1: /*
   2:  * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California.
   3:  * All rights reserved.  The Berkeley software License Agreement
   4:  * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution.
   5:  *
   6:  *	@(#)cribbage.h	5.1 (Berkeley) 5/30/85
   7:  */
   9: extern  CARD        deck[ CARDS ];      /* a deck */
  10: extern  CARD        phand[ FULLHAND ];  /* player's hand */
  11: extern  CARD        chand[ FULLHAND ];  /* computer's hand */
  12: extern  CARD        crib[ CINHAND ];    /* the crib */
  13: extern  CARD        turnover;       /* the starter */
  15: extern  CARD        known[ CARDS ];     /* cards we have seen */
  16: extern  int     knownum;        /* # of cards we know */
  18: extern  int     pscore;         /* player's score */
  19: extern  int     cscore;         /* comp's score */
  20: extern  int     glimit;         /* points to win game */
  22: extern  int     pgames;         /* player's games won */
  23: extern  int     cgames;         /* comp's games won */
  24: extern  int     gamecount;      /* # games played */
  25: extern  int     Lastscore[2];       /* previous score for each */
  27: extern  BOOLEAN     iwon;           /* if comp won last */
  28: extern  BOOLEAN     explain;        /* player mistakes explained */
  29: extern  BOOLEAN     rflag;          /* if all cuts random */
  30: extern  BOOLEAN     quiet;          /* if suppress random mess */
  31: extern  BOOLEAN     playing;        /* currently playing game */
  33: extern  char        expl[];         /* string for explanation */
Last modified: 1985-05-31
Generated: 2016-12-26
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