1: #include "parms.h"
   2: #include "structs.h"
   3: #include <ctype.h>
   4: #include <signal.h>
   6: #ifdef  RCSIDENT
   7: static char *rcsident = "$Header: expand.c,v 85/11/08 08:10:41 notes Rel $";
   8: #endif
  10: /*
  11:  *	Routines to expand notesgroups specifications
  12:  *
  13:  *	Rick L Spickelmier, UC Berkeley
  14:  *	Lou Salkind, NYU
  15:  */
  17: #define     MAXGROUP    700         /* lots of them */
  18:                             /* was 1000 -sms */
  21: static int  seqtyp = NOSEQ;             /* sequencer mode */
  22: static int  last_group = 0;             /* active in list */
  23: static int  this_group = 0;             /* next one to show */
  24: static struct nflist_f  groups[MAXGROUP];       /* and the groups */
  26: /*
  27:  * set the sequencer type (external interface)
  28:  */
  30: setseq (i)
  31: {
  32:     seqtyp = i;
  33: }
  35: /*
  36:  * add a notesfile to the active list
  37:  */
  39: addgrp (string)
  40: char   *string;
  41: {
  42:     int     i;
  44:     /* see if it already exists */
  45:     for (i = 0; i < last_group; i++)
  46:     {
  47:     if (strcmp (groups[i].nf_name, string) == 0)
  48:     {                       /* already in table */
  49:         groups[i].nf_active = TRUE;         /* deleted earlier? */
  50:         groups[i].nf_seqmode = seqtyp;
  51:         return;
  52:     }
  53:     }
  54:     if (last_group >= MAXGROUP)
  55:     {
  56:     printf ("addgrp: array overflow, ignoring %s\n", string);
  57:     return;
  58:     }
  59:     groups[last_group].nf_active = TRUE;
  60:     groups[last_group].nf_seqmode = seqtyp;
  61:     groups[last_group++].nf_name = strsave (string);
  62: }
  64: /*
  65:  * delete the notesfile from the active list
  66:  */
  68: delgroup (string)
  69: char   *string;
  70: {
  71:     register int    i;                  /* might as well be fast */
  73:     for (i = 0; i < last_group; i++)
  74:     {
  75:     if (strcmp (groups[i].nf_name, string) == 0)
  76:     {
  77:         groups[i].nf_active = FALSE;
  78:         return;
  79:     }
  80:     }
  81: }
  83: /*
  84:  * given a command line argument, expand it into
  85:  * the appropriate sequence command or notesfile
  86:  * specification
  87:  */
  89: expand (argp)
  90: char   *argp;
  91: {
  92:     char   *endp;
  94:     while (1)                       /* do entire string */
  95:     {
  96:     while (isspace (*argp))             /* skip trash chars */
  97:         argp++;
  98:     if (*argp == '\0')              /* fell off end */
  99:         return;
 100:     endp = argp;
 101:     while (*endp)
 102:     {
 103:         if (isspace (*endp) || *endp == ',')
 104:         {
 105:         *endp++ = '\0';
 106:         break;
 107:         }
 108:         endp++;                 /* now points at next (or NULL) */
 109:     }
 111:     switch (argp[0])                /* on first character */
 112:     {
 113: /*
 114:  *	Parse options that make sense at this point.
 115:  */
 116:         case '-':                   /* options */
 117:         {
 118:             switch (argp[1])
 119:             {
 120:             case 's':           /* -S-equencer */
 121:                 seqtyp = NORMSEQ;
 122:                 break;
 123:             case 'x':           /* e-X-tended sequencer */
 124:                 seqtyp = EXTSEQ;
 125:                 break;
 126:             case 'i':           /* indexing sequencer */
 127:                 seqtyp = INDXSEQ;
 128:                 break;
 129:             case 'n':           /* -N-o sequencer */
 130:                 seqtyp = NOSEQ;
 131:                 break;
 133:             default:
 134:                 break;          /* ignore it */
 135:             }
 136:             break;
 137:         }
 139: /*
 140:  *	specified a file  the hard way (via colon).  This usually
 141:  *	happens in the NFSEQ definition
 142:  */
 144:         case ':':                   /* include a file */
 145:         readrc (&argp[1]);          /* do it */
 146:         break;
 148: /*
 149:  *	Eliminate notesfles.  If the arg is "! pattern", we remove the
 150:  *	notesfiles that "pattern" matches from the list of notesfiles
 151:  *	to read.
 152:  *
 153:  */
 154:         case '!':                   /* eliminate notesfiles */
 155:         {
 156:             if (patcheck (&argp[1]))        /* wildcard */
 157:             dopat (&argp[1], delgroup);
 158:             else
 159:             delgroup (&argp[1]);
 160:             break;
 161:         }
 162: /*
 163:  *	Anything else is just a "pattern" and specifies some notesfiles
 164:  *	to be added to the list.
 165:  */
 166:         default:                    /* add notesfiles */
 167:         {
 168:             if (patcheck (argp))        /* wildcard check */
 169:             dopat (argp, addgrp);
 170:             else
 171:             addgrp (argp);
 172:             break;
 173:         }
 174:     }
 175:     argp = endp;
 176:     }
 177:                             /* NOT REACHED */
 178: }
 180: /*
 181:  * read a file which contains the command line arguments
 182:  */
 184: readrc (s)
 185: char   *s;
 186: {
 187:     FILE * f;
 188:     char    buf[BUFSIZ];
 190:     if ((f = fopen (s, "r")) == NULL)
 191:     {
 192:     fprintf (stderr, "%s: unable to read file ", Invokedas);
 193:     perror (s);                 /* and the error */
 194:     return (-1);
 195:     }
 196:     while (fgets (buf, sizeof buf - 1, f))
 197:     expand (buf);
 198:     fclose (f);
 199:     return (0);
 200: }
 202: /*
 203:  *	return the next active notesfile in the list
 204:  */
 206: struct nflist_f *nextgroup ()
 207: {
 208:     while           (this_group < last_group)
 209:     {
 210:     if              (groups[this_group].nf_active)
 211:                         return (&groups[this_group++]);/* give it */
 212:     else
 213:         this_group++;               /* try another */
 214:     }
 215:     return ((struct nflist_f *) NULL);          /* no more */
 216: }

Defined functions

addgrp defined in line 39; used 2 times
delgroup defined in line 68; used 2 times
setseq defined in line 30; used 2 times

Defined variables

groups defined in line 24; used 10 times
last_group defined in line 22; used 7 times
rcsident defined in line 7; never used
seqtyp defined in line 21; used 7 times
this_group defined in line 23; used 4 times

Defined macros

MAXGROUP defined in line 17; used 2 times
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