/* * RCS checkout operation */ static char rcsid[]= "$Header: /usr/wft/RCS/SRC/RCS/co.c,v 3.7 83/02/15 15:27:07 wft Exp $ Purdue CS"; /***************************************************************************** * check out revisions from RCS files ***************************************************************************** * * Copyright (C) 1982 by Walter F. Tichy * Purdue University * Computer Science Department * West Lafayette, IN 47907 * * All rights reserved. No part of this software may be sold or distributed * in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the * author. * Report problems and direct all inquiries to Tichy@purdue (ARPA net). */ /* $Log: co.c,v $ * Revision 3.7 83/02/15 15:27:07 wft * Added call to fastcopy() to copy remainder of RCS file. * * Revision 3.6 83/01/15 14:37:50 wft * Added ignoring of interrupts while RCS file is renamed; this avoids * deletion of RCS files during the unlink/link window. * * Revision 3.5 82/12/08 21:40:11 wft * changed processing of -d to use DATEFORM; removed actual from * call to preparejoin; re-fixed printing of done at the end. * * Revision 3.4 82/12/04 18:40:00 wft * Replaced getdelta() with gettree(), SNOOPDIR with SNOOPFILE. * Fixed printing of "done". * * Revision 3.3 82/11/28 22:23:11 wft * Replaced getlogin() with getpwuid(), flcose() with ffclose(), * %02d with %.2d, mode generation for working file with WORKMODE. * Fixed nil printing. Fixed -j combined with -l and -p, and exit * for non-existing revisions in preparejoin(). * * Revision 3.2 82/10/18 20:47:21 wft * Mode of working file is now maintained even for co -l, but write permission * is removed. * The working file inherits its mode from the RCS file, plus write permission * for the owner. The write permission is not given if locking is strict and * co does not lock. * An existing working file without write permission is deleted automatically. * Otherwise, co asks (empty answer: abort co). * Call to getfullRCSname() added, check for write error added, call * for getlogin() fixed. * * Revision 3.1 82/10/13 16:01:30 wft * fixed type of variables receiving from getc() (char -> int). * removed unused variables. */ #include #include "rcsbase.h" #include "time.h" #include #include static char rcsbaseid[] = RCSBASE; extern FILE * fopen(); extern int rename(); extern struct passwd *getpwuid(); extern char * malloc(); extern struct hshentry * genrevs(); /*generate delta numbers */ extern int nextc; /*next input character */ extern int nerror; /*counter for errors */ extern char * Kdesc; /*keyword for description */ extern char * maketempfile(); /*temporary file name */ extern char * buildrevision(); /*constructs desired revision */ extern int buildjoin(); /*join several revisions */ extern char * mktempfile(); /*temporary file name generator */ extern struct lock * addlock(); /*add a new lock */ extern long maketime(); /*convert parsed time to unix time. */ extern struct tm * localtime(); /*convert unixtime into a tm-structure */ extern int StrictLocks; extern FILE * finptr; /* RCS input file */ extern FILE * frewrite; /* new RCS file */ char * RCSfilename, * workfilename; char * newRCSfilename, * neworkfilename; int rewriteflag; /* indicates whether input should be echoed to frewrite */ char * date, * rev, * state, * author, * join; char finaldate[datelength]; int lockflag, tostdout; char * caller; /* caller's login; */ extern quietflag; char numericrev[revlength]; /* holds expanded revision number */ struct hshentry * gendeltas[hshsize]; /* stores deltas to be generated */ struct hshentry * targetdelta; /* final delta to be generated */ char * joinlist[joinlength]; /* pointers to revisions to be joined */ int lastjoin; /* index of last element in joinlist */ main (argc, argv) int argc; char * argv[]; { register c; char * cmdusage; struct stat RCSstat; struct tm parseddate, *ftm; char * rawdate; long unixtime; catchints(); cmdid = "co"; cmdusage = "command format:\nco -l[rev] -p[rev] -q[rev] -r[rev] -ddate -sstate -w[login] -jjoinlist file ..."; date = rev = state = author = join = nil; lockflag = tostdout = quietflag = false; caller=getpwuid(getuid())->pw_name; while (--argc,++argv, argc>=1 && ((*argv)[0] == '-')) { switch ((*argv)[1]) { case 'l': lockflag=true; case 'r': revno: if ((*argv)[2]!='\0') { if (rev!=nil) warn("Redefinition of revision number"); rev = (*argv)+2; } break; case 'p': tostdout=true; goto revno; case 'q': quietflag=true; goto revno; case 'd': if ((*argv)[2]!='\0') { if (date!