   2: static char sccsid[] = "	quiz.c	4.2	85/01/09	";
   4: #include <stdio.h>
   5: #include <signal.h>
   6: #define NF 10
   7: #define NL 300
   8: #define NC 200
   9: #define SL 100
  10: #define NA 10
  12: int tflag;
  13: int xx[NL];
  14: char score[NL];
  15: int rights;
  16: int wrongs;
  17: int guesses;
  18: FILE *input;
  19: int nl = 0;
  20: int na = NA;
  21: int inc;
  22: int ptr = 0;
  23: int nc = 0;
  24: char line[150];
  25: char response[100];
  26: char *tmp[NF];
  27: int select[NF];
  29: readline()
  30: {
  31:     char *t;
  32: loop:
  33:     for(t=line;(*t=getc(input))!=-1;t++) {
  34:         nc++;
  35:         if(*t==' '&&(t==line||t[-1]==' '))
  36:             t--;
  37:         if(*t=='\n') {
  38:             if(t[-1]=='\\')     /*inexact test*/
  39:                 continue;
  40:             while(t>line&&t[-1]==' ')
  41:                 *--t = '\n';
  42:             *++t = 0;
  43:             return(1);
  44:         }
  45:         if(t-line>=NC) {
  46:             printf("Too hard for me\n");
  47:             do {
  48:                 *line = getc(input);
  49:                 if(*line==0377)
  50:                     return(0);
  51:             } while(*line!='\n');
  52:             goto loop;
  53:         }
  54:     }
  55:     return(0);
  56: }
  58: char *eu;
  59: char *ev;
  60: cmp(u,v)
  61: char *u,*v;
  62: {
  63:     int x;
  64:     eu = u;
  65:     ev = v;
  66:     x = disj(1);
  67:     if(x!=1)
  68:         return(x);
  69:     return(eat(1,0));
  70: }
  72: disj(s)
  73: {
  74:     int t, x;
  75:     char *u;
  76:     u = eu;
  77:     t = 0;
  78:     for(;;) {
  79:         x = string(s);
  80:         if(x>1)
  81:             return(x);
  82:         switch(*ev) {
  83:         case 0:
  84:         case ']':
  85:         case '}':
  86:             return(t|x&s);
  87:         case '|':
  88:             ev++;
  89:             t |= s;
  90:             s = 0;
  91:             continue;
  92:         }
  93:         if(s) eu = u;
  94:         if(string(0)>1)
  95:             return(2);
  96:         switch(*ev) {
  97:         case 0:
  98:         case ']':
  99:             return(0);
 100:         case '}':
 101:             return(1);
 102:         case '|':
 103:             ev++;
 104:             continue;
 105:         default:
 106:             return(2);
 107:         }
 108:     }
 109: }
 111: string(s)
 112: {
 113:     int x;
 114:     for(;;) {
 115:         switch(*ev) {
 116:         case 0:
 117:         case '|':
 118:         case ']':
 119:         case '}':
 120:             return(1);
 121:         case '\\':
 122:             ev++;
 123:             if(*ev==0)
 124:                 return(2);
 125:             if(*ev=='\n') {
 126:                 ev++;
 127:                 continue;
 128:             }
 129:         default:
 130:             if(eat(s,*ev)==1)
 131:                 continue;
 132:             return(0);
 133:         case '[':
 134:             ev++;
 135:             x = disj(s);
 136:             if(*ev!=']' || x>1)
 137:                 return(2);
 138:             ev++;
 139:             if(s==0)
 140:                 continue;
 141:             if(x==0)
 142:                 return(0);
 143:             continue;
 144:         case '{':
 145:             ev++;
 146:             x = disj(s);
 147:             if(*ev!='}'||x>1)
 148:                 return(2);
 149:             ev++;
 150:             continue;
 151:         }
 152:     }
 153: }
 155: eat(s,c)
 156: char c;
 157: {
 158:     if(*ev!=c)
 159:         return(2);
 160:     if(s==0) {
 161:         ev++;
 162:         return(1);
 163:     }
 164:     if(fold(*eu)!=fold(c))
 165:         return(0);
 166:     eu++;
 167:     ev++;
 168:     return(1);
 169: }
 171: fold(c)
 172: char c;
 173: {
 174:     if(c<'A'||c>'Z')
 175:         return(c);
 176:     return(c|040);
 177: }
 179: publish(t)
 180: char *t;
 181: {
 182:     ev = t;
 183:     pub1(1);
 184: }
 186: pub1(s)
 187: {
 188:     for(;;ev++){
 189:         switch(*ev) {
 190:         case '|':
 191:             s = 0;
 192:             ev;
 193:             continue;
 194:         case ']':
 195:         case '}':
 196:         case 0:
 197:             return;
 198:         case '[':
 199:         case '{':
 200:             ev++;
 201:             pub1(s);
 202:             ev;
 203:             continue;
 204:         case '\\':
 205:             if(*++ev=='\n')
 206:                 continue;
 207:         default:
 208:             if(s)
 209:                 putchar(*ev);
 210:         }
 211:     }
 212: }
 214: segment(u,w)
 215: char *u, *w[];
 216: {
 217:     char *s;
 218:     int i;
 219:     char *t;
 220:     s = u;
 221:     for(i=0;i<NF;i++) {
 222:         u = s;
 223:         t = w[i];
 224:         while(*s!=':'&&*s!='\n'&&s-u<SL) {
 225:             if(*s=='\\')  {
 226:                 if(s[1] == '\n') {
 227:                     s += 2;
 228:                     continue;
 229:                 }
 230:                 *t++ = *s++;
 231:             }
 232:             *t++ = *s++;
 233:         }
 235:         while(*s!=':'&&*s!='\n')
 236:             s++;
 237:         *t = 0;
 238:         if(*s++=='\n') {
 239:             return(i+1);
 240:         }
 241:     }
 242:     printf("Too many facts about one thing\n");
 243: }
 245: perm(u,m,v,n,p)
 246: int p[];
 247: char *u[], *v[];
 248: {
 249:     int i, j;
 250:     int x;
 251:     for(i=0;i<m;i++) {
 252:         for(j=0;j<n;j++) {
 253:             x = cmp(u[i],v[j]);
 254:             if(x>1) badinfo();
