1: /***************************************************************************
   2:  * This program is Copyright (C) 1986, 1987, 1988 by Jonathan Payne.  JOVE *
   3:  * is provided to you without charge, and with no warranty.  You may give  *
   4:  * away copies of JOVE, including sources, provided that this notice is    *
   5:  * included in all the files.                                              *
   6:  ***************************************************************************/
   8: /* jove.h header file to be included by EVERYONE */
  11: #include <setjmp.h>
  13: #ifndef TUNED
  14: #   include "tune.h"
  15: #endif
  17: #ifndef MAC
  18: #	include <sys/types.h>
  19: #else
  20: #	include <types.h>
  21: #endif
  24: #ifdef MSDOS
  25: #include <string.h>
  26: #endif
  29: #if !(defined(MSDOS) || defined(MAC))
  30: #define void int
  31: #endif
  33: #if !(defined(IBMPC) || defined(MAC))
  34: #	define TERMCAP
  35: #	define ASCII
  36: #endif
  38: #ifdef ASCII    /* seven bit characters */
  39: #	define NCHARS 0200
  40: #else
  41: #	define NCHARS 0400
  42: #endif
  43: #define CHARMASK (NCHARS -1)
  45: #define private static
  47: #ifndef BSD4_2
  48: #   ifdef MENLO_JCL
  49: #	ifndef EUNICE
  50: #		define signal    sigset
  51: #	endif
  52: #   endif /* MENLO_JCL */
  53: #endif
  55: #define EOF -1
  57: #ifdef MSDOS
  58: #	define NULL   ((char *)0)
  59: #	define NIL    ((char *)0)
  60: #else
  61: #	ifdef MAC
  62: #		define NULL 0L
  63: #		define NIL 0L
  64: #	else
  65: #		define NULL 0
  66: #		define NIL 0
  67: #	endif /* MAC */
  68: #endif /* MSDOS */
  69: /* kinds of regular expression compiles */
  70: #define NORM    0   /* nothing special */
  71: #define OKAY_RE 1   /* allow regular expressions */
  72: #define IN_CB   2   /* in curly brace; implies OKAY_RE */
  74: /* return codes for command completion (all < 0 because >= 0 are
  75:    legitimate offsets into array of strings */
  77: #define AMBIGUOUS   -2  /* matches more than one at this point */
  78: #define UNIQUE      -3  /* matches only one string */
  79: #define ORIGINAL    -4  /* matches no strings at all! */
  80: #define NULLSTRING  -5  /* just hit return without typing anything */
  82: /* values for the `flags' argument to complete */
  83: #define NOTHING     0   /* opposite of RET_STATE */
  84: #define RET_STATE   1   /* return state when we hit return */
  85: #define RCOMMAND    2   /* we are reading a joverc file */
  86: #define CASEIND     4   /* map all to lower case */
  88: #define SAVE        01  /* this macro needs saving to a file */
  90: #define LBSIZE      BUFSIZ  /* same as a logical disk block */
  91: #ifndef MSDOS
  92: #define FILESIZE    256
  93: #else /* MSDOS */
  94: #define FILESIZE    64
  95: #endif /* MSDOS */
  97: #define FORWARD     1
  98: #define BACKWARD    -1
 100: #define CTL(c)      (c & 037)
 101: #define META(c)     (c | 0200)
 102: #define RUBOUT      '\177'
 103: #define LF      CTL('J')
 104: #define CR      CTL('M')
 105: #define BS      CTL('H')
 106: #define ESC     '\033'
 108: #define HALF(wp)    ((wp->w_height - 1) / 2)
 109: #define IsModified(b)   (b->b_modified)
 110: #define SIZE(wp)    (wp->w_height - 1)
 111: #define SavLine(a, b)   (a->l_dline = putline(b))
 112: #define SetLine(line)   DotTo(line, 0)
 113: #define bobp()      (firstp(curline) && bolp())