=nil) warn("Redefinition of -d option"); rawdate=(*argv)+2; } /* process date/time */ if (partime(rawdate,&parseddate)==0) faterror("Can't parse date/time: %s",rawdate); if ((unixtime=maketime(&parseddate))== 0L) faterror("Inconsistent date/time: %s",rawdate); ftm=localtime(&unixtime); sprintf(finaldate,DATEFORM, ftm->tm_year,ftm->tm_mon+1,ftm->tm_mday,ftm->tm_hour,ftm->tm_min,ftm->tm_sec); date=finaldate; break; case 'j': if ((*argv)[2]!='\0'){ if (join!=nil)warn("Redefinition of -j option"); join = (*argv)+2; } break; case 's': if ((*argv)[2]!='\0'){ if (state!=nil)warn("Redefinition of -s option"); state = (*argv)+2; } break; case 'w': if (author!=nil)warn("Redefinition of -w option"); if ((*argv)[2]!='\0') author = (*argv)+2; else author = caller; break; default: faterror("unknown option: %s\n%s", *argv,cmdusage); }; } /* end of option processing */ if (argc<1) faterror("No input file\n%s",cmdusage); /* now handle all filenames */ do { rewriteflag=false; finptr=frewrite=NULL; neworkfilename=nil; if (!pairfilenames(argc,argv,true,tostdout)) continue; /* now RCSfilename contains the name of the RCS file, and finptr * the file descriptor. If tostdout is false, workfilename contains * the name of the working file, otherwise undefined (not nil!). */ diagnose("%s --> %s", RCSfilename,tostdout?"stdout":workfilename); fstat(fileno(finptr),&RCSstat); /* get file status, esp. the mode */ if (!tostdout && !trydiraccess(workfilename)) continue; /* give up */ if (lockflag && !checkaccesslist(caller)) continue; /* give up */ if (!trysema(RCSfilename,lockflag)) continue; /* give up */ gettree(); /* reads in the delta tree */ if (Head==nil) { /* no revisions; create empty file */ diagnose("no revisions present; generating empty revision 0.0"); if (!tostdout) if (!creatempty(workfilename)) continue; else putchar('\0'); /* end of file */ /* Can't reserve a delta, so don't call addlock */ } else { /* expand symbolic revision number */ if (!expandsym(rev,numericrev)) continue; /* get numbers of deltas to be generated */ if (!(targetdelta=genrevs(numericrev,date,author,state,gendeltas))) continue; /* check reservations */ if (lockflag && !addlock(targetdelta,caller)) continue; if (join && !preparejoin()) continue; diagnose("revision %s %s",targetdelta->num, lockflag?"(locked)":""); /* remove old working file if necessary */ if (!tostdout) if (!rmoldfile(workfilename)) continue; /* prepare for rewriting the RCS file */ if (lockflag) { newRCSfilename=mktempfile(RCSfilename,NEWRCSFILE); if ((frewrite=fopen(newRCSfilename, "w"))==NULL) { error("Can't open file %s",newRCSfilename); continue; } putadmin(frewrite); puttree(Head,frewrite); fprintf(frewrite, "\n\n%s%c",Kdesc,nextc); rewriteflag=true; } /* skip description */ getdesc(false); /* don't echo*/ if (!(neworkfilename=buildrevision(gendeltas,targetdelta, tostdout?(join!=nil?"/tmp/":nil):workfilename,true))) continue; if (lockflag&&nerror==0) { /* rewrite the rest of the RCSfile */ fastcopy(finptr,frewrite); ffclose(frewrite); frewrite=NULL; ignoreints(); if (rename(newRCSfilename,RCSfilename)<0) { error("Can't rewrite %s; saved in: %s", RCSfilename, newRCSfilename); newRCSfilename[0]='\0'; /* avoid deletion*/ catchints(); break; } newRCSfilename[0]='\0'; /* avoid re-deletion by cleanup()*/ if (chmod(RCSfilename,RCSstat.st_mode & ~0222)<0) warn("Can't preserve mode of %s",RCSfilename); catchints(); } # ifdef SNOOPFILE logcommand("co",targetdelta,gendeltas,caller); # endif if (join) { rmsema(); /* kill semaphore file so other co's can proceed */ if (!buildjoin(neworkfilename,tostdout)) continue; } if (!tostdout) { if (link(neworkfilename,workfilename) <0) { error("Can't create %s; see %s",workfilename,neworkfilename); neworkfilename[0]= '\0'; /*avoid deletion*/ continue; } } } if (!tostdout) if (chmod(workfilename, WORKMODE(RCSstat.st_mode))<0) warn("Can't adjust mode of %s",workfilename); if (!tostdout) diagnose("done"); } while (cleanup(), ++argv, --argc >=1); exit(nerror!=0); } /* end of main (co) */ /***************************************************************** * The following routines are auxiliary routines *****************************************************************/ int rmoldfile(ofile) char * ofile; /* Function: unlinks ofile, if it exists, under the following conditions: * If the file is read-only, file is unlinked. * Otherwise (file writable): * if !quietmode asks the user whether to really delete it (default: fail); * otherwise failure. * Returns false on failure to unlink, true otherwise. */ { int response, c; /* holds user response to queries */ struct stat buf; if (stat (ofile, &buf) < 0) /* File doesn't exist */ return (true); /* No problem */ if (buf.st_mode & 0222) { /* File is writable */ if (!quietflag) { fprintf(stderr,"writable %s exists; overwrite? [ny](n): ",ofile); /* must be stderr in case of IO redirect */ c=response=getchar(); while (!