 255:             if(x==0)
 256:                 continue;
 257:             p[i] = j;
 258:             goto uloop;
 259:         }
 260:         return(0);
 261: uloop:      ;
 262:     }
 263:     return(1);
 264: }
 266: find(u,m)
 267: char *u[];
 268: {
 269:     int n;
 270:     while(readline()){
 271:         n = segment(line,tmp);
 272:         if(perm(u,m,tmp+1,n-1,select))
 273:             return(1);
 274:     }
 275:     return(0);
 276: }
 278: readindex()
 279: {
 280:     xx[0] = nc = 0;
 281:     while(readline()) {
 282:         xx[++nl] = nc;
 283:         if(nl>=NL) {
 284:             printf("I've forgotten some of it;\n");
 285:             printf("I remember %d items.\n", nl);
 286:             break;
 287:         }
 288:     }
 289: }
 291: talloc()
 292: {
 293:     int i;
 294:     char *malloc();
 296:     for(i=0;i<NF;i++)
 297:         tmp[i] = malloc(SL);
 298: }
 300: main(argc,argv)
 301: char *argv[];
 302: {
 303:     register j;
 304:     int i;
 305:     int x;
 306:     int z;
 307:     char *info;
 308:     int tvec[2];
 309:     char *t;
 310:     extern done();
 311:     int count;
 312:     info = "/usr/games/lib/quiz.k/index";
 313:     time(tvec);
 314:     inc = tvec[1]&077774|01;
 315: loop:
 316:     if(argc>1&&*argv[1]=='-') {
 317:         switch(argv[1][1]) {
 318:         case 'i':
 319:             if(argc>2)
 320:                 info = argv[2];
 321:             argc -= 2;
 322:             argv += 2;
 323:             goto loop;
 324:         case 't':
 325:             tflag = 1;
 326:             argc--;
 327:             argv++;
 328:             goto loop;
 329:         }
 330:     }
 331:     input = fopen(info,"r");
 332:     if(input==NULL) {
 333:         printf("No info\n");
 334:         exit(0);
 335:     }
 336:     talloc();
 337:     if(argc<=2)
 338:         instruct(info);
 339:     signal(SIGINT,done);
 340:     argv[argc] = 0;
 341:     if(find(&argv[1],argc-1)==0)
 342:         dunno();
 343:     fclose(input);
 344:     input = fopen(tmp[0],"r");
 345:     if(input==NULL)
 346:         dunno();
 347:     readindex();
 348:     if(!tflag || na>nl)
 349:         na = nl;
 350:     stdout->_flag |= _IONBF;
 351:     for(;;) {
 352:         i = next();
 353:         fseek(input,xx[i]+0L,0);
 354:         z = xx[i+1]-xx[i];
 355:         for(j=0;j<z;j++)
 356:             line[j] = getc(input);
 357:         segment(line,tmp);
 358:         if(*tmp[select[0]] == '\0' || *tmp[select[1]] == '\0') {
 359:             score[i] = 1;
 360:             continue;
 361:         }
 362:         publish(tmp[select[0]]);
 363:         printf("\n");
 364:         for(count=0;;count++) {
 365:             if(query(response)==0) {
 366:                 publish(tmp[select[1]]);
 367:                 printf("\n");
 368:                 if(count==0) wrongs++;
 369:                 score[i] = tflag?-1:1;
 370:                 break;
 371:             }
 372:             x = cmp(response,tmp[select[1]]);
 373:             if(x>1) badinfo();
 374:             if(x==1) {
 375:                 printf("Right!\n");
 376:                 if(count==0) rights++;
 377:                 if(++score[i]>=1 && na<nl)
 378:                     na++;
 379:                 break;
 380:             }
 381:             printf("What?\n");
 382:             if(count==0) wrongs++;
 383:             score[i] = tflag?-1:1;
 384:         }
 385:         guesses += count;
 386:     }
 387: }
 389: query(r)
 390: char *r;
 391: {
 392:     char *t;
 393:     for(t=r;;t++) {
 394:         if(read(0,t,1)==0)
 395:             done();
 396:         if(*t==' '&&(t==r||t[-1]==' '))
 397:             t--;
 398:         if(*t=='\n') {
 399:             while(t>r&&t[-1]==' ')
 400:                 *--t = '\n';
 401:             break;
 402:         }
 403:     }
 404:     *t = 0;
 405:     return(t-r);
 406: }
 408: next()
 409: {
 410:     int flag;
 411:     inc = inc*3125&077777;
 412:     ptr = (inc>>2)%na;
 413:     flag = 0;
 414:     while(score[ptr]>0)
 415:         if(++ptr>=na) {
 416:             ptr = 0;
 417:             if(flag) done();
 418:             flag = 1;
 419:         }
 420:     return(ptr);
 421: }
 423: done()
 424: {
 425:     printf("\nRights %d, wrongs %d, ", rights, wrongs);
 426:     if(guesses)
 427:         printf("extra guesses %d, ", guesses);
 428:     printf("score %d%%\n",100*rights/(rights+wrongs));
 429:     exit(0);
 430: }
 431: instruct(info)
 432: {
 433:     char *t;
 434:     int i, n;
 435:     printf("Subjects:\n\n");
 436:     while(readline()) {
 437:         printf("-");
 438:         n = segment(line,tmp);
 439:         for(i=1;i<n;i++) {
 440:             printf(" ");
 441:             publish(tmp[i]);
 442:         }
 443:         printf("\n");
 444:     }
 445:     printf("\n");
 446:     input = fopen(info,"r");
 447:     if(input==NULL)
 448:         abort();
 449:     readline();
 450:     segment(line,tmp);
 451:     printf("For example,\n");
 452:     printf("    quiz ");
 453:     publish(tmp[1]);
 454:     printf(" ");
 455:     publish(tmp[2]);
 456:     printf("\nasks you a ");
 457:     publish(tmp[1]);
 458:     printf(" and you answer the ");
 459:     publish(tmp[2]);
 460:     printf("\n    quiz ");
 461:     publish(tmp[2]);
 462:     printf(" ");
 463:     publish(tmp[1]);
 464:     printf("\nworks the other way around\n");
 465:     printf("\nType empty line to get correct answer.\n");
 466:     exit(0);
 467: }
 469: badinfo(){
 470:     printf("Bad info %s\n",line);
 471: }
 473: dunno()
 474: {
 475:     printf("I don't know about that\n");
 476:     exit(0);
 477: }

