1: /* config.h
   2:  * This file was produced by running the config.h.SH script, which
   3:  * gets its values from config.sh, which is generally produced by
   4:  * running Configure.
   5:  *
   6:  * Feel free to modify any of this as the need arises.  Note, however,
   7:  * that running config.h.SH again will wipe out any changes you've made.
   8:  * For a more permanent change edit config.sh and rerun config.h.SH.
   9:  */
  12: /* EUNICE:
  13:  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates that the program is being compiled
  14:  *	under the EUNICE package under VMS.  The program will need to handle
  15:  *	things like files that don't go away the first time you unlink them,
  16:  *	due to version numbering.  It will also need to compensate for lack
  17:  *	of a respectable link() command.
  18:  */
  19: /* VMX:
  20:  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates that the program is running under
  21:  *	VMS.  It is currently only set in conjunction with the EUNICE symbol.
  22:  */
  23: #/*undef	EUNICE		/**/
  24: #/*undef	VMS		/**/
  27:  *	This symbol is defined if this system declares "char *sprintf()" in
  28:  *	stdio.h.  The trend seems to be to declare it as "int sprintf()".  It
  29:  *	is up to the package author to declare sprintf correctly based on the
  30:  *	symbol.
  31:  */
  32: #define CHARSPRINTF     /**/
  34: /* FCNTL:
  35:  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
  36:  *	include fcntl.h.
  37:  */
  38: #define FCNTL       /**/
  40: /* FTIMER:
  41:  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates that the ftime() routine exists.
  42:  */
  43: #define FTIMER      /**/
  46:  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates that the C program may use the
  47:  *	gethostname() routine to derive the host name.  See also DOUNAME
  48:  *	and PHOSTNAME.
  49:  */
  50: /* DOUNAME:
  51:  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates that the C program may use the
  52:  *	uname() routine to derive the host name.  See also GETHOSTNAME and
  53:  *	PHOSTNAME.
  54:  */
  55: /* PHOSTNAME:
  56:  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates that the C program may use the
  57:  *	contents of PHOSTNAME as a command to feed to the popen() routine
  58:  *	to derive the host name.  See also GETHOSTNAME and DOUNAME.
  59:  */
  60: #define GETHOSTNAME /**/
  61: #/*undef	DOUNAME		/**/
  62: #/*undef	PHOSTNAME "hostname"	/**/
  64: /* GETPWENT:
  65:  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates that the getpwent() routine
  66:  *	should be used instead of the getpw() routine.
  67:  */
  68: #/*undef	GETPWENT	/**/
  71:  *	This symbol, when defined, indicates that termlib-style routines
  72:  *	are available.  There is nothing to include.
  73:  */
  74: #define HAVETERMLIB /**/
  76: /* index:
  77:  *	This preprocessor symbol is defined, along with rindex, if the system
  78:  *	uses the strchr and strrchr routines instead.
  79:  */
  80: /* rindex:
  81:  *	This preprocessor symbol is defined, along with index, if the system
  82:  *	uses the strchr and strrchr routines instead.
  83:  */
  84: #/*undef	index strchr	/* cultural */
  85: #/*undef	rindex strrchr	/*  differences? */
  87: /* IOCTL:
  88:  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates that sys/ioctl.h exists and should
  89:  *	be included.
  90:  */
  91: #define IOCTL       /**/
  93: /* NORMSIG:
  94:  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates that normal signal handling routines
  95:  *	should be used, as opposed to the ones in 4.1bsd (sigset, etc.).
  96:  */
  97: #define NORMSIG     /**/
  99: /* PORTABLE:
 100:  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates to the C program that it should
 101:  *	not assume that it is running on the machine it was compiled on.
 102:  *	The program should be prepared to look up the host name, translate
 103:  *	generic filenames, use PATH, etc.
 104:  */
 105: #define PORTABLE    /**/
 107: /* RDCHK:
 108:  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates that the rdchk routine is available
 109:  *	to find out if there is input pending on an IO channel.  Generally
 110:  *	the routine is used only if FIONREAD and O_NDELAY aren't available.
 111:  */
 112: #/*undef	RDCHK		/**/
 114: /* SCOREFULL:
 115:  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates that any scoreboard kept by the
 116:  *	program should be kept on the basis of the user's full name as opposed
 117:  *	to the user's login name.  If the user can change his full name he
 118:  *	can enter multiple scores if this is defined.
 119:  */
 120: #/*undef	SCOREFULL	/**/
 122: /* SIGNEDCHAR:
 123:  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates that characters are a signed type.
 124:  *	If not defined, things declared as signed characters (and that make
 125:  *	use of negative values) should probably be declared as shorts instead.
 126:  */
 127: #define SIGNEDCHAR  /**/
 129: /* TERMIO:
 130:  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates that the program should include
 131:  *	termio.h rather than sgtty.h.  There are also differences in the
 132:  *	ioctl() calls that depend on the value of this symbol.
 133:  */
 134: #/*undef	TERMIO		/**/
 136: /* USENDIR:
 137:  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates that the program should compile
 138:  *	the ndir.c code provided with the package.
 139:  */
 140: /* LIBNDIR:
 141:  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates that the program should include the
 142:  *	system's version of ndir.h, rather than the one with this package.
 143:  */
 144: #/*undef	USENDIR		/**/
 145: #/*undef	LIBNDIR		/**/
 147: /* WHOAMI:
 148:  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates that the program may include
 149:  *	whoami.h.
 150:  */
 151: #/*undef	WHOAMI		/**/
 153: /* HOSTNAME:
 154:  *	This symbol contains name of the host the program is going to run on.
 155:  *	The domain is not kept with hostname, but must be gotten from MYDOMAIN.
 156:  *	The dot comes with MYDOMAIN, and need not be supplied by the program.
 157:  *	If gethostname() or uname() exist, HOSTNAME may be ignored.
 158:  */
 159: /* MYDOMAIN:
 160:  *	This symbol contains the domain of the host the program is going to
 161:  *	run on.  The domain must be appended to HOSTNAME to form a complete
 162:  *	host name.  The dot comes with MYDOMAIN, and need not be supplied by
 163:  *	the program.  If the host name is derived from PHOSTNAME, the domain
 164:  *	may or may not already be there, and the program should check.
 165:  */
 166: #define HOSTNAME "kazoo"        /**/
 167: #define MYDOMAIN ".uucp"        /**/
 169: /* PASSNAMES:
 170:  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates that full names are stored in
 171:  *	the /etc/passwd file.
 172:  */
 173: /* BERKNAMES:
 174:  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates that full names are stored in
 175:  *	the /etc/passwd file in Berkeley format (name first thing, everything
 176:  *	up to first comma, with & replaced by capitalized login id, yuck).
 177:  */
 178: /* USGNAMES:
 179:  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates that full names are stored in
 180:  *	the /etc/passwd file in USG format (everything after - and before ( is
 181:  *	the name).
 182:  */
 183: #define PASSNAMES /*  (undef to take name from ~/.fullname) */
 184: #define BERKNAMES /* (that is, ":name,stuff:") */
 185: #/*undef	USGNAMES  /* (that is, ":stuff-name(stuff):") */
 187: /* PREFSHELL:
 188:  *	This symbol contains the full name of the preferred user shell on this
 189:  *	system.  Usual values are /bin/csh, /bin/ksh, /bin/sh.
 190:  */
 191: #define PREFSHELL "/bin/csh"        /**/
 193: /* RANDBITS:
 194:  *	This symbol contains the number of bits of random number the rand()
 195:  *	function produces.  Usual values are 15, 16, and 31.
 196:  */
 197: #define RANDBITS 15     /**/
 199: /* Reg1:
 200:  *	This symbol, along with Reg2, Reg3, etc. is either the word "register"
 201:  *	or null, depending on whether the C compiler pays attention to this
 202:  *	many register declarations.  The intent is that you don't have to
 203:  *	order your register declarations in the order of importance, so you
 204:  *	can freely declare register variables in sub-blocks of code and as
 205:  *	function parameters.  Do not use Reg<n> more than once per routine.
 206:  */
 208: #define Reg1 register       /**/
 209: #define Reg2 register       /**/
 210: #define Reg3 register       /**/
 211: #define Reg4        /**/
 212: #define Reg5        /**/
 213: #define Reg6        /**/
 214: #define Reg7        /**/
 215: #define Reg8        /**/
 216: #define Reg9        /**/
 217: #define Reg10       /**/
 218: #define Reg11       /**/
 219: #define Reg12       /**/
 220: #define Reg13       /**/
 221: #define Reg14       /**/
 222: #define Reg15       /**/
 223: #define Reg16       /**/
 225: /* ROOTID:
 226:  *	This symbol contains the uid of root, normally 0.
 227:  */
 228: #define ROOTID 0        /**/
 230: /* VOIDFLAGS:
 231:  *	This symbol indicates how much support of the void type is given by this
 232:  *	compiler.  What various bits mean:
 233:  *
 234:  *	    1 = supports declaration of void
 235:  *	    2 = supports arrays of pointers to functions returning void
 236:  *	    4 = supports comparisons between pointers to void functions and
 237:  *		    addresses of void functions
 238:  *
 239:  *	The package designer should define VOIDUSED to indicate the requirements
 240:  *	of the package.  This can be done either by #defining VOIDUSED before
 241:  *	including config.h, or by defining defvoidused in Myinit.U.
 242:  */
 243: #ifndef VOIDUSED
 244: #define VOIDUSED 7
 245: #endif
 246: #define VOIDFLAGS 7
 248: #define void int        /* is void to be avoided? */
 249: #define M_VOID      /* Xenix strikes again */
 250: #endif
 252: /* warp private library, may use ~ expansion, %x and %l */
 253: #define PRIVLIB "/usr/games/lib/warp"       /**/

