesoft = TRUE;
 103:     }
 104:     }
 105:     else {
 106:     softptr[num] = 0;
 107:     if (rcchar[num] == ':')     /* unsubscribe quietly */
 108:         rcchar[num] = NEGCHAR;
 109:     return TR_BOGUS;        /* well, not so quietly, actually */
 110:     }
 112: #ifdef DEBUGGING
 113:     if (debug & DEB_SOFT_POINTERS) {
 114:     printf("Should be %ld\n",(long)softptr[num]) FLUSH;
 115:     }
 116: #endif
 117: #ifdef MININACT
 118:     {
 119:     register char *s;
 120:     char *getval();
 121:     ART_NUM tmp;
 123:     for (s=tmpbuf+len+1; isdigit(*s); s++) ;
 124:     if (tmp = atol(s))
 125: #ifdef CACHEFIRST
 126:         abs1st[num] = tmp;
 127: #else
 128:         abs1st = tmp;
 129: #endif
 130:     if (!in_ng) {
 131:         for (s++; isdigit(*s); s++) ;
 132:         while (isspace(*s)) s++;
 133:         switch (*s) {
 134:         case 'n': moderated = getval("NOPOSTRING"," (no posting)"); break;
 135:         case 'm': moderated = getval("MODSTRING", " (moderated)"); break;
 136:         /* This shouldn't even occur.  What are we doing in a non-existent
 137: 	       group?  Disallow it. */
 138:         case 'x': return TR_BOGUS;
 139:         /* what should be done about refiled groups?  rn shouldn't even
 140: 	       be in them (ie, if sci.aquaria is refiled to rec.aquaria, then
 141: 	       get the news there) */
 142:         case '=': return TR_BOGUS;
 143:         default: moderated = nullstr;
 144:         }
 145:     }
 146:     }
 147: #endif
 148:     return atol(tmpbuf+len+1);
 149: }
 151: ACT_POS
 152: findact(outbuf,nam,len,suggestion)
 153: char *outbuf;
 154: char *nam;
 155: int len;
 156: long suggestion;
 157: {
 158:     ACT_POS retval;
 160:     fseek(actfp,100000L,1); /* hopefully this forces a reread */
 161:     if (suggestion == 0L || fseek(actfp,suggestion,0) < 0 ||
 162:       fgets(outbuf,80,actfp) == Nullch ||
 163:       outbuf[len] != ' ' ||
 164:       strnNE(outbuf,nam,len)) {
 165: #ifdef DEBUGGING
 166:     if (debug & DEB_SOFT_POINTERS)
 167:         printf("Missed, looking for %s in %sLen = %d\n",nam,outbuf,len)
 168:           FLUSH;
 169: #endif
 170:     fseek(actfp,0L,0);
 171: #ifndef lint
 172:     retval = (ACT_POS)ftell(actfp);
 173: #else
 174:     retval = Null(ACT_POS);
 175: #endif lint
 176:     while (fgets(outbuf,80,actfp) != Nullch) {
 177:         if (outbuf[len] == ' ' && strnEQ(outbuf,nam,len))
 178:         return retval;
 179: #ifndef lint
 180:         retval = (ACT_POS) ftell(actfp);
 181: #endif lint
 182:     }
 183:     return (ACT_POS) -1;        /* well, not so quietly, actually */
 184:     }
 185:     else
 186: #ifndef lint
 187:     return (ACT_POS) suggestion;
 188: #else
 189:     return retval;
 190: #endif lint
 191:     /*NOTREACHED*/
 192: }
 194: /* determine the absolutely first existing article number */
 196: ART_NUM
 197: getabsfirst(ngnum,ngsize)
 198: register NG_NUM ngnum;
 199: ART_NUM ngsize;
 200: {
 201:     register ART_NUM a1st;
 202: #ifndef MININACT
 203:     char dirname[MAXFILENAME];
 204: #endif
 206: #ifdef CACHEFIRST
 207:     if (a1st = abs1st[ngnum])
 208:     return a1st;
 209: #endif
 210: #ifdef MININACT
 211:     getngsize(ngnum);
 212: # ifdef CACHEFIRST
 213:     return abs1st[ngnum];
 214: # else
 215:     return abs1st;
 216: # endif
 217: #else not MININACT
 218:     sprintf(dirname,"%s/%s",spool,getngdir(rcline[ngnum]));
 219:     a1st = getngmin(dirname,0L);
 220:     if (!a1st)              /* nothing there at all? */
 221:     a1st = ngsize+1;        /* aim them at end of newsgroup */
 222: # ifdef CACHEFIRST
 223:     abs1st[ngnum] = a1st;
 224: # endif
 225:     return a1st;
 226: #endif MININACT
 227: }
 229: /* scan a directory for minimum article number greater than floor */
 231: ART_NUM
 232: getngmin(dirname,floor)
 233: char *dirname;
 234: ART_NUM floor;
 235: {
 236:     register DIR *dirp;
 237:     register struct direct *dp;
 238:     register ART_NUM min = 1000000;
 239:     register ART_NUM maybe;
 240:     register char *p;
 241:     char tmpbuf[128];
 243:     dirp = opendir(dirname);
 244:     if (!dirp)
 245:     return 0;
 246:     while ((dp = readdir(dirp)) != Null(struct direct *)) {
 247:     if ((maybe = atol(dp->d_name)) < min && maybe > floor) {
 248:         for (p = dp->d_name; *p; p++)
 249:         if (!isdigit(*p))
 250:             goto nope;
 251:         if (*dirname == '.' && !dirname[1])
 252:         stat(dp->d_name, &filestat);
 253:         else {
 254:         sprintf(tmpbuf,"%s/%s",dirname,dp->d_name);
 255:         stat(tmpbuf, &filestat);
 256:         }
 257:         if (! (filestat.st_mode & S_IFDIR))
 258:         min = maybe;
 259:     }
 260:       nope:
 261:     ;
 262:     }
 263:     closedir(dirp);
 264:     return min==1000000 ? 0 : min;
 265: }

Defined functions

findact defined in line 151; used 3 times
getabsfirst defined in line 196; used 3 times
getngmin defined in line 231; used 4 times
getngsize defined in line 82; used 6 times
ngdata_init defined in line 25; used 2 times

Defined variables

active_name defined in line 22; used 2 times
Last modified: 1992-06-12
Generated: 2016-12-26
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