1: #include    "parms.h"
   2: #include    "structs.h"
   4: #ifdef  RCSIDENT
   5: static char rcsid[] = "$Header: dsply.c,v 86/10/12 20:20:17 notes Rel $";
   6: #endif	RCSIDENT
   9: /*
  10:  * dspnote(io,note) struct io_f *io; struct note_f *note;
  11:  *
  12:  *    displays a completely formatted note on the screen.  It calls
  13:  *    gettrec to get the text of the note.
  14:  *
  15:  * dspresp(io,note,resp,phys,logical) is a little trickier.
  16:  *
  17:  *   it prints out the response to <note> from response form <resp>
  18:  *   (at index of <resp> of <phys>).  <logical> is the logical number
  19:  *   of the note and is displayed.
  20:  *
  21:  *	Original coding:	Rob Kolstad	Winter 1980
  22:  *	Modified:		Ray Essick	December 1981
  23:  *		- reordered display so went top to bottom, left to right
  24:  *		- to facilitate use on dumb terminals (or tty's)
  25:  */
  27: static char *Anon = "Anonymous";
  28: static char *Fromnews = "(From News system)";
  29: static char *Continued = "-- %2d%% [%ld/%ld] --";
  32: dspnote (io, note, notenum)
  33: struct io_f *io;
  34: struct note_f  *note;
  35: {
  36:     int     c,                      /* character temp */
  37:             Rotate;                 /* whether rotated */
  38:     long    where;                  /* for seeking */
  39:     struct dsply_f  dispbuf;
  40:     long    pagecnt[PAGESAV + 1];
  41:     int     pagesout;
  44:     Rotate = 0;                     /* default non-rotated */
  45:     io -> nnotread++;                   /* bump count of notes read */
  46:     pagesout = 0;
  47:     pagecnt[pagesout] = 0;
  49:     if (note -> n_addr.addr == 0)
  50:     dispbuf.d_head.textlen = 0;         /* empty text */
  51:     else
  52:     {
  53:     x (lseek (io -> fidtxt, note -> n_addr.addr, 0) != note -> n_addr.addr,
  54:         "dsply: bad note seek");
  55:     dispbuf.d_head = note -> n_addr;        /* get header info */
  56:     }
  58:     dispbuf.outcount = dispbuf.optr = dispbuf.olim = 0; /* fix buffer */
  59:     do                          /* always show the first page */
  60:                             /* display loop */
  61:     {
  62:     erase ();                   /* write header crap */
  63:     at (1, 1);
  64:     if (notenum != 0)
  65:     {
  66:         if (dispbuf.outcount)           /* nth page */
  67:         printf ("[Continued] ");
  68:         printf ("Note %d", notenum);
  69:     }
  70:     center (io -> descr.d_title, NNLEN, 1, 40 - NNLEN / 2);
  71:     if (note -> n_nresp > 0)
  72:     {
  73:         at (1, 67);
  74:         printf ("%d response", note -> n_nresp);
  75:         if (note -> n_nresp > 1)
  76:         printf ("s");
  77:     }
  78:     at (2, 1);
  79:     printf ("%s", note -> n_auth.aname);
  80:     center (note -> ntitle, TITLEN, 2, 40 - TITLEN / 2);
  81:     at (2, 59);
  82:     prdate (&note -> n_date);
  83:     if (strcmp (Authsystem, note -> n_auth.asystem) && strcmp (Anon, note -> n_auth.aname))
  84:     {
  85:         at (3, 1);
  86:         printf ("(at %s)", note -> n_auth.asystem); /* print system name if not local */
  87:     }
  88:     if (note -> n_stat & DIRMES)
  89:         center (io -> descr.d_drmes, DMLEN, 3, 40 - DMLEN / 2);
  90:     else
  91:         if (note -> n_stat & ORPHND)
  92:         {
  93:         at (3, 29);
  94:         printf ("-- (Foster Parent) --");
  95:         }
  96:         else
  97:         if (note -> n_stat & WRITONLY)
  98:         {
  99:             at (3, 31);
 100:             printf ("-- (Write Only) --");
 101:         }
 102:     if (note -> n_stat & FRMNEWS)
 103:     {
 104:         at (3, 59);
 105:         printf ("%s", Fromnews);
 106:     }
 107:     if (dispbuf.d_head.textlen == 0)
 108:     {
 109:         c = (-1);
 110:         break;                  /* header is it for empties */
 111:     }
 112:     at (4, 1);
 113:     putc ('\n', stdout);                /* make sure soft-tabs work */
 114:     c = showit (io, &dispbuf, Rotate);
 115:     switch (c)
 116:     {
 117:         case ' ':                   /* wants the next page */
 118:         if (pagesout < PAGESAV)
 119:             pagecnt[++pagesout] = dispbuf.outcount;
 120:                             /* save new start */
 121:         break;
 123:         case '-':                   /* go back to previous */
 124:         case '\b':                  /* backspace has same function */
 125:         if (pagesout-- == 0)
 126:             return c;               /* pass the buck */
 127:         goto replot;                /* else fall into replot */
 129: #ifdef  ROTATE
 130:         case 'R':                   /* rot-13 the text */
 131:         Rotate = !Rotate;           /* toggle */
 132:                             /* and fall into re-plot */
 133: #endif	ROTATE
 134:     replot:                     /* nasty goto label */