 114: #define bolp()      (curchar == 0)
 115: #define eobp()      (lastp(curline) && eolp())
 116: #define eolp()      (linebuf[curchar] == '\0')
 117: #define firstp(line)    (line == curbuf->b_first)
 118: #define getDOT()    getline(curline->l_dline, linebuf)
 119: #define isdirty(line)   (line->l_dline & DIRTY)
 120: #define lastp(line) (line == curbuf->b_last)
 121: #define makedirty(line) line->l_dline |= DIRTY
 122: #define one_windp() (fwind->w_next == fwind)
 124: #define CharUpcase(c)   (CaseEquiv[c])
 126: extern int  BufSize;
 128: #define ARG_CMD     1
 129: #define LINECMD     2
 130: #define KILLCMD     3   /* so we can merge kills */
 131: #define YANKCMD     4   /* so we can do ESC Y (yank-pop) */
 133: /* Buffer type */
 135: #define B_SCRATCH   1   /* for internal things, e.g. minibuffer ... */
 136: #define B_FILE      2   /* normal file (We Auto-save these.) */
 137: #define B_PROCESS   3   /* process output in this buffer */
 139: /* Major modes */
 140: #define FUNDAMENTAL 0   /* Fundamental mode */
 141: #define TEXT        1   /* Text mode */
 142: #define CMODE       2   /* C mode */
 143: #ifdef LISP
 144: #	define LISPMODE       3   /* Lisp mode */
 145: #	define NMAJORS        4
 146: #else
 147: #	define NMAJORS    3
 148: #endif
 150: /* Minor Modes */
 151: #define Indent      (1 << 0)    /* indent same as previous line after return */
 152: #define ShowMatch   (1 << 1)    /* paren flash mode */
 153: #define Fill        (1 << 2)    /* text fill mode */
 154: #define OverWrite   (1 << 3)    /* over write mode */
 155: #define Abbrev      (1 << 4)    /* abbrev mode */
 157: #define BufMinorMode(b, x)  (b->b_minor & x)
 159: #define MinorMode(x)    BufMinorMode(curbuf, x)
 160: #define MajorMode(x)    (curbuf->b_major == x)
 161: #define SetMajor(x) ((curbuf->b_major = x), UpdModLine = YES)
 163: extern char CharTable[NMAJORS][NCHARS];
 164: extern char CaseEquiv[NCHARS];
 166: /* setjmp/longjmp args for DoKeys() mainjmp */
 167: #define FIRSTCALL   0
 168: #define ERROR       1
 169: #define COMPLAIN    2   /* do the error without a getDOT */
 170: #define QUIT        3   /* leave this level of recursion */
 172: #define QUIET       1   /* sure, why not? */
 174: #define YES     1
 175: #define NO      0
 176: #define TRUE        1
 177: #define FALSE       0
 178: #define ON      1
 179: #define OFF     0
 180: #define YES_NODIGIT 2
 182: #define INT_OKAY    0
 183: #define INT_BAD     -1
 185: extern char *Mainbuf,
 186:         *HomeDir,   /* home directory */
 187:         key_strokes[],  /* strokes that make up current command */
 188:         *Inputp;
 190: extern int  HomeLen;    /* length of home directory */
 192: extern char NullStr[];
 194: #if defined(VMUNIX)||defined(MSDOS)
 195: extern char genbuf[LBSIZE],
 196:         linebuf[LBSIZE],
 197:         iobuff[LBSIZE];
 198: #else
 199: extern char *genbuf,    /* scratch pad points at s_genbuf (see main()) */
 200:         *linebuf,   /* points at s_linebuf */
 201:         *iobuff;    /* for file reading ... points at s_iobuff */
 202: #endif
 204: extern int  InJoverc,
 205:         Interactive;
 207: #define READ    0
 208: #define WRITE   1
 209: extern int  errno;
 211: extern jmp_buf  mainjmp;
 213: #ifdef IPROCS
 214: typedef struct process  Process;
 215: #endif
 216: typedef struct window   Window;
 217: typedef struct position Bufpos;