(c==EOF || c=='\n')) c=getchar(); /*skip rest*/ if (c == EOF) clearerr(stdin); if (!(response=='y'||response=='Y')) { warn("checkout aborted."); return false; } } else { error("writable %s exists; checkout aborted.",ofile); return false; } } /* now unlink: either not writable, or permission given */ if (unlink(ofile) != 0) { /* Remove failed */ error("Can't unlink %s",ofile); return false; } return true; } creatempty(file) char * file; /* Function: creates an empty file named file. * Removes an existing file with the same name with rmoldfile(). */ { int fdesc; /* file descriptor */ if (!rmoldfile(file)) return false; fdesc=creat(file,0666); if (fdesc < 0) { faterror("Cannot create %s",file); return false; } else { close(fdesc); /* empty file */ return true; } } /***************************************************************** * The rest of the routines are for handling joins *****************************************************************/ char * getrev(sp, tp, buffsize) register char * sp, *tp; int buffsize; /* Function: copies a symbolic revision number from sp to tp, * appends a '\0', and returns a pointer to the character following * the revision number; returns nil if the revision number is more than * buffsize characters long. * The revision number is terminated by space, tab, comma, colon, * semicolon, newline, or '\0'. * used for parsing the -j option. */ { register char c; register int length; length = 0; while (((c= *sp)!=' ')&&(c!='\t')&&(c!='\n')&&(c!=':')&&(c!=',') &&(c!=';')&&(c!='\0')) { if (length>=buffsize) return false; *tp++= *sp++; length++; } *tp= '\0'; return sp; } int preparejoin() /* Function: Parses a join list pointed to by join and places pointers to the * revision numbers into joinlist. */ { struct hshentry * (* joindeltas)[]; struct hshentry * tmpdelta; register char * j; char symbolrev[revlength],numrev[revlength]; joindeltas = (struct hshentry * (*)[])malloc(hshsize*sizeof(struct hshentry *)); j=join; lastjoin= -1; for (;;) { while ((*j==' ')||(*j=='\t')||(*j==',')) j++; if (*j=='\0') break; if (lastjoin>=joinlength-2) { error("too many joins"); return(false); } if(!(j=getrev(j,symbolrev,revlength))) return false; if (!expandsym(symbolrev,numrev)) return false; tmpdelta=genrevs(numrev,nil,nil,nil,joindeltas); if (tmpdelta==nil) return false; else joinlist[++lastjoin]=tmpdelta->num; while ((*j==' ') || (*j=='\t')) j++; if (*j == ':') { j++; while((*j==' ') || (*j=='\t')) j++; if (*j!='\0') { if(!(j=getrev(j,symbolrev,revlength))) return false; if (!expandsym(symbolrev,numrev)) return false; tmpdelta=genrevs(numrev,nil,nil,nil,joindeltas); if (tmpdelta==nil) return false; else joinlist[++lastjoin]=tmpdelta->num; } else { error("join pair incomplete"); return false; } } else { if (lastjoin==0) { /* first pair */ /* common ancestor missing */ joinlist[1]=joinlist[0]; lastjoin=1; /*derive common ancestor*/ joinlist[0]=malloc(revlength); if (!getancestor(targetdelta->num,joinlist[1],joinlist[0])) return false; } else { error("join pair incomplete"); return false; } } } if (lastjoin<1) { error("empty join"); return false; } else return true; } buildjoin(initialfile, tostdout) char * initialfile; int tostdout; /* Function: merge pairs of elements in joinlist into initialfile * If tostdout==true, copy result to stdout. * All unlinking of initialfile, rev2, and rev3 should be done by cleanup(). */ { char command[NCPPN+80]; char subs[revlength]; char * rev2, * rev3; int i; rev2=mktempfile("/tmp/",JOINFIL2); rev3=mktempfile("/tmp/",JOINFIL3); i=0; while (inum); else sprintf(subs, "merge%d",i/2); diagnose("revision %s",joinlist[i]); sprintf(command,"%s/co -p%s -q %s > %s\n",TARGETDIR,joinlist[i],RCSfilename,rev2); if (system(command)) { nerror++;return false; } diagnose("revision %s",joinlist[i+1]); sprintf(command,"%s/co -p%s -q %s > %s\n",TARGETDIR,joinlist[i+1],RCSfilename,rev3); if (system(command)) { nerror++; return false; } diagnose("merging..."); sprintf(command,"%s %s%s %s %s %s %s\n", MERGE, ((i+2)>=lastjoin && tostdout)?"-p ":"", initialfile,rev2,rev3,subs,joinlist[i+1]); if (system(command)) { nerror++; return false; } i=i+2; } return true; }