Defined functions

badinfo defined in line 469; used 2 times
cmp defined in line 60; used 2 times
disj defined in line 72; used 3 times
done defined in line 423; used 4 times
dunno defined in line 473; used 2 times
eat defined in line 155; used 2 times
find defined in line 266; used 1 times
fold defined in line 171; used 2 times
  • in line 164(2)
instruct defined in line 431; used 1 times
main defined in line 300; never used
next defined in line 408; used 1 times
perm defined in line 245; used 1 times
pub1 defined in line 186; used 2 times
publish defined in line 179; used 9 times
query defined in line 389; used 1 times
readindex defined in line 278; used 1 times
readline defined in line 29; used 4 times
segment defined in line 214; used 4 times
string defined in line 111; used 2 times
talloc defined in line 291; used 1 times

Defined variables

eu defined in line 58; used 5 times
ev defined in line 59; used 28 times
guesses defined in line 17; used 3 times
inc defined in line 21; used 4 times
line defined in line 24; used 13 times
na defined in line 20; used 6 times
nc defined in line 23; used 3 times
nl defined in line 19; used 6 times
ptr defined in line 22; used 5 times
response defined in line 25; used 2 times
rights defined in line 15; used 4 times
sccsid defined in line 2; never used
score defined in line 14; used 5 times
select defined in line 27; used 6 times
tflag defined in line 12; used 4 times
tmp defined in line 26; used 19 times
wrongs defined in line 16; used 4 times
xx defined in line 13; used 5 times

Defined macros

NA defined in line 10; used 1 times
  • in line 20
NC defined in line 8; used 1 times
  • in line 45
NF defined in line 6; used 4 times
NL defined in line 7; used 3 times
SL defined in line 9; used 2 times
Last modified: 1985-01-10
Generated: 2016-12-26
Generated by src2html V0.67
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