 218: typedef struct mark Mark;
 219: typedef struct buffer   Buffer;
 220: typedef struct line Line;
 221: typedef struct iobuf    IOBUF;
 222: typedef struct data_obj {
 223:     int Type;
 224:     char    *Name;
 225: } data_obj; /* points to cmd, macro, or variable */
 227: typedef data_obj    *keymap[NCHARS];
 229: struct line {
 230:     Line    *l_prev,        /* pointer to prev */
 231:         *l_next;        /* pointer to next */
 232:     disk_line   l_dline;    /* pointer to disk location */
 233: };
 235: #ifdef IPROCS
 236: struct process {
 237:     Process *p_next;
 238: #ifdef PIPEPROCS
 239:     int p_toproc,   /* read p_fromproc and write p_toproc */
 240:         p_portpid,  /* pid of child (the portsrv) */
 241:         p_pid;      /* pid of real child i.e. not portsrv */
 242: #else
 243:     int p_fd,       /* file descriptor of pty? opened r/w */
 244:         p_pid;      /* pid of child (the shell) */
 245: #endif
 246:     Buffer  *p_buffer;  /* add output to end of this buffer */
 247:     char    *p_name;    /* ... */
 248:     char    p_state,    /* State */
 249:         p_howdied,  /* Killed? or Exited? */
 250:         p_reason;   /* If signaled, p_reason is the signal; else
 251: 				   it is the the exit code */
 252:     Mark    *p_mark;    /* where output left us */
 253:     data_obj
 254:         *p_cmd;     /* command to call when process dies */
 255: };
 256: #endif /* IPROCS */
 258: struct window {
 259:     Window  *w_prev,    /* circular list */
 260:         *w_next;
 261:     Buffer  *w_bufp;    /* buffer associated with this window */
 262:     Line    *w_top,     /* top line */
 263:         *w_line;    /* current line */
 264:     int w_char,
 265:         w_height,   /* window height */
 266:         w_topnum,   /* line number of the topline */
 267:         w_dotcol,   /* UpdWindow sets this ... */
 268:         w_dotline,  /* ... and this */
 269:         w_flags,
 270: #define W_TOPGONE   01
 271: #define W_CURGONE   02  /* topline (curline) of window has been deleted
 272: 				   since the last time a redisplay was called */
 273: #define W_VISSPACE  04
 274: #define W_NUMLINES  010
 275:         w_LRscroll; /* amount of LeftRight scrolling in window */
 276: #ifdef MAC
 277:     int w_topline;  /* row number of top line in window */
 278:     char **w_control;   /* scroll bar for window */
 279: #endif
 280: };
 282: extern Window   *fwind,     /* first window in list */
 283:         *curwind;   /* current window */
 285: struct position {
 286:     Line    *p_line;
 287:     int p_char;
 288: };
 290: struct mark {
 291:     Line    *m_line;
 292:     int m_char;
 293:     Mark    *m_next;    /* list of marks */
 294: #define M_FIXED     00
 295: #define M_FLOATER   01
 296: #define M_BIG_DELETE    02
 297:     char    m_flags;    /* FLOATERing mark? */
 298: };
 300: struct buffer {
 301: #ifdef MAC
 302:     int Type;       /* kludge... to look like a data_obj */
 303:     char *Name;     /* Name will not be used */
 304: #endif
 305:     Buffer  *b_next;        /* next buffer in chain */
 306:     char    *b_name,        /* buffer name */
 307:         *b_fname;       /* file name associated with buffer */
 308:     dev_t   b_dev;          /* device of file name. */
 309:     ino_t   b_ino;          /* inode of file name */
 310:     time_t  b_mtime;        /* last modify time ...
