   2: /*  @(#)print.c 1.7 92/02/17
   3:  *
   4:  *  Copyright (c) Steve Holden and Rich Burridge.
   5:  *                All rights reserved.
   6:  *
   7:  *  Permission is given to distribute these sources, as long as the
   8:  *  copyright messages are not removed, and no monies are exchanged.
   9:  *
  10:  *  No responsibility is taken for any errors inherent either
  11:  *  to the comments or the code of this program, but if reported
  12:  *  to me then an attempt will be made to fix them.
  13:  */
  15: #include "mp.h"
  16: #include "extern.h"
  19: int
  20: boldshow(hdr, str)      /* Display a header all in bold. */
  21: char *hdr, *str ;
  22: {
  23:   useline() ;
  24:   FPUTS("BoldFont ", stdout) ;
  25:   startline() ;
  26:   expand((unsigned char *) hdr) ;
  27:   expand((unsigned char *) str) ;
  28:   endline() ;
  29: }
  32: int
  33: endcol()
  34: {
  35:   FPUTS("sf ", stdout) ;
  36:   linect = 0 ;
  37:   ++colct ;
  38:   if (landscape == TRUE)
  39:     PRINTF("(%d) %d endcol\n", (2*pageno)+colct-2, colct) ;
  40:   else
  41:     PRINTF("(%d) %d endcol\n", pageno, colct) ;
  42:   if (numcols > 1)
  43:     set_defs() ;         /* Needed for correct heading in multiple columns. */
  44:   if (landscape == TRUE && colct != numcols) return ;
  45:   pageno++ ;
  46: }
  49: int
  50: endfile()
  51: {
  52:   linect = 0 ;
  53: }
  56: int
  57: endline()
  58: {
  59:   PRINTF(") showline\n") ;
  60: }
  63: int
  64: endpage()
  65: {
  66:   linect = 0 ;
  67:   PRINTF("(%1d) endpage\n", tpn) ;
  68: }
  71: int
  72: expand(s)  /* Display a string with PostScript-sensitive characters escaped */
  73: unsigned char *s ;
  74: {
  75:   for (; s && *s; s++)
  76:     {
  77:       switch (*s)
  78:         {
  79:           case '\\' : FPUTS("\\\\", stdout) ;
  80:                       break ;
  81:           case '('  : FPUTS("\\(", stdout) ;
  82:                       break ;
  83:           case ')'  : FPUTS("\\)", stdout) ;
  84:                       break ;
  85:           default   : if ((*s < 0x20) || (*s > 0x7e))
  86:                         FPRINTF(stdout,"\\%03o",*s) ;
  87:                       else
  88:                         if (isprint(*s)) PUTC(*s, stdout) ;
  89:         }
  90:     }
  91: }
  94: int
  95: mixedshow(hdr, str)     /* Display a header in mixed bold/Roman. */
  96: char *hdr, *str ;
  97: {
  98:   useline() ;
  99:   FPUTS("BoldFont ", stdout) ;
 100:   startline() ;
 101:   expand((unsigned char *) hdr) ;
 102:   FPUTS(") show pf (", stdout) ;
 103:   expand((unsigned char *) str) ;
 104:   endline() ;
 105: }
 108: int
 109: psdef(name, def)        /* Do a PostScript define. */
 110: char *name, *def ;
 111: {
 112:   PRINTF("/%s (", name) ;
 113:   expand((unsigned char *) def) ;
 114:   PRINTF(") def\n") ;
 115: }
 118: int
 119: romanshow(str)          /* Display a header all in Roman. */
 120: char *str ;
 121: {
 122:   useline() ;
 123:   FPUTS("pf ", stdout) ;
 124:   startline() ;
 125:   expand((unsigned char *) str) ;
 126:   endline() ;
 127: }
 130: void
 131: set_defs()               /* Setup PostScript definitions. */
 132: {
 133:   int i ;
 135:   if (article == TRUE)
 136:     message_for = "Article from" ;                    /* MailFor. */
 137:   else if (print_orig == TRUE && from != NULL)
 138:     message_for = "From" ;
 139:   psdef("MailFor", message_for) ;
 141:   if (article == TRUE && newsgroups != NULL)          /* User. */
 142:     {
 143:       for (i = 0; i < strlen(newsgroups); i++)
 144:         if (newsgroups[i] == ',' ||
 145:             newsgroups[i] == '\0') break ;
 146:       owner = (char *) realloc(owner, (unsigned int) i+1) ;
 147:       STRNCPY(owner, newsgroups, i) ;
 148:       owner[i] = '\0' ;
 149:     }
 150:   else if (print_orig == TRUE && from != NULL)
 151:     {
 152:       i = strlen(from) ;
 153:       owner = (char *) realloc(owner, (unsigned int) i+1) ;
 154:       STRNCPY(owner, from, i) ;
 155:       owner[i] = '\0' ;
 156:     }
 158:   psdef("User", owner) ;
 160:   do_date() ;                                         /* TimeNow. */
 162:   if (text_doc && cmdfiles) subject = curfname ;
 163:   psdef("Subject",
 164:         (gsubject != NULL) ? gsubject : subject) ;    /* Subject. */
 165: }
 168: /* Display the PostScript prologue file for mp */
 170: int
 171: show_prologue(pro)
 172: char *pro ;              /* Prologue file name */
 173: {
 174:   FILE *cf, *pf ;
 175:   char buf[MAXLINE], tmpstr[MAXLINE] ;
 176:   char cpro[MAXPATHLEN] ;  /* Full pathname of the common prologue file. */
 177:   int t2 ;                 /* Possible extract page or line length. */
 179:   if ((pf = fopen(pro, "r")) == NULL)
 180:     {
 181:       FPRINTF(stderr,"%s: Prologue file %s not found.\n",progname, pro) ;
 182:       exit(1) ;
 183:     }
 184:   while (fgets(buf, MAXLINE, pf) != NULL)
 185:     {
 187: /* NOTE: This is not nice code but...
