/* * Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. * All rights reserved. The Berkeley software License Agreement * specifies the terms and conditions for redistribution. */ #ifndef lint static char sccsid[] = "@(#)dbm.c 5.3 (Berkeley) 85/08/15"; #endif not lint #include "dbm.h" #define NODB ((DBM *)0) static DBM *cur_db = NODB; static char no_db[] = "dbm: no open database\n"; dbminit(file) char *file; { if (cur_db != NODB) dbm_close(cur_db); cur_db = dbm_open(file, 2, 0); if (cur_db == NODB) { cur_db = dbm_open(file, 0, 0); if (cur_db == NODB) return (-1); } return (0); } long forder(key) datum key; { if (cur_db == NODB) { printf(no_db); return (0L); } return (dbm_forder(cur_db, key)); } datum fetch(key) datum key; { datum item; if (cur_db == NODB) { printf(no_db); item.dptr = 0; return (item); } return (dbm_fetch(cur_db, key)); } delete(key) datum key; { if (cur_db == NODB) { printf(no_db); return (-1); } if (dbm_rdonly(cur_db)) return (-1); return (dbm_delete(cur_db, key)); } store(key, dat) datum key, dat; { if (cur_db == NODB) { printf(no_db); return (-1); } if (dbm_rdonly(cur_db)) return (-1); return (dbm_store(cur_db, key, dat, DBM_REPLACE)); } datum firstkey() { datum item; if (cur_db == NODB) { printf(no_db); item.dptr = 0; return (item); } return (dbm_firstkey(cur_db)); } datum nextkey(key) datum key; { datum item; if (cur_db == NODB) { printf(no_db); item.dptr = 0; return (item); } return (dbm_nextkey(cur_db, key)); }