Defined macros

BERKNAMES defined in line 184; used 1 times
CHARSPRINTF defined in line 32; used 1 times
FCNTL defined in line 38; used 1 times
FTIMER defined in line 43; used 1 times
GETHOSTNAME defined in line 60; used 2 times
HAVETERMLIB defined in line 74; used 1 times
HOSTNAME defined in line 166; used 7 times
IOCTL defined in line 91; used 1 times
MYDOMAIN defined in line 167; used 1 times
M_VOID defined in line 249; never used
NORMSIG defined in line 97; used 1 times
PASSNAMES defined in line 183; used 2 times
PORTABLE defined in line 105; never used
PREFSHELL defined in line 191; used 1 times
PRIVLIB defined in line 253; used 2 times
RANDBITS defined in line 197; used 4 times
ROOTID defined in line 228; used 2 times
Reg10 defined in line 217; used 1 times
Reg11 defined in line 218; never used
Reg12 defined in line 219; never used
Reg13 defined in line 220; never used
Reg14 defined in line 221; never used
Reg15 defined in line 222; never used
Reg16 defined in line 223; never used
Reg8 defined in line 215; used 2 times
Reg9 defined in line 216; used 1 times
SIGNEDCHAR defined in line 127; never used
VOIDFLAGS defined in line 246; used 1 times
VOIDUSED defined in line 244; used 3 times
void defined in line 248; never used

Usage of this include

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