 311: 					   to detect two people writing
 312: 					   to the same file */
 313:     Line    *b_first,       /* pointer to first line in list */
 314:         *b_dot,         /* current line */
 315:         *b_last;        /* last line in list */
 316:     int b_char;         /* current character in line */
 318: #define NMARKS  8           /* number of marks in the ring */
 320:     Mark    *b_markring[NMARKS],    /* new marks are pushed here */
 321:         *b_marks;       /* all the marks for this buffer */
 322:     char    b_themark,      /* current mark (in b_markring) */
 323:         b_type,         /* file, scratch, process, iprocess */
 324:         b_ntbf,         /* needs to be found when we
 325: 					   first select? */
 326:         b_modified;     /* is the buffer modified? */
 327:     int b_major,        /* major mode */
 328:         b_minor;        /* and minor mode */
 329:     keymap  *b_keybinds;        /* local bindings (if any) */
 330: #ifdef IPROCS
 331:     Process *b_process;     /* process we're attached to */
 332: #endif
 333: };
 335: struct macro {
 336:     int Type;       /* in this case a macro */
 337:     char    *Name;      /* name is always second ... */
 338:     int m_len,      /* length of macro so we can use ^@ */
 339:         m_buflen,   /* memory allocated for it */
 340:         m_flags;
 341:     char    *m_body;    /* actual body of the macro */
 342:     struct macro
 343:         *m_nextm;
 344: };
 346: struct variable {
 347:     int Type;       /* in this case a variable */
 348:     char    *Name;      /* name is always second */
 349:     int *v_value,
 350:         v_flags;
 351: };
 353: struct cmd {
 354:     int Type;
 355:     char    *Name;
 356: #ifdef MAC
 357:     void (*c_proc)();
 358: #else
 359:     int (*c_proc)();
 360: #endif
 361: #ifdef MAC
 362:     char c_map;         /* prefix map for About Jove... */
 363:     char c_key;         /* key binding for About Jove... */
 364: #endif
 365: };
 367: extern keymap   mainmap,    /* various key maps */
 368:         pref1map,
 369:         pref2map,
 370:         miscmap;
 371: #ifdef MAC                  /* used in About Jove... */
 372:     #define F_MAINMAP '\001'
 373:     #define F_PREF1MAP '\002'
 374:     #define F_PREF2MAP '\003'
 375: #endif
 377: extern data_obj *LastCmd;   /* last command invoked */
 379: extern char *ProcFmt;
 381: extern struct cmd   commands[];
 382: extern struct macro *macros;
 383: extern struct variable  variables[];
 385: extern struct macro
 386:     *macstack[],
 387:     KeyMacro;
 389: #define FUNCTION    1
 390: #define VARIABLE    2
 391: #define MACRO       3
 392: #ifdef MAC
 393: #	define BUFFER     6   /* menus can point to buffers, too */
 394: #	define STRING     7   /* a menu string or divider */
 395: #endif
 397: #define TYPEMASK    07
 398: #define MAJOR_MODE  010
 399: #define MINOR_MODE  020
 400: #define DefMajor(x) (FUNCTION|MAJOR_MODE|(x << 8))
 401: #define DefMinor(x) (FUNCTION|MINOR_MODE|(x << 8))
 403: extern Buffer   *world,     /* first buffer */
 404:         *curbuf;    /* pointer into world for current buffer */
 406: #define curline curbuf->b_dot
 407: #define curchar curbuf->b_char
 409: #define NUMKILLS    10  /* number of kills saved in the kill ring */
 411: #ifdef MAC      /* when doing ~DIRTY, we need high bits set */
 412: #	define DIRTY  (disk_line) 01  /* just needs updating for some reason */
 413: #else
 414: #	define DIRTY  01  /* just needs updating for some reason */
 415: #endif
 416: #define MODELINE    02  /* this is a modeline */
 417: #define L_MOD       04  /* this line has been modified internally */
 419: struct scrimage {
 420:     int s_offset,   /* offset to start printing at */
 421:         s_flags,    /* various flags */
 422:         s_id,       /* which buffer line */
 423:         s_vln;      /* Visible Line Number */