 135:         case 'r':
 136:         case '\014':                /* control-L too */
 137:         dispbuf.optr = dispbuf.olim = 0;
 138:         dispbuf.outcount = pagecnt[pagesout];
 139:         where = dispbuf.d_head.addr + dispbuf.outcount;
 140:         x (lseek (io -> fidtxt, where, 0) < 0, "dspnote: bad seek");
 141:         break;                  /* are all set now */
 144:         default:                    /* pass the buck */
 145:         return c;
 146:     }
 147:     } while (dispbuf.outcount < dispbuf.d_head.textlen);
 149:     return c;                       /* didn't field a command */
 150: }
 152: /*
 153:  *	Code to print the header and manage the paging of a response
 154:  *	It calls the "showit" routine to print pages of text
 155:  */
 157: dspresp (io, note, resp, phys, logical, notenum)
 158: struct io_f *io;
 159: struct note_f  *note;
 160: struct resp_f  *resp;
 161: {
 162:     int     c;
 163:     int     Rotate;                 /* whether rotated */
 164:     struct dsply_f  dispbuf;
 166:     long    where,
 167:             pagecnt[PAGESAV + 1];           /* stack for backing up */
 168:     int     pagesout;
 170:     Rotate = 0;                     /* default non-rotated */
 171:     io -> nrspread++;                   /* bump count or responses read */
 172:     pagesout = 0;
 173:     pagecnt[pagesout] = 0;
 176:     if (resp -> r_addr[phys].addr == 0)
 177:     dispbuf.d_head.textlen = 0;         /* so can get a header */
 178:     else
 179:     {
 180:     x (lseek (io -> fidtxt, resp -> r_addr[phys].addr, 0) != resp -> r_addr[phys].addr,
 181:         "dspresp: bad resp seek");
 182:     dispbuf.d_head = resp -> r_addr[phys];      /* get header info */
 183:     }
 185:     dispbuf.outcount = dispbuf.optr = dispbuf.olim = 0; /* fix buffer */
 186:     do                          /* always make 1 pass */
 187:     {
 188:     erase ();                   /* paint the header */
 189:     at (1, 1);
 190:     if (dispbuf.outcount)               /* nth page */
 191:         printf ("[Continued] ");
 192:     printf ("Note %d", notenum);
 193:     center (io -> descr.d_title, NNLEN, 1, 40 - NNLEN / 2);
 194:     at (2, 1);
 195:     printf ("%s", resp -> r_auth[phys].aname);
 196:     at (2, 31);
 197:     printf ("Response %2d of %2d", logical, note -> n_nresp);
 198:     at (2, 59);
 199:     prdate (&resp -> r_when[phys]);
 200:     if (strcmp (Authsystem, resp -> r_auth[phys].asystem) != 0 && strcmp (Anon, resp -> r_auth[phys].aname) != 0)
 201:     {
 202:         at (3, 1);
 203:         printf ("(at %s)", resp -> r_auth[phys].asystem);/* print sys name if not here */
 204:     }
 205:     if (resp -> r_stat[phys] & DIRMES)
 206:         center (io -> descr.d_drmes, DMLEN, 3, 40 - DMLEN / 2);
 207:     if (resp -> r_stat[phys] & FRMNEWS)
 208:     {
 209:         at (3, 59);
 210:         printf ("%s", Fromnews);
 211:     }
 212:     if (dispbuf.d_head.textlen == 0)
 213:     {
 214:         c = (-1);
 215:         break;                  /* header is all for empties */
 216:     }
 217:     at (4, 1);
 218:     putc ('\n', stdout);                /* make sure soft-tabs work */
 219:     c = showit (io, &dispbuf, Rotate);
 220:     switch (c)
 221:     {
 222:         case ' ':                   /* wants the next page */
 223:         if (pagesout < PAGESAV)
 224:             pagecnt[++pagesout] = dispbuf.outcount;
 225:                             /* save new start */
 226:         break;
 228:         case '-':                   /* go back to previous */
 229:         case '\b':                  /* backspace does the same thing */
 230:         if (pagesout-- == 0)
 231:             return c;               /* pass the buck */
 232:         goto replot;                /* else fall into replot */
 234: #ifdef  ROTATE
 235:         case 'R':                   /* rot-13 the text */
 236:         Rotate = !Rotate;           /* toggle */
 237:                             /* and fall into re-plot */
 238: #endif	ROTATE
 239:     replot:                     /* nasty goto label */
 240:         case 'r':
 241:         case '\014':                /* control-L too */
 242:         dispbuf.optr = dispbuf.olim = 0;
 243:         dispbuf.outcount = pagecnt[pagesout];
 244:         where = dispbuf.d_head.addr + dispbuf.outcount;
 245:         x (lseek (io -> fidtxt, where, 0) < 0, "dspnote: bad seek");
 246:         break;                  /* are all set now */
 249:         default:                    /* pass the buck */
 250:         return c;
 251:     }
 252:     } while (dispbuf.outcount < dispbuf.d_head.textlen);
 254:     return c;                       /* didn't field a command */
 255: }
 256: /*
 257:  *	showit
 258:  *
 259:  *	accepts a pointer to a dsply_f and dumps text until runs out
 260:  *	or the screen is filled.