 188:  *
 189:  *       Check if the line just read starts with /fullheight
 190:  *       If this is the case, then replace it with the appropriate
 191:  *       page height (A4 or US).
 192:  */
 194:       if (!strncmp(buf, "/fullwidth", 10))
 195:         {
 196:           if (paper_size == US)
 197:             FPUTS("/fullwidth 8.5 inch def\n", stdout) ;
 198:           else if (paper_size == A4)
 199:             FPUTS("/fullwidth 595 def\n", stdout) ;
 200:         }
 201:       else if (!strncmp(buf, "/fullheight", 11))
 202:         {
 203:           if (paper_size == US)
 204:             FPUTS("/fullheight 11 inch def\n", stdout) ;
 205:           else if (paper_size == A4)
 206:             FPUTS("/fullheight 842 def\n", stdout) ;
 207:         }
 208:       else FPUTS(buf, stdout) ;
 210: /* Check for new line or page length. */
 212:       tmpstr[0] = '\0' ;
 213:       SSCANF(buf, "%s %d", tmpstr, &t2) ;
 214:            if (strcmp(tmpstr, "%%PageLength") == 0)
 215:         plen = t2 ;               /* Change the page length. */
 216:       else if (strcmp(tmpstr, "%%LineLength") == 0)
 217:         llen = t2 ;               /* Change the line length. */
 218:       else if (strcmp(tmpstr, "%%NumCols")    == 0)
 219:         numcols = t2 ;            /* Change the number of columns. */
 220:       else if (strcmp(tmpstr, "%%EndComments") == 0)
 221:         {
 223: /* If this is the %%EndComments line from the prologue file, then we
 224:  *  need to read (and output to stdout), the contents of the common
 225:  *  prologue file, mp.common.ps
 226:  */
 228:           SPRINTF(cpro, "%s/mp.common.ps", prologue) ;
 229:           if ((cf = fopen(cpro, "r")) == NULL)
 230:             {
 231:               FPRINTF(stderr,"%s: Common prologue file %s not found.\n",
 232:                                   progname, cpro) ;
 233:               exit(1) ;
 234:             }
 235:           while (fgets(buf, MAXLINE, cf) != NULL) FPUTS(buf, stdout) ;
 236:           FCLOSE(cf) ;
 237:         }
 238:     }
 239:   FCLOSE(pf) ;
 240: }
 243: int
 244: startline()
 245: {
 246:   PRINTF("(") ;
 247: }
 250: int
 251: startpage()
 252: {
 253:   PRINTF("%%%%Page: ? %1d\n", ++tpn) ;
 254:   PRINTF("%1d newpage\n", tpn) ;
 255:   set_defs() ;
 256:   FPUTS("sf ", stdout) ;
 257: }
 260: int
 261: startfile()
 262: {
 263: }
 266: int
 267: textshow(s)
 268: char *s ;
 269: {
 270:   useline() ;
 271:   startline() ;
 272:   expand((unsigned char *) s) ;
 273:   endline() ;
 274: }
 277: int
 278: useline()   /* Called in order to ready a line for printing. */
 279: {
 280:   if (++linect > plen || end_of_page == TRUE)
 281:     {
 282:       endcol() ;
 283:       if (colct < numcols) return ;
 284:       colct = 0 ;
 285:       endpage() ;
 286:       linect = 1 ;
 287:       startpage() ;
 288:     }
 289: }

Defined functions

boldshow defined in line 19; never used
endcol defined in line 32; used 1 times
endfile defined in line 49; never used
endline defined in line 56; used 4 times
endpage defined in line 63; used 1 times
expand defined in line 71; used 7 times
mixedshow defined in line 94; never used
psdef defined in line 108; used 3 times
romanshow defined in line 118; never used
set_defs defined in line 130; used 2 times
show_prologue defined in line 170; never used
startfile defined in line 260; never used
startline defined in line 243; used 4 times
startpage defined in line 250; used 1 times
textshow defined in line 266; never used
useline defined in line 277; used 4 times
Last modified: 1992-02-17
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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