 424:     Line    *s_lp;      /* so we can turn off red bit */
 425:     Window  *s_window;  /* window that contains this line */
 426: };
 428: extern struct scrimage
 429:     *DesiredScreen,     /* what we want */
 430:     *PhysScreen;        /* what we got */
 432: /* Variable flags (that can be set). */
 433: #define V_BASE10    01  /* is integer in base 10 */
 434: #define V_BASE8     02  /* is integer in base 8 */
 435: #define V_BOOL      04  /* is a boolean */
 436: #define V_STRING    010 /* is a string */
 437: #define V_CHAR      020 /* is a character */
 438: #define V_FILENAME  040 /* a file name (implies V_STRING) */
 439: #define V_TYPEMASK  077 /* mask off the extra bits */
 440: #define V_MODELINE  0100    /* update modeline */
 441: #define V_CLRSCREEN 0200    /* clear and redraw screen */
 442: #define V_TTY_RESET 0400    /* redo the tty modes */
 444: #ifdef MAC
 445: #ifdef TXT_TO_C
 446: int     /* kludge, so setmaps will compile with variables */
 447: #else
 448: extern int
 449: #endif /* TXT_TO_C */
 450: #else
 451: extern int
 452: #endif	/* MAC */
 454:     OKXonXoff,      /* disable start/stop characters */
 455:     MetaKey,        /* this terminal has a meta key */
 456:     VisBell,        /* use visible bell (if possible) */
 457:     WrapScan,       /* make searches wrap */
 458: #ifndef MAC
 459:     phystab,        /* terminal's tabstop settings */
 460: #endif
 461:     tabstop,        /* expand tabs to this number of spaces */
 462: #ifdef BACKUPFILES
 463:     BkupOnWrite,        /* make backup files when writing */
 464: #endif
 465:     RMargin,        /* right margin */
 466:     LMargin,        /* left margin */
 467:     ScrollStep,     /* how should we scroll */
 468: #ifndef MAC
 469:     WtOnMk,         /* write files on compile-it command */
 470: #endif
 471:     EndWNewline,        /* end files with a blank line */
 472:     MarkThresh,     /* moves greater than MarkThresh will SetMark */
 473:     PDelay,         /* paren flash delay in tenths of a second */
 474:     CIndIncrmt,     /* how much each indentation level pushes
 475: 				   over in C mode */
 476:     CreatMode,      /* default mode for creat'ing files */
 477:     CaseIgnore,     /* case ignore search */
 478: #ifdef ABBREV
 479:     AutoCaseAbbrev,     /* automatically do case on abbreviations */
 480: #endif
 481:     MarksShouldFloat,   /* adjust marks on insertion/deletion */
 482:     UseRE,          /* use regular expressions in search */
 483:     SyncFreq,       /* how often to sync the file pointers */
 484:     BriteMode,      /* make the mode line inverse? */
 485:     OkayBadChars,       /* allow bad characters in files created
 486: 				   by JOVE */
 487:     UpdFreq,        /* how often to update modeline */
 488:     UseBuffers,     /* use buffers with Typeout() */
 489: #ifdef BIFF
 490:     BiffChk,        /* turn off/on biff with entering/exiting jove */
 491: #endif
 492:     MailInt,        /* mail check interval */
 493: #ifdef ID_CHAR
 494:     UseIC,          /* whether or not to use i/d char
 495: 				   processesing */
 496: #endif
 497:     SExitChar,      /* type this to stop i-search */
 498:     AbortChar,      /* cancels command input */
 499:     IntChar,        /* ttysets this to generate QUIT */
 500:     DoEVexpand,     /* treat $foo as environment variable */
 501: #ifdef F_COMPLETION
 502:     DispBadFs,      /* display filenames with bad extensions? */
 503: #endif
 504: #ifdef IBMPC
 505:     Fgcolor,
 506:     Bgcolor,
 507:     Mdcolor,
 508: #endif /* IBMPC */
 509: #ifdef F_COMPLETION
 510:     DispBadFs,      /* display filenames with bad extensions? */
 511: #endif
 512:     ScrollAll,      /* we current line scrolls, scroll whole window? */
 513: #ifndef MAC
 514:     EWSize;         /* size to make the error window */
 515: #else
 516:     Macmode,    /* see mac.c */
 517:     Keyonly,