 261:  *	Counts things like lines, columns, and also prints a "more" line
 262:  *
 263:  *	Ray Essick	June 15, 1982
 264:  */
 266: showit (io, dbuf, Rotate)
 267: struct io_f *io;
 268: struct dsply_f *dbuf;
 269: int     Rotate;
 270: {
 271:     int     lines,
 272:             wides;                  /* screen fill stuff */
 273:     int     c;
 274:     int     onechar;
 276:     lines = 4;                      /* header eats 4 */
 277:     wides = 0;                      /* start in col 1 */
 278:     while (lines < nrows - 1 && dbuf -> outcount < dbuf -> d_head.textlen)
 279:     {
 280:     if (intflag)                    /* user abort? */
 281:     {
 282:         intflag = 0;
 283:         return (-1);                /* back to key processing */
 284:     }
 285:     if (dbuf -> optr == dbuf -> olim)       /* buffer is empty */
 286:     {
 287:         x ((dbuf -> olim = read (io -> fidtxt, dbuf -> d_buf.txtbuf, BUFSIZE)) < 0, "dspnote: text read");
 288:         dbuf -> optr = 0;
 289:     }
 290: #ifdef  ROTATE
 291:     if (Rotate)
 292:     {
 293:         register char   cc;
 294:         cc = dbuf -> d_buf.txtbuf[dbuf -> optr];
 295:         if ((cc >= 'a' && cc <= 'm') || (cc >= 'A' && cc <= 'M'))
 296:         cc += ROTATE;
 297:         else
 298:         if ((cc >= 'n' && cc <= 'z') || (cc >= 'N' && cc <= 'Z'))
 299:             cc -= ROTATE;
 300:         onechar = cc;
 301:     }
 302:     else
 303: #endif	ROTATE
 304:     {
 305:         onechar = dbuf -> d_buf.txtbuf[dbuf -> optr];
 306:     }
 307:                             /* show the character */
 308:     dbuf -> optr++;                 /* advance ptr */
 309:     dbuf -> outcount++;
 310:     /*
 311: 	 * look at the output character and do any massaging
 312: 	 */
 313:     if (onechar != '\014')              /* suppress ^l */
 314:         putc (onechar, stdout);
 315:     switch (onechar)                /* some special chars */
 316:     {
 317:         case '\n':                  /* next line */
 318:         if (isinput ())             /* PLATO-brand erase-abort */
 319:             goto exisho;
 320:         wides = 0;
 321:         lines++;
 322:         break;
 324:         case '\014':                /* force next page */
 325:         lines = nrows;              /* forces loop exit */
 326:         break;
 328:         case '\t':                  /* almost forgot tabs */
 329:         wides += (8 - (wides % 8));     /* tab stops */
 330:         break;
 332:         case '\b':                  /* perverts using backspaces */
 333:         wides--;
 334:         break;
 336:         default:                    /* dull characters */
 337:         wides++;
 338:         break;
 339:     }
 340:     if (wides >= ncols)             /* test line overflow */
 341:     {
 342:         lines++;
 343:         wides = 0;
 344:     }
 345:     }
 346: exisho:                         /* typeahead exit */
 347:     if (dbuf -> outcount < dbuf -> d_head.textlen)
 348:     {
 349:     at (0, 52);
 350:     printf (Continued,
 351:         (int) ((long) (dbuf -> outcount * 100L)
 352:             / (long) dbuf -> d_head.textlen),
 353:         (long) dbuf -> outcount, (long) dbuf -> d_head.textlen);
 354:     }
 355:     at (0, 1);                      /* grab command */
 356: #ifdef PROMPT
 357:     printf ("%s", PROMPT);
 358: #endif
 359:     c = gchar ();                   /* grab command */
 360:     printf ("\b \b");
 361:     return c;                       /* so let caller handle it */
 362: }

Defined functions

dspresp defined in line 157; used 1 times
showit defined in line 266; used 2 times

Defined variables

Anon defined in line 27; used 2 times
Continued defined in line 29; used 1 times
Fromnews defined in line 28; used 2 times
rcsid defined in line 5; never used
Last modified: 1986-10-13
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
page hit count: 3158
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