 518:     Bufchange,
 519:     Modechange,
 520:     Windchange,
 521:     EventCmd;
 522: #endif	/* MAC */
 524: #ifdef MAC
 525: #	ifdef TXT_TO_C    /* kludge, for setmaps with variables */
 526: char
 527: #	else
 528: extern char
 529: #	endif /* TXT_TO_C */
 530: #else
 531: extern char
 532: #endif /* MAC */
 534: #ifndef MAC
 535:     ErrFmtStr[256],     /* format string for parse errors */
 536: #endif
 537: #ifdef IPROCS
 538:     proc_prompt[128],   /* process prompt */
 539: #endif
 540: #ifdef F_COMPLETION
 541:     BadExtensions[128], /* extensions (e.g., ".o" to ignore) */
 542: #endif
 543: #ifdef CMT_FMT
 544:     CmtFmt[80],
 545: #endif
 546:     ModeFmt[120],       /* mode line format string */
 547: #ifdef UNIX
 548:     Mailbox[FILESIZE],      /* mailbox name */
 549: #endif /* UNIX */
 550:     TmpFilePath[FILESIZE],  /* directory/device to store tmp files */
 551:     TagFile[FILESIZE],      /* default tag file */
 552:     Shell[FILESIZE];        /* shell to use */
 554: extern int
 555:     TOabort,    /* flag set by Typeout() */
 556:     io,     /* file descriptor for reading and writing files */
 557:     errormsg,   /* last message was an error message
 558: 			   so don't erase the error before it
 559: 			   has been read */
 560:     this_cmd,   /* ... */
 561:     last_cmd,   /* last command ... to implement appending
 562: 			   to kill buffer */
 563:     RecDepth,   /* recursion depth */
 564:     InputPending,   /* nonzero if there is input waiting to
 565: 			   be processed */
 566:     killptr,    /* index into killbuf */
 567:     CanScroll,  /* can this terminal scroll? */
 568:     Crashing,   /* we are in the middle of crashing */
 569:     Asking,     /* are we on read a string from the terminal? */
 570:     inIOread;   /* so we know whether we can do a redisplay. */
 572: extern char Minibuf[LBSIZE];
 574: #define curmark     (curbuf->b_markring[curbuf->b_themark])
 575: #define b_curmark(b)    (b->b_markring[b->b_themark])
 577: extern Line *killbuf[NUMKILLS]; /* array of pointers to killed stuff */
 579: #define MESG_SIZE 128
 580: extern char mesgbuf[MESG_SIZE];
 582: struct screenline {
 583:     char    *s_line,
 584:         *s_length;
 585: };
 587: extern int
 588:     LastKeyStruck;
 590: extern int
 591:     InMacDefine,    /* are we defining a macro right now? */
 593:     CapLine,    /* cursor line and cursor column */
 594:     CapCol,
 596:     UpdModLine, /* whether we want to update the mode line */
 597:     UpdMesg;    /* update the message line */
 599: #define CATCH \
 600: {\
 601:     jmp_buf sav_jmp; \
 602: \
 603:     push_env(sav_jmp); \
 604:     if (setjmp(mainjmp) == 0) {
 606: #define ONERROR \
 607:     } else { \
 609: #define ENDCATCH \
 610:     } \
 611:     pop_env(sav_jmp); \
 612: }
 614: #include "externs.h"
 617: #define dispatch(c) \
 618: { \
 619:     register data_obj   *cp; \
 620:  \
 621:     this_cmd = 0; \
 622:     cp = mainmap[c & CHARMASK]; \
 623:  \
 624:     if (cp == 0) { \
 625:         rbell(); \
 626:         clr_arg_value(); \
 627:         errormsg = NO; \
 628:         message(NullStr); \
 629:     } else \
 630:         ExecCmd(cp); \
 631: }

Defined struct's

buffer defined in line 300; used 1 times
cmd defined in line 353; used 46 times
data_obj defined in line 222; never used
line defined in line 229; used 1 times
macro defined in line 335; used 68 times
mark defined in line 290; used 1 times
position defined in line 285; used 1 times
process defined in line 236; used 1 times
screenline defined in line 582; used 22 times
scrimage defined in line 419; used 30 times
variable defined in line 346; used 34 times
window defined in line 258; used 1 times

Defined typedef's

IOBUF defined in line 221; never used
Process defined in line 214; used 11 times
keymap defined in line 227; used 2 times

Defined macros

AMBIGUOUS defined in line 77; used 2 times
ASCII defined in line 35; used 6 times
BS defined in line 105; never used
BUFFER defined in line 393; used 3 times
B_PROCESS defined in line 137; used 4 times
BufMinorMode defined in line 157; used 5 times
CASEIND defined in line 86; used 2 times
CATCH defined in line 599; used 1 times
CMODE defined in line 142; used 6 times
CR defined in line 104; used 2 times
DIRTY defined in line 414; used 9 times
DefMajor defined in line 400; used 4 times
DefMinor defined in line 401; used 5 times
ENDCATCH defined in line 609; used 1 times
ESC defined in line 106; never used
FIRSTCALL defined in line 167; never used
FUNCTION defined in line 389; used 214 times
FUNDAMENTAL defined in line 140; used 2 times
F_MAINMAP defined in line 372; used 2 times
F_PREF1MAP defined in line 373; used 2 times
F_PREF2MAP defined in line 374; used 2 times
HALF defined in line 108; used 3 times
INT_BAD defined in line 183; used 3 times
INT_OKAY defined in line 182; used 1 times
IN_CB defined in line 72; used 4 times
KILLCMD defined in line 130; used 2 times
LF defined in line 103; used 3 times
LINECMD defined in line 129; used 3 times
LISPMODE defined in line 144; used 5 times
L_MOD defined in line 417; used 3 times
MACRO defined in line 391; used 1 times
MAJOR_MODE defined in line 398; used 4 times
MESG_SIZE defined in line 579; used 2 times
META defined in line 101; never used
MINOR_MODE defined in line 399; used 4 times
MODELINE defined in line 416; used 3 times
M_BIG_DELETE defined in line 296; used 4 times
M_FIXED defined in line 294; used 2 times
MajorMode defined in line 160; used 9 times
MinorMode defined in line 159; used 8 times
NCHARS defined in line 41; used 16 times
NMAJORS defined in line 147; used 5 times
NMARKS defined in line 318; used 6 times
NO defined in line 175; used 152 times
NORM defined in line 70; used 2 times
NOTHING defined in line 83; used 2 times
NULL defined in line 65; never used
NULLSTRING defined in line 80; used 3 times
NUMKILLS defined in line 409; used 6 times
OKAY_RE defined in line 71; used 3 times
ONERROR defined in line 606; used 1 times
ORIGINAL defined in line 79; used 2 times
QUIT defined in line 170; used 1 times
RCOMMAND defined in line 85; never used
READ defined in line 207; used 2 times
RET_STATE defined in line 84; used 2 times
SAVE defined in line 88; used 4 times
SIZE defined in line 110; used 11 times
STRING defined in line 394; used 1 times
SetMajor defined in line 161; used 1 times
ShowMatch defined in line 152; used 3 times
TEXT defined in line 141; used 2 times
UNIQUE defined in line 78; never used
VARIABLE defined in line 390; used 52 times
V_BASE10 defined in line 433; used 17 times
V_BASE8 defined in line 434; used 1 times
V_BOOL defined in line 435; used 20 times
V_CHAR defined in line 437; used 3 times
V_CLRSCREEN defined in line 441; used 6 times
V_FILENAME defined in line 438; used 3 times
V_MODELINE defined in line 440; used 5 times
V_STRING defined in line 436; used 7 times
V_TYPEMASK defined in line 439; used 5 times
WRITE defined in line 208; used 4 times
W_CURGONE defined in line 271; used 3 times
W_NUMLINES defined in line 274; used 9 times
W_TOPGONE defined in line 270; used 3 times
YANKCMD defined in line 131; used 4 times
YES defined in line 174; used 148 times
YES_NODIGIT defined in line 180; used 2 times
b_curmark defined in line 575; never used
curchar defined in line 407; used 196 times
curline defined in line 406; used 183 times
curmark defined in line 574; used 9 times
dispatch defined in line 617; used 2 times
firstp defined in line 117; used 5 times
isdirty defined in line 119; used 1 times
one_windp defined in line 122; used 9 times
private defined in line 45; used 279 times
void defined in line 30; never used

Usage of this include

Last modified: 1988